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Everything posted by Pipstickz

  1. [quote name='Fire Starter' timestamp='1308735450' post='86571'] I see a more reasonable change to be able to create att/def rituals [b]without[/b] the need to have available targets within sight, but I want to hear the [b]cons [/b]for that. Sorry Fyrd, if you think this is spam I will remove it. [/quote] [url="http://magicduel.invisionzone.com/topic/2-hello/page__view__findpost__p__1875"]Mur's pretty slow[/url]
  2. Very interesting for my brain, though it is sad to hear about someone so removed from themselves (probably a bad way to put it X.x) When talking flat 2's, we see in 3 and such, I assume he was referencing dimensions, because 4-dimensional stuff is quite common from what (admittedly not much) I've read, but then I don't know what kinds of things he reads.
  3. So, set up a quest for people to earn Angiens. [quote name='Lifeline' timestamp='1308168219' post='86295'] so Marind Bell doesnt even deserve a single location where not everybody can go? [/quote] It's not about deserving, but that's beside my point: There ARE locations in Marind Bell where not everyone can go; Champion's Dome and Fenth's wielder, Champion's Challenge, Sage's Keep, Tunnel of War (sort of), not to mention it is home of what has been one of the most popular locations EVER in MD, Marble Dale Park AND the Loreroot Entry quest is mainly based out of Marind Bell. MB and it's citizens have plenty to be proud of without closing a location, but this isn't about pride. At least, I certainly hope not.
  4. Once the lines are clear, decay has started.

    1. Maebius


      does that make the lines blurry again, through simple Brownian motion?

  5. Rumi; for a large portion of the population, all this affects is creatures and rituals and trading. Some people just don't care about any abusive relationship to a creature that they recruited on their own, and that is MD to them. TTL and xrieg; people can get along just fine without angiens, they just need to maybe use their heads a little. Only place I use an angien is my defense ritual, and that's only because it happens to be one of the creatures I have with claw2 on it.
  6. Tired of seeing "Why would you -rep this?" and "-rep means nothing" and everything else like it. People don't like your posts, or they don't like you. Instead of complaining about it, why don't you try and change it?

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. Curiose


      I agree with Buns. But widdle Curi has always been feisty-- just life and stress and overall stupidity take a toll. And no, it's not simply confined within MD parameters, either.

    3. Curiose


      And I'm not angry... you'd know if I was angry.

    4. Maebius


      we wouldn't like you when you are angry. (watches Curi's eyes go all whitish-blue)

  7. What's more important to you - Coins or Stats?

  8. No. I will not agree with nor conform to this. If people wish to withdraw bids, that's their business, I will NEVER force somebody to pay me if they withdraw their bid. I am not greedy enough to care if I get a bit less, or even if I am, I can simply choose not to sell. If I really wanted to sell something and even [i]I[/i] did not know the top bid at a certain time, I would certainly put the effort in and find out, because it isn't that much effort, honestly. People who DO care about this sort of thing can follow Grido's example and just ban people from trading with them, even if that's ridiculously strict and unnecessary, in my own opinion. It's your business what you do with your property. Apologies if this offends you, but I detest this notion.
  9. Seig is a Tribunal citizen. It was fun raising your price, Jason, nothing personal
  10. [quote name='Sharpwind' timestamp='1307465530' post='85895'] If a new player has an idea, or a complaint and he's trying to participate by posting it because he is excited or annoyed and sees a thread there for that exact reason He gets mostly irony and negative criticism as an answer (from the same people) I constantly read similar comments in the forum: you should know (the rules are somewhere in the chaos called announcements), we can do anything we like (as we've been given god powers you will never have and you can't do anything about it), only our ideas can get implemented (because we waited long enough??), you have to prove yourself first (?? play a hunderd years), md is only for our elite team (from one point on you'll stay stuck in the storymode get bored and leave because our puzzles are just for a few) our way is the only way (what you say does not matter), md is unfair deal with it(even if we alt abuse, even if we exploit bugs, we are in the team and don't get punished), and so on and so on.... It's an annoying attitude that disappoints and drives new players away That's how I feel at least... [/quote] Ideas and complaints are all well and good, but they rarely have much consistency, which is why they so easily slip through someone's fingers when pressure from these people is applied. If you want something to stick, you generally need action to back it. I hope my point is clear enough, I'm tired >>
  11. This is just a test, Chewett. If you want a plan made, ask for it, don't dance around it like a prancing pony, it makes you look silly.
  12. 5 gold + 1 gold, 12 silver
  13. Vic's 5 gold plus 1 gold and 7 silver.
  14. [quote name='Vicarious' timestamp='1307483742' post='85909'] 5gc [/quote] Tack 1 gold and 2 silver of mine onto this, making it 6 gold, 2 silver for Vic. I may continue bidding for him later, but probably not.
  15. The festival finished a while ago.
  16. I'm leader of SoS, Advertisers don't exist
  17. MP5's Under 50k VE Club! Emergency meeting now!

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Pipstickz


      An emergency meeting!

    3. Passant the Weak

      Passant the Weak

      Should we call 911 ?

    4. Chewett


      Iv always wondered why americans choose 911, its not even three consecutive numbers? surely 999 is easier to remember?

  18. From what I remember, GGs go for alot less than that Grido. I MIGHT pay 13 gold for one, but anything higher would be too much, for me.
  19. [quote name='Watcher' timestamp='1306859796' post='85469'] This whole thread is pointless. [/quote] Then don't post in it, as by doing so, you are keeping it alive.
  20. [quote name='Curiose' timestamp='1306481033' post='85229'] Why did you make another thread instead of just putting this on Windy's? Bit redundant. [/quote] He might've not seen it, and besides, he could end up just being passed over in Windy's, because everyone wants to argue over there << Edit: I've realized that it's closed now, but wasn't when you posted, so whatever. My reasoning still stands, but it's a bit pointless now >>
  21. You both have different points of view about RPing, can we not agree to disagree here? There's enough arguing as it is, I'd prefer there weren't more.
  22. [quote name='Espartano' timestamp='1306426098' post='85134'] And Burns just make clear what I think and said in 1st post, the Abyss between older players with powerful crits maxed and full tokened and new MP5 that come unprepared to this, so the MP6 and 7 lvl must come as fast as possible to acomodate this kind of players. [/quote] That would require a whole re-working of the MP6 and MP7 systems, which is what Mur said he would work on in this announcement: [2011-03-04 14:15:58 - Stage 10] While it would be nice to upgrade, say, my tokened Rusty to max, or my Angiens, and I know how frustrating it is to fight people who hugely outclass you, what can we really do about it other than ask Mur to hurry quicker? We basically have two options that I can think of: -GGG type training to give stats to new MP5s so that they at least have a baseline to start from -Hired Adepts union to allow anyone who can pay to jump to MP6 to upgrade creatures Both of these options are opposed by some of the community, that much I know, but who knows. That's all I can think of for now X.x
  23. Five gold. C'mon, guys >>
  24. Rhaegar: [quote name='Pipstickz' timestamp='1304831793' post='84161'] Also, for everyone else, I would really prefer creatures for this Rusty, instead of coins. GG, same deal. [/quote] Everybody else wishing to trade, make an offer and then we can talk.
  25. If it were me, I would certainly wipe an item for, at the most, a trivial 1 silver. How much effort would it really take to do? Honestly, I'd feel as if I were cheating people if I charged any more, especially if the item were going to be used for a quest. Honestly, I'd pay to see more quests, forget profiting >> Edit: Also considering the rarity of item trading, it costs a decent-sized pile of coins to GET an item, generally, forcing someone to pay even MORE to use something that belongs to them? No thanks, I'm no evil taxman <<
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