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Everything posted by Burns

  1. Burns

    Races In Md

    that's cause he's an RPC and why i said that this could be an option for wishshop normal players like you and me don't get an option to have a fancy chat name, we are ghosts when using invisibiliy XD
  2. *searches for a 'mark all posts with neg rep'-button* Why would the Tribunals need creatures? They are a neutral land... just in case you haven't noticed, Archives and Underground don't have any crits, either, maybe there's a reason for that
  3. Burns

    Races In Md

    actually, that would not be so much of a frog-spell, but rather customized Ghost/Invis-spell, like the one some RPCs already have... Would indeed be an interesting idea if the spell asked for the name you want to show in chat, instead of ~~ghost~~, maybe for an additional WP...
  4. if war came to a land, it would not be the king's task to be in the line of fire, that's what the military ally is there for... maybe a lot of things would have run smoother if Yrth had not been leader of Guerilla, too... Kings have a lot of things on their mind, and idk if it is smart to be one's own military advisor :/
  5. You CAPTURE, Cap'n... seriously, where is your piratey heart all of a sudden? i wonder how improbable it would be that it turned into the Crimson Blade :/
  6. heads are part of a contest you can't win yet, do people will hunt you when you have some as free roaming implies, you wander about and actually play^^ that's a lot harder, you'll need to find people who do sparring fights with you to make sure you don't gain too many xp... but it really doesn't matter too much if you get xp fast or slow^^ another thing you'll need to toy around with and see what happens... the more % you invest, the more of your own VE your creatures will get, and the more you can lose, basically... though it's of course easier to win when you have more vitality =D
  7. hmm... since debug is a mouse, whether by accident or intentionally, it can't contain the question, it only has the answer... then again, maybe it's not a mouse at all, but only uses this form of appearance to give us a chance of not dieing in shock when we see it XD If you indeed want to pick his brains apart, don't forget your towel... DB, it's completely normal to feel lost, this is the sort of humor you can't understand without reading the proper books first^^
  8. but completely aside of whether he was right to chuck Grido out, or Grido was right to not play against his personal role, and regardless of the light this stunt sheds on both of them, Grido has lost a lot there, and now he's truely free to rebel against the king if he feels like, and no matter if Yrth actions were justified or not, Grido has every right to start a revolt whenever he feels like, and so far, i have not seen Yrthilian able to beat him down on what he's doing... as to the topic at hand, i'm pretty indifferent about it, Yrth did a good job on that king business in times of peace, and took a lot of steps i personally couldn't agree with in times of tension, though they didn't seem to harm Golemus, either, soo... *shrugs* I don't know if his role would suffer from losing the crown, and i don't know if the crown would suffer from losing his face/getting lost at all and being replaced by a sword similar to Woody's leadership, and i've yet to see pro and con-arguments on this topic... and as you all love to stress the 'all is fair'-point, i don't think that's the case for a Golemian knight, the Sentinels are the ones who go to any lenghts and use any means -.- (says one who is known to do a lot to achieve his ends)
  9. you do know that you have too much time to ponder your twisted thoughts, don't you? XD none the less, a very interesting thought... but if the debug acc is the answer, does that makes bug-using the question? given the idea that Mur likes questions over answers... OMG, do i want to think this to an end? O_o
  10. and maybe teufel just wants to start a major RP-thing and searches for support in the forums, too? you can base lots of things off this clockwork-drachorn-device, he already mentioned a few of them, which can be achieved with WishShop-spells, if he thinks he can get those spells, why would he not start straight away with working on a story for them? The item might appear in the process, some time, specially when a lot of people are involved ^^
  11. Mist Thereof (ID:171042) has no orange piece to start with Freddy Krueger (ID:163024) doesn't have one, either what do you mean it being no bug? ... well, i guess it doesn't hurt to keep track of them either... people who know more can easily ignore it or have it deleted XD
  12. you're facing a big problem because there is no such thing as a fair fight anymore, at no mp-level, and never since people started staying at mp3 én masse, there is a HUGE difference between older and newer people even at the very beginning people generally have issues with losing their crits, and therefore bash on weaker players, and on mp3 and 4, you have not the slightest chance of surviing an attack of someone who is stronger than you, then there's the fact that you only have 16 slots, and bang, newbies are scared away from such battle fields. specially when older players are out to kill, there is simply no point in trying to defeat them, because by the time you figured out how to kill them (if there is a loophole in their rits), the creatures you need to do it are dead, or you have at least taken 10-15 losses on your dummies, which is simply too much for a lot of people who rather stay unexperienced in combat than get too far off balance in the process of learning how to do real fights. as much as i liked willows, it seems like a huge effort for naught to me... once people have seen a rit once, they can set it again without training, so they basically know all the strategies after a few hours if they really try it, and wouldn't come back to do the same thing again and again...
  13. @ Awii, no, it's just not as easy as that... we can never know if a player wants to return to MD some time and pick his old character up again, how would you like to see: 'Oh, sorry, your character has been hijacked and killed, you can't have it returned because he's dead, over and out.' We can make whatever we want of the mysterious vanishing of people, and even call them dead after some time, like they use to do in RL, but we can't take another players account and kill it for them, maybe even against their will. No matter how wrong it is to impersonate another character, it's a lot wronger to impersonate someone and commit suicide for them -.-
  14. 1. I think that a faction should be limited to a few scenes, maybe just one sanctuary, at the beginning, and as people start their first tasks, they get the ability to travel around, first on a few limited scenes, lateron all the land, and for a final task all the realm. (kind of like the tutorial) 2. The only real option is sending them to a faction right after leaving the first chapter of mp3, meaning after the fighting tutorial against the shades, but before they start actually playing. # 3. I think it could be as simple as marking PLs for scoring, when players manage to solve a task (which should obviously not be a totally hard quest anyway), they get a point for that, and that's it 4. An avatar related to the faction might be nice, but a tag showing your score? I don't think that would work out good, people don't need to have a lot of points to be able to help others, specially if tasks are not ladder-based quests, but to some extent separate quests/tests... Apart from that, everything would get a lot more complicated with centralized tags and scoring-systems, coded moderators would be needed, if one is not around for a week, things would get stuck... the less 'code-powers' the people involved have, the better, imo... 5. That could be something completely different for every faction... Just a few examples: Mage faction could get a few casts of a weak combat-spell Pirates could get a special weapon (equip-item) Crafters could get raw materials (RP-item) Archies could get a tiny chat-log-spell (30-100 lines) all to be handed out as they leave the faction, based on the points they achieved... maybe a spell like the mp3_key for two-three leaders of each faction? with seperate spells for the different rewards?
  15. you think i'm giving up like that? NOO... the further people are pushing the use of tokens and crit-boosts, the more interesting this thing seems to me, since it will take the claw3 first strike-kill off the field and give people a realistic chance to fight back, if they have nice ideas and invest enough VE... people should be able to make something of that, specially since token-users invest 0 def and VE in their rits most of the time...
  16. I see how important it is that some roles don't get lost, be it because of their powers, their history, their level of integration, whatever. However, I just can't agree with the use of old accounts just to keep them alive! An RPC is (/should be) working on his own role, and not keeping several accounts semi-alive, like it's done with Simply and Wodin! How should there ever be a history of the realm when nobody dies? I can see how it makes sense, for a short time, or for RP-purposes, to play with another account, like Yrth does with Khal, or like Ailith does with simply to get the quest finished. But how does the game evolve when important figures are forever undead, often playing in a completely different way than the 'real' characters did? Why can they not be the realms history, and once they are lost, why would not another player come and seek information about the old charcter and try doing what they did, find access to the powers they had, or succeed where they failed? Why do we need to cling to old names and give powerful positions to people who already have power over a completely different part of the game, instead of giving others the opportunity to do better? And one thing is sure: the more powerful accounts a player has, the poorer each of them performs! I don't think it's necessary to remind people of how Simplyzero suffered under Shoeps becoming RPC, or how little Wodin has been doing since he is under control of other players...
  17. Burns


    I'm using an alt to store creatures which don't fit in my own inventory. I tend to kill people just because i can. I have abused glitches in protector-spells, mainly because it was fun. I'm sometimes really evil with the newbies [insert lunatic laughter]. I create quests that destroy peoples clothing [insert another lunatic laughter]. I repeatedly, though without success, tried to destroy Bob. And of top of all that: I totally enjoy what i'm doing so, i'm not just a sinner, i even like being a sinner [insert a final lunatic laughter]! PS: does it count as confession if i'm not rueful?
  18. well, i have little 'normal' spells to toy with, but move and attacklocks seem to work pretty well on people far away... XD uh, edit: when i last tired, that is, i haven't toyed with them in months... only did that to a fleeing Jester once while i was on 6 LOL
  19. i'm not aware of any spell apart from spell_reward that can NOT be farcasted
  20. The Mistress has grown, and is now capable of moving about without the help of a Grasan to carry the corpse... Better watch out, they are now dealing with more than one opponent at once, and gather the strenght of lots of people all around... Soon Mistress Jiang will rech the full potential of the Berserker's body she is inhabitating, lock your children in their rooms and tell them to not answer when strangers knock at their windows... UPDATE: After killing over 300 poor souls all over MD, Jiang is almost completely restored. She grew fond of her new body, steeled from the fierce battles, and has found a blade to wield... i haven't asked where she got it, but it looks strangely like the Royal Long Sword from Willow's Shop... Anyways, her body was restored, but her magical abilities were not. Therefore, the Mistress asked one last favor from me: She needed my blood, since she felt the powerful spells which coursed through my veins, and i willingly made this final sacrifce, even though almost all my powers were consumed by it... Now she is truely back, the fearsome Jiang Shilith of the Lands of the East has returned, to bring doom over the lands of MagicDuel, and she is starting her crusade with the werewolves!
  21. DST!! Happy B-Day, evil clown^^
  22. Piratey Birthday Greetings, Leader of CCCCC
  23. I used my sparetime to follow some hints and legends and found a legendary Vampire of the lands of east, Jiang Shilith, in her long forgotten hideout in the Lands of East... hopefully it won't turn out too bad for me :/ [spoiler]: .Marvolo. Lays down at the bed and goes to sleep *Burns* gets up from his corner with a plan on his mind *Burns* walks over to the bed and throws Marvolo out of it, then kneels down besides it *Burns* cuts his palm and smears blood over the panels, hissing *Burns* pushes the panels again, and this time a faint click can be heard and the matress jumps a few inches up *Burns* gets up and pulls the bed open like a chest, finding three coffins under it, each of them with an inlay on the head end: a blooddrop, a black diamond, and a claw *Burns*: *slowly and fearfully opens the middle one* Mistress Jiang, i need your help... *Burns*: *stares at the empty coffin* Mistress...? *Burns*: (a voice, seemingly from everywhere, answers) you obviously do need my help, wolf... i'm just not sure if you will like it... *Burns*: What... what do you mean, Mistress? *Burns*: (Jiang) You obviously need my help to die, why else would you seek a Vampire, Werewolf? *Burns*: No... No, you misunderstand... the curse will soon be broken... *Burns*: I need your help to get rid of the Wolf who did that to me... *Burns*: (Jiang) Hmm... so you mean to say... you need me to help you? Are you not capable of killing a wolf, weakling? *Burns*: No, i'm not strong enough to do it on my own... that's why i seeked you out and dared disturbing your sleep in the first place... *Burns*: (A faint, almost transparent Soul begins to form in the coffin) As you can see, my own strenght is limited these days, too... *Burns*: (Jiang) I will need a body, else i'm incapable of using my powers... *Burns*: Preparations have been made, Mistress, i have brought three bodies from the Necrovion Graveyard... they are said to be pretty strong, corpses of the ancient warriors of the realm... *Burns* gestured his Grasan to bring the corpses, who lays them down in front of the bed before stepping back again, afraid of the ghost *Burns*: I have brought three, since the legend says you have two bodyguards... *Burns*: (Jiang) It seems you know quite a lot of my legend... why is that? *Burns*: I have been researching for a way to kill werewolves since this one here *gestures to Marv, who snores on teh floor* defeated me... *Burns*: In the process i heard of your legend, a Vampire-Mistress of extraordinary strenght, with two bodyguards, each of them carrying a mighty magical artifact... *Burns*: (Jiang) Impressive... I have been asleep for ages... I wouldn't have thought that anybody would still know my name after this time... *Burns*: (Jiang) But now that i am awake... I once more want blood to be shed in my name... Shigun! Liang Pa! *Burns*: (the coffins open and two ghosts rise from them) *Burns*: (Jiang) We'll help this young wolf... enter these bodies, and we shall get going... All of us will need to feed before our strenght returns... *Burns* watches the three souls step over the corpses and take possession of their new bodies *Burns*: (Jiang) We are used to stronger bodies, little wolf... Couldn't you bring us better ones? *Burns*: *bows his head* unfortunately, those are the best available... *Burns*: (Jiang) Well, they will do until we can get a hold of some which are more suited... Where do you store your weapons these days? It seems like this one lost his... *Burns*: They are not strong enough to wield weapons yet, m'Lady... *looks at the two guys who seem to like their bodies better* *Burns*: fortunately enough, you won't need any straight away, i have forces that are capable of helping you find victims until your strenght returns... *Burns*: (Jiang) Fine... I'll stay with you, on my terms... When I feel like leaving you, you'd better not try to hold me, though, no matter what you do for us... *Burns*: (Jiang) Unlike those perky little Vampires you are taming in Necrovion... don't look so startled, you can't hide your thoughts from me... unlike them weaklings, we are proud and strong... *Burns*: (Jiang) We don't accept humans as our masters, and won't bow to you, even though you were the one to wake us! *Burns*: That's fine, Mistress... I don't have any use for mindless servants, i need warriors... i need your strenght, m'Lady *bows* *Burns*: (Jiang) *cackles* Warriors? You have no idea of our strenght... We are much more than a simple warrior... and you were right when looking for our help... *Burns*: (Jiang) But now, get going, wolf-boy... this weak bodies needs blood... *Burns*: Of course, m'Lady... *wanders off, the three souls hovering behind him* [/spoiler] The Legend says that Jiang Shilith holds a valueable item, a Black Diamond, which makes her three times stronger than other vampires, and her bodyguards, Shigun and Liang Pa, are said to be fierce fighters, one of them with a drop of drachorn blood in his veins, which keeps him safe from freezes, and the other equipped with a claw of an unknown being, fueld by light itself, which proves to be an invalueable weapon in a realm of everlasting day... Only time will tell if those eastern Vampires are strong enough to defeat werewolves, but as of yet, they are too weak to challenge real opponents... They will hopefully soon shake off the aeons they spent sleeping and get stronger ( The names of the two bodyguards are completely made up, Jiang Shilith is a combination of Jiang Shi (that's the eastern Vampire) and Ailith, who made this turn possible^^ I intended to use the names of the two guards of the castle in The New Brighton Archeological Society, but i couldn't find their names >.<)
  24. i'm fully aware of how to lose VE without being touched by others, i needed to get my ass out of skill-dmg (without using mp2 LOL) but i'm sure that loads of people out there don't know how to do that and never botherd to learn that... i'm also aware of the fact that one can avoid vics, but that's pretty hard and not everybody can win that way just like that... apart form that, it'd be fine with me if you got any other ideas about how to get some activity back, my only one is making sure that newbies don't get losses when vets are farming them, i completely blame skill-dmg for the loss of players -.- i might be on the wrong track, yeah, but i won't admit that before it's proven LOL
  25. EDIT: An anonymous contributer came up with the following: Ok, situation right now is that people hide because they are afraid of getting stat damage due to too many lost fights. This results into less new "fighters" and as such only the strongest fighters are available to challenge (outside battlegrounds with specific rules). And they only want wins, not victories, which causes people to get losses when losing to them. Therefore, victories need to be more attractive. The initial post suggested a system that forces people to get vics, no matter if they like it or not, whenever they get a win. Mr. Anonymous, on the other hand, does only want people to lose a certain percentage of VE, which from some point onwards inevitably creates victories, and saves newbies from getting sheaths. Here's a simple little calculation: We take all stats and principles of a player, sum them up, and call that value X. Now, if X is lower than 5000, the player is not affected at all. BUT: X > 5000 => 1% > 10k => 2% > 15k => 3% . . > 100k => 20% strange figures, eh? What do they mean? They say, if a player with X > 10k fights and kills something 0-100, he won't get anything from the fight, no stats and no wins or xp on his crits. However, if he manages to lose 2% in the process, by whichever means, he gets all his rewards and a bonus for balance if he's in it. This means, players can simply beat up others til a certain limit, from there onwards, they have to use their brains to set rits that will give them something, and from X=50k onwards (that's quite a lot, but basically as much as the average grinder has these days), they can't gain anything from giving people losses anymore, 'cept maybe the satisfaction of beating them up. (<- this means, according to definiton of a loss, that the losing party doesn't get a lost fight-count if you are not merely bashing, but playing for gains! 90% difference) As the only problem in fighting currently is that vets can gain from stomping newbies and giving them losses, this should change the habits of high-stat-players if they want to grind on, and in the process give them victories which they'd like to lose again to get better balance rewards, ONLY IF they care to do so, nobody would be forced to do it before honor issues kick in.
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