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Everything posted by Pipstickz

  1. Apop: The TS balances, it doesn't just give stats. At least, that's MY understanding.
  2. I'm quite sure defense token values were fixed. Pertaining to the actual topic, I believe it's meant to be read as "You get 0% of 300" or "You get 27% of 300". It's just easier to code that way, I guess? I'm not really sure.
  3. [url="http://magicduel.invisionzone.com/topic/5144-my-claim/"]Here[/url] I'm declaring myself Granos' successor, seeing as I'm actually his son and almost nobody knew that until now. What, Mur? What he says doesn't matter, clearly, because I have a superior bloodline. Everybody else can be disregarded because they don't know what I'll do as ruler. What I do will benefit Mur in the end, he just doesn't know it yet, and can't speak for himself on the matter.
  4. If Necrovion belongs to the Shades, then Loreroot belongs to the Knators and Firs being picked by the people was a huge mistake that angered the Knators. Edit: I am speaking in the sense of kingship here, not the land itself.
  5. When looking through the "Rounds", if I scroll down in "Round 0" and then switch to "Round 1" the scrollbar will still be at the bottom. Not a huge issue, but it'd be nice if it would start at the top when you switch over.
  6. [quote name='Rask' timestamp='1286922880' post='70235'] If you wish to test me, give me power and I will prove myself. Do not ask me to demonstrate my swordsmanship while denying me a sword. [/quote] If it were this easy to get power, the world would be a very different place. You want to demonstrate swordsmanship? Make your own sword.
  7. [quote name='Rask' timestamp='1286920030' post='70229'] To Pamplemousse: I do not believe I ever claimed to speak for the people. I believe I would be beneficial for the Shades and the Desert, and perhaps the people will benefit from a distinguished homeland. I make no claim that I intend to rule by the people's will. [/quote] You believe you would be beneficial? When was any king elected based on how they believe they could do? As mentioned in another topic somewhere, all four initial rulers were already in positions of power, everybody knew what they could do, so they were elected. You want to be king? Prove yourself to the people, because it's THEM who you would have power over. NOT the Shades, or the land itself. [quote name='Rask' timestamp='1286920030' post='70229'] Also, as I mentioned before, when my Sister gave up the crown, I was in no position to make a claim for it. If people are opposed to a youth such as myself making a claim now, do you think they would have prefered a child still clinging to his mother's tit? [/quote] I'm sorry if this is too OOC for you, but you've got PMs, YIM and many other methods of communication. If you were even around when Peace was giving the crown to Jester, you could've talked to her, convinced her to wait. If you weren't around, then your right to the crown is null. You need support from PEOPLE if you want to overthrow Jester, seeing as he doesn't seem to want to give you the crown, and if you weren't around, then you don't even KNOW the people, so where does that leave you? Making a poorly planned grab for power. Also, for Firs, USED then. Happy now?
  8. Firs and Lifeline both use alts to hold alliances Yrth uses his alts to give WPs Don't we have enough alts in kingship already? >>
  9. Was he over 5 active days?
  10. Giving angien eggs away is fine, sure, until new players start getting them. There's a reason their requirements are so high.
  11. Happy birthday from the President.
  12. [quote name='Chewett' timestamp='1286430709' post='69794'] I dont really get your point Rheagar [/quote] I agree, a concise summary (or explanation about what it is you're trying to prove) would be nice for us people (me) who have melted brains.
  13. Just throwing this out there, but I didn't care about alliances and lands very much until I got to MP5, at least.
  14. Happy birthday, guys! I can totally imagine what would happen if MRD and Udgard had to share an account...Udga(M)rd? Or maybe MRuDgard? Anyways, it'd be all like "I think we should go kick butt!" "Well, I think we should go make items n' stuff...I have an axe, you'd better listen to me" "That axe is made out of wood. You don't know how to use steel" "I thought you wouldn't notice " "*throws Fred*" "Ow, we're in the same body!" "Meh." ">:[" ">:[" amirite?
  15. You can always split into parts, of course.
  16. There's an easy way to bypass honour restrictions. Figure it out.
  17. This isn't even serious, I doubt pashweetie even has WP to give.
  18. [quote name='Harion' timestamp='1286084482' post='69540'] or can we have a debate without anyone pulling rank? [/quote] If you want a debate, at least attempt to be tolerable. Being a jerk and spamming for a few giggles won't help you. RL examples are hardly good evidence when you're talking about the laws in the game. You want to win a court case in RL? Use RL examples. We're talking about infractions of the GAME law, not law outside of the game. "but you cannot threaten me with banning for saying my opinion" It's legal to ban people from your own website. So yes, they can do more than threaten you, they can actually do it.
  19. Pipstickz


    Challenges page still mentions RPCs, might be confusing for new players?
    1. Lupus
    2. The Great Pashweetie

      The Great Pashweetie

      I hear ya man ive been unable to play after 8:00 on most nights, think it may have to do with mur on vacation and a virus messed up the server

  20. So that MP3s can easily be capped or given negative EXP by MP5s? All it takes is one person who feels like messing up an MP3, then we have the whole february incident again, but with a lesser chance of tracing it back.
  21. Pipstickz


    More restriction on attacking? No thanks. Honour, skilldamage and balance are enough for me.
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