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Posts posted by Burns

  1. Use multiquote and respond in a forum she doesn't have mod powers in.

    File a complaint if you deem it necessary, Chewie takes that stuff very seriously.


    We (the other mods, including global) can't check other mods activities, that's an admin feature, so he's the one to talk to. Therefore, i can't see what really happened, what contents got deleted, or anything, so i don't intend to judge the situation.

  2. Only if he already has the tag powers, though.

    Speaking for the GG group, we don't have anybody with the tag ability currently because we're still living in anarchy (and enjoying it, kind of), so if somebody wanted to leave the Embers, they'd need to get to the council to have things adjusted (not including that our name is broken and only the wookie knows how to make it work xD)

  3. I'm generally against censoring on forums, i see us mods like the referees in a football game: the best grade we can get is unobtrusive.


    However, if you folks start to flame each other so much that people start to avoid the forums, we need to stop that.

  4. Not much difference.

    You probably noticed the voting for citizens system already, it's in Tempest Fort for us. Grido and Al (mostly) are working on some kind of government, i got the drachorn master role, otherwise we're just hanging around and waiting for new people... Like all the others :))

  5. cleared out the racism, quintessence:



    This is a first and final warning, publicly, to EVERYONE. If you want to demonstrate racial/any form of mass hatred i will ban you.


    You make another comment like magistra and you will be banned,

    I dont care if you want to now claim "chewett is picking on me" Thats not acceptable on this forum.





    This is closed. Please use the new topic to discuss your acusations: 


  6. The things in our MDShop are restocked when you tell the shop so, and you are correct, the free creds are pretty balanced.

    In the BMMO shop, though, you get 4 gold a day if you vote as often as possible. Whatever gets put up there will be bought instantly by the vets who have the gold piling up already, but if they were available without limit, you get way too much from it. For a stable pricing, you'd need to make a single silver coin in BMMO shop cost over 40 gold, then it'd be about as valuable as a silver coin from the MD Shop time-wise.

  7. I've got 42 ms, because MD is the answer.

    I've got 42 to pretty much everything in Europe, though :))


    I just noticed a drop in combat speed, takes a rather long time from 'chaaargeee!' until the fight is done. Time increases when the combat is longer, if it's just wiping a tree you barely notice a delay, but if i go against something that takes 3 rounds to kill it's 6-8 seconds until the combat is finished and i get the report.

  8. You've been chasing me your entire life, only to fail now. I think that's the worst thing i ever heard. How marvelous.


    But, to add a new twist, since Luke didn't feel like:

    I wanted to meet interesting and stimulating people of an ancient culture, and kill them.

  9. Considerably faster, specially when trying to go to my creatures and when attacking somebody. It used to time out and send me to double window idle mode regularly before, now it runs as smooth as it used to in the old days :D


    Austria (No Kangaroos)

  10. Finally, i can announce the winners of this quest :)

    Sunfire was the only one who tried his luck with two poems.
    It was a really tight race in the end, and we actually have tied winners:

    Soothing Sands and darkraptor!

    Come and find me to get your charms, please. :)

    I apologize for taking so long, there were some issues to get everything into my schedule, too many exams right now -.-

    [s]I've attached all the poems [/s]and the scores that were assigned by the three judges Tarquinus, Innocence and Grido. Actually, i've upped it to storenow, the forum doesn't like winrar, apparently. :))

    Enjoy the poetry, i surely did :D

  11. I wasn't interested because it take too long. I enjoy DnD on a sunny afternoon with a crate of beer and chips, but it usually goes on til midnight. With all the people doing nothing but that, and all communication happening very efficient (shouting louder than the rest, mostly).
    Imagining that inside MD... Where people have a few minutes at a time, and then 2 hours of business... And are in different time zones... No way i'd stress myself into that.

  12. Over the next week, you're all pretty busy with quests, which is the perfect time for this little quest. I want you to take all the creativity flowing around here, soak it up, and write some poetry.

    As most of you probably know, i have no clue about creative writing whatsoever. Therefore, the rating will be done by some people who actually know what a poem needs to be like. The judges won't be told whose poem they are reading, and you won't be told who the judges are until it's over.

    Unfortunately, the judges are a little limited, therefore i can only accept poetry in English. The length is up to you, as is the topic, as long as it is connected to drachorns (at least loosely).

    Your works will be rated on the artistic value, style and techniques, but also on how accurately you stick to the game reality.

    For example:
    "I like Bob the Tree at Path of Loneliness, because his shiny flowers never leave a mess" would probably score very poorly on style and technique, but get a decent score on accuracy. You get the idea.

    You are allowed to send multiple poems if you wish so, in this case i will split them up before sending them to the judges and will use the average score of all of them to determine your ranking.
    In the unlikely case of a tie, i will send the tied poems out again and have the judges pick which one they like better out of the two.

    All works must be in by Day 111, 01:01:01 server time. Please send them to me as PM or forum PM.

    Because we're all in a gift-giving mood right now, the top 2 poets will receive a Drach Charm.

    [As last quests' winner, dst can't win a charm in this quest]

  13. It's not the meat-eaters fault that greedy people go for industrial meat production. I'm only eating bacon whose name i know, and eggs i personally stole from the neighbor's hens. Meat doesn't grow in packages, and if you're up to raising the animals, taking good care of them, and doing the bloodwork, you're entitled to eating them, imo.
    There shouldn't be any animal products for sale in supermarkets, imo. That's what makes animals suffer.

  14. [quote name='Zyrxae' timestamp='1364238905' post='134457']
    3) How was your quest experience?
    > Copy the Quest Voting page for this one.
    Troll is an offensive word, and name-calling does your own image no kindness.

    That i actually find quite nice, as it's based on one of the more popular fictions of today. Reminds me of good days :))

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