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Posts posted by Burns

  1. i'm not sure whether it's a bug with the game or a problem with my connection, but i'm having extreme lags in the last few hours... by massive meaning lags of up to 2 minutes occuring every 3 minutes -.-

    i've done the normal things: clear chache and cookies, reboot, reconnect with i-net, all the list up and down... any other suggestions / other people having the same troubles?

  2. that occured in the last test war...
    mur made people in the alliances actually die when they got defeated by another ally member, and dst started killing everything he saw LOL
    there were about 30 corpses hanging around, and the spirits were allowed to chat in the location they died, but nothing else, i f i remember correctly...

  3. well,m if you are an mp4 for two months, you are a veteran more or less, so you might probably not get moire than 8 shots at the lottery anyway, and the price i suggested will keep you away from upgrading/buying for roughly a week, so if you need to upgrade something, you won't play the lottery in that week anyway xD
    and it's very very unlikely that a player ever wins anything, as there are probably 200 competing and only 3 win something in mp4, making the chance of winning a joker 1/200 * 8 -> the chance to hit a joker within 8 times of playing the lottery is 4%, so out of 100 gamers only approximately 4 get ONE premium creature, but about 40-50 of those who don't get one face one in combat and then think 'uh, that mob is really strong, i should get one myself' and buy it in the shop^^
    the lottery would therefore most likely get more people to buy credits, and is just a little gimmick for all those who already have bought some, like, getting another blood pact for free is not that bad, is it? =D

    and most other rewards are just not that good for showing off =P
    EDIT: [url="http://www.pokerlistings.com/poker-rules-texas-holdem"]texas hold'em rules[/url] that's the most common (easiest) style of poker, and the rules are quite good explained there^^

  4. i want a car and i want a life and i want a first class trip to hawaii...
    i want a life time supply of skittles and slurpees and eskimo pie, i want a DVD, a big screen TV...


    i'd also love a ticket to a concert of simple plan ;-)
    but all i really care for is having a good time with my family, which i happen to see not that often...and 'after the sunset' by stephen king =)

  5. ad 1) yeeha, i love it^^ i want your value points, or at least someone who bluffs better than me =P

    ad 2) O_o you can't be serious... 3 max grasans and 3 max birds to an mp3?? three regen trees to an mp3?? that would make mp3 a whoooole lot worse...
    alas, never let that happen...
    but i like the idea behind that^^
    maybe you could make seperate prizes for different mps: 3 can win lore critters on lvl 1, 4 can win a joker, blood pact or aramor on lvl 1, maybe even 2, and 5/6 can win drachorn eggs (maybe even eggs of all three sorts)
    would work like that: 3 prices per mp level, not only the ones with 5 right win, but everytime 3 people who are closest to the right numbers if there are not 3 or more with 5 right (4 right, one wrong can win too, if there are not enough people with 5 right, that is, and if there's more people with the right numbers / only one wrong than prices you can have the system decide who gets which place randomly (NOT based on skills, that's not fair for a lottery))

    example: there is one guy with 5 right and 5 people with 4 right -> the one with all right gets first price, and the 2nd and 3rd price go out to two of the 5 people with one number wrong randomly, making two of them happy winners and the other three unlucky losers

    mp3: first gets a knator, second an archer and third a tree(all lvl 1) (no daimon, tree is the more powerful healer and protector, and the other ability of daimons is on eles, too)
    mp4: first gets a joker, second a blood pact and third an aramor assasin (all lvl 1, maybe archer on 2 already)
    mp5/6: (yes, they play one lottery because there are so little mp6): first gets a rusty, second a dark (braiton) and third a 'normal' drachorn egg

    and of course one player can compete as often as he/she wants, but not win the same price twice (if it should occur that a player who made first already gets another 1st, he steps back to 2nd place, if he has that already, too, he goes back to 3rd, and so on with all prices, and the other players step one up to the place that turned free, i guess you get what i mean)

    as those prices are rather valueable, the costs of the lottery should be quite high, i think about 6k vp for mp3, 15 k for mp4 and 50k for mp5/6 (yes, you can go to neg for paying that fee), so people really think twice before entering the lottery, and it should only be played once per week


  6. don't listen to stormy, he's still suffering from his withdraw it seems...or he just forgot what mp3 is like LOL
    mp3 is really really hard times, because you have no means to defend yourself...you have too little vitality to regenerate your monsters, you can't set any defs that will stand a battle without throwing in your best critters, and with the slow regeneration, it sometimes drives you up the walls when you need just a few more wins for a critter and can't get them because you are out of vitality to revive some mobs...
    mp5 is loads easier, with the improved stats, the stronger critters and all the knowledge you want at your hands... all you need to do is a bit of thinking and listening, but mp3 is just a brutal war... all the dojo violations, all the bad mp3 waiting for a HC and bashing newbs, all the seemingly impossible npcs...

    tenoch, see it as a test, and when you manage to get through mp3 and make it to the top of them, embrace that feeling and remember it well, becasue once you proceed to mp4, the test starts over again, but under harder circumstances =P

  7. Tenoch, there are two things you need to know:
    1. NEVER excuse yourself for an english that good!! only few here speak english as native tongue, and therefore, the english level in here is not that high xD
    you are quite good, and most here are worse, soo...just talk, and ask again if you can't understand something, most players will explain more than once because they fear that their own english is the problem *hehe*
    2. MP3 is HARD
    it's a test for newbies, and only those who manage to go through that nightmare are worthy of being amongst the elite players here =)
    i hope you will enjoy^^

  8. that is a rounding problem: the game mechanics work on 3 (maybe more, but all i ever get to see is 3) digits after comma, but the stat info comes with 2
    if you have between 22.995 and 22.999, the game will round up when showing you the stat, showing you 23.00, but the stat that actually influences the game is calculated from the 3 digit number the system has saved, and the floor of 22.998 is still 22 xD

    and i'm sure the problem will solve itself the moment you get some luck in a combat^^

  9. it would be if it was about rounding, but the stats obviously have a floor-function^^
    that means the system searches for the greatest integer lower than your stat value, like when you have 22.66 it's 22, at 2.9999999 it's 2, and at 3.000000001 it's 3

    i realized that very early in the game when i got a little init down in the story, which made me drop to -0.2, and the system made a -1 of it =(

    ps: floor and ceiling functions are higher mathmatics, you might never hear about that in normal maths classes, so you can either just believe what i say or check out [url="http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Floor_function"]floor and ceiling in wiki[/url] =D

  10. PLUS, we have kangaroos =P

    i even was in for the last kangaroo-hunt xD

    people like the idea of having those nice little animals for pets, but sometimes, they hop over their fences, and then we have to hunt them down before they vanish... and my neighbor is one of those kangaroo-freaks LOL so i actually see soem hoppinh around, and we also wear a shirt saying No Kangaroos with the NO crossed out =D

  11. hey, there are also people seriously influencing the game in allies!! =P

    plus, you will have to give in that the ally chat is useful for planning things with more than one or two other people =)

    but imo, most players who want to form new allies are driven by a desperate wish to be a leader, not matter of whom...
    i never heard someone saying that 'there should be an ally for XYZ, but i don't really mind that matter so much...'
    they all say 'we NEED an ally for XYZ, just look at my role, i need such a thing to play', and by saying that, they mean 'i want to be leader and feel strong and talk about things i don't really know with all the other ally leaders'

    Now, that's nothing against you Aqune, mainly because your ally would have actually had another purpose than just making you leader, and i'm sure that you wouldn't have minded giving leadership to anyone as long as you get the official right to kick everyone's butt xD

    But most ally purposes i see round here (as most other new ideas, for that matter) are driven by really selfish reasons... people want spells so their role finally works out, people want to get improved stats without farming them, and they want to become gods of mp3/4 with those spells and bonuses, just to show the world how great they are...
    Looking at the spells people want, i can't see a single spell out there that's NOT built to win combats with it, and especially in a HC, that powers will be abused. Now, i don't mind what people do with their spells, and if that blacksmith guy makes me drop my weapon, well, i'll just go buy a new one, and if people get spells to enhance their def, i'll kill them off with life stealers and so on, but in the end, most new ideas are just there to make people feel stronger than others...
    same goes for new allies, of course xD

    ps: yes, i'm in GG, and it's mainly about being selfish and not getting attacked that often because we don't do that much things atm, but also a little bit because newbies know that i know what i'm talking about when helping them because i have the fancy GG logo =P

    just my opion on that matters, feel free to flame me if you don't like it =D

  12. dst will always be dst, he's just the one and only...like...superman...xD
    even if soemone copied dsts stats and gave them to any 'normal' player, it wouldn't be another dst, because there's knowledge only dst himself actually has =D
    and even now, with his grasan being de-mystified (no, i won't tell you how it works, so please don't spam me...btw, i knew for ages and told a few people about it already, but now that treehill knows it, too, spam him instead =P) he still has powers beyond our imagination...only to think about a counter for the grasan made my head ache and scream in agony...
    no one can match dst, but nobody else can, no matter what we try...we'll always be just...copycats, i guess =D

    EDIT: no one, if you had the same stats as dst has on his account (i don't even want to know who of you two farmed those stats on that acc xD), people would also love to become you, but most still think that stats are more important than knowledge LOL

  13. that, and a boost in 'ego-centric view of the world', and that makes your creatures loads stronger with the morale boost they get from thinking they are the middle of the universe xD
    unfortunately, the huge arrogance boost makes them vulnerable, because in their belief of being invulnerable they stop guarding their weak spots, making them loose more vitality when being attacked...
    so, all in all, the awesomeness will not help your creautres in any way in battle, except for that they know that they won't die when they get defeated, which makes it easier for them to lose from time to time LOL

  14. now, it may sound kinda stupid, but have you ever thought of quiting the ally? xD

    just take 2 days off from your ally and then ask someone to invite you again...or, if you don't trust your members (that would be...a signal that the ally is not running that well, to put it in a diplomatic way...), make an alt and invite that one, so you can invite yourself back in ;-)

    and seeing the honor is not that hard, it shows up when you are in the 'choose ritual' screen^^

    EDIT: just saw that you already quitted^^
    knowing you need some losses, i'll get you some now as long as i can =D

  15. That's the point, it's NOT in the rules^^
    You can run ANYWHERE you want, and you won't face any serious troubles for doing so =)

    But if you consider the position of the average player who can't enter necrovion and golemus, parts of the Archives and many other locations i'm not going to tell you becasue of their spoiler nature, it would be unfair to the normal players if those certain few who can leave the normal map and hide in necro, golemus and so on, get points there without the trouble of battling...
    that was why the new rule was implemented xD

    you can still hide whereever you want to, but you must now fear that dst or shoeps (who both can tell where you are when seeing your coordinates...NO MATTER WHERE, they know every location^^) come around and shu you out from there back to the 'normal' playground =D
    remember, the contest is unfair =P

    but i think it's fairer now...seeing lib won the contest because he/she (shame on me, i still don't know xD) got into a location nearly nobody can enter and got score there...

    EDIT: damn, dst was faster with copy and paste than me... you can see the rules up there, i'll delete them from here... :P

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