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Everything posted by Burns

  1. General rules is not exactly what judges are for, it's more of a case-by-case thing... What you're looking for is a parliament's job I'll happily give some input and lay out what i'd definitely rule as abuse (if proven), but i'm not going to bind all future rulings to this discussion. So, if you want a post from me, it'll be all the things you definitely can't do as far as i'm concerned, but that doesn't mean that the things that are not on the list are okay in all cases. If you find something like that helpful, i'll try my best to provide a useful list... But i don't consider this the job of judges.
  2. At a glance, my first draft would be like this: Both parties are acting within the rules of the game, so we're not talking punishments. Nadrolski is using a Mur-spell accessible to several players, which is limited to being used on people who abuse shared items in any way. Mur claimed that he'd specify abuse cases, but didn't, so we'll have to work off what we have. Abuse cases laid out by Mur so far are a) having more than one of the same type, b) hoarding on an alt. Starting from there, his intentions seem to go towards using legislatior items to make sure that the items remain accessible to a number of people, where the 'number of people' is defined by the number of items he's providing for each type. I'd think that the factor 'availabilty of the items' needs to be differentiated from the factor 'availabilty of resources', as Mur has stated several times that depletion of resources is something he wants to have in game. Thus, taking several items of one type out of the game on one account is definitely an abuse. I'd even argue that having more than one of a type on one person is an abuse, since Mur made it clear that he doesn't want hoarding on alts, and neither having more than one on an account. Taking that to a stretch, we could argue whether it's hoarding to have one item on one account, and another of the same type on an alt (which i'd agree to if i had to), but one item per person per rotation is definitely not an abuse case Mur had in mind. The argument of Nad has merit as well, since depletion of a resource means that other people can't use their items while they have it. It makes no difference to a player whether he has no bucket, or whether he has a bucket, but no options to use it, the result is the same: no water dowsed. However, there are several instances when Mur has laid out that he doesn't intend for people to be able to use their stuff too easily, specifically in relation to resources. For example, he's made cauldrons team-based, and set up big stacks of resources in remote locations, both making it harder to use your resources. So, i think we can safely say that Mur didn't mean for depletion of resources to be a case of abuse by default. On the other hand, since the interpretation of Mur's rules leads to making items available to people, and having an item available, but un-usable would be pointless, we can also safely say that depleting all places at all times is an abusive practice. That leaves the grey zone of abuse between those two: Depleting one location is acceptable, depleting them all is not. So, from my point of view, it boils down to the question how badly darkraptor depleted Marind Bell, and that's something i don't know as of yet, and it might be that his first use of the legislator item was justified. However, it seems that nad banned darkraptor from the buckets for 2 consecutive weeks, and it's simply not possible for dark to do something abusive with a shared item while he's locked out of said shared item. Granted, Mur talks about guarding the items from abuse, but if each case of abuse was enough to preventively lock out people for a prolonged period of time, there would be no way for them to rehabilitate, so that seems to be taking it too far. So, without judgement on the lockout dark posted about on july 21, the lockout he posted about on july 29 seems unreasonable, and unless there's proof of dark doing something abusive with MB's water resources between july 21 and july 29, i'd be highly inclined to rule in favor of darkraptor for that one. Again, that's draft version, without looking for specific MB rules (i actually don't even know if such exist) and without getting evidence from either side. If you want a case specific, 'final' ruling, it'd take some evidence, and i'd need to check for all the specific rules. [Also, in case you didn't notice: If nad depletes resources or not might be a psychological factor, but it doesn't make a difference to how he uses his legislator stuff.]
  3. stop spaming, i'll remove without comment from here on out
  4. He looks sort of... half-finished to me :/ You'll get a reward of your choice, obviously, but i think he'd be tons more impressive if you gave him a paint job and wings, maybe with a plastic bag? Also, another reminder, we really want to see your hands on those pictures, to see what kind of size your finished drachorn has, give him a pat on the head or something
  5. Removed some spam Will the East be an elective monarchy from now on? Where the leaving king appoints the new king? Actually, is that even elective, or maybe sort of hereditary?
  6. It's been a while, but an angien with just 1 VE would do nothing in the next round, wouldn't it? It'd give a nice twist to ritual creation to purposely use suicide angiens to take out the strongest enemy, and have it still standing afterwards, resulting in a 99-100 win... i'd probably give up a slot for that in some cases, sounds like a nice idea to me
  7. Interesting thoughts about the 'reality' of creatures and them being memory, though that should probably go to a split if it goes on. Concerning drachorns in particular, i'll have to add from a mechanical point here. You don't recruit drachorns in the lair (currently), so i think the concept Aeo laid out doesn't apply to them. You might be right about the recruiting places and processes (also consider how elementals can be recruited at 2 separate places), however, the lair works differently. You can't recruit a drachorn there (from a mechanics point of view), but only 'take' things from the lair, if that makes sense to you all. You don't enter the place and pay VE, VP and AP to get a 'copy' of a creature, like you do at recruiting places. What you do is using the Melodic Charm to put the big drachorn to sleep, and then you're able to sneak one of his treasures, or one of his babies, away from him. Mind you, that doesn't give you a 'copy' of anything. The lair is stocked with several items and a bunch of baby drachorns (most of them in hatchling state as of now, some are still eggs), which all have a unique ID already, unlike the creatures you recruit normally, which don't 'exist' until you make your copy of them, hence getting a 'fresh' ID. So, while thoughts on recruitment might be good, i think they don't apply to the lair.
  8. More of a misunderstanding than a discussion imo, i'll consider to move this to Q&A so guests can see this
  9. Burns


    Seems i almost missed my chance, as there are threads about the next drachorn guy already... Just wanted to put some sort of official closure to my reign here, too. As most of you know by now, i've resigned from the spot this forum is about, mostly due to lack of time and energy to make the sort of quests you folks deserve. I haven't always agreed with all of you, and i'll gladly admit that i liked some of you more than others, but speaking for myself, i've had an amazing time, and i hope that some of you had a bit of fun with the way i handled this part, too. So long, and try to not get in touch with me role-wise from here on out
  10. I think that this 'age' might be somewhat problematic to add to roleplay as it is right now, because i can't find a reasonable way to connect things that happen in normal gameplay and 'getting older' very well. Normally, age brings wisdom, but old age (talking 70+) also brings a sort of fragility. In MD, your character always gets stronger and stronger, never weaker. The longer we play, the more AP we get, which would translate to jumping higher. Our creatures get bigger and stronger, so we punch harder. Our VE pools and stats keep growing, too. Generally, the older player will have an advantage over the younger player. You could very well argue that we're all just 'souls' floating around, so higher age makes higher wisdom, and that makes us better at pretty much everything. If that's your argument, though, i can't see how 90 or 100 should be the 'life expectancy', why would a floaty soul constantly get better at everything and then, one day, lie down and die?
  11. I like that one, i suspect a typo in the total days count, but it's a cool result And i bet you put a hack in your algorithm so you'd be younger than dst, Grido and Chewie
  12. Thanks everybody
  13. That's... just... awesome I love that variation, it looks all spontaneous and fun we need to make a new thunder dragon, just to reward you You have to pick your reward, if you want to treat it more privately, send me a PM about it. Congrats
  14. In addition to Chewett's closing: Removed all the posts that didn't relate to the thread. Since that covers all the reported posts (and then some), consider this the 'response to all reports', if you will: Yeah, those posts really didn't belong in here. Thanks for keeping your eyes open :)
  15. Either way, please also consider that many people have invested a WP to gain access to the Graveyard (Tormented Souls location). Mind you, i don't think that should be an argument to open the land, i'm just throwing that out so you folks don't ignore it when making a decision. Either of the 'social solutions' might/will make people ask for refunds, and it'll likely be messy and time-consuming unless you prepare for it.
  16. BUMP Due to a recent report we got, the mod team started a sort of internal discussion about what reputation should be used for and how it all should work. I halfway remembered this thread, so we decided that 'every now and then' is more now than then. To spark the discussion, i'll summarize what we talked about internally: 1. Should reputation be used for all posts you generally like, or just for posts with content you agree with? (Think of +1 on birthday wishes, hello-threads etc. compared to +1 for input on game development discussions etc.) 2. Should all subforums yield reputation, or should some be excluded? (again, think of say hello, goodbye or something else compared to new ideas) 3. Should reputation stay indefinitely, or should it 'decay' after a while? I'll post up our personal opinions at a later point (if still needed), but as mods, we thought that this was not really a discussion about some rule we should figure out internally, but more of a community thing. After all, you guys (as a total) need to be happy with out work, else it gets pointless. So, happy discussing! EDIT: Also, you're obviously not limited to the 3 things we came up with, if you have any other input, let's hear it! :D
  17. I is going to be a judge! I can haz phenominal cosmic power... in an ity bity living space :D

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. MaGoHi


      congrats burns

    3. Nimrodel
    4. Eara Meraia

      Eara Meraia

      gratz Burns! And may you never do alpha type errors ;P

  18. Voting for Nimrodel
  19. I don't think it's a wise move to spread out what little population is here currently over even more MP-levels. I think it'd actually be an interesting time make the world a bit smaller again instead of bigger, and simple throw out MP7, MP6 and MP4. If you feel the need to give some people special powers, give them spells, but don't take away even more target-able population.
  20. Really cool, great details considering the size of it :D You're definitely grabbing a reward for that, you just need to choose between a WP for yourself, a drachorn egg, and 2 WP codes (that means you don't get the wishpoints for yourself, but you get the codes to award someone else with them. Refer to the announcements about how WPs should be given out, in case you want that). If you don't want people to know what you picked, you can send me a PM about it, too :) For everyone else, maybe try to find materials other than clay from now on, we've had quite a few of those already. Good work still gets rewarded, of course, but it'll take a lot of details for clay drachorns from here on out.
  21. I'm totally up for some jail time! Just drop me there whenever, i have no clue when i can be online :(
  22. Moved to Q&A and adapted the title
  23. Found a bunch of people active tonight, and we had a little riddle fun :) The scores are: Aethon 6 Nimrodel 5 Jubaris 4 Sunfire 3 Clockmaster 2 Miq 1 Thanks for the fun time, and merry holidays to all of you :D
  24. I feel quite lonely :( I'll try to find another time, but can't make promises yet. Was quite a hassle to be here now, might just throw the riddles out ad-hoc for some random christmas gathering. See you around, folks.
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