This is a small issue that has spiraled out farther than it should. Princ will continue being stubborn, dst (No one as well, it seems) will keep doing what she does best; aggravating the problem, and nobody will be better for it.
Now, from the screenshot, dst was leaving anyways and so is four minutes of silence that you won't be around to experience REALLY important enough to have a big fuss over? As well, I don't see anything that Princ would've done to deserve a silence, but the chat is quite far up. From my perspective, there should be no punishing of EITHER party: the silence spell should simply be removed, because the silence spell works better as a way to punish people for abusing it than an actual moderating tool; as I can only assume was intended. Would we be any worse off without it? We have a multitude of other tools, least of which is simply talking. Or is there not enough hours in the day to spend a few minutes having a conversation?
As for things such as "dst is an LHO, dst is a vet, Ravenstrider is unexperienced, he said this, she said that" none of it is relevant. This is a ridiculous argument and it shouldn't be happening.