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Everything posted by Burns

  1. I couldn't find the 'keep the lenght it has now' option... a little more than before, but still not so clear as to stop all speculations about how and what exactly happened, me likes =)) Apart from that, I don't really like the 'Mur forces his story upon us' idea... It's one thing to pick somebody, hint him/her in the right direction and watch them doing or not doing things to an uncertain end whenever you think another part of MD is ready to be discovered, but something entirely different to pick somebody, put them in cage and have the road shown to them, but with you making the decisions -.- I see why you do it, but i don't really like it, sorry
  2. Leave people rot until somebody feels like saving them? Like... mass teleports each sunday?
  3. Mine doesn't have a crit name, though, didn't bother to make a list with all numbers and names... I'm showing the picture, though, that's enough for almost all critters^^
  4. Earn them by fishing, coppers and pennies are Cutler's inventions
  5. TEAM EWIL! Happy B-day^^
  6. B wins in all cases In #1, A gives an argument and B shows no reaction. This leaves the listener free to ponder the argument, and it's most likely that they will find a flaw, specially when B comes with something like 'This is too childish to deserve a response.' In #2, When A speaks up first and comes into the role of the accuser, he's lost against a solid argument from B, and probably also failing when the listener has enough time. In all other cases, B destroys the credibility of A by refuting his argument, making it even more likely that the listener will search for further flaws in As argumentation. Your point in bringing this up is to show people that it's pointless to start a trial unless you are sure to have safe and sound arguments, or an immensely stupid in the role of the accused.
  7. Grapefruit!!
  8. Imo, people should have a kind-of equal chance to 'write' in AL, but with a slight preferance for rather active vets. I think that it's only fair to always give a chance to the people directly involved, they should get at least a say in story, so each of them should have an answer reserved for them. Apart from that, I'd say the first 100 people to take a look at the question (which will keep on appearing when you log on, i guess), alts blocked, can post their opinion, and the 50(-reserved spots) with the most active days of those get reviewed. Obviously that prefers vets, so on top of that, each person can only have 3-4 choices in each chapter of the story, when those are used up, they don't even get to see the question.
  9. It's getting considerably harder after a while, once you are ~20 wins ahead, it stops making newbily mistakes, and 25+ are really hard games =) Now it's real fun, and pretty strategic... Now it's a really great game
  10. I played a bit with it, and i honestly think that some of the creatures mp3 can play with shouldn't be available, e.g i stumbled upon chaos archer, wind egg, max imp aramor, and lvl 5 ele, including their attack, init and defence stats... When i was younger, i was told off for telling people that eles had decent defence and archers were fast, without even going into actual numbers... even when archer is outdated info by now, i still think that there's simply too much spoiler on that game, and not only for mp3, but also for mp5, like windy, dream mutation and angien stats :/ It's a cool database, though LOL And about the AI... i won like 19 games in testing, and even won when i didn't choose a good stat, but simply randomly clicked... And i noticed that the AI still, after getting beaten 15 times in a row, picks stats that its creature has a plain 0 on when it wins too many rounds in a row, it doesn't even try to win -.- You know, it's really impressive that you _can_ do such things, most people couldn't even read the code for that, but it's nowhere near as interesting as a big anti-maze, or the puzzles from good old what number am i =(
  11. who says that the card have to resemble actual crits? Imo, full of spoilers, and not even that much fun... i like your logic-games a lot more, that one is just too easily beaten -.-
  12. I think that there are no temp gains on lvl 1 sacrifices on purpose, but please feel free to prove me wrong...
  13. When we're at it, would be great if stat-influence would get boosted, too, not just token influence...
  14. Burns


    Ah, nice double standards, huh? Any jerk can come, take newbie-stage and crash it with some well-aged crits, a bit of experience and a lot of sparetime, and face no consequences, but when we come and stop them, it's evil and against the rules? You say that what's possible can be done, but when somebody else plays by your rules you get whiny, very interesting... Who is destroying MD? The people who scare newbies off, or the vets who assassinate the scarecrows? You may judge for yourself, but i'm confident that the major part of the community knows which side is less wrong
  15. Actually, Shadow and me had the luck of having a conversation with him just last night, he doesn't play a merchant, or anything, he holds the items because 'they are unique, and i like having unique things' (semi-quote) Also, his only incentive to trade is to have uniquer things, and yesterday he offered to trade Popcorn, Cigar and Wet Beer Coaster one on one for any unique item he would like better. It's a shame that money buys so many people, but it's entirely your own fault if you let it happen that people get the things you want. Whether or not he likes MD, or even understands MD, doesn't change anything about the fact that he _could_ buy all the items he wanted, and since he doesn't play, what is his incentive to give items away for less than he needed to buy them?
  16. just a sidenote on that... My story originally WAS MD-related, but couldn't be published that way Remember the ancient lores? It's obviously not allowed to speak, or even think of, the things that haven't "happened", so how could i go and write an actual story about characters, places and things that didn't act in exactly that way at some point? [spoiler]If you want that quest to be MD-ish, just undo my changes while reading it: Apricot originally was Marind, the plumber-empire Marind Bell, the 'caves' were the underground, with SI as burglars, the icy mountainside was the less icy Storm Coast, the religious loonies in the moutain village were CoE in a Forest Village, instead of beans and flowers you could buy expensive useless armor (the medusa shield) or a golden ring, which would turn out to be an old wedding ring from Ailith and KB, and the whole last part after dieing or finding the bridge (ahm, staircase...) would take place at Mt. Kelle'tha, which holds forgeries and techies on the inside (hell and demons), quite obviously a beach and cliffs on the outside (yay, something i didn't need to change!), and finally the hideout of some dirty angiens at Fenth's Cave. There were some minor things i forgot about, but no place, no person, and no item in that story was not taken from MD when i wrote it.[/spoiler] Unfortunately nothing of that happened, and a lot of people don't like satires that involve themselves, so everything had to be changed to not step on somebodys toes, specially not Murs, who might not find it amusing to abuse his places and good old Marind in ways that don't match with his story. Tell me, how do you set a quest within the setting of MD, where things have to happen before they become real? Who am I to claim that the CoE kill people who are evil to their gods and children? Or that Fenths Cave is full of booty from pirate-angiens? In the ancient lore affiar, Mur made it very clear that nobody was to make up things about MD, and only the things done by players are real. Aye, that's some very nice setting of the world to work with, lots of freedom in story-writing... I was literally torn between forgetting about it or putting it online and take a lot of wrath, til i heard the news that a local politican was about to sue an author for writing a novel in which the moronic sidekick of a rightist king had exactly the same tatoo as himself... that's how Apricot sprang to life, formed as parody on Super Mario and Legend of Zelda to conceal that it's a story (not parody) of MD >.< b2t: Jester is completely right, the more mini-games and rp-quests we have, the more we shatter the community. I tried to bind them to a spot with my quest, but half the people didn't show up, and the others were obviously not motivated to stay at GoE for a little chat. However, your idea of having deeply integrated roles doesn't work when there's just a limited set of vacant spots. Compare it to WoW: Players fight NPCs in their raids, and every week, thousands of drachorns and monsterworms and what not get slain. Each raid needs its healer, its tank, and whatever them WoWers call their classes, and millions of tanks and healers can peacefully coexist. In MD, we have no raids to go on, all the action is PvP, and there is just ONE war at a time. So, we just need ONE tank, ONE healer, and ONE leader on either side. And we have about 40-50 players who already belong to the inventory of MD. How does newbie have fun in a war when the vacant spots are already taken by the veterans? And how likely is it that those vets leave after the war instead of just waiting until they can recycle their role with some slight adaptions? Speaking with personal experience, i needed 16 months to get from newbie-nobody to the role i desired, a knight and leading figure of Golemus. What is the likelihood for anybody else to reach that, at least while i'm still breathing? There are simply not too many roles that are built within MD, they are much more likely to be built with pen and paper and then integrated into MD, and a few will do that with a lot of instinct and flair, realizing that their plans don't work and adapting, but the mass of players are morons and force their story on us, instead of throwing the plan away and living in the moment.
  17. no, that's normal, you are stuck in story for the first chapter, you get into free roam in the second one the same thing happened in mp3-story, but you were unable to choose the 24 hours waiting-option for chapter 1 then
  18. Arrh, I love it when people say my name and 'exception' in one sentence^^ My defence is not beatable, it's selfbeating, if you just sit and stare, you'll still get a win off it, with a bit of extra-effort, even a victory... and my attacks are set to not give losses, and they suceed in that, at all times </advertising> I'm reading Chewie and phan there... Chewie, beatbale mp5 are at every corner, specially for someone as off-balance as yourself, I'll just name Blackwood Forest, Lupus, Shantu, Intrigue, Ivorak, ladytwin (though she's not that weak anymore since she got lucky with principle-drain), Grawur, hogar, Funny Farmer and sasha lilias, and if i took another look at my recent battle-logs, i'd probably find two or three more. All of those, except for Lupus and Intrigue, drop by at GoE every now and then to get another victory off me, some even every 30 minutes, they are there, period. They won't wait for you to come and kill them as the targets in GGG do, but they _are there_. Saying that you can't find anybody to beat and therefore stay in the globe at all times is a self-fulfilling prophecy par excellence. Phan, you know as well as me that it's a blatant lie. No Globe in the world, not even in billions of years to come, can give you a realistic chance against a fighter. Unlike Globers, we get luck and init. Your *cough* good *cough* attack and defence stats are in vain against a fighter who cancels half your effects and kills half your crits by being faster than them. At some day, grinders might outstat my attack and defence, but by that time, my combat will be alltogether independent from attack and defence (it basically already is). And win against token drachs with just immense attack and def? Don't lie into your own pockets, bro... I voted yes because i think it can be done better, but if you want to keep it, fine, i have no problems with that either... Just keep in mind that each day you spend there is a day in which GoE-fighters get relativly stronger. It's a great place for players with weak stats to raise lowlevel creatures, like grasans and knats and eles and angiens, but the training it offers is incomparably worse than the one offered outside of it.
  19. Your xp increase in very very tiny ammounts, almost neglectable, unless you plan to stay on mp3 for a pretty long time after reaching cap... And even then, the damage of say... 200k wasted personal xp is not too much compared to the limit of mp4, and the pratically unlimited xp of mp5
  20. I missed your mp4-alt on my quest... Good Luck, chap, things are going to work out just fine^^
  21. What? right thumb never is wrong... unless you are lefthanded... row 4 column 1, left thumb! If that's wrong, you are either weird or something without opposing thumb, like an alien... or a Yoshi! O_o
  22. Because march 19th is the 77th day, and your maze has 77 locations
  23. confirmed [gosh, now i look like the biggest freak... again XD]
  24. at the bottom of the shop-screen, there's a 'shop rest'-window with infos and a button to reset it, then all items (except for some extra features) appear again if you buy that regen-ritual-thingie, it _instantly_ recharges 8 _random_ creatures of yours There's 8 of those available, once you used them up, they are gone until you do a shop reset
  25. how would that be permanent? It's a magical thingie that recharges 8 of your creatures, which you can't choose, immidiately, then it's gone until you reset the whole shop
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