ya mentioned demand not me, i said requesting, anyway its pointless to put that request in here, saying ya gave ally to ppl that betrayed him and then askin for your daddys soul is provocative and counter effective, this wont way of acting wont get it back to ya, if ya used your brain a bit ya would have knew it, but to me it looks like ya really dont care about it, same as ya didnt taken yrth's warning seriously even if he said it A LOT earlier, and then ya played it off like he gave too short time to respond just becoz he posted it 1h before he did it on forum which is bs, he warned ya before, and that forum post was final warning, and now ya are provocating him in order to appear innocent again becoz ya was so good to give ally back to betrayers and then requested from him to give khals soul back bs, idc wot ya wanted to do with ally, thing in here is that this is total disrespectful provocation and indirect accusation (becoz he wont give ya back khals soul and then ya would attack him), ya picked totally wrong place to ask for it, but then again to me it looks like it was on purpose