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Everything posted by Pipstickz

  1. I knew what you meant by WP spells, but I do not see how it cheapens them. If anything, it adds value through giving spells more diverse applications. I believe the point of Ivorak's suggestion is that you add spells to your own item, rather than taking stones from others, so I don't see how you would take stones from people, unless I am still misunderstanding you. Heat could be dealt with in a similar way to the clickable mentioned here: [url="http://magicduel.invisionzone.com/topic/11715-we-want-them-back-declare-war-to-death/page__view__findpost__p__104537"]http://magicduel.inv...post__p__104537[/url], where heat can be raised through donations or your own efforts and stored in the clickable, or possibly through dedicated items such as a heat jar that can be linked to a clickable, and if there is not enough heat for a spell that is deemed necessary to the experience of a quest, the associated event can be changed to say "Insufficient heat, try again or donate to continue". I don't think it's unreasonable for quest creators to ask for heat donations, and I would personally be glad to help, if this is a feasible idea. Obviously there could be people who do things simply to mess with others, or out of spite, or whatever, but that can be dealt with through public opinion and awareness, or possibly the court: (From the WPShop description of Edit all clickables) [quote]Abuse of this feature by mistake or stupid use will get your feature _removed_, abuse by intention will get you _baned_.[/quote]
  2. 21 silver coins (or 1 gold, 6 silver) for the Fenths
  3. No one, can you please explain your intended purpose or the point you wish to make with each post, and provide a link or reference to wherever you're quoting from?
  4. How much VE did you have at the time? From WPShop description: [quote]Requires own vitality to be over 6k when cast...Its best if combined with a high personal maximum vitality.[/quote]
  5. [quote name='Mya Celestia' timestamp='1331756334' post='106572'] [color=#008080][font=lucida sans unicode,lucida grande,sans-serif]It isn't that I don't want anybody to have baskets. It's that a resource gathering tool is ranked at the same level as a toy in another land. It seems off balanced to me.[/font][/color] [/quote] Back when Mur asked people to submit herb suggestions, he stated that herbs were meant to be available to anybody (will attempt to find a link). Plus if baskets are given a Lorerootian loyalty restriction (I am assuming that is what you'd suggest, as they are located in Loreroot), then I would argue that tea cups, tea pots and tea recipe books should be given Tribunal loyalty restriction (I'm assuming that they do not have restrictions, but I have not actually checked), as they are located in the Tribunal. How useful does that make herbs if you don't have Tribunal citizenship/Tribunal friends? The common link between these items, and the reason they are unrestricted, is that they are meant to be available to anybody who shows up to grab them. The fact that the dice are "toys" doesn't make them less useful than herb baskets, either: they are just used differently. Dice can be used for quests, decisions, games, and most likely some other things that I'm too unimaginative to think of.
  6. I believe No one is assuming that "Drafts" is similar to the in-game notebook while, as I understand it, it is actually meant to be used to store incomplete messages that have yet to be sent. Similar in design, but different in purpose.
  7. Grido, can you please explain what you mean about WP spells a bit further? I'm not sure I completely understand.
  8. You'd prefer to keep herb baskets to yourself and your fellow citizens, then? Or am I not understanding?
  9. How many spells are there that have exceptions?
  10. Do you even realize that your proposed spell is unfair? First scenario: You harvested an 8/8 resource down to 5/8, by accident, or just because it'll still regen 2 (or maybe even 3, I haven't actually tried). 5/8=62.5%, that's lower than 66%. You're on the list, you can't have tools. Second scenario: You find somebody depleting a resource, and decide to try to take some so as to keep it from them (perhaps not necessarily a good act, but it certainly cannot be said that this is bad). You just harvested a resource below 66%, you're on the list, you can't have tools. Third scenario: You harvest a 2/2 resource to 1/2. That's lower than 66%, you're on the list, you can't have tools.
  11. As much as the community dislikes it when people deplete resources, it is ultimately a community concern. If the Council were to accept this spell, it would be the first step towards saying "Eon, you're banned because you're a bad guy", and that is not fair, nor is it acceptable. Herbs and other resources are meant to be moderated by the community: not by Mur, and not by the Council. If you really need herbs, or any other resource, then you can contact me and we can work something out.
  12. They can still get the items through trade, can they not? It's not a desirable solution, but it is one nonetheless.
  13. It does not matter who thinks who is deserving, because that's entirely predictable. What matters is who has it, and what that means. Call me whatever you'd like, but I will not make myself a liar.
  14. "Any use of alt accounts specifically to aid your main is abuse." Has Pipstickz benefited from the takeover of CoE, Marv? If anything, it's done completely the opposite of benefit me. You know the beautiful thing about having something? You don't need to give it away. I don't need to give you terms and conditions for getting it back, because it is not yours anymore.
  15. First off, the reason I had to wait "quite some time" is because Mur takes a while to become available for talking about something that, in the long run, matters little for him, and I couldn't give you a best guess if my life depended on it. When somebody lies to try to manipulate me, I don't particularly enjoy it. But you know what? At least she's actually spoken to me. That's more than what can be said for yourself. So yes, I would agree with your friends, from what I've seen you don't care. I know that Amoran still does because she's very stubborn in what she believes. I know Phantom does because she's been spouting spooky mystical words at me left and right. What about you, Tarquinus? Now, Lord Pip. This is an easy one: No. If he was simply for the purpose of taking the CoE, I would have taken it earlier. His initial purpose, as with all of my alts, was to explore the game from the eyes of a new player again. So please, continue to accuse me of alt abuse when the exact same thing is happening all over the place. Fang Archbane, for example, used his alt to post on the mood panel, speaking for his main. Are you going to accuse him of abusing alts? Eon sent evidence gathered with his alt to Mur for an official investigation. My opinion now is the same as it was when he was accused: this is a ridiculously small charge and there's no sense in denying it: I spoke for Lord Pip as Pipstickz. I have never attempted to nor claimed to follow your boundaries of good RP, I am not Granos. I did not do this reversibly, just to prove a point or accomplish some small goal. I'm not about to do something "decent" just so the public thinks I'm a pretty good guy, as I would be lying. I don't want a reputation built on lies.
  16. Update: Phantom Orchid said to me, quite a while ago now, "We are getting our badges from Mur[...]this is your chance for redemption". I interpreted this to mean that she had spoken with Mur and he'd agreed to give the alliance back. I took the time to actually speak with Mur about this, and he claimed to have no intention of giving back the CoE. This further solidified my confidence in my decision, and that is what matters to me. Think of the rest what you will. [color=#0000ff]Mod comment: What Shadow said. Closed on request.[/color] [color=#a52a2a]Mod comment: Because the thread has been closed upon request, I will respectfully not reopen it. A discussion regarding Pip's two posts has been started here:[/color] [url="http://magicduel.invisionzone.com/topic/11870-regarding-the-coe-badge-being-in-the-wrong-hands/page__view__findpost__p__106285"]http://magicduel.inv...post__p__106285[/url]
  17. 1) Naming it after yourself is a bit questionable. 2) Spells regen on the fourth and the eighteenth, not every week. 3) A "[color=#000000]spell of great power, and not one to be taken lightly" available to anybody who has the WP to buy it? I'd suggest modifying the description.[/color]
  18. Happy birthday. Maybe you can convince trees to hug you today, I know I'd try
  19. Looks like the Council thinks the court is dst's playground.

  20. Happy birthday Mur. For your present, I'll tell you that I watch you in the shower sometimes.
  21. Wooo, 700 bytes/second download! Apparently this is what happens when lots of people want the same thing at the same time.

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. nadrolski


      or.. 1,000 leecher: 0 seeder..

    3. Pipstickz


      Except when the file you want was released to the public yesterday <<

    4. Chewett


      Windows 8 Community Preview, Day 1, Torrents had millions of people downloading it :P

  22. Dst had illusions before that, if I am not mistaken, Mya.
  23. GG - Greed, MB - Complacency, NV - Selfishness, LR - Ignorance

    1. Show previous comments  9 more
    2. Chewett


      I thought he was outlining the good aspects...

    3. Jubaris


      Something like that :)

    4. Prince Marvolo
  24. Never mind, got it now.
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