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Everything posted by Pipstickz

  1. I'm ready right now, I think
  2. Mur actually has the oldest creature on display in his Bestiary, I believe. Also, that creature is 7 days older than mine >>
  3. Well, we've got a while to train up creatures, I assume...
  4. Pipstickz


    Random rit has always picked six creatures for me If the ritual it chose did not cooperate with species limits, it would either work anyways, or wouldn't work at all, not something in-between. At least, that would make sense to me. As No one told me earlier, he's got 80 creatures, so I imagine he's got lots of variety to pick from >> Are we sure it was on random? *cough...cough* >>
  5. Again, I'd say just common creatures because if you think about it, angiens will be pretty useless, as they will only get one hit in and then kill themselves for the rest of the battle, and Priests just damage themselves to help your enemy, because last I heard (long, long time ago) their aura didn't work. Just my opinion PS: Yes, Reins were available during Christmas in MDShop behind the Rusties.
  6. Do you know what your character is?
  7. dst, Aysun's post pertains to the posts that are above it. Stop trying so hard >>
  8. Thinking of the heart and blood...

    1. lepus


      what colour blood?

    2. Pipstickz


      That is a secret, I suppose.

  9. Hiding behind a forum alt to make bold statements is easy. Grow a pair.

  10. That's quite the opposite of what I said Anyways, as Mur has said, I'm sure multiple times, his word is basically law in MD. What you're doing, IAB, is much like telling a math teacher that 2+2=4 doesn't apply because he only writes it on the chalkboard. Really, there's no logical basis in your statement that Marind is alive that I can see.
  11. Personally, I say don't allow shop creatures, because this is meant to be strategic, not based on strength, and shop creatures are either stronger versions of ordinary creatures (ie. Imps), boosters for ordinary creatures (ie. Rusties, Reins) or both (ie. BloodPacts). However, if you weren't just going for strategic fights, then go ahead and allow shop creatures. Doesn't affect me either way, because I only have one or two on MRPip >>
  12. As far as I know, the Sparring Grounds has reverted to it's original rules...so there's really no reason to debate it any longer.
  13. I believe IAB was referring to the story mode ending in his post. Even so, it IS quite incorrect that Marind is alive, if you are to believe not only Mur, but story mode itself. However, you CAN say that she is alive in the sense that she still exists and can interact with you (perhaps other things, but it's unconfirmed as far as I know), but that isn't living, it's just existing.
  14. Leaving a note suggests that anybody can see it, but it was a private system.
  15. This topic is all spam, and it's ridiculous. Chewett - has Mur noticed this topic yet, or does it need more spam? Watcher - you continue to spam this topic in an almost malicious way, and there can be one of two reasons for it that I can see. Either you really don't want Blackwood to be in any trouble, or you're just a jerk who won't stop talking until everybody believes you. Considering that Blackwood has agreed with you already and yet you continue to argue, I'm inclined to believe that it's the latter.
  16. When you're playing Zelda and you can't help but say grasan instead of goron >>
  17. MRPip MP5 GG
  18. [quote name='Shnappie' date='17 July 2010 - 01:16 PM' timestamp='1279394168' post='64082'] i would say if you want to help them not becomming unballanced, help them if they are inballenced. >Perfect balance against off-balance newbie (less then xxx days): tokens of perfect balance work with 0% power, tokens of off-balance newbie work with 100% power yes that would realy max out the newbie indeed if he is using tokens, but it makes as much sence to me as what you proposed. [/quote] Look at Eon. Around 60 active days, if I remember correctly, and a fully tokened ritual with a GG, a Rusty and a Rein, and three pimped Grasans.
  19. Alright, Chewett, let's just keep spamming this topic, then, so that Mur notices, instead of just pointing it out to him. (Also, the previous topic about this exact same thing was only one page long. Not massive.) In reply to Watcher's spew about copyright infringement, this is artwork from the game, and the only money being made is the money in the game. The court it would be handled in, if it were to go to court, would most likely be in the game. Blackwood does not claim to own the material that he uses, nor does he claim that they are official in any way.
  20. What's the point in "dealing with it" ourselves if we can't do anything about it? The drawings belong to Mur, if he wants to punish Blackwood for rearranging his art, he will do it. All in all, these things are much better handled in private, than on the public forum.
  21. And why do we care about spamming this topic so much? Because this IS all off-topic. If this is a serious issue, it will be dealt with by the CORRECT people, not the community. If you still feel the need to talk about it, make your own topic.
  22. [url="http://magicduel.invisionzone.com/topic/7226-using-of-md-artwork-for-md-purpose/page__view__findpost__p__61254"]Here[/url] Yes, and if you were paying attention, you would know that it was resolved. Why do we need Mur to resolve every little conflict? >.<
  23. Pipstickz

    What If ?

    Solar panels, cleverly hidden >>
  24. Happy birthday, veggie(or fruit...or plant...whatever)-sister-in-law xD
  25. I count 28 votes >>
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