A long, long time ago, Mur told me something about alts. It was when he still...you know, talked to people on a regular basis, n' stuff. I told him that my friend had made his alt an adept of his, and I was all serious about it and everything, but he explained the difference between game rules and society rules. Society rules are made by us, and they're usually enforced by us. This would be things such as the silence spell, regen rits at lower MP levels or even MP5, training grounds, and stuff like that. Game rules are handled by Mur, and whoever else he chooses to help him. This is things like bug abuse, big alt abuse, WP problems, and those kinds of things.
Alt abuse is on a threshold between the two, I think. Many people will say things like "I'll wait for Mur to tell me that it's alt abuse", but they should realize that Mur has better things to do, and shouldn't have to resolve our arguments. However, there are issues such as MRI and CrazyMike, or Lightsage with his heads contest fiasco, that only Mur COULD deal with.
I would also like to reference something Akasha said once, because it will probably come up. The conversation was about the Libs, and how they were used so Liberty could become MP6. Akasha said that the Libs were part of Liberty's role, and since that role was taken by Liberty, nobody else can do it. While I disagree with the logic, Akasha's word is basically official.
So, sure, if one or two of your alts are your adepts while nobody's looking, then feel free, but if you get caught, then, with the Kings' ability to jail citizens and Grido for everybody else, you may end up worse off because of it.
Right, I should mention, your friend's alts are still alts.