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Everything posted by Pipstickz

  1. Never fear shovels. They're just shovels.

    1. Brulant


      But shovels are scary…

    2. keida


      your a potatoe :P

    3. aaront222


      Never gone dig you up

      ohhoh never gone undig you

      never gona dig around and desecrate you

      never gona dig you up

      never gona search the corpse

      never gona find a shvoel and unbury you

      ahahaha rick astley shovels

  2. What's a debate but an argument where the insults are hidden?

  3. Kafuuka, you're free to share your opinions as much as you want, but if you think they're that important, please open a new thread. Be so kind as to remove yourself from this one. Yrth: I'll try to explain it a bit, but excuse me if my words get a bit muddled, it's late. Yes, the Lore ban is just a technicality and doesn't really need to be payed any attention, but I feel it's an issue that should be dealt with, so someone doesn't pop up in the future and get all crazy with the "You can't say this" and "Mur doesn't like that". So yeah.
  4. Then I guess the SoS's logo is guilty of being nude, 100% of the time. (Sorry, just had to)
  5. I don't want a good "discussion", I want people to think. What's the best way to get ideas? Sharing. Now Kafuuka, if you're done I would appreciate it if you stopped posting here. If you're not done, I would still appreciate it.
  6. [quote name='Kafuuka' timestamp='1299450673' post='80290'] My point mainly is that there already was a thread on that subject, which you read and contributed to with a fatalistic statement. The idea that you, a few months later, wish to persuade others to pursue an objective you didn't deem attainable back then, is ironic at best. On top of that you don't think all knowledge should be shared and never bothered to explain where to draw the line. How are we supposed to know what it is you suggest then? How exactly do you suggest these partially unspecified changes could be pursued? [/quote] Oh my, I contradicted myself, must mean I'm a terrible liar and all my goals are for my own personal gain. To answer you honestly; do opinions not change? It has been almost a half-year since then, what makes you think that I won't have gained new information myself? If you are confused as to what I am suggesting with this thread, I suggest you read it over again, others seem to have it right.
  7. Alright then, sign me up an tell me what to do.
  8. Chewett: I don't know. Why are we afraid to find out? Kafuuka: Yes, that's the way it is and that's what I'd like to change. What is your point?
  9. Where's the fun in waiting for Mur?
  10. I think Mur needs to "help" you people like he "helped" Darigan. Darigan was seeing things he shouldn't too, y'know.
  11. Happy birthday. My present for you is to not squash any (more) tomatoes...just for today, though.
  12. Chewett, Kyphis and Kafuuka: This isn't about finding "the one answer", or "the end of the game" (to me), it's about freedom of information. Sharing and enlightenment and all that. For example, Kelle'tha Order. The purpose of the alliance is to research and find answers I assume, based on their unhidden forums. Now, they started...how long ago? And how many people know more than they did because of them? What I'm saying is that we don't need them, if we all get together and share our own ideas. We don't need to be right, we just need to be.
  13. So, as most everyone knows, Mur does not like "Lore", or stories that we write that use story mode characters or concepts or anything that may in any way seem official. At least, that's the definition I've come up with. Fighting and stats (and somewhat less so, creatures) are unlimited; that aspect of the game is open-ended and has no set goal. Lands, alliances, wars, quests and items are only limited by the community, which is in turn essentially unlimited; those aspects are open-ended as well. So what is the set, predefined goal for players to achieve? Around when I started, I assumed it was either to become influential (RPC's were the sort of kings of the time, just there was more of them, and they had better powers...imagine that. Then of course there was (most of the) non RPC people in the AL, less special but still in some cases better than current kings: PWR), or story mode would progress and I would find all the answers along the way. As it turns out, neither of those are the goal as I see it now. So what is this crazy thing that we're meant to achieve? I believe that we are meant to find the answers. In a similar fashion to our world long ago, we as the citizens of MD don't really know much. Questions like "How did we get here?", "What is Liquid Dust?" and infamous in it's own way: "What happened before us?" are like the "What makes the sun rise?" and "What's the world made of?" of MD. So how were those questions answered in our past? Through the cumulative efforts of many people over time. I can't help making the comparison, but Phoenyckz, or Ady, is sort of like our Galileo. He may not have been correct in his stories, but he tried, and now it's up to us to continue, there's only one thing in our way; the "ban" on Lore. Yeah, we certainly don't [b]need[/b] to know the history of the realm, or who laid the eggs that become Angiens, and those questions may not even HAVE answers, but the speculation itself can lead to other thoughts, other questions and other answers. Information in MD is all stifled away, perhaps stored in the Notebooks of some of the thinkers, but nobody wants to share. Why not? Maybe they're afraid of being wrong, maybe they're afraid of giving spoilers, maybe they don't want to get hit by the Lore barrier, whatever. Perhaps MD is meant to be a test of individual insight, and we're all supposed to do it on our own, but if Mur can "punish" a few of us by just giving the answers to everyone together, then everyone should be allowed to work toward the answers together, and without Mur, should we not? So, is it not time to do away with the restriction of information, even if it's just guesswork or good storytelling? I certainly say it is. So yeah, sorry for super long topic, but share opinions n' stuff, or just go find your answers, your theories.
  14. But that would just essentially make it cost more for them to lose EXP. For example, if Ravenstrider sells 1 million EXP creatures for 1 silver, then it costs ~4 silver for an MP4 to go from cap to 1, but if it was halved, it would cost 8 silver. Would that not have a detrimental effect on their happiness and whatnot? Also, perhaps we should open a new topic >> I looked at the title after posting and I was like wait...did I change topics somehow?
  15. Oh bollocks, I've lost that thing that my aunt gave me that I don't know what it is!

    1. Laphers


      Perhaps you put it in the last place you will look?

  16. Perhaps a shadow coming from off-screen?
  17. It's certainly a better option than some certain other extra features. Not mentioning any names here *coughcalendarsearchcough* >> But what about quantity? How many would be in the shop at one time? A single name change per reset is too little, but 20 is a bit much, so what 5 or 10? As for it just costing AP, I think that's a bit silly, because if you vote for free credits you could have more than 1 name change per month <<
  18. [quote name='CrazyMike' timestamp='1299034689' post='79818'] Sharazad Wizard Raith Tissy Kay Inglid Seigheart Please pm me your forum name,as the name above is not found. [/quote] Sharaz[b]h[/b]ad. 2 H's. Seigheart is Vicarious on the forum. Not sure on the spelling.
  19. Well, the problem may be that you're looking in the Timed Boosters section, in the screenshot anyways. I'm almost sure you start with a reset, and the 2 you had at whichever point, Udgard, was because Mur gave some out. I know I had 2 for quite a long time, then I had three because of the more recent one...but I started with 1
  20. Just some offtopic clarification, search the announcements for moon/night info: [2010-05-21 02:13:19 - Stage 10] [2009-01-17 21:13:15 - Alpha 8]
  21. [quote name='Maebius' timestamp='1298563801' post='79520'] Hmm, might just me my work refusing to use a REAL browser, because when I view the list at work (where I login about 80% of the time) the list of links tends to get cut off around 11 links. At home it seems to work fine, but at work I need to keep refreshing the page to 'move' unused links up to where I see them properly and can click it. Not a huge deal, I just figured I'd toss out the suggestion and see if others noticed the same thing. It's not the first time I've had wonky browser issues compared with the general populous, either. No worries. [/quote] Used to happen to me, I'm pretty sure it was just a slow internet connection or something stupid like that. If you click on the background around a link, and then use the spacebar to scroll down the panel it should work...or it did for me >>
  22. I'm pretty sure the citizenship of the coin is determined by your citizenship, not where you are >>
  23. I have a Santa, got at Christmas. PM me if you're interested.
  24. I wouldn't mind if [b]other people[/b] could see avatars in fights, as long as I could still see the armour dummies >> Not a fan of silly changes like that, they confuse me.
  25. From a more literal perspective: The sun is in MD because the sun is in RL. When designing the game, Mur wanted a believable, yet different world. What's easier, listening to people claim that if we lived in a black hole we wouldn't be living, or having a sun? From a more "MD" perspective: There is a sun because MD is a "mirror" reflecting what's in us, but at the same time being the same to everyone who sees it. The sun is a part of MD's own identity and a part of ours put together and thrown in the mixing bowl of ideas.
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