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Everything posted by Pipstickz

  1. I would like to see a list of rules that specifically says an LHO may not sell information relating to exploits. Edit: Or any rule anywhere, really. You're a Law Adviser, so give me some documentation.
  2. [spoiler] [quote name='dst' timestamp='1312901499' post='89898'] Shutting up a LHO is an abuse that needs to be punished. [/quote] [quote name='dst' timestamp='1312910024' post='89903'] So you want war? Sue me Fenrir if you have the guts. I am waiting. But be warned that you have to prove that I actually abused that item. 1 cast is not enough. [/quote] [/spoiler] Apparently trying to use your LHO status to get someone punished, and failing that, declaring "war", is proper LHO behavior or at least enough to have your punishment, if it happened at all, hushed up. Go crazy, LHOs. Just don't sell or take bugs. Bugs are bad, stay in school! In reference to: [quote name='Grido' timestamp='1317162333' post='92644'] The exploit/bug itself isn't overly serious, it's been known about for a while and not so much abusable, the issue stands that she was at the time trying out to be an LHO, and then became one. Selling bugs or exploits, of any sort, is NOT lho behaviour. [/quote]
  3. Do something wrong, small jail time, do something wrong as an LHO, public humiliation (unless you're Grido's friend, of course)

  4. Simple acknowledgement of the problem would be nice.
  5. Then allow for customization of the logs, so each person can choose their own colour scheme.
  6. Currently when you re-read a battle log, it looks like this: [spoiler] [color=#ffd700]###### START ROUND "1" ######[/color] Applying temporary effects for You, slot 1 : effect (round:1 effect: thisstat=-1630|from 1945 to 315; ) effect (round:0 effect: effect ended) Applying temporary effects for That Guy, slot 1 : effect (round:1 effect: thisstat=-1436|from 1069 to -367; ) weaken (round:0 weaken: effect ended) [b]That Guy[/b]'s [i]Elemental V[/i] does [i] steallife[/i] to [i]multirandom[/i] creature(s) of [b]You[/b] and: - Steallife power: 20% - steals [i]1278[/i] vitality from [b]Madhorn[/b] and gives it to [b]Elemental V[/b][b] [/b] and remains with [i]5112[/i] vitality [b]You[/b]'s [i]Madhorn[/i] does [i] damage[/i] to [i]all[/i] creature(s) of [b]That Guy[/b] and: - [b]Elemental V[/b] receives [i]1404[/i] damage and remains with [i]2046[/i] vitality [/spoiler] Except much larger and more cumbersome, because there's generally more than 1 creature per person. What I suggest is that we see something like this: [spoiler] [color=#ffd700]###### START ROUND "1" ######[/color] Applying temporary effects for [b][color=#0000ff]You[/color][/b], slot 1 : effect (round:1 effect: thisstat=-1630|from 1945 to 315; ) effect (round:0 effect: effect ended) Applying temporary effects for [color=#ff0000][b]That Guy[/b][/color], slot 1 : effect (round:1 effect: thisstat=-1436|from 1069 to -367; ) weaken (round:0 weaken: effect ended) [color=#ff0000][b]That Guy[/b][/color]'s [i]Elemental V[/i] does[b] [color=#ffa500][i] steallife[/i][/color] [/b]to [b][color=#800080][i]multirandom[/i][/color] [/b]creature(s) of [color=#0000ff][b]You[/b][/color] and: - Steallife power: 20% - steals [i]1278[/i] vitality from [color=#0000ff][b]Madhorn[/b][/color] and gives it to [color=#ff0000][b]Elemental V[/b][/color][b] [/b] and remains with [i]5112[/i] vitality [color=#0000ff][b]You[/b][/color]'s [i]Madhorn[/i] does [b][i]damage[/i] [/b]to [b][color=#008000][i]all[/i][/color] [/b]creature(s) of [color=#ff0000][b]That Guy[/b][/color] and: - [color=#ff0000][b]Elemental V[/b][/color] receives [i]1404[/i] damageand remains with [i]2046[/i] vitality [/spoiler] Colour-coding and bolding things allows for quicker reading, and spacing in between unrelated events makes for easier distinction between them. On the flip side, I know Mur and MD have a thing about colours, but I don't know if that extends to fight logs. What does everybody else think? Thanks, Burns, for the help adding the poll!
  7. To everybody who dislikes Eon: You've identified the problem, now suggest a solution.

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. Muratus del Mur

      Muratus del Mur

      Needles should pretty much solve such issues..IF you would only work together

    3. BFH


      Needles, but but I don't hate Eon, he is nice...

    4. ChildOfTheSoul


      Eon doesn't give me too much skill damage...

  8. Time to wait for my next bit of inspiration.

  9. No new content, forum? YOU'RE NOT REALLY SORRY! STOP LYING!

    1. Burns


      It's a very polite forum, it pretends to care for your feelings. You could at least pretend to care for its feelings in turn.

  10. [quote name='nadrolski' timestamp='1316517884' post='92309'] do you really want more people in public ready for duels? or you just want more weak mp5s to come out from dens so you can easily train your critters and stats? [/quote] If the only MP5s out there are dst and Eon, then how will the other weak ones get stronger? What's wrong with wanting weaker opponents?
  11. No matter how vile and wretched some of us are, we all deserve honesty and the ability to fight for what we think is fair.

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. dst


      Good thing he's dead Greedo.

    3. Maebius


      I had to laugh, because OTHER than him saying that quote often, he is rather unlike Voltaire in many other philosophy.
      Lets just leave Freud out of it for now though. :D

    4. Amoran Kalamanira Kol

      Amoran Kalamanira Kol

      A curious concept of greed: To hoard all that he can, and to love all that he has.

  12. Law Advisers, 100 bursts, K-doc publication all at once, am I sick, or is this "productivity"?

    1. Pipstickz


      Nah, probably just my crazy acting up.

    2. Chewett


      replying to yourself? definitely crazy!

  13. Disregard this stuff, actually: [spoiler]So, after about a month and a week, if this is still something that has any appeal to Mur/Council, then I'd like to add a bit to my application: Since I submitted initially, I've shown that I'm not afraid to fight a losing battle, or take the path less traveled, not just for the sake of fighting over something, but because I have a good sense of justice, and I'm not afraid to stand up for it. On the note of the position and laws in general, I see this as something where people who want advice would come ask me if something was against the rules before doing it, not something where I'd be a vigilante and hunt wrong-doers down to force them to atone and such. Basically I'm trying to say that the main function is to help, not to punish. It's the Council or Mur's job to punish people for breaking the rules. If it were simply a list, it's black and white, people broke the rules or not and if they didn't see the page too bad, and (ironically) I don't think that's MD style, or IRL, really. Imagine a police officer looking over your shoulder while you were driving and writing you a ticket every time you went faster than the limit at all. If there were no grey area, I'm sure 90% of us would be ex-cons, and the rest would be good at running away. So yeah. Pick me and all that jazz.[/spoiler] Kay stop disregarding, thanks. Edit: No wait, don't pick me, instead I'll pick myself. Don't see why I need the Council to go ahead with this, duh. Except, I might need Chewett << So, I'd like to have at least two representatives from each land, and will be trying to contact some people and see what can be done about getting wheels on the ground for this. Please contact me if you have interest in taking part in this, and if I don't contact you first. I doubt I'll say no, but please make sure your king is alright with you being in this position. y=yes, agreed, and whatnot n=the opposite << People mailed: Chewett(y) and Rhaegar(y) from Marind Bell Grido(y), Burns(y) and Shadowseeker(n) from Golemus Phantom, Shem(y), Amoran(y) and Mya from Loreroot Kyphis(y) from the Archives dst(n) Phantasm from the Tribunal (also me, as soon as I can drive Mur into a corner somewhere) [s]Regarding permission from kings and/or leaders: I expect everyone involved to do talk to their leaders themselves, and I expect the kings to talk to their citizens about any issues they might have. HOPEFULLY we can run the Law Advisers with no leader, strictly speaking, because everybody involved has different loyalties already, and I don't want to stretch them more. At the moment, I am only trying to organize this.[/s] Might as well talk to the rulers myself, to be sure. Edit: Added a (N), sorry pip, you forgot mine.
  14. Eon has and still does put ALOT of time into personal stats, which is something anybody can do, an example of this being Lone Wolf who I'm sure could beat me, even though I have a decently large number of tokens on my creatures. And since I mentioned it, I've never actually put any of my own money into my paypal account, which I happen to only use for MD, though I did once get a 20 dollar loan from a friend, the rest have been those "click these ads so we get money and you get money too maybe" sites that probably gave me viruses, and free credits, so I consider myself to be a free player. Not to mention you don't even have to go anywhere near credits to get tokened creatures, there were three tokened rusties on the market (and perhaps they still are, I haven't checked), and for the 4-6 gold that rusties usually go for, I think that's well worth it if you can get some coins, which you can now that there are WP for days to use on spells or bestiaries or whatever, and that's only one way to go about it. So yes, you CAN play free and contend with the people who spend money, you just have to work harder than them.
  15. Let me say this first: I'm not a stat grinder, and fighting is not my main focus in MD, and set against, say, Amoran or Clock Master, I'd probably lose. At the same time, I do care about raising my creatures, so fighting IS important to me. I survive with my stats intact, I've barely lost any from Eon because for one, I sit in a sanctuary and for two, I attack the two or three people I can find to gain those stats I do lose back, so I have no complaint against stat damage. Everybody suggesting to take skill damage away from Eon or out of the game: Eon earned it, it was a reward. If you want it taken out at least suggest something to be given in return and keep in mind that Eon doesn't care what YOU want, he wants what he views as a fair exchange, not to sacrifice his hard earned reward for what you think is the "greater good". Also worth keeping in mind is the Council (or Mur) has to agree to take the skill damage from him. Now, personally I like Udgard's idea, or at least what I think his idea is: Something like Fenths but for your stats. I don't know how something like that could be implemented though, maybe a new creature with an ability that would somehow negate or diminish the effect of skill damage against you at some other cost, or maybe another new resource, just like Fenths. I think it's worth thinking about. This solution doesn't hurt Eon much, if at all, and in fact requires us to work for what we want rather than just wishing it away. That's the sort of solution I think we need here, and remember that there's no guarantee that any higher power even cares about this.
  16. So, can we get a list of people going? As someone who commonly grabs (at least) an herb basket, I will agree not to deplete resources when gathering.
  17. Happy birthday, Chew! Don't be unhappy or I'll kick you in the shins!
  18. The problem with the subjective item changes is that if the Council approves one, especially if it's posted on the forum like this, then four more might come in, and perhaps one of those four is an item that was only loaned to the one requesting the changes, and so the Council gets flooded with mail about item changes and there's one more reason for us not to trade. But, y'know, it's still worth a shot, as much as anything else is.
  19. Well, even if nobody cares, I'm going to go ahead and do it.

  20. [b]This[/b] is a community effort.
  21. Hidden bid? What's the point of having an auction if you're not going to notify the participants when there's a new bid? You might as well have ended it when she bid.
  22. This is a public forum, if you want only certain people to answer you (ie. the ones who will agree with you), make a [b]private[/b] forum, or use [b]private[/b] messages.
  23. Tribunal Split with hot fudge and a cherry on top! Wondering if I should make my K-doc public...would anyone care?

  24. 'Ello there, m'name's Roger Thomas Thompson and I'm an evil Brit. I mean, I like tea and crumpets and all that there, yeah?

    1. Pipstickz
    2. Ars Alchemy

      Ars Alchemy

      This was good! Repeating names are decidedly British.

  25. I need a good British surname to go with Roger Thomas

    1. Show previous comments  17 more
    2. nadrolski
    3. Chewett


      Tom Atkinson is very English

    4. krazedkid101


      Pippy don't you already have to many names ;P

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