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Everything posted by Pipstickz

  1. Dst the humanitarian: hates discrimination! No wait, that's only when it's perpetrated against her. Guess she discriminates with her hate of discrimination :P

    1. Seigheart


      How the "mighty" have fallen. LOL

    2. Pipstickz


      Don't kid yourself, you're just as bad when it comes to her.

  2. [quote name='No one' timestamp='1329442083' post='104490'] I protest. i wanted to participate and to buy a slave. I would have payed from the beginning more then double it was sold. I arrived at first term of the auction and I wanted to buy. They refused to start the auction as too few ppl were online. I want compensation for this. THIS WAS A FAKE AUCTION. [/quote] Few questions in response to you: What sort of compensation is it that you want, because as I gather, you did not actually pay anything? You think that just because you couldn't participate that it was a "fake" auction? Have you even attempted purchasing the leashes from the current owners for, as you say, double what they were sold for? I've missed plenty of opportunities in my time in this game, and I assume you have as well, but I may be wrong. Nonetheless, what is it that's got you so riled up about this one?
  3. I expect things from you, Rhaegar. Good or bad, your choice, but I want to see things.
  4. Material Vault has been in the The Crafters since before the restriction was added.
  5. Spoilers for each category would be appreciated, for organization's sake.
  6. When I took the Children, I was not sure how I would go about giving it back, if indeed I would. Now I have decided: ChildoftheSoul joined CoE because he was told to, but he was not told why. When I asked him to send the invitation so that I could take the alliance, he was unprepared for the social pressure of having most of Loreroot hate him. After a few days, they convinced him to invite Neno Veliki, so that he could take the alliance back for them. I noticed this, kicked CotS, and cancelled the invitation. Since then, I have seen PL entries such as this one written about him: [i]"Treacherous - not to be trusted."[/i] This has proven to me just how vindictive and judgemental the previous leaders and members of the Children of the Eclipse are, for I find it highly unlikely that they would have reacted the same way had I not noticed the invitation and dealt with it, and CotS did not have much choice in the matter of my kicking him. So, to the point: Because of the response to CotS after he tried to help you get the CoE back, I will be keeping it for as long as I possibly can, but I will not outright kill it. This is not up for discussion. [color=#3399ff]Moderator comment: I have just deleted Axel's comment since it was inappropriate, and closed this on request. If you wish to keep discussing this issue, make a new topic please.[/color]
  7. Got a better offer.
  8. The official Eclipse is that which is recognized by the system and database, which is, at this time, comprised of Lord Pip, MRWander and Granos. As for deserving, that is largely subjective and has no place in the system.
  9. Since you brought it up, the official Eclipse at this time is neutral in this matter.
  10. Hurrrr
  11. Either way, there is a way to work this out: If he does, he can turn it off for the contest, if he is not competing. If he does not, he can refrain from attacking competitors for the duration of the contest.
  12. If Eon is not a competitor, he should not be moving heads at all.
  13. [quote name='duxie' timestamp='1328340042' post='103380'] [size=3][font=verdana,geneva,sans-serif]i just wander why HC's 2nd phase is getting postponed. is this somehow connected to the same HC/BHC bug which has been screwing up with 2 last HCs? and who/why would like this to happen again?[/font][/size] [size=3][font=verdana,geneva,sans-serif]i might be paranoid, but hey - it's a HC! right?[/font][/size] [/quote] HC second phase gets "postponed" because the BHC competitors keep taking heads from the people in the normal contest, and so the MP5 score can't get enough to initiate phase 2. [quote name='Krioni' timestamp='1328378892' post='103422'] Alright, I have a new concern, and this one is related to what I was pretty much told to do in this topic, which was to fight back and compete. I did, in fact, I went after the only MP5's fighting, the people in the BHC. It was people outside my competition that were taking mine anyway. And you know what? It was fun! I even managed to get some heads from them. But then something happened. The competitors in the BHC that I attacked (Phantasm, and Nadrolski), fought back. Nadrolski I know pulled out, but then Phantasm gets disqualified for going after my heads? What? This seems to be the case of a is true, and not-a is also true. Is it alright to fight outside the competition, because it is unfair and competitive, or not? [/quote] Phantasm should have followed the rules. You're allowed to go into the Tribunal, he was not.
  14. BHC competitors regain the ability to take heads from people when they sign up. So, that's how that works. Quite honestly though, MP5 HC has so few real competitors that it can be used to see who logs in most. With the BHC influence, at least there's some sort of competition, and it allows BHC to be more fast-paced, the downside being that HC drags way on. Whether it's good or bad overall comes down to opinion, and mine is that it is indeed a good thing. You said yourself, you've only lost heads to people not in HC, and you're still more than 5000 above second place. Unless you log out, you're almost sure to win. Just go (deep) into someplace BHC competitors can't go if you get some heads, and watch for teleports. Be paranoid, because heads is unfair.
  15. No results found for 'never'. Wonder what that says about the community.

    1. Show previous comments  7 more
    2. Chewett


      There are results for Mur. You just need wookie powers to bypass it...

    3. Phantom Orchid

      Phantom Orchid

      Never say never because it never comes true!

    4. Jubaris


      No results found for 'always'.
      No results found for 'generalizing'.

  16. [quote]The new title will remain forever untill someone else changes it and for at least 4 days.[/quote] It says in the description of the wish that the title can be changed, that's fair warning. If you buy the wish, I think it's reasonable to assume that you read the description, and knowingly decided to take the risk that your wish would essentially be worthless if someone else wanted to overwrite your title. If you're one of the people who got the subtitle with your name in it, which you happen to be, then you should consider yourself lucky that it happened at all. If somebody wants to waste a WP calling Howling Gates "Stinky Corpse Quarantine Zone Entrance", then let them. If somebody cares enough, has enough time, or has enough community support, then they will get the subtitle changed eventually.
  17. [quote name='Change' timestamp='1328141853' post='103126'] So existing alliances like the Knights of the Bell, etc. would be used? That'd certainly be interesting... This would be only temporary after all. I for one, [i]would[/i] like to join Marind Bell but it does make sense that without a Queen/King or some other known authority/powerful figure in the land that citizenship can't be granted. [/quote] That is Yrth's suggestion, yes, but it wouldn't necessarily have to be temporary. Also, the problem is not that citizenship can't be given, it's that citizenship can't be given without joining alliances. [quote name='Change' timestamp='1328141853' post='103126'] Edit: In response to the original post, maybe the chosen representitive of the land has to go through a trial of sorts that possibly cumulates in the creation of a new item or a new method of granting citizenship? *shrugs* I do believe that people should be able to be a citizen of a land, relatively soon (within a month or two maybe?) but the representitives shouldn't just be handed the items back just so they can let people like me into the land without doing anything. [/quote] I agree that we should work to get this ability back, but who would create this test, because we can't necessarily expect Mur to do it, nor can we really expect him to agree to give the items back if it is completed. The best way that I know of to show that you are worthy of a shiny new tool is to accomplish whatever the tool would accomplish without the tool. But then, these aren't exactly shiny new tools, so it's a bit different. [quote name='Change' timestamp='1328141853' post='103126'] Also, this depends on what Mur means by 'land loyalty'. Does he mean loyalty to the actual land itself, or more to the people running the land? If it's the former, maybe make it an individual thing where people can prove their loyalty to a land by their actions. These actions might vary based on the land itself.. although that would mean that people have to follow Mur's assumptions about lands that seem to be more player created, so there's issues with that too. [/quote] What are you referring to here, where Mur is talking about land loyalty? Land loyalty usually refers to the points given for every day you are a citizen of a land (you can see somebody's land loyalty by mousing over the [?] beside their loyalty or honour score when you click their name), but I can't be sure that was what he was talking about in what you're reading. I would suggest you talk to an LHO (or any older player, really), make your way through the announcements and forum topics (if you're up for a challenge/really long read), and spend some more time learning the game. It's not that your opinion is unwanted or unhelpful, but it is difficult to wade through what you say that is incorrect and find the points that are still relevant. Being wrong isn't a bad thing, there has to be a balance
  18. [quote name='Metal Bunny' timestamp='1327630637' post='102583'] Due to a slump in the world of university debating, and a thankful end to my internship, I have some free time left and I wish to sharpen my mind. ... It's just that I want to practice, breathe some life into this forum and basically create something new in MD which could also be handy for some weird emergency later on or something. [/quote] I assume that if it turns out unnecessary or unwanted, it can not be used. Though it is an awful lot of stuff, I agree.
  19. 31 (using 10 gold note from BHC that I don't have yet, which according to Seig is fine)
  20. [quote name='Change' timestamp='1328118578' post='103106'] That sounds like a good idea, Yrthilian. Although Mur seems to be fixing this sometime in the near future with tags and such, this could be a temporary solution. But I'm not sure if it would be worth it or not. What does it take to create an alliance? (that is, would it be worth it to make general alliances for each land, only to have a way of gaining citizenship without joining an alliance created a few days after) (Edited after reading Mur's plans with tags). [/quote] Tags are different from citizenship. Tags are more superficial, they have no direct benefits (until Mur adds the summon by tag ability, but still not the same). Citizenship, however, gives you two things (that I can think of at the moment): Land loyalty days and house stat bonuses (I think, never actually tested it). As for creating alliances, I think you're misunderstanding what Yrth is trying to say: He means that one alliance from each land should get this interface. As for the idea itself, it has a very major flaw: if that alliance were taken, someone (most likely) previously not even a citizen of the land gains control of who is a citizen. Then what do you do if that alliance is killed and there's no king to sacrifice a penalty point to get it back? You're back to square one, because who can say with 100% certainty that Mur will revive it for you?
  21. [quote name='Kamisha' timestamp='1328126962' post='103112'] I exspect the online list to get alot shorter unless the summoner likes sanctuaries. . [/quote] I don't see why people would log out more, but then I'm assuming the lands have picked/are picking responsible people to use the ability, plus it probably has limited uses/casts.
  22. [quote name='Metal Bunny' timestamp='1328063233' post='103037'] According to Mur's standard, this would still be a land rule and as such, the king, now replaced by the executive, has the [b]right[/b] to jail the criminal. No need for that non-transparant and unaccountable Council, no need for Mur, no need for anyone to [b]intervene[/b]. We would have taken care of our own problem, in the way we think is best, this saves time on council and mur's side and makes us happier. [/quote] Is this not exactly what Yrth tried to do when he made Eon a citizen* and jailed him? I am assuming that the murderer is not a GG citizen, therefore GG land laws would not apply to them, therefore what right would the executive have to jail them, or even to call them a criminal? Unless your court is meant for internal affairs only, then it's not much of my business what you do to each other. Apologies if you've addressed this already, I haven't actually read everything you've posted. *See here: Ann. 1969 - [2011-08-09 16:37:28 - Stage 10]
  23. [quote name='Seigheart' timestamp='1328043137' post='103004'] There is a precedent where a player was unattackable and won the first boss heads comp... I believe it was Yoshi, who was mp3 or 4 at the time and all the other contestants were mp5. But that doesn't matter, I was told I wasn't allowed to participate because I couldn't be attacked. This person can't be attacked... So... He shouldn't be allowed to participate. [/quote] This is regular HC, not BHC. Eon chose to keep you out of BHC, but he has no say in who participates in the regular contest
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