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Everything posted by Burns

  1. well, if you intend to go and spread how to use that, then Mur will have to solve it, if you manage to keep your mouth shut, like generations before you since dst first created an empty rit (if it even was dst... i only know that it was known before i was in this world xD) then we can keep on living with the issue... but i guess you are going to sell that info, too, right? XD
  2. I taunt you every now and then when you don't allow me things like flirting in the cabin or crucifying annoying newbies, but seriously, you do your inquisitor/manager thingy really good when it comes to actual actions that have to be taken, even when the way you talk to your slaves isn't the best at times =P
  3. even the looks of creatures are considered a spoiler xD buut... i like the idea, i think it's not considered too spoilerish to have the icons public, newbies could find them with browsing through profiles, too what i like a bit less is the losing age-part, while having no troubles with training them anew, waiting again would be a major pain in my butt with the requirements of, say, (spoiler) drachies and angiens, in fact enough pain to not immortalize them... maybe cut back the age losing to losing 25% of their age? they can lose all the rest from my point of view... i think that it should come with a prize so that the bragging value is higher, but not with _that much_ waiting for a second time -.-
  4. about woodman: i stopped bothering when i realized that i'll never understand the riddles of Zlei and Firs xD in general: i like your riddles, yeah, i really do, but i don't bother doing any quests of yours because it's nothing but riddles, and one of them WILL fry my brains, so it's basically pointless to work on a riddle for days, there is no hope of getting something that's not a deadly riddle again... i simply don't have the time and brain cells to work up your quests for 30-40 hours LOL i don't think you should lower the level of your riddles in general, there are enough other, easier quests out there, but you shouldn't be offended when nobody comes around to solve your riddles, either... until, at one day, THE ONE comes to beat your riddles to pulp!
  5. Rawrr! Indeed, this is a place without any Inquisitor interferance... just Wookies passing by xD

    So, what are you doing tonight, cutie? *winkwink*

  6. *tilts his head* cute...

    *looks at post-count* but not very talkative xD

  7. okay, let's see... It wouldn't be right to have an feature that gives you freedom to PM anyone, that's abusive, only people who sign up at the office can be PMed there (which would most probably also be easiest to code, since Rendril already mentioned he could do such a thing) then, costs: it has to cost something for the user, not the one who gets messages through that office LOL the people who leave their names at the office do so to make sure other people who need them, but never meet them, can send them messages, i used to do that by leaving traces in a place where nobody talks, but that didn't help much most of the time... I think it would be a pretty interesting, and easy to code, 'cost' if you could only use the post office to leave a message for someone once every 12 hours, this avoids spamming and is enough reason to think twice before sending a message through it and, when i talked about the messenger i was making a veteran-joke (MD-ish aequivalent to an insider-joke), of course that's codework, not an opportunity for people who have nothing to do with their lives to run around, scream 'have you seen..?' even more and even feel important when doing that LOL
  8. [quote name='LadyDawn' date='28 December 2009 - 12:35 PM' timestamp='1262000121' post='51255'] Maybe the Post Office at special place would be for that in order to maybe prevent spamming... Like you need to get to that place to send such mesage but it would also cost you a nice amount of AP... perhaps... [/quote] I do like that part of the topic, that might turn out to be some nice idea... Like, people who are often 'hard to find' or simply have some uncommon online times can sign up at the post office and people who need to message them can do so in the post office? Would make things a lot easier for quest-setters who stay mostly in one place... or, if that's _too handy_, the persons who sign up at the post office don't get the messages sent to them, but have to go to the office and fetch them so they can read them? we could also start sending that strange messenger around to deliver letters, now that his role in AL is over, or at least on hold XD
  9. happy b-day, many thanks for keeping us busy and lively at the cabin =))
  10. lol, allow supporting your main with 2 accs? yeah, sure... that's what we always wanted to do... abusive helping is not allowed, and still it's done, period. murry can't come up with rules to stop that, it will still be done, just a bit more secretive and around one-three corners, if you understand enough about internet and his tracking devices, you can outsmart them. There is just one way to stop it, it's banning the people who overdo it, manually and one by one as the need occurs And that's not a thing Mur needs to worry about, he has a few advisors who keep their eyes open, when abuses run out of hand, he'll check and ban, a matter of 5 minutes, or check and decide to not ban, a matter of 4 minutes. that's my opinion on those matters... PS: strangely enough, 5 of my adepts got active all of a sudden after 5 months of being offline to fetch christmas presents LOL
  11. I'm not getting it... as usual XD I reduced the code to the very basic, recognize exactly one type of creature, with: [php]<form method="post" action=""> Pete the Bull stands guard, send the CTC's* of the creatures to defeat him<br /> <input name="ctc0" type="text" /><br /> <br /> //and i think you need to count up, not use 'ctc1' over and over again, Ren... not sure, though <input name="submit" type="submit" value="Submit"/><br /> <br /> <font size="1px">*Copy from "CTC" to "MDC", not the entire code</font> </form>[/php] [php]if(isset(@input['submit'])){ @vc[0]= mds_is_ctc(@input['ctc0']); if(@vc[0]) {@va = array(@vc[0]['cid']); if(in_array(array(33), @va)) {echo "you have defeated pete the bull!";} else {echo "pete laughs at your feeble attacks";} } else {echo "inva"."lid ctc(s) supplied";} // 'val' is restricted language } else {echo @content[0];}[/php] now i go and feed it with a creature 33 (bloodpact archer), and what does pete? he laughs at my feeble attempts of creating code =( Is it my code failing? is it me misunderstanding the cid-command? or is my poor ole Apollo not strong enough to attack petey? HELP PLEASE!
  12. I condsider myself a player with decent stats, not high, but enough to get over the day, but would still be sure that i'd be over most caps people would invent xD anyways, caps would very likely destroy my fun a bit, it takes the point out of fighting for me, and when my only everyday activity gets pointless, i wouldn't know what to log in for anymore :/ I do enjoy questing, and setting sadistic quests myself, and there are those occassions when chat is just too much fun, but that's 20% of my online time, and i don't feel like searching for those 20% when there is nothing to do in between... i'm still sticking to my former opinion, there just needs to be some counter-creature that doesn't help you ALL the time (for if it did, it wouldn't be a counter, but the new drachorn), but one that helps you in some very very specific circumstances, and people have tried bringing up ideas, but it's seemingly pointless anyways -.- people scream fire and hell when i want to force mp3 to stop godmodding, but you'd gladly force vets to stop it? at some point people should understand how to use creatures, that's what mur wants it to be like, so why not finally give them some creatures that are worth being understood? Angiens are a great idea, but in the end they help the grinders a lot more than the casual players... c'mon Murry, you can do better!
  13. unfortunately we saw that coming... i'm sad to see you leaving, but i'll make sure to remind people of you every now and then by simply beating the **** out of them with some pimped Grasans XD Good Luck, and tell us when that game you were planning goes online
  14. just so you get the impression: the common everyday drachorn deals about 1.500 damage, the average rusty-rit 30.000, and the 'strong' drachorn rits start with 75.000... per strike, of course
  15. much better than tweaking and banning drachs is creating a drachorn-killer, imo A creature for the sole purpose of defeating a drachorn, which always kills a drachorn, and generally ain't no good with killing other things, i think that's how strategic creatures are supposed to work in a game which is free to play and where 'newbs kill vets' when they have some strategy... btw, this is no new idea, i posted it 9 months ago, but nobody cared LOL http://magicduel.invisionzone.com/topic/2801-gg-creatures/page__view__findpost__p__27271 that would probably need some tweaking now to fit in with the 'new' setting, specially that darn focus attack would obviously need haste/first strike qualities, going before any init-tokened bad-ass-critters, and slaying exactly those, while being almost useless for any other combat situations due to little VE and just one targeting option... just to throw in an idea different from limiting drachorns^^
  16. I'm sober, but thinking along the same lines... I got a shop reset this year and my gifts are there, getschi didn't and his gifts are gone... might be coincidence, but i doubt it xD
  17. Snowmen are no fun, SnowKNIGHTS ftw =)) unfortuantely he didn't get no cute face like Observer's... but does a knight really need a face? xD http://magicduel.invisionzone.com/index.php?app=gallery&module=images&section=viewimage&img=1026
  18. ah, someone bumped this... If you edit, please set Bunny, Grido and me as leaders of GG, i'm just the one who actively gathers loyalty XD
  19. [u]They took my job![/u][i] Dey dook ma joob![/i] [b]Dey turk mah jerrrb![/b]
  20. uhm... that sounds strangely like the LH-messaging system already in place, just with out-of-game means... not very consequent, imo...
  21. we also could go as far as assuming that it's deliberate, since the first reports date back to 3 weeks ago and it's an issue even mp3 run into, not like the bugged mp6 spells nobody really cared for since just 4 people were involved LOL it also would be fixed in the blink of an eye if he felt like, so i would now dare and go lean faaar out the window and say that mur saw it as abusive, specially since the information how it could be used to get things you didn't deserve was publicly available on some people's papers even...
  22. 99, as in Graz 99ers =D
  23. Burns

    Little Or Lot?

    awi just pointed it out, if you want to leave a lasting impression on this world, you need to be a specialist question is if people want to go through that trouble, though XD personally, i think that knowing a lot about 'your field' is necessary to earn money and advance in that field, maybe to the point of achieving new knowledge there, but still know enough about life, the universe and everything to avoid the mistakes Fenrir's friend made and to have a nice life in general, if you can only think about your job, you won't get happy...
  24. mhew... awii goes and messes people's minds XD red: the bar Awii talked about, which shows when next regen will come in a graphical way instead of just the timer blue: the thing xPo looks for, and which Grido doesn't want to explain... shame on you, Mr. LHO Commander =P to relief you from your agony: when it goes to top, AP, VE and VP will be refreshed oh of course... can't use this extension -.- http://storenow.net/my/?f=1350
  25. I can't speak for all quest-creators, but i think most would like more reward-codes better than wishpoints to spend themselves... i mean, sure, getting one or two as specail reward would be nice, but it would lead to a huge decrease in quality of quests, and insanely increase the quantity of quests, leading the system ad absurdum, if every bloody stupid action you do is part of a quest, where's your own role? i'd like it much better if WPs were limited to questees, questers can do other peopels quests anyway, it's not like back then when RPCs were the source of WPs and it was frowned upon when they did quests of other RPCs, now any quest could bring WPs and anybody can participate if they want to, so there is no reason to give out Wishes for the quest-creators imo... unless something is really brilliant and time-intesive, like Cutlers quests, then appropriate rewards would surely fit, but that's already being done anyways LOL so, to conclude: i'd like it better to get more reward-codes for being a good quest-creator and do more evil experimental quests, than get a WP and buy something in the shop for the bragging rights, and i don't think that i'm the only one with that opinion
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