Disregard this stuff, actually:
[spoiler]So, after about a month and a week, if this is still something that has any appeal to Mur/Council, then I'd like to add a bit to my application:
Since I submitted initially, I've shown that I'm not afraid to fight a losing battle, or take the path less traveled, not just for the sake of fighting over something, but because I have a good sense of justice, and I'm not afraid to stand up for it.
On the note of the position and laws in general, I see this as something where people who want advice would come ask me if something was against the rules before doing it, not something where I'd be a vigilante and hunt wrong-doers down to force them to atone and such. Basically I'm trying to say that the main function is to help, not to punish. It's the Council or Mur's job to punish people for breaking the rules. If it were simply a list, it's black and white, people broke the rules or not and if they didn't see the page too bad, and (ironically) I don't think that's MD style, or IRL, really. Imagine a police officer looking over your shoulder while you were driving and writing you a ticket every time you went faster than the limit at all. If there were no grey area, I'm sure 90% of us would be ex-cons, and the rest would be good at running away. So yeah. Pick me and all that jazz.[/spoiler]
Kay stop disregarding, thanks.
Edit: No wait, don't pick me, instead I'll pick myself. Don't see why I need the Council to go ahead with this, duh. Except, I might need Chewett <<
So, I'd like to have at least two representatives from each land, and will be trying to contact some people and see what can be done about getting wheels on the ground for this. Please contact me if you have interest in taking part in this, and if I don't contact you first. I doubt I'll say no, but please make sure your king is alright with you being in this position.
y=yes, agreed, and whatnot
n=the opposite <<
People mailed:
Chewett(y) and Rhaegar(y) from Marind Bell
Grido(y), Burns(y) and Shadowseeker(n) from Golemus
Phantom, Shem(y), Amoran(y) and Mya from Loreroot
Kyphis(y) from the Archives
Phantasm from the Tribunal (also me, as soon as I can drive Mur into a corner somewhere)
[s]Regarding permission from kings and/or leaders: I expect everyone involved to do talk to their leaders themselves, and I expect the kings to talk to their citizens about any issues they might have. HOPEFULLY we can run the Law Advisers with no leader, strictly speaking, because everybody involved has different loyalties already, and I don't want to stretch them more. At the moment, I am only trying to organize this.[/s]
Might as well talk to the rulers myself, to be sure.
Edit: Added a (N), sorry pip, you forgot mine.