To me, automatisms such as injuries after lost battles or being robbed by someone who is bigger than you is very insensible. Just imagine how easily those systems could, and would, be abused.
If anything that goes into the bigger aspects of your character development would be part of a system, you'd soon find yourself ruled by a few people.
Aysun and the rebels might find it funny if they could assassinate the king, but trust on thing, if such a thing gets possible, Jester will assassinate them first. And if it got implemented globally, they'd be dead before they even noticed.
Put it that way: As long as the most useful buttons are not in your hands, this is a free world. The moment they get in public hands, this is the world of dst.
A lot of things MUST NOT be run by system, because any veteran player can easily fulfill any criteria to do something, unless they get insane to such a point that they are practically not possible, like, dunno, beat a drachorn to death with an unholy priest.
Things of such an importance as a rebellion, a permanent murder, or any lasting change to anybody's character, must be decided by the person it falls back on, like the decision to become a rebel, or by somebody who sees MD on a different level, without considering who gains what out of a decision and only deciding on obvious facts in MD, things that the general population has access to. Nobody searches for your plans in hidden places and carries them out because they sound wise, it's up to you to carry them out, and THEN, something will or won't happen, depending on how well it's done.
As long as people ignore you and the things you do, you haven't done things properly.
And always when you call for more automatisms and 'goals an individual or group can actually accomplish without outside help', bear in mind that anything you and your group can do in a robotic system can also be done by any other individual or group in MD, just by pushing the right button and meeting the right criteria. I'm very certain that you wouldn't really want that.