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Everything posted by Burns

  1. lol, strange contest, me likes xD
  2. More experiments, this time not for fun, but for information. I'm not sure who'll be getting more out of it, but i think in the end there'll be something in it for everybody who cares And, since people don't do things lest there is a reward in it for them, rewards will be given out, probably even WishPoints.
  3. short: - easily abused for 'training' - not much chance to avoid constant hits long: + more hunting + more chance to recover a bit I like the way as it is now, with allies having that slight advantage, but i wouldn't mind all people having more time, say 15 minutes, before you can attack them again, and allies 30, or even the 25 of nowadays... I'm no friend of limits, but i think they are necessary, not only so people have a chance to recover, but also, an these days more than ever, to make sure people can't use them to train on alts like they do -.- edit: then again, it seems a little disappointing to newbies when they find a victim and can't attack it as they wish, so i think as long as there are only little people around to hunt, short timer has some advantages over long... Which doesn't change my mind about prefering the long one, though.
  4. never got login issues either, probably due to the fact i don't do that too often... I had some troubles fighting yesterday between 17 and 18 server, there were occassional breaks from 30-40 seconds in which nothing loaded... could probably be due to me, though, since my other pages tried some fun stuff at the same time, just not as long as MD :/
  5. hmm... mkay, that's kind of a point... thanks for the answer, spares me the trouble of bothering you ^^
  6. That's kinda normal, certain settings will make you appear without armor on the statue, i found it specially interesting while i decided to run about with bare chest... seems the system decided to drop my pants as well when i was out and about without breatplate xD Get better equipment, then it stops, til then it's just another graphic glitch ^^
  7. click into the text, use tab to go to next entry, that's going to be the edit-button, then press enter and you should be there
  8. Please, please do some changes to the Live Help Button! We have a bunch of LHOs form all over the world, and at elast one is active almost any time of the day, yet half the messages get answered a lot slower than possible, or not at all. Please just change the update procedure for the Live Help Button so that it searches for an online, not idle, LHO when the button is actually clicked, and not when the page is refeshed! I've been logged out since 9am, and got a Help Request at 10am, simply because the person who had a question had last refreshed the screen around 9 am, while i was still active and wandering the forest, so instead of getting an instant answer from one of the actually online LHOs, or in worst case getting a message that no LHO is available right now and that their request will be sent to the next who logs on (hey, 'nother idea), poor nebulus waited for over an hour until i could answer the very simple question that MD is a PvP-game, and that no training dummies were available for new crits. It seems as though private conversations with Grido don't make things change, so i'm posting here, wait for a few answers and probably more, better, and preferably easily coded ideas, and then i'm simply gonna poke people until Mur gets around to take a look and either do something or just tell me that there are too little requests and that it's not worth the effort to be coded differently. thanks for your attention.
  9. *Burns*'s Burning Love does energyburn to strong creature(s) of Azkram and: - Walking Tree 1 receives 384819 energy burn (attacking creature consumes 96208 Ve) creature DIES! No tokens.
  10. mhew, seems like i'm overrating jokers... due to lack in demand, close please
  11. Happy b-day! been a while since i saw you actually playing... xD
  12. I couldn't agree less, really. ad 1: I don't think that the realm needs lore. I thought that it needed some when i was yet too young to see that it already had living, grown history, the kind that is not written down in a book for us to read, but living in the people. That's something hard to understand for newcomers, and probably very displeasing because they can't simple click a button and get an update on the things that happened already, but need to ask people what happened, how it happened, and why it happened. A story-line to get there wouldn't be half the fun. There is no need to look even further back than to the first accounts ever, there once probably was to get started, but we are heading for 200.000 (!) accounts, there is quite a bit of history to base upon... ad 2: I'd go the other way round: People find out things about MD, deducted from history, personal experience, scenes, music, announcements and what-not, and when they are on the right track, they get confirmed by Mur. It's pointless to stumble on in darkness even after you hit the right spot, but as long as Mur interferes a bit, just a tiny bit, and makes things happen when people give the right incentives, like letting Khal reach the Sentinel, letting RJ into the lair, or having Alche read/or not read, can't remember, the Book of Principles, history will create itself. Idk and i i don't want to know how much of all that was predecided and how much just happened, since i like to believe it all 'just happened', but it doesn't matter really, there is no need to give people info for free, they can find on their own. ad 3: Me don't likes, because i fear that even more pre-written stories will find their way into MD. Most of the roleplaying is based upon something somebody edged out in their dark chambers, and when they decided it was ready, they forced it on MD, and i simply don't think that's the right way. And i don't mean that two people have ooc conversations about the general direction something heads to, i mean that they predecide step-by-step what's going to happen, and when outsiders interfere, they get ignored, or even worse, told that they were not supposed to interfere. A lot of things seem to be happening that way, and i'm sure that people invest a whole lot of thought in the stories they wrote, but MD should be written by MD itself, and not by the few who think to know better, and to be superior role-players. And unfortunately that's exactly what i think will happen when people can write AL, they send in their stories, and no matter what really happens/happened, those stories get published in just that way. uh, lots of spelling-issues... if you find any mistakes, you may keep them >.<
  13. Obviously the people who have soulweavers are only willing to sell for coins, not crits, so i'll change my offer to a bp, 0 age, a joker, 0 age, and a joker neglectable age (something like 20), to be sold for coins. Current bid for the bp stands at 16 silver, nobody wanted the jokers so far, reserve is 1 gold.
  14. Happy B-day, don't you go remove it! We wantz to know! =D
  15. Ah, now that's a great idea =)) I must say that i love the game now that it's beating me, and i like the way stats get hidden from the newbies with the ctc-addition... i was sceptic whether the game would still work without the topclass cards, but it's better than ever before now, congrats =D
  16. I want to part with a few crits, namely 2 jokers and 1 bp, all three with neglectable age, and a few imperials with max-age. What i want is a soulweaver, if nobody wants that deal, i'd sell to highest bidder in coins... or any creature i still need for collection, which would be like drach, wind drach and the really rare ones, shade, crit 13, darkling, or whatever else you might have on that range. reserve not yet decided.
  17. here goes some really nice head-count... try and beat that, folks
  18. But unfortunately i haven't seen an newcomers reach high age for quite some time, which is kind of the point, don't you think? What i have seen is a lot of people leaving first day, that's always been the same, but what i only recently (3-4 months) saw was mp3 leaving after two weeks, when they usually started to get a hang of how to work with crits, whom to chat with, and where to look for quests. Maybe i haven't seen it before, maybe i was just too blinded by the few i closely watched growing, but to me it really looks as though people left in mp3 _because_ they found the GGG, and the mp3 hanging out there, AND how little mp3 they can find anywhere else. It's not just that, it's also the current lack of player-quests most probably, but i'm a fighter, i always see the combat-related reasons as stronger than any others. I'm not arguing about the fact that i have my flaws, too, that i am cruel to newbies at times, and that i am part of the elders so many new mp5 despise so much, but i could count the fresh mp5 of last week who could despise me on one hand, and haven't seen many new faces on mp4 either, and since i do see a good pack of newbies in the cabin everyday, be it alt or otherwise, i find it very sad that nearly none make it to veterans. They said that those without sin should throw the first stones, but waiting doesn't seem to solve things this time.
  19. Hmm... history and society... Since Willow's guards were put up, people gathered there. A few were trying to beat them, took a little too long, and were nice victims, so the stronger few farmed them, groups of people attract more people, tada, willow's. Same happens with GoE every Head Contest and/or festival, a lot of people who don't care go there because a bunch of victims is there. Naturally, a few were better than the rest and kicked rears, which the strong kind of liked, and the kicked kind of didn't... imo, because they don't understand that losing is part of life, but anyways, they didn't like. Dojo formed, as safe haven for the rear-kicked people who minded getting kicked, but didn't manage to learn or grow from getting kicked, and dojo, lateron SG, offered them to learn and grow without getting kicked. It was close by Willow's, so people still met up, but largely didn't bother each other. GGG is something totally different, it was formed out of an attempt to get best and was secret, so only those who were in could get better and stronger than dst and such. Nowadays, it's plain stupid as a training-method, but people still like it because they still think that getting their behinds kicked hurts. Secret groups, well, they are kind of secret, so hard to tell... But the system was clear, gathering xp in defence, losing xp in attack, always with high heat and high stat-gains, those pretty much vanished when principles were capped... And alts are harder to pull off now, sicne that non-combat rule was put up, before that, they were kind of elite training, right crits on the alts, always perfect settings for the things you needed, and with a bit of time, you could grow far far over any other people with grinding off your own chars... If i wanted to summarize, i'd say that people generally only train in such protected fields because they are unable to cope with loss, but that's just my opinion ^^ Edit in response to Gremlin: Yeah, there are not many things happening to you, and i can easily tell you why that is: The people of GGG don't bother to look elsewhere, and a lot of us don't _EVER_ go there to promote something, be it party, happening or quest, if they prefer to stay out of my ways, fine with me, but don't expect me to leave my tracks to make sure you know what i'm up to right now. So... if i was partying every night, it'd go without you noticing.
  20. happy birthday^^
  21. Ah, clickables vanish, yeah, but all you have to do is give them a short, easy password and make sure it spreads properly... that way it stays forever, even long after you are gone, until the last person who knows the password is gone, too, and that's going to take some time, at least if your book is interesting
  22. You mean like Awii's book of the elders? Or like the library in MDAs? Or the K-docs? There's really tons of ways to store info in game, probably you just don't use them right...
  23. The rest of us doesn't know where to start... I'd rather go for crit-boost as major evil-doer (as in, use 'rusty and bp' as heading), but crit boost is unforuntately the one thing that makes people spend money, so :/ Oh, and might i add: http://magicduel.invisionzone.com/topic/5107-combat-balance-and-activity/page__view__findpost__p__53783 No harm done to tokens, crit boosts, and MDs income, and still a way to overcome all of it with activity and dedication... i think xD
  24. hot rpg games failed the third day in a row for me right now http://www.hotrpgames.com/in.php?sid=68
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