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Everything posted by Burns

  1. and yet, i can beat 2 goddamn rusties with ease, actually without even making up a proper rit, while i will NEVER win against a darksky with some darkness... NEVER, even with some nice tokens and well, at second glance, i don't like my age suggestion that much, either, but start to like the stat-suggestion even more... once you have a decent fighting profile, you should be able to deal with tokens... and you can't play god-mod ith tokens that way, either, since you will sooner or later start to lose your token power and be reduced to 'real' fighting... (i admit, this is the opinion of a player who is not winning with tokens, and i can't turn off the selfish-mode that easily, but you also have to see that lifeline is one of the few players who kill anything with their tokens, while they would have at least minor problems if they were turned lower/off again)
  2. interesting thoughts... we have stopped quarreling over rusties because they are expensive enough, if people really want to buy them, they can also use them... they don't show their true value to people without golemus-drachs anyway, and for those, you need to quest or trade... mainly trade, these days XD tokens, on the other hand, come for as little as one (1) buck and have insane powers, in fact powers huge enough to destroy all the people who did pretty much stat-farming for a pretty long time... and, seemingly a way to get done with grinders, they are now just making grinders a thousand times stronger than normally, so i guess a nice way to deal with the issue might be making tokens progressively weaker with active days... like, i'm not sure about this since it just popped to my head, but how would it sound to make tokens start losing their power after day 150, with... say... half a percent a day, finishing in 0% (useless) tokens at day 350? of course that puts the issue of uselessness to some players, and all players after some time, at hand, but to me it would seem like a solution to make the tokens do what they should, give players a chance against the old-age-grinders... same could be thought about with stats (as mur is doing right now, i guess), starting to make them weaker after 500 atk, and ending in useless tokens at 5k atk (this is a random number i just came up with, don't hang me on that, please) to bring up the same effect, that i think to be the desired one...
  3. i'd rather think that 'normal' needs to be lowered... taking a look at several mp5s profiles, i guess anything over 600 attack is a fairly good fighter, and a lot of them have way less... though i'd say people who value their stats are around 500-800 normally i'd start good around 2k atk, too... and as Shadow has said, huge has no limits, they just usually don't want to give their actual figures away for some reason LOL i'd start my search for huge with dst, though XD some actual examples: huge: http://magicduel.com/players/dst really good: http://magicduel.com/players/*clock%20master* fairly good: http://magicduel.com/players/phrog hardly caring for battle: http://magicduel.com/players/*masterb* just started mp5: http://magicduel.com/players/phantom%20orchid acceptable mp4: http://magicduel.com/players/ladytwin
  4. actually, it's not so much about being unhappy or bored, but rather about having enough time for sex... while people are absorbed with working and raising their wealth, most of them are not taking the time for each other (lest you count the people under 25 in, too, but most of those are not doing it for reproductive reasons...), but when they have no job to attend, see little work in close future, and a glimpse of silver on the horizon, they will go and make babies, raise them during the depression, and once they need more than food and clothing, the parents expect to have a job again anyway... it's no coincidence that humans are programmed to have spring-feelings, babies born in winter could feed of milk during winter and were kept safe and close to a fire, while babies born in summer often died in their first winter because the had no extra defendance provided by mothers milk anymore... the same system also works with the economical cycle to a certain extent, people will raise children in good times, but for raising them in good times, they need to make them in bad times, that's nature's code
  5. have you yet stopped to think that people don't share your opinion on Kitti's slavery? lots of people are unhappy with changes, yet they turn out to be good most of the time...
  6. me thinks that Sage's rep suffered under the BloodPrinc issue, and that Fenrir is constantly posthunting with either useless or off-topic posts, in worst case both, and deserves all the rep people give him... i like the system, though i don't think it's necessary to store an overall-reputation on the profile (it's fun to look for people's overall rep sometimes, but eh, not really that interesting)... i like it more that i can see how other people judged a specific post, to see whether people in general think it makes sense, it's a good read, it's a nice point... of course depending on what the topic is about and it's a nice tool to 'punish' crappy posts or things you just wholeheartedly don't agree on/dislike/think to be stupid, and it reveals quite a lot about what people think of a topic, even when you can't see who gave that rep... me likes in general, but thinks the overall counter is more of a toy than a feature
  7. *starts counting how often Chewie already silenced people, and gives up after 20* ontopic: i think it's a pretty good idea, but perma ban for all accs might be somewhat harsh, even after 7 incidents... maybe rather do three turns on the month-ban, add a 3 month ban as #9, and perma ban at 10th? apart from that, good luck with tracing all alts... you could start developing your skills by finding all the 'breeders', 'soulkeepers', creature-holders' etc.etc. which are showing up in almost every country, main accs XD
  8. just cause she was a slave all her life doesn't mean she has to stay a slave... the dog who never leaves his hut will forever be afraid of the yard, and even the cats will laugh about him [don't know if you'd know that... it's what parents tell their children if they don't want to move out where i live] Khalazdad's appearance changed the ways of a many people, and so should his departure... apart form that, i'm pretty sure that he wouldn't like his wife to be anyones slave :/
  9. by that time, she was still the villian of MD, and played a guy... or was it still no one playing dst? i'm sometimes messing times... XD but one thing is sure, dst started being a woman somewhere around christmas/new year ^^
  10. killed
  11. hmm... your birthday has not yet started in my timezone, yet... very happy birthday you'll always be my favorite little Vampire =D
  12. ahmmm... seems you have yet failed to notice how deep stories the real roles have... of course the muffin-man will give out muffins when he's in the mood, the dark side has cookies, the fighters talk about fight... if you find a demon talking about hell, you consider it RP, too, so why not have some SERIOUSLY GOOD RP about muffins with Firs? or learn from a combat-pro? or join the dark side to get a free cookie? i'd consider most conversations about music, politics, astro-physics and such OOC, but even those issues are coverd by some chars in MD, just think of Bootes, the Celestial Observer... (unfortunately, i'm growing old... 80% of all people wouldn't even know who the Ninjunny or Acid-Hitler are...) idk what to say on the topic, since all the good points were already made... what i'd like to add though: no matter how crappy the idea of a role is, be it vampire, demon, pyromancer, elemental wizard, whatever, and no matter how overpowerd they are *cough*godmodders-with-even-knowing*cough*, one can make a good role out of it if they get their chance.... however, if you take your chance and waste it, don't come crying about not being respected as what you are... i don't respect anybody who claims to heal in 5 seconds after my Grasan crushed him, unless he has either hundreds of regen or thousands of power -.-
  13. Burns


    haven't you seen that episode? they turn purple... shame on you...
  14. happy birthday, goatboy... once you are drunk enough we'll assault Tree *mwahaha*
  15. hey there... why do you always quote the last post? kinda pointless, ain't it? xD i think we already met in the Cabin... good luck^^
  16. you can only store when you are over 1000 heat, mr. riddle... and it sometimes just fails to work even if you have 1k, don't exactly know why, though XD
  17. which you wouldn't find on Lazarus due to his mp3-ness
  18. actually i think it's pretty bright that people with such over-powers as dst, lifeline, eigger etc.etc. can't take heads anymore after they won their own medal, but i think that the same should apply for RPCs who mess heads... why should Raven get a way to decide who wins while dst doesn't? and why does he even get his way cleared by excluding everyone who is stronger than him? imo, it's just not okay that some people are allowed to mess with heads and others are not... it's good to exclude veterans to make it a bit fairer, but exclude some veterans so other have an even easier game with deciding the next winner? *three thumbs down, along with a 'not such a bright idea'-sticker*
  19. there is way too much that still gets lost on the way... any secret hints are lost if that gets implemented, you were forced to set straightforward, short instructions and riddles with clear, plain wording, can't have any plays on words, and the whole lyrical section of MD would be completely lost... *thumb down*
  20. happy b-day *throws a spam cake in Lib's face*
  21. and yet, wehre is the personal gain of a firefighter saving people from a burning house, to go for extremes? or do you also consider that not saving them would be a negative gain? if you think in such terms, then yes, we do everything to maximize our own gain balance, by doing things that give positive gain, avoiding things that give negative gain, and in worst case, going for the less negative gain. However, if you want to extent your definiton that far, it grows pointless because you are unable to attach an integer of gain to an action and count them up or down, let alone finding the right amplifiers for different persons and in which ways they are connected with each other... if you want that system to run, you need to keep it very simple, and say 'people do things for ensured gain' and 'people don't do things when the gain is unsure' however that system, as any basic system, fails in real life, because you don't have calculated that some people might run the risk of doing things for uncertain gains, or even do things that don't give them any gain at all when they have some sparetime... tell me, where is the gain of playing MD for your life? the gain of listening to classic music (more than once)? that's how your logic fails... the basic system is useless because it has too many missing facts, and the advanced model is too complex to work with since there are too many unknown facts and figures in there
  22. well, for you, the dream mutation is just a toy you can buy with one of your what? 16? WPs, but a whole lot of other people are not as witty as you are or simply lack the time to participate in huge quests, let alone come off first to get a WP, but would still like to collect all the creatures the game has to offer... and those could surely imagine trading some money for a rare creature... after all collectors all over the world spend loads of money for stamps they don't intend to use, cigars they don't want to smoke, wine they don't want to drink, etc.etc.... imo, 100 bucks for a dream mutation is not complete nonsense, just something unusual
  23. you'll need to wait until torch is over, i'm having that problem since this morning... luckily you don't get teleported, i need the Torch Comp as way to enter Necrovion for free *mwahaha*
  24. i've seen stormy online yesterday, so idk if he is still qualified... :/ on the other hand, i have no idea whether he'll have time and dedication to play again
  25. without suggesting people are trying to cheat here, some of the edges on your screenie look extremely ragged, while others are displayed just about perfect... i neither know nor care whether you have done some changes to that print-screen or if it's just crappy resolution, i just want to point it out...
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