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Everything posted by Burns

  1. Ah, now i see why we all only talk about our own items... the announcement requested it XD Wodin's Seal Fragments could have a permanent key to Gates of Ages and/or Howling Gates, living the spirit of the good ole warrior is a bit hard when you don't have access to your homeland to rest and no access to the enemy-lands to study their ways -.- And, on the evil ole selfish note, the seal could be attached to a drachorn, giving a (untradeable, since fixed to the seal) Golemus-Drachorn to its beholder, and taking it away again when the fragment is given away ^^ My Rapier, like almost any sword, could have stat-boosting abilities... but honestly, that'd be boring xD I'd like it much better if it 'killed' mystical beings like the description says... probably 1-2 uses per spell-recharge interval, time spent dead 10 minutes and stacking, meaning the first time you get killed it lasts 10 minutes, the second time 20, the third time 30 etc. Maximum 1 hour at a time, though Argh, can't keep it to myself: We have 'birth-stones' for almost all months, they could have the ability to give 200 luck for 24 hours once during their specific month, YAY for birthday presents!
  2. I do torches mainly becasue it is a fun thing to do, bit of teamwork, but of socializing, bit of plowing through the rows off opposing weaklings...^^ Of course rewards make it all nice, but the fun part is more interesting to me Of course it is totally useless for people who are not in one of the main land, and citizenship is not yet implemented, for all your 'normal players' out there, it's basically pointless to play... hopefully we get citizens soon =)
  3. It's not case sensitive... i get my avatar by entering '*burns*' xD apart from that... i left out the id= part, and it still works :/ script: [php]echo @content[0]; @vn=@input['name']; mds_player_avatar(@vn); [/php] html: [html]<form method="post" action=""> Enter a Playername and see his/her Avatar!<br /> <input name="name" type="text" /><br /> <br /> <input name="submit" type="submit" value="Show me your looks!"/><br /> </form>[/html]
  4. Everybody can see their own k-docs, but nobody else can unless you are part of a k-group
  5. i was amongst those who lost connection, but everything back to normal by now... was a very short downtime^^
  6. 2 gold coins bad luck XD
  7. Burns

    Wtb Santa

    If you are interested, meet me at GoE
  8. I know the answer!! Will i get a WP now? =P
  9. Had you bothered to read the topic, you'd see that Chewie posted all he had to say in post #6 -.- And, no, neg rep is not a thing to give to foul language, that's what earn people warnings and mod previews, negative reputation is what you give you stupid posts, incoherent posts, useless posts, and posts that state things you don't agree with^^ apart from that, i think that dst is an evil person who hunts people just for her personal fun, but she's doing it damn good her prey, on the other hand, is usually doing anything they can, and nothing really good, just like this topic, which turns around a demotion instead of dst's evilness in the end...
  10. there is no point in deying that loss-problems are completely self-made problems, but most people are not capable of undoing their mistakes that easily... When did being a likeable person save you from the attacks of fighters? It might have helped against the socalled roleplayers, but those are not interested in fighting either way, they sit out at GGG or hide in a sanctuary, as Phan already elaborated. When no weak prey is left, what should people do? Ask evil fighters for victories and hope that they don't feel like smashing them right away? Or ask selfrighteous roleplayers, who'd rather see them dead than help them, even when they take advantage of fighters-knowledge all day long themselves? There are no Gargants and Glaistigs and Sagewomen on the playground anymore, all that is left is Sparrhawks, Dayredeemers and Clock Masters who will gladly help anytime, but at the same time take what they need from the poor soul asking for help. You are in a position to not care for balance anymore, for you are one of those who never fights either way, and as long as nobody comes to demolish your balance deliberately, you won't ever get into troubles. Others do, simply because they didn't know that they'd be screwed when they got too many losses, and are too weak to make up for them. There is no flashlight pointing you to the 1000-mark and telling you that the game is over when you reach it, and anybody who hasn't been there to see what happened when it was implemented will probably never know until it's too late call it RPG as much as you wish, 20% of the people play a fighting game here, and 'duel' with the GGG-alts as long as you wish, there are some who feel like actually fighting, and lose in the process. A place for those should exist, instead of one where people 'train' without the blood sweat and tears of fighting.
  11. oh, farming wins off alts is alt-abuse? hmm... intersting... how many of those MRs are actually being played?... and, victory without loss is not just possible, it's even easy, Battilaa already explained how to do it in the first post
  12. I have also been against the idea of farming wins on sacc-creatures for free, and still people seem to like it, so why not give that victory thing a chance, too? I don't see its future myself, because all those grinder weaklings from GGG would much rather stay off balance to avoid honor issues and scream fire and revenge(/call MRD to help them -.-) when they get the few welldeserved losses that push them over the brink, but i'm sure battilla invested more than the few seconds of thought in it that i just put in to write this post... Good Luck with your idea, whereever it ends^^
  13. Wodin didn't have any realistic chances of winning against anyone after bigC stopped training it, though... and these days, even the strenght of Shadowseeker and Leixer won't impress anyone unless tehy want to kill them, really XD What can they do? Kill violators? Whoa, impressive... Since violators are either strong enough to not care, or alts who violate on purpose, there is really SOO much harm in an attack that unbinds my defence and possibly kills one of my creatures, or, mur beware, takes .08 off all my stats... And just another thing i want to add at this point, the reason why so many irresponsible warriors are around are exactly GGG and dojo, if they had actually been fighting a few times before they reached 3k attack, they'd know that it's no good to dish out losses to anybody alive, and they'd know how to gain their wins and stats without dealing losses to the people who can't afford any more... But, one rant a day, and i already had mine... I think that the SG should stay where it is, it's fine there, and there are enough community-based means to punish people who feel like pushing poor Firs and other helpers further towards the stat-brink, simply exclude them from the things you run, be it quest, party or training-session... They don't have to adapt if they don't feel like, but we surely don't have to adapt to them, either!
  14. lol, hello again... no poking me! =P
  15. Happy B-Day Bunny! We should gather all your minions and celebrate your awesomeness with a pot of carrot-soup! =D
  16. hey, something just crossed my mind... so i have to write it down, else i'll forget about it xD Some time ago, the equip-weapons were changed to give a %-based boost instead of absolute numbers, and i guess that was done for a reason (namely because of massive abuse with sun god and medusa sets on alts, i think) What still remains unchanged, though, is the house and ally-boost, which makes newbies massively stronger, too With upcoming citizenship, which might or might not include house boosts for citizens, maybe those boosts should be revised, too... It's not too much of a problem with allies since those are pretty limited and rather role-based, even when some seats in allies seem to be taken mainly for the house-boosts and regens, but with citizenship, which will most probably be given out on a larger scale than ally-seats, people might tend to pick a land solely for the purpose of stat-boni, and the abusive character would be a lot bigger when people can't be attacked by higher mps as it happens in allies
  17. Same as Chewie, to me it feels like very special quest rewards getting sold... Of course it's just one morph and one darkling, it could be a lot worse, but i definitely hope that there'll be some nice quests for those, too, cause.. you know... it's one thing to buy the colored crits that are basically a normal crit with a bit added strenght, but something completely different to buy a creature that's not for sale normally :/
  18. when i fight against people in my range, it's mostly kill or be killed in round 0 XD When i take wins off considerably weaker opponents, it usually takes exactly as long as i plan it to take, usually around the middle/end of round 2, that's pretty much all the insecurity i can afford
  19. slightly decreased defence-stat... YAY for Order of Entropy xD
  20. What MP level are you? 5 Are you in an alliance? Yes How long does a serious fight (a real fight/duel, not giving out bursts or GGG trainings) usually take you? 2-3 rounds when training new crits, 0-1 when traing for sacrifice How many rounds do you usually think is a "long duel"? Ally limits it pretty much... i'd say 5 rounds make a pretty long fight, though
  21. Just as a note: I could care less what mp4 do to each other, that's kinda their own problem, and same goes for aged mp3, but taking away massive ammounts of VP from a _starter_, as in less than 5 active days, is screwing them in a way that simply makes them quit for good... It's a different case when people need to wait for age on their crits and stuff, but when they don't even HAVE crits, or need to get them upgraded to keep on playing and get a grip on the basic fighting mechanics, then, and only then, they need protection from negative VP Turning down negative crit-xp for mp3 might be a nice idea, those alts can screw any creature that is not yet maxed beyond repair, and the players suffering from that might quit as they advance to mp4 when they don't see much of a chance to defeat anybody anymore... But I think that you can win on mp4 with level 1 crits as well, specially with SG still kinda-alive that shouldn't be too much of an issue
  22. This is a ONE DAY-newbie who got some beatings with regen, ONE DAY!! We had troubles on that front with that Wishing Star-jerk for some days now, and there were incidents at other times, too, but on that occassion, we DO need a solution! [For those of you who have been used to GGG and burst-farming for ages now, 300k neg VP means that this newbie is unable to buy and upgrade creatures for a whole effing week, which is basically the end of MD for him, 'cause who waits for a week to buy the most basic crits _before_ knowing how this game works?!] I dearly hope that something is done about this to set a precedence, and that some lasting solution can be found, for banning each one seperately AFTER they did the harm is a bit pointless... Do people not apply any common sense when they want to win HC? -.- PS: Dear Mods, i didn't know where to put that, please move as you deem fitting... oh, PPS: Since Warpig didn't answer anymore, and most probably never will, and i don't have too many tools here, i don't know for sure if it was Wishing Star or not, I just assume it because i heard about 5-8 complaints about that acc in the last few days
  23. lolz, no, uppercase brings no result at all, i guess because the function is written in lowercase 'tradevalue' results in restricted language 'tradev'.'alue' and similar things that seperate the _val_ in some way leads to 0 'trade'.strtoupper(v).'alue' or uppercasing the T and anything else only got me no results at all... ://
  24. might it be that battleswon-function doesn't work yet? i tried exchanging cid inthe most basic script from cutler (post6) with various other variables and had them echoed, and battleswon refused to work... unfortunately that was the one i wanted xD so, is it the function not being working yet or a typo in the description you made, or something else i'm not aware of? for this one time, [s]it's not about me coding it wrong[/s], uid, cid, id, experience and age work perfectly fine with my script... yeah, i'm a bit proud of that [color="#000080"] >.< Darn, of course it was about my coding abilities... again -.- Thanks for your help^^[/color] since we're at it... those are the stats of apollo, the empty fields are functions that don't work: id: 276671 uid: 53832 cid: 33 tokens: claw1 dateborn: 1242880400 transfercount: 2 [color="#FF0000"]tradevalue: 0 ( <-- that should be something over 200 for Apollo, is that my fault again? >.<)[/color] customname: Apollo vitality: 5000 level: 6 experience: 605983 battleswon: 701 age: 225 okay, solved that so far... but tradevalue, even written as 'trade'.strtolower(v).'alue' always gives me a 0 as result so far... and i dearly hope that getting a 0 out of it is not my fault again :/
  25. neg 6! We should go and mess the contest some time, that was fun back then =))
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