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Everything posted by Pipstickz

  1. If you can't do it, find someone who can. You have four other members, delegate tasks.
  2. [quote name='Magistra' timestamp='1323540019' post='97639'] I do have a bucket, but up till now I haven't been able tu use it. It seems that this is a 'wrong' bucket then. Where do I find that usable bucket? [/quote] In somebody's inventory, you'd have to trade for it. The best way to get water is to buy it from somebody who has it, collecting it is not something anybody can do.
  3. You need certain tools which are scarcely available. Stone detectors are kept by GG citizens, and most water buckets can only be used by Marind Bell citizens, but there is one that can be used by anybody.
  4. I was completely fine actually finding people in-game and only using forum as a last resort, when I was a TK, and if they try to play games with their job by running into the Tribunal and telling someone to come get them if they want what belongs to them, then it will only show their immaturity and animosity towards the community. Again, in-game and forum PM is just fine. My life is easy enough, I hardly have anything to do in MD, sometimes. Yeah, I could find things if I looked for them, but that's beside the point.
  5. Or, you could find people, use the forum and everything else available, because it's not difficult enough to constitute summon and/or chase.
  6. Yes, well, apparently we need consensus to be rid of it, even though I saw nothing of a consensus to instate it.
  7. [quote name='Brulant' timestamp='1323369320' post='97500'] Dragual Monarth is not (and has never been) a citizen of Necrovion, Princ. I am, though [/quote] He associates with Necrovion though: [url="http://magicduel.invisionzone.com/topic/10360-necrovion-scholar-of-necrovion-history/"]http://magicduel.invisionzone.com/topic/10360-necrovion-scholar-of-necrovion-history/[/url] But by no means should this remove his ability to nominate Necrovion citizens, since there is nothing in this rule about possible future citizens, or friends of citizens.
  8. I've spoken rather hastily recently, might even do it more soon, but don't take it to heart. I've been much too harsh, and I apologize to SS, Burns, Eon, and anybody I might be forgetting. I'd also like to thank all of the fighters in BHC for giving me a reason to play the game again, even if only for a few days. You all smell like an amalgamy of scents.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Clock Master

      Clock Master

      Keep that nose away from me :)

    3. Pipstickz


      Woah woah guys, one at a time. I can't hear you when you're all talking at the same time. You're more than happy to reply when there's an argument <<

    4. Quas


      *spams Pippi*

  9. Oh my, it's gone from just arguing against everything I say to flat out ignoring. Seig, if you can't deal with the community politely, find somebody who can.
  10. Manda - Path Keeper, MRAlyon - Interior Kelle'tha Cannon, Shadowseeker - Fields of Fear

  11. Yeah, Curi could be nicer, and Mur could answer every PM that gets sent to him, and the kings could all come back and say "JK LOL" and everything could be nice. But it isn't. I'm sure she knows full well the consequences of using such language. [quote name='ZenTao' timestamp='1323218536' post='97374'] As far as I know, Seigh has been doing as he was told to do by Mur, this seems to be the case, or at least this is what I have been told. [/quote] You think just making Mur happy is all that is needed? I told Seig, before I quit the TKs, that he'd made it into a dictatorship, and Curi is saying it here and now. It leaves me with only the assumption that I was correct then, and she is correct now. The difference between dictating and leading is rather simple; a dictator has it his way, and just tells everybody else what to do. The TKs are heavily linked with the community now, and Seig's just telling everybody what to do. Keeping the community happy should be one of the most important things to do, and it shouldn't be that hard to do either, so why does Seigheart's name keep popping up? Mur told Seig at the initial TKs meeting that to be allowed to do this, he'd have to keep from causing problems. What's he done since then? Well, if we ignore outside things (personal things), and only look at TK related things, Seig's done two things I can think of: First is me leaving, which is just going to be written off as personal problems if I try to argue it, so I won't bother. Second is this. If you go around acting like a jerk to the people you need to work with, you're going to get fired. Seig, you need to either learn to work with the community, or find somebody else who can. Of course, you could just keep doing what you're doing and ignore all of this, like I'm sure you really want to, but I don't want somebody like that representing my homeland, much less the whole of MD. Remember, Seigheart can be replaced, if he can't smarten up.
  12. Seig, last time I checked, it was your job to help people, not their job to conform to your ideal situation. If somebody is not comfortable with using the email because of the Council's new thing, that's their personal choice and you should respect it, even if it takes you a bit longer to answer them. As for someone asking for a specific thing, I don't see why you can't simply ignore their suggestions if it's an extreme case, and if it's sensible, then you should be able to take their suggestion into consideration. You may not like it, but it's not your job to like it, and it's not like you're volunteering. Though, I don't know why I'm even trying, because I know you'll just try to argue with me.
  13. Horray for superficial awards and cowardly "Knights". Christmas time is here :)

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Shadowseeker


      So apparently you are a knight now- because obviously you know everything about being one? Fool.

    3. Pipstickz


      Because I know things, I am them? Keep trying, SS, because I know your ego's too big to let this go.

    4. Nimrodel


      I wish I was knight enough to be have a life inside MD >> I'd have prolly had fun with the bhc...

  14. 4 gold for the Reindrach
  15. You were using an Elu defense earlier, when I attacked you >>
  16. [quote name='Eon' timestamp='1322179851' post='96538'] 2. Don't use Elu's on your def for an extended period of time. As far as I'm aware it's a bug, do not abuse it during the BHC. [/quote] Either Elus are allowed or they are not, you can't have it both ways so you can use it while you turn around and tell someone else to take it down, just because it suits you.
  17. Let's get this out of the way: Champion Fighter - Eon. This should be rather obvious. Elite Evil Villain of the Year - Eon. Again, obvious. Outstanding Service to MD - Eon. He has played his role so well, and used tools available to anybody. Through use of his skill damage and herb baskets, Eon has given all of MD a reason to actually work together, and that is why he has done a great service to all of us. That's all from me, for now.
  18. Pipstickz


    There's already the Voice spell that puts your music/sound file in a location.
  19. [quote name='Rhaegar Targaryen' timestamp='1322811155' post='97023'] Monarchy itself is being forced upon the lands, or was being forced since it may happen that Mur will abandon it. Dragual Monarth is right, some types of governments fit some lands more than the others. But like I've always said, I think that the people of the land should reach one of the governmental systems on their own, and not being pushed by Mur. Even without game mechanics features of a monarch that you witnessed in recent Kings and Queens you can achieve authority. As far as I know, Nelya Setesh from Loreroot didn't have those tools, and yet everybody listened to her, she was a de facto Sovereign of Loreroot, and I think letting the lands achieve that on their own makes the game history much more fun, makes this world realistic, or at least not-absurd like with the permanent (supposedly) Kings who get elected by vote of the entire MD for a single land. Such de facto sovereigns can later be backed up with some ability support from the Mur, like in case of good role players who get some abilities due to their roles. [/quote] Some types of government might fit a land in theory, but that doesn't mean they should practice it. Government is a social institution, not based on where it is. You might say "Communism fits China perfectly", but that doesn't mean that tomorrow there won't be a revolution. As I said before, you can't force the leaders into this, and you certainly can't force the people. If you want this to happen, wait until there actually is some leadership, and address them and their people. You do have the power to change things, you just need to work to use it.
  20. That's all well and good in theory, but then people will go run to whichever land fits their political view, rather than the land that actually fits them. Plus, if there will be kings again at all, you can't force them to follow the policy they are assigned to.
  21. Those aren't new, and even with the ghost spell (most of) those things are there.
  22. It could be the point of some illusions, potentially.
  23. You think BHC will run for 3 weeks, Junior?
  24. There are level 2 achievements.
  25. MD awards: This year, all about less.

    1. Prince Marvolo
    2. Pipstickz


      This is not Charmin Ultra.

    3. ChildOfTheSoul


      Agreed. There need to be more niches to fill as far as the awards go. They're pretty much best of the best categories right now, and one "rookie" award.

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