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Everything posted by Pipstickz

  1. Briskness should not work on any land but your homeland (Ann. 1914 - [2011-07-11 04:54:15 - Stage 10]), and as I'm sure anyone could guess, gathering heat in the Tribunal would just be silly if I can just get it in No Man's Land this easily. It still goes up by 100 per step, since the viscosity cap was lowered to -80.
  2. So, anything at all on this? Aaaaanything?
  3. How many points to form a square?

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Xcercses
    3. Chewett


      In my opinion a square only have one side and no points, It looks similar to this character -> O

    4. Pipstickz


      It takes infinite, sillies

  4. [quote name='Muratus del Mur' timestamp='1313114810' post='90037'] One way would be to have a neverending page with rules , md rules, murs rules, kings rules, rules over rules...OR.. [/quote]
  5. Well first off, I don't think this should be an actual guild, mostly because most LHOs already belong to a land, and because this looks to require more forum activity than in-game activity. Second, for this to work well, you'd need a fairly varied group of individuals to minimize the bias. Third, I volunteer.
  6. Last day in the "MP5s under 50k VE club"

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. Pipstickz


      Yeah but I accept my passing into the great beyond. Beyond 50k, that is.

    3. Laphers


      Well then, welcome to the post 50K club

    4. Pipstickz


      I'M ONLY AT 49997 I SWEAR

  7. Unless you count heads contest, which was less than two weeks ago
  8. This doesn't NEED to go to trial, it's blatant misuse of an LHO tool, and Grido should deal with it. Unless, that is, he thinks that this is acceptable behavior?
  9. I have to agree with Seig here, if dst was not doing LHO duties in chat at the time, then the fact that she is LHO should not be considered in this matter. Just being LHO doesn't give you special rights that others don't have.
  10. Yes, Curi, but dst didn't just silence Seig, she used an LHO item intended for very extreme cases. My personal thoughts are like this: You're silenced for a few minutes, I'm sure you'll live, but if you're silenced for hours, it's crossing the line.
  11. [url="http://magicduel.com/pages/help.tokeninfo.php"]http://magicduel.com/pages/help.tokeninfo.php[/url] This says a WP is required, and it isn't a rumour...maybe old and outdated, but not a rumour >>
  12. Happy birthday...I'm watching you.
  13. [quote][color="#CCCCCC"]Ann. 1957 - [2011-08-03 21:13:12 - Stage 10][/color] Golemus Golemicarum exit Ap cost lowered from 240 to 160. This was changed because GG is not intended to be a prison/trap. Also during torch, exiting the land should be faster than entering it. People that don't have 160 ap to exit will need to wait for active days Ap bonus or find alternate ways.[/quote] Issue solved, and I lol'd
  14. I find this "quest" even worse than BFH's "Pick your favourite land", or really ANY OTHER writing quest. Did Firs and Yrth know that THIS was what their WPs were sponsoring? I certainly hope not.
  15. So, other than limiting the people who can join, how was this different from BHC?
  16. When most of what we are is what we type, I, for one, want to type it myself.
  17. Lowest I've seen is 4 gold, I believe.
  18. No, Seig.
  19. Pipstickz

    labyrinth trip

    If somebody is resourceful and patient enough to make their way through the maze following somebody's viscosity trail, good for them, because they didn't just hear it from somebody and follow instructions. Also, as a matter of fact, it's the EXACT SAME THING as following somebody's traces through the maze. Are you going to say that traces are spoiling the maze too? If you care so much about this, Chewett, then stop deterring the effort of these people, and go put in some effort of your own, gather a group and go into the multitude of side paths in the maze. If you aren't up for doing that, then don't expect these people to.
  20. Pipstickz

    labyrinth trip

    It only shows viscosity from the scene you are in, if the labyrinth even has tooltips, so you would have to go to the next scene to see what the viscosity is.
  21. It's not a game rule, dst.
  22. Forum Broadcasting Network -This machine is why you can use the forum anywhere in game. Not really, I just made it up as an explaination -There is meant to be one machine at every scene, so as to allow access to the forum at any time -Admin and Moderator keys have more uses than listed below, of course, but you all know that -The first switch is meant to indicate whether you are logged in or logged out. It has an accompanying password system which isn't a switch. -The second switch is meant to indicate whether you have Moderator rights or not. It requires a moderating key to use. -The perpetual power source is The Plur's Omnipresence, which acts as a host to the signals sent by the machines -The emergency off switch shuts every machine in the network down, and requires an admin key, or maybe sometimes The Plur might feel like shutting it down for maintenance. -The amplifier is the machine itself. When a signal is sent from a machine and reaches another through the Omnipresence, the new machine also broadcasts the signal, allowing full coverage.
  23. [quote name='Firsanthalas' timestamp='1311605100' post='88821'] After discussions with the council, I am banning the sale of any and all memory stones with spells that allow entry to any part of Loreroot or Loreroot itself, to any person that is not a citizen of Loreroot. Any problems or queries with this should be directed to me in person. [/quote] And you wonder why others think badly of you.
  24. Interesting as it is, Chewett, the total number of resources in the realm currently doesn't matter to most people, they don't keep track of it. The ONLY time the cost of a resource such as, say, memory stones will go down (this is assuming that there will only be three gatherers in the long run, which is hopefully not true) is if people stop buying them. At this point, the ones selling them will actually go to people rather than people going to them, and they will sell for lower prices. For example: Say I got a tool for collecting blades of grass. I could make, say, 20 brand new alts for item storage, then collect batches of 10, throw one batch of 10 on each alt and sell each batch for 3 silver, which means I can sit pretty for a while and not have to collect a thing. As long as there is demand for grass, nobody asks how much there is total, they just want to buy it from me, because I control the inflow.
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