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Everything posted by Burns

  1. Miq
  2. There won't be much teleportation anymore. I wouldn't wait for it.

  3. Burns

    Sunny Bedroom

    Because what you consider a neutral land is just quite simply a not-main land. The allies in those lands and the players in those allies are still more devoted to that land than to other lands or to neutral players, and people obviously have an issue with the keyholder having preferences about whom to give the key to or not.
  4. Burns

    Sunny Bedroom

    By being new, or not actively chatting with most people. Here are some folks i'd consider: Ectremere, if he stays hogar Trucida ladytwin (who is unfortunately affliated with a land, so... probably not fitting)
  5. Apart from the sharing stats-part, nice idea. But i'd suggest that between linked players, the defence rit gets set according to incoming attack, like, when 5 and 3 are linked and attacked by 5, 5 sets the defence, when attacked by 3, 3 sets the defence. If linkees were to defend against incoming 5-attacks, that would be grossly unfair and extremely harmful to their character for various reasons. Moreover, are traveling spells going to work on linked people? What i have in mind, could an LHO go into Golemus, grab a newbie and tele to PC with it? (only just noticed: yay, newbie's are subconciously its for me xD) Even though i'm afraid that such features wouldn't be used to play nice with newbies, but rather in deals between eterans to get access to some places they shouldn't get to, yeah, it might still be a fun thing to do. [Which reminds me, when Pokemon was finally out of ideas for combat additions, they added team-battles... LOL]
  6. Only regen stacks that way, not all kinds of negative damage. You'll find that regen doesn't actually add VE on the creature that regenerated, that's why you can't destroy that VE^^ Not everything is logical, and some things have to be illogical to keep the game running at all... you'll find out what i mean some day And, when that happens too often, find me at the Gazebo of Equilibrium and we'll see if we can do something about it =)
  7. When one account benefits from something another account has, it's alt abuse. The logs will show you who transferred what to whom. There are sometimes altruistic players that give something to somebody without getting soemthing in return, but that's not happening often, really. The tricky part is just to find out if things were alt-ish, or if there was some other reason for the odd deal. You have to rely on your nose for that, dragging things to mur might end rather bad for you at times :/
  8. http://magicduel.invisionzone.com/topic/7142-combat-balance/page__view__findpost__p__60492 [quote]i think there are more such issues with the "order". To switch places of these two, i need to review all the abilities and see what will get broken if i do so. Right now there is a big comment i see above the token loading function telling that it should be _before_ the influences. I honestly don't remember all the reasons i put that warning there (for myself to read later), but i dont plant to switch them without analyzing every possible aspect first. [/quote] Guess there is something we don't know that makes Mur want things to be the way they are. We might find out some day, just like you might find out how to look for existing threads some day
  9. Burns

    Stop Ggg

    Apophys, Obviously you assume that hippie-programs are a basis of actual movement. breaking news: they aren't. The goals are clear, the way is none of your business. Worry not, we'll let you know when it's over. After it's over. King Bull, a nice idea, but unfortunately there's a big difference in activity, it's not that simple to place an age cap on mind power. And if it was to be considered, it would be quite high because it would have a very bad effect on casual players to get to mp4 in the time a hardcore player needs to rush through...
  10. everything anonymous, but if you run around the realm and see one of yours, you'll know^^ Also, people usually ask when they find an avatar they particularly like, when yours are good, you'll get to know who has one =)
  11. Mine says: [quote]Golemus Pass Papers [used - reuse in 103hours ][/quote] Can't click it at all The items i can script myself work fine. Which one did you refer to?
  12. Burns

    Stop Ggg

    Indeed i have neg repped because of the suggestion that stats get capped. I don't need to repeat why, Chewie said that already. What i want to add, though, is the following: It DOES matter when you get smashed. But in contrary to the general opinion, it doesn't make you weaker. It just makes you less balanced. Which in turn means that you can beat on anybody regarldess of their balance, whereas balanced folks have to watch their honor to not drop too low. Which also gives you the chance of beating on the weak, wounded and new to gather victories. There's nothing fearful in losing. It's a tad offputting for the newcomers when they are grinded up between the veterans over and over again, but that happens to all of them, you are all on an equal, low level with your general VE. And the moment you get to realize how you use that properly, you rise the tiniest of all bits above the other 5-newbies, and once you are a one step ahead, you start to skyrocket. Btw, it's impossible to get on that first step in GGG. It's vital for your MD-experience that you learn to fight. Some will say 'Nay, i don't want to fight, i'm here to chat, roleplay and make friends and roleplay', but seriously, it's M[color="#FF0000"]DUEL[/color], not M[color="#FF0000"]CUDDLE[/color] for a reason. You can play a forum roleplay game with just chatting and meeting people, MD also has a fighting aspect. You can opt out, Mur gave you the tools, but one thing you can not do is enjoying the benefits of fighting (increase you MP-level, get to see the creatures, increase stats, gather achievements, get military papers etc.) and then come and whine that you actually don't really want to fight. That sort of hypocrisy is not supported by MD. When you can't, or don't want to, learn it, then leave it, it's that simple. There are several ways to turn your back on fighting, just like there are several ways to turn your back to roleplay elements. It will exclude you from the full MD-experience, but why should everybody see everything anyways? We don't seek for a solution to allow pure roleplayers have similar fighting abilities as those who actually care for fighting, like stat-caps. What i seek for is for the newbie levels to be tutorials for MP5 again, a place where you learn in a protected area BEFORE you advance to play with the big folks. When a good base from mp4 is there, you learn to survive the MP5 attacks fairly fast and easy. When the base you have learned on mp4 are tons of attack and VE, you are very, very badly screwed on MP5.
  13. And according to that reasoning, we should create a creature that has ten trillion attack and init, because rusties can still beat it? We should measure our creations with Knators, Grasans, probably Eles, not Tokened Critboost Jackass Crits. And finally do something about said insanities instead -.-
  14. Uhm... this game is endless. When i can make my creature stronger by using it, and i actually want to have that creature stronger, i'll be at 10k wins in no time. My angiens went to 3800 wins in 200 days, it's absolutely no problem to put any insane ammount of wins on a creature if you want to. Back in the times, i sacced a 10k win archer on my 350th day. Granted, t'was one of the creatures i used in literally every fight since day 1, but you get the point, if people feel like giving that crit 20k wins, they can. Not even to speak of the unreasonable ammount you can add with tokens.
  15. Nothing would change, there'd still be all the same armors on everybody, it's just a matter of time until everyone bought the same sets again. Also, ever heard of inflation?
  16. What's the cap for Sparta's Token, or Spartan's Token, whichever you mean? 900 (100+800 wins for reaching last level) is a whole lot of base attack for a creature, and putting thousands of wins on such crits would go without any effort at all... Add tokens, and it's extremely overpowered -.-
  17. Actually, normal users can't. I've even had the title-link given to me by Grido once, no access. We are allowed to manage polls when we full edit the first post, but not to change title or subtitle. But i guess that doesn't fit here really... xD
  18. Of course not, Grido and me are hanging out with those people all the time xD It's quite obvious that we ask the unallied ones if they want to join sooner or later, they are all good at english, they know all the basics, and they are capable of going deeper, what more could we wish for?
  19. Firs' comparison of the forest with a enterprise got me thinking, and here i present the results of it. For this moment onwards, Guerilla Golemicarum works like an enterprise. You work for us, and we pay you. Your [color="#FF0000"]wage[/color] consists of: 10 minute regen-timer A nice stat-boost 25 minutes attack cooldown Access to our hidden knowledge Help of some awesome people Lasting friends A way to leave Golemus without begging for magical help [MP4+ only] Your [color="#FF0000"]tasks[/color] are: Activity in MD Activity on our forum to help us gather more knowledge When you neglect your tasks, we will stop to pay you, you'll be kicked from Guerilla and not allowed to enter our forum anymore. Obviously you can apply again any time when you think you are once again ready for the job. You won't need too much effort to join, but you also don't get a permanent club card to rest on anymore, when you stop to help us, we stop to help you. If you get kicked, that (usually) doesn't mean that we don't want you, but simply that your activity decreased so much in the last few weeks that we stop to send you paychecks. Don't worry about the tasks, if you like what we do, you'll enjoy them, i promise, and if you don't, you're free to leave any time Your fighting abilities don't matter, the newest newbies and the weakest fighters are welcome as long as they come with an open mind, a smile on their face and the will to work on discovering the secrets of the island, and MD in general. Of course fighters are still welcome, it is an essential part of MD after all^^ Please contact Indyra in the Paper Cabin to get a spot on our team, we start to pay immidiately =)
  20. Not exactly new anymore, but i just got my (german) copy yesterday: Stephen King, Under the Dome
  21. Nelson Mandela was in prison for 27 years. They'd have let him out after 21 years if he had given up his fight. How long can you stand for your principles? Mandela had to wait for the old government to die out, and needed support from Fred de Klerk to get anything done at all, before that he was captured as a terrorist, basically. Whom of the powerful can you gather for your cause? A revolution isn't carried by force, or a simple majority. What it takes is authority. French revolution: 95% of all were poor peasants and wanted revolution in the early 1700s, they had to wait til 1789 for the priests to join them, from there onwards things ran. American Revolution: All 13 states had been running independance movements since 1765, but only after the first national congress in 1774 there was enough authority to support an indepence war. March Revolution: Working Class AND students were rebelling since 1815, but only when they joined forces in 1848 they gathered momentum. A single group doesn't make a revolution, ragardless of how big they are. Not even many groups that fight seperately make a revolution. Revolution is the result of many groups working for one target. They don't need to be powerful for that, they just need a will, and enough visionaries so that executing 20 leaders would only result in 40 new leaders. Mandela had all the world supporting him, even. While there's a single rouge group of three people, they are terrorists, much like No one and Lightsage in GGG. When they have enough support from another group to move things, they are heroes. Where's your support, terrorists? <Yep, it is, Dari. You may calm things down your way, i prefer to provoke brain activity.>
  22. Burns

    Stop Ggg

    Ahem... I see certain parallels to Willow's here. When something is too bad for the game, it is stopped, period. There is no need for an option, or to move things some way or other. Do you think anybody could have stopped Willow's with reasoning back then? Sometimes it takes drastic means to get things back on course.
  23. But you shouldn't [quote][2008-03-08 01:06:11 - Alpha 5] Artists are welcome to try their skills in building MD avatars, the deal is like this: i pick only the avatars i like, those avatars cant be used anywhere else once they become MD avatars, (no forum avatars, no web gallery, nothing and i mean it) , and you receive 3 credits for each avatar that you make and its added to the MD avatar gallery. [b]Avatars must not be cartoon like, or comics, or anime, or that type, keep the magicduel look&feel please.[/b] If i like your work more tasks are available and for greater number of avatars (assuming i like them) i can pay you cash. Oh ..and one more thing..they dont have to look like the current ones,...just do your best and email the results to manu@magicduel.com , put subject "MD Avatars". Thank you, good luck.[/quote]
  24. I'd bet there was something similar with honor-system, but i simply can't find it... I find that thingie flawed in that way: It doesn't help newbies, at all. When you take a grinders stats and multiply them with .05, they are still over the stats a young player can reach. And as the young player goes on and gets stronger, the multiplicator for the vet gets better and better, and newbie can't catch up, their target values always get pushed out further and further as they advance. And, lowered gain means more kills for the same gain. Not very bright imo, most vets don't target for a certain ammount of kills a day, but for a certain ammount of wins, xp, or stats. If maxing my joker takes more kills, i'll kill more, not kill longer. I think that the idea of having stats influence whom you can attack (as base of honor systems) is sensible, but the way you proposed it, it doesn't stop me from killing a newbie when i feel like. It just makes me kill the newbie probably 4 times instead of 2 for the same gain.
  25. Burns

    Stop Ggg

    It is indeed very simple to stop GGG, all it takes is the staff to stop bothering. Once they don't deal with offenders anymore, there is not much you can do. You don't have the tools it takes. GGG is too vulnerable because the defences are built to lose. The moment MP4 are not protected by it anymore, i will personally make sure every MP4 knows of that. They won't carve in to peer pressure, because they don't need the help of the strong of their level when they can farm off them without their consent anyways. And, Poppi, you seem to think that we'd need to create alts or otherwise cheat to stop an MP4... you're wrong. We can very well take things in our own hands within the rules, but i don't think that leads to satisfying results. I mean... satisfying for them. I'd be very satisfied with certain MP4 capped, and then proceed to send them over the MP5-cap before they even know what hit them, too. But that's beside the point, i don't want to force them. I want them to realize that what they do causes more damage than all the tokens, drachorns and crit-boosters together. Forcing them is Plan B, probably.
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