Why can't i ever just agree with Mur? -.-
[quote]As you enter MD world, everything in MD becomes a mirror of yourself. Your fantasy world merges with the one of other people.[/quote]
Don't even have to start being picky, you already put them together quite well.
If MD was just a mirror of each of ours individual fanatasies, how comes it's not empty for me?
So, it's a collective fanatasy, you'll have to agree on that.
As it is, collective fantasy requires more than one person, which is why Ady's story, great as it was, got banned, for it's just the stroy of one, not the stroy written by the collective fantasy. But that also implies that there IS a past, not the one Ady made up, but since the moment you and Akasha (for the sake of simplicity, i assume she was the first player other than Mur, and it doesn't matter if she is or not), things happened and history got written.
So, how can you say that history doesn't exist?
Cause, for anybody but you two, something had happened before they came around, and for them, it is history.
For you, it might be just past, but for newbies it's history, the happenings of times before they were born if you wish.
Therefore, MD is not just a fanatasy world that mirrors one self, but a fanatsy that mirrors all the people who ever were there, and as such, also Ady's fanatasy (once again, for the sake of simplicity i assume that he had an account at least). So, why can't you say that the bits of history he put forward were simply wrong? Instead of having them banned and bad and all, why not simply have them be wrong, like so many other theories out there are?
Because up to now, i seriously was under the impression that we are not to mess with the past, rearrange parts we heard of it to see if it makes more sense then, or just wonder how the hell that angien managed to get out of the box and what it means that he existed 'outside'.
I don't want to argue about Ancient Lore, i never accepted ideas without proper proof anyway, but there's that fine line between Ancient Lore and History, and as MD grows older, the line gets finer all the while, and specially people with IDs over 70, but also a lot of those over 30 already, don't really know about the times when things started, or met people who still had first hand experience...
So how about, instead of saying things are simply bad and banned, which sounds really hardcore, just say 'There once was a guy called Ady, who tried to research the old times, but failed'?
That way it might be a lot simpler for people to start digging in the past, because they don't have to be afraid of being yelled at for doing something they shouldn't, but at worst get yelled at for overlooking the <irony> most obvious </irony> facts derived from AL, Announcements, Scenes, Poems, Music etc.etc.