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Everything posted by Burns

  1. woohoo, akasha's birthday! Time to celebrate and have some drinks... i already started! Happy Bday, enjoy it ^^
  2. Not at all. The rules are there as a guideline, much like laws. How to interpret them, enforce them, and what people actually are allowed and what not, is not in the rules, but Mur's case-to-case decision. You know how things ended in GGG, that's a very fitting precedence. If it happens again or not is argueable, but i wouldn't bet on him being gracious just because it's a slightly different idea. As for 'what is activity': This debate has been on and off for ages, in RPCs, in allies, in LHOs. Being online is not enough, neither is simple walking, talking and fighting here and there. It's specially not measured in horus of being online. It's measured in what you do. And i bet an account that mainly uses its time to be idle with just one creature is not active enough to count as alternative, it's simply a multi, and won't have a long life outside of jail... unless it gets deleted right away.
  3. And you are fully aware of the alt-rules? It's no coincidence that Mur banned alts in GGG, all alts that are not actively played, but only used for a single purpose are not allowed. Tehrefore, your whole idea is not allowed, and you'll get into troubles with the inquisition (aka the LHOs, Grido, and me personally). Not such a smart idea imo. >.< Don't type so fast, Neo =P
  4. Maximum Offer: 1 gold 10 silver. (NOT available in silver only, i need my change for other stuff) Interested sellers may contact me until 0000 of day 191, that's half an hour after the regular time of Ger-Uru is over. I'll pick the lowest offer then.
  5. I think you overestimate the common sense people apply in MD as long as they haven't seen MP5 Most people only stick to the rules of SG while it pays for them to do so, that's how selfish most people are. They still think that they can't be bested by anybody, becasue the haven't seen MP5, and what people actually can do to them. Only few MP3 believe in SG after the point where they survive the attacks of its defenders, same goes for MP4. Some people simply don't have common sense, and most don't apply it in their firm belief that MD is so linear that the poor folks they annoy can't have their revenge. And i'll wait to see a lesson of yours before believing that they are not spoilers XD
  6. It won't work. People don't stop using their best rits just because you ask for that. Neither will they stop using full influence. It doesn't pay to risk losing while you still have something to gain from winning, and it doesn't help any newbie to have people with lol-defences like the people who formerly used ggg. You need either people who see a future in that and want to help you, or have an incentive for people, like rewards for sticking to your rules. You also won't scare people too much with your spells, they are not permanent enough... Also, whatever you plan as lesson will turn out to be a spoiler. Grido won't agree with spoilers of such scale in a location as public as the park. I haven't been around to see things myself, but if what you put on the signpost is your actual plan, you probably want to consider burning the blueprints and start over... Else your building might crash, and who wants to listen to architects whose structures fail?
  7. nuuuu, i'm late! Happy B-day, you know why i missed the topic
  8. Many things that are called 'grade 4' are not, and even more other things that are not 'grade 4' can be edited with drade 4 access. It's just the way things go xD Find the hidden cracks to test your scripts, if you want to script something everybody simply has to find and click, get higher access
  9. Happy b-day Sagey, may you ever more POOF into the cabin with joy in your pack =D
  10. http://www.nytimes.com/2006/07/02/weekinreview/02basicB.html can't tell how accurately researched that is, but it seems right xD
  11. 3 drachs is okay imo, what i don't really understand is the decision to group lores and heres together and allow them 4 times... I mean, yeah, 3 bps and a token archer are still lamer than a drachie with 2 rusts, but it still doesn't sound like a sensible solution to me. Also, i think grouping santa and unholy priest together is not exactly interesting, they have nothing in common... and 'any' group doesn't sound too bright, really xD I rather think that the priests should get their own group with 3 as usual, and maybe a group 'christmas' should be opened for santa and nutcracker^^ What else?... I'd love to see jokers and dream mutations in seperate groups, mainly because i can't set my beloved carnival rit anymore
  12. different accounts - different things. You can't go and say that you own different accounts and then shove things from a to b because it's more convenient there, for sake of rp, or trade. Different accounts accquired it, therefore it belongs to different accounts. Even when the same player sits behind both. That's how i see it.
  13. sorry, got things wrong at first... here's the actual thing: my crits don't regen anymore, which is even worse than what i thought before XD
  14. That's what i meant with using the alts to give each other more slots. Basically, what you do is making sure that everybody knows it's your quest, so your reputation goes up, without making space on your own slots to store the rewards. That is an abuse per definition. What you could do is asking people to keep the creatures until you actually need them, which would of course increase the price.
  15. When you bought them with free creds, it's obviously alt abuse, because you are speeding up the process of cred-gaining. If not, it can still be an abuse if you want more coins, but not want to reset your shop, it's also benefitting your other acc. Simply storing crits on an alt for use as rewards was mentioned as alt-abuse somewhere, too, as it's giving you more slots than what you have. Usually, nobody will complain about that, but when you use 'stolen' coins (gathered by an alt so you can spend them with another acc, also on the way of giving them out in a quest hosted by another alt), you're moving on very thin ice.
  16. confirmed, there are currently empty rits appearing instead of randoms update: [quote] Too low vitality ritual alert - auto assigning Warning: Invalid argument supplied for foreach() in /home/magicdue/public_html/core/class.combat.php on line 729[/quote] ^errormessage at top of combat screen [quote]FULL LOG: No one is preparing new random strategy Load *Burns* creatures Load No one creatures Applying 100% of *Burns*'s energetic influence Applying % of No one's energetic influence Influences for *Burns*: regenaura, regenaura, regenaura ###### *Burns*'s J.D. cant find any enemy creatures to target, skipping turn ... *Burns* WINS![/quote] ^battle log
  17. Maybe increase the piercing damage with influence? Right now, their damages go around piercing plus 3-5%, which is not really a strong attack... If they were considerably stronger than stealers, they would probably find more uses. Like... Uhm... Say, piercing damage could get increased with 50% of the attack-influence that's put into them, and the added damage increased via having a lot more base power? I currently only have a lvl 2 and lvl 4 of them at hand to check, but i'd think of 5-8 times their current power as new base power.
  18. ... When saying 1000 is a lot, i was talking about someone who plays. Not someone who sits and waits to get losses thrown at them. Repeat your experiment with the following settings: You attack anybody you can beat for victories while you are there, and log out when you are not there. That would be playing. Sitting idle is not playing, it's a way of accumulating losses.
  19. Burns


    For lack of better words, here's just one: Thanks.
  20. There are some selected few. Seeing i posted this about half an hour after Grido asked all LHOs to report to him... what's the sum of 1 and 1?
  21. Due to circumstances beyond my control, Fight Club moves to the Marble Dale Park (Dojo, Sparring Grounds, etc.). Obviously, now it's pretty important that MP4 fight club users only attack the MP4 on the list, no others. On MP5, it's the same as before, anybody who's there can be attacked.
  22. I think the creature you imagine is very alike to an existing creature we usually refer to as tree <.<
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