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Everything posted by Pipstickz

  1. [quote name='Ravenstrider' timestamp='1283618047' post='67669'] And I for one would like to posses any kind of inner magic doc since I'm more interested in those then the WP spells... So, yes, it would matter, especially if it was to be combined with something else... [/quote] Yes, that's what I mean. One single doc doesn't give much information. Of course, there's also the chance of someone making 25 alts just to get a bunch of docs. I give you ^5 for trying, you're doing better than I am >>
  2. This is not a bug, it's just that the calendar hasn't been written, so you don't get the stats.
  3. [quote name='Ravenstrider' timestamp='1283560670' post='67651'] a) Get rid of the stat loss, instead implement a stat cap, or a monthly stat decay if you don't fight. (maybe combined with the forced advance after a certain ammount of stats are gained) [/quote] Mur said in the february thread that he won't cap stats. Also, the skill damage wasn't implemented to punish those who didn't fight. [quote name='Ravenstrider' timestamp='1283560670' post='67651'] b) A transit level between mp4 and mp5, where lowering exp is possible, but much less then on mp5 (like 5-10%), or maybe implement this on mp4... This wouldn't get more people to mp5, but would make those who make it to mp5 strong enough to stand up to the vets without the need of dipping into the WP shop to reset their exp... Would lower the ammount of strong mp3s as well, but would be a problem since there would be a lot of strong mp4s going around... But I think it could be tweaked so that it works better than the current system. Could be done by implementing a forced advance after a certain ammount of stats are gained. [/quote] Not quite sure what you mean by 5-10%, so I'll just give to answers. If you mean a lower value per battle, then someone could stay MP4 forever, just like people could easily stay MP5 forever, if there were another regular stage to get to naturally (MP6 is protector, MP7 is illusion, etc.). If you mean they can only lose a certain amount and then they won't lose any more, then that's the same as increasing the cap. [quote name='Ravenstrider' timestamp='1283560670' post='67651'] c) Since there is already the 15 credits when your "recruit" reaches mp5, there could also be a 10-15 credits when you reach mp5... Even better, once you reach mp5, you get the avatar feature enabled without the need to buy it in the shop. Lower the gold-avatar quality bar, put the gold avatars lower in the shop, make the best avatars into red-gold avatars... or different colors depending on the theme of the avy, and put that in the place where the gold avys are now. Also, could be good if there was a creature somewhere in there to assure more shop action in that branch... [/quote] There's already heads for credits. Avatars are in the shop for a reason; the game needs to make money. Simply having another tier of rarity (red-gold) doesn't really solve anything, does it? [quote name='Ravenstrider' timestamp='1283560670' post='67651'] d) Something similar to something already suggested: Pick your inner magic doc when you reach mp5... (since there is no distributing of them at the moment afaik) Choice between 4-5 lvl one docs would be appropriate. Yes, this would eliminate the special feel and rarity of them, but still... In a community this small nothing is that rare any more... And besides, with most vets having 4 to 5 inner docs to their name, they still stay "special", especially the higher level ones. [/quote] Mur will do something with the docs: [quote][22/06/10 00:11] Muratus del Mur:for example, if i decide to place all the spell docs in a book and write about them, i will not auction them there because it wont be fair to the one winning the auction[/quote] And, of course, one single doc doesn't really give you much, depending on the one you get. Sorry for longpost
  4. Pipstickz


    Well, I couldn't find it, but I'm sure that Mur wrote something, somewhere that explained the difference between Mur, Manu and Muratus. Poo
  5. Pipstickz


    No, King Manu was the first account in the game. The game was made by Mur, so they are controlled by the same person. I'll try and find some quotes, though.
  6. Pipstickz


    King Manu is not Muratus del Mur, but they are controlled by the same player.
  7. [quote name='Shadowseeker' timestamp='1283258148' post='67430'] Question would also be, who would hold it, and how would that person know who to advance? [/quote] To me, Burns seems like a good choice, seeing as he's already LHO and spends most (if not all) of his time in the Park where newbs tend to congregate, and also knows the consequences of abuse, has a direct superior, etc. A single complaint with evidence would be enough to advance somebody, would it not? Or multiple complaints with no evidence could be put up on the forum for voting, or the whole thing could be decided by the community through voting, and Burns (or anyone else, really) could just be the one to carry the action out. Of course the process would possibly be made easier through use of dream control to temporarily hold possible offenders, but it's not necessary. And really, this IS just a precautionary measure. The next incident of one MP3 giving significant amounts of EXP to others will most likely be sometime in the not-so-near future.
  8. Sometimes the role aspect is taken too seriously. You don't have to have a strict role, like "gardener" or "knight" or something, just do what you do and be what that makes you. Example: If you're a very angry person, it doesn't matter whether your papers tell a story about unicorns and lollipops, or if they tell a story about destruction and murder, you'll still be an angry person. The story is something of an add-on, something to do if it interests you. Role development doesn't just happen overnight, you have to settle in and interact lots.
  9. Welcome back, Mr. Eggs! You muss stay >>
  10. [quote name='Bronzometh' timestamp='1283110379' post='67313'] This is not an excuse. The fact that you and February and anyone could do that is the problem. That is a fighting system problem that must be solved. no sacrificing caps and stats caps or any other caps you could think of will ever solve this problem. The fighting system must be fixed so that NO ONE can harm other players by getting them to exp cap. [/quote] Burns capping GGG players is different from february capping random MP3s in that Burns restricted himself in who he would cap: a) He said he would only cap MP4s b) He said he would only cap them if they were using GGG c) He gave warning on the forum, and if he did end up doing anything in the game, I'm sure he would've given warning there as well d) He had a clear, constructive goal which he believed was good for the community, and was stated many times, before he even did anything. Whereas february is doing it (most likely) unintentionally, to any random MP3 that happens to be in the same place that he's in and chooses to attack him. He has no constructive goal other than to show that he can use underhanded methods to raise creatures that can beat older players. As for your concerns about VE, I got up to almost 30k VE through story mode and heads contest and such, and had that for quite a while before saccing a few creatures. Now I have 44k VE. I do just fine in fighting, even if I can't beat up people like dst and Metal Bunny. Try actually experiencing MP5 before saying that you know what you need to survive in it.
  11. Reminds me of a fight between knators >>
  12. Pipstickz


    Ironic that you're talking about social clubs being a bad thing, seeing as you lead the alliance that lets in the most and youngest members on average, and that only three or four out of the eighteen members have actual alliance-based roles (recruitment, "mentorship") within your alliance. Of course, you've also got five or six inactives by my count. Do you think that there would even need to be 50 seat alliances such as your own if there weren't non-contributing members? In special cases, yes, but not for any long period of time. People move on. If you don't want alliances to be social clubs, give people things to do once they join, don't just have them run around with shiny new badges. Don't complain about other alliances social clubs if you can't keep your own alliance from being one. PS: On the off chance that you agree that GotR is a social club/inactive holder, then why are you complaining in the first place? Do something about it.
  13. [quote name='Muratus del Mur' timestamp='1283035424' post='67259'] cap count sound also good but i fear its complicated to do especially on defence [/quote] Monitor the "E lost: 4vit; A lost: 7vit;" and the "Casualties: Defender:32%, Attacker:64%" of MP3 fights, and if it meets the conditions for giving more than x experience, flag it and if necessary, send someone to ask about it.
  14. What if it were made freelance, but with a similar system to the Wasp's Totem items? (ie. They return to a specific person or location after a set amount of time) Also, you're not touching my potato!
  15. It's a Water Daemon/Elemental with freeze influence that lasts one round instead of the whole fight, and more stats than usual. Also, no creature targets single, there's dying, random, weak creatures, etc.
  16. [quote name='Blackwoodforest' date='16 August 2010 - 02:16 AM' timestamp='1281946587' post='66303'] I don't seen the purpose of a button that reloads the captchas, because when I tried to enter it, it will automatically gets renewed when entered wrong. I do as well don´t really seen and issue of those kind of unfriendly captchas. The colormixing makes it really worse. [/quote] The reload button would be so you don't have to enter your username and password five times.
  17. Next time you activate a burst, go into a sanctuary and refresh to make sure your timer has time on it, then activate it (or use free credits, which would be easier, I guess), then refresh again and check your VE, VP and AP. If they are not going over max and your timer is consistent with what it was before, then you've got a bug of some sort.
  18. I know that lots of sites have audio captchas that go along with the visual ones... Edit: Perhaps just have a check for actual activity? For example, check if x has logged in every day for the last month. If yes, check if x has moved much in the last month. If no, alert Mur.
  19. Sometimes the timer is messed up, for me at least. It'll be at like 8 minutes, then I refresh and it's at 15 minutes. Perhaps you're just having bad timer luck? Also, what about AP and VP? Do those go over the max or are they the same?
  20. [quote][2010-07-16 03:03:37 - Stage 10] You may also trade the bestiary as any other item, allow others to place creatures in it, or even hold multiple bestiary books at the same time.[/quote]
  21. Gaia has less attack than a level 1 Joker, so since random damage is the only ability that uses the attack stat in those, perhaps you should raise it a bit? [quote name='Help pages']Random Damage Does random damage to target based on attack value, usualy attack value is huge for these creatures, making this ability often act as acritical strike. Rare ability.[/quote] Aside from that and other things that have been mentioned, it looks like a great creature.
  22. ISTJ Strength of the preferences % Introverted: 11 - slightly expressed introvert Sensing: 62 - distinctively expressed sensing personality Thinking: 12 - slightly expressed thinking personality Judging: 11 - slightly expressed judging personality Famous people of your particular type Clint Eastwood, Alexei Yagudin (figure skater Olympic champion), Herbert Hoover, Queen Elizabeth II Guardian Inspector Rawr, I'm Spock, fear MY pointy ears >>
  23. You're talking about two seperate things: The issues brought up in my earlier post, and then citizenship for most of your supposed reply. I will deal with these two things seperately, even though you seem to think they fit perfectly together. Your reply to me: Firstly, simply because you were once a leader, that does not give you the knowledge and understanding of how it all works. Not to mention, of course, that your statement that "some form of structure" hurts alliances is the complete opposite of what Firs is trying to make the Woodcutters do! By forcing them to get into a certain structure, they could well make a hasty decision and do exactly what you're describing, yet you still back this up! Lesson learned, you say? Think again. Secondly, what does it matter if they get organized before or after the actual guild is formed? Ever heard of a grace period? Do these sort of things not exist in your mind? Now, as for the rest of your post: You start by saying that there could be another "Savel situation". The "Savel situation" you're referring to was caused by months of tension and negativity between two people, and then finally one small thing happened that blew up, and Princ ended up in jail. Now, comparing it to this issue, the Woodcutters had existed for all of one day, and I'm assuming that Firs has had little or no past interaction with most of the members. How could another "Savel situation" happen unless one party was immediately rude and disrespectful to the other party? After that, you say that you know from experience that just throwing a guild into another land can cause a big issue. How can you know from experience? You've never made or moved a guild, that's what Mur does. As for your next paragraph, it pertains to RL, and not MD, so why would it apply? Mur makes the rules in MD. And then your last two paragraphs, yes the guild is part of Loreroot, and that IS because of mechanics, but what isn't part of mechanics is the king himself, the human element, and really, I'm quite sure that if this had happened in Necrovion or Marind Bell first, this sort of thing wouldn't have happened, or at least would've been done in private.
  24. So go do it in private, don't make this big deal about it, just get a couple of friends together and train! How hard is it? You don't need a specific location and rules and all that stuff!
  25. No, Chaos Archers have 40 more attack than DA3's.
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