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I am Bored

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Everything posted by I am Bored

  1. and you don't have to have 200 coins, you only need one..... darn i don't have 2 browsers with the right add-on or i would show you......
  2. although it did survive long enough for me to get through it.
  3. and mur did you count the ap or use the count i have posted before? and i did get help from the fact that when i checked one place i think it was the back entrance someone had commented on the speaking........................................
  4. so i should have gone to the lands of the east.... you really need to make a combo that goes there from the goe pillars.... it's how i go to mda! i never actually walk to mda... though i do have to walk back.... oh and if anyone had been paying attention to the chat last night i had made a hint on what i had guessed and the hint stayed in the chat as i did it rather late at night... or well for mur it would be very early in the morning...., but there wasn't even any discussion over it....
  5. well if people are handing out wp's as gifts, where can i get one?? I WANT A WISHPOINT!!!! and slightly more on-topic i think that the wishpoints can be given out as gifts, but only on special times, like christmas, but there should be a limit to the number that are given out, and i think that yes there are some there that may need to be taken back but there are other's there that don't.
  6. what you don't like my 14 pages of notebook paper worth of writing on my first day of md?
  7. ontopic-ish- it might be time to go into hiding but that actually does make sense.... everything else- although you might have been better off putting this in the offtopic section.... but that's just my oponion....
  8. he doesn't actually have any silver, he has only items, at least according to what he said yesterday, i never actually checked his items, and remember, the item owners list isn't always accurate.
  9. [spoiler]And as I watched, the scene changed, I was now in a cabin… I didn’t know it at the time, but this cabin was made of paper… entirely out of paper, even now I don’t know how this was possible but yet it was there, and as I looked around I noticed a scroll on a desk, glowing, so I walked over to it to examine it. It said I was in a new realm, and that this place was called The Paper Cabin. It said to look around the cabin to find another smaller scroll, so I did and I found it, as I opened it, I saw it changing for it now said to explore the area around the cabin. So I walked outside the cabin and was amazed at what I saw, a huge realm that stretched as far as the eye could see, there seemed to be a path that ran along the edge of a giant cliff, so I walked along it, wanting to find out more about this place, I explored until I had an urge to pull out the scroll, and I found that again it had changed, it now told me to return to the cabin to find a map of the realm, and thinking to myself “A map could be useful”, I did as it said, and returned to the cabin, as I entered, I noticed a map on the wall, and went over and looked at it, it seemed to show 5 lands, Marind Bell in the northeast, Necrovin in the southeast, Golumus Golemicarium in the southwest, Loreroot in the northwest, and No Man’s land, which looked to be in the middle of everything. This map even had the names of what looked like specific places, it was amazing but I wondered how I was supposed to take this map with me, since it was mounted to the wall, so I took out the scroll again, and noticed that it said copy, meaning there was a copy of that map somewhere around here, so again I searched the cabin finding the map I needed in a basket, rolled up in a tube, and thinking it cumbersome in that form, I unrolled it and folded it into a neat square that was much easier to carry around, and by this time I realized that following the directions of the scroll was worth it, I once again unrolled the scroll, and once again it had changed, for it now told me to go back out and continue to explore this new land, and once again I did as it bade me, rolling it up and leaving the cabin to explore this new land. I followed the same bath this time coming to a stop in front of a gate, I tried to pass through it, but found myself unable to pass, stopped by an invisible force, so I decided to go along the left path, I walked along this path and noticed that against the wall that had started at the gate, grew a tree, what’s more it seemed to be growing flowers, then shedding them. Then I looked around and saw a thing blocking my path, I asked what it was and surprisingly, the thing answered, “I am The Path Guardian, I will only fight an honored warrior, for all others, you may not pass.” And seeing that it could easily rip me limb from limb, I left it be, and headed back the way I came, back to the gate, where I took the right path noticing what looked to be a windmill in the distance. After walking for a while I noticed a house, oozing black slime, but by this time I had learned to expect the odd, so I kept my distance from the house, and unfolded my map, it called the place The House of Liquid Dust, and I decided to check my scroll again, it said that I should continue exploring the southern region of the map, so I did, and came upon a place, that had this weird presence around it, as if something lived there, so I took out the scroll, it said that this is where I could recruit creatures, and for me to buy one. So I approached the building, noticing a sign in the ground saying that Aramors, Grasans, and Barren Souls could be bought there, and not knowing what else to do, I said, “I want to buy an Aramor.” And a magnificent creature appeared from within the building, and appeared to go inside me, but at the same time I felt as if I had lost some weight at my waist, it was only then that I noticed the bag hanging there. I looked inside it and saw lots of small silver coins, and as I watched more coins appeared in the bag. Closing the bag again I said I want another Aramor, and another came, and I said another, and it came, but when I said another again, nothing happened, so naturally I took out my scroll and read it. It said I now had 3 creatures, that can be used to fight shades, and other people that I meet in my journey, other fighters, it said I should return to the gates and deal with the any shades I meet on the way, and sure enough, when I turned around to head back up the path, a creature was there, it looked like the black goo that had been oozing out of the house. As I approached it the 3 creatures that had gone into me came out, and somehow I knew what to do, I told them each to do damage to the enemy, and they did! When they had finished off the creature, they went back into me, and I continued along the path, until I got to the house, where there was another one of the things, shades I realized, and again the creatures came out, and again they defeated the shade, but as soon as they were back in me, another appeared, behind me, they came out and killed in, then another appeared, and was killed, and then they went back in me, and I went on down the path, where I encountered another and killed it. I finally reached the gate and took out the scroll, it was blank, I looked up from it and saw a cloaked hooded figure, he reached out, he had a small cube in his hand, I looked back down at the scroll, and there was something on it, it read, “Now the REAL Adventure Begins…” I looked up, the figure was still holding out his hand, with the cube in his palm, as if trying to give it to me, I took it and suddenly seemed to be being pulled into the cube, then everything went black… When I woke up, I was inside a cube, it was empty except for a girl, and 3 candle each of which was lit. Then the girl spoke, “Do you want to play a game?” “What game?” I said, and one of the candles went out, she then asked again, more forcefully, “Do you want to play a game?” this time I said yes, and a broad smile spread over her face, and then we were out of the cube, standing in front of a set of wrought iron gates, and she was saying, “Beware of the Carnival” She looked somehow older, but I couldn’t figure out how, but we went through the gates, as we walked, I asked what that cube was, she didn’t answer, as we walking looking at the scenes of the Carnival, a clown hit me on the head with a toy hammer, and being the good spirited person I am, I took the mallet, and hit the clown back, before tossing the hammer back, with a smile on my face, I continued on, dropping the smile as soon as the clown couldn’t see, and I continued walking, but before long I realized I had lost sight of the girl, so I turned around and walked back the way I came, making sure to keep an eye out for her, I finally ended up back in the little park like place that had a statue in the center of it, it looked like the girl, just quite a bit older, and putting this disturbing sight out of my mind for now, I walked back out the gate I had originally entered the carnival through. I walked along the path until I came to the Gazebo of Equilibrium, where I sat down on the top step of, and started to think about what had just happened, when I noticed a small thing in the ground, a short distance away, as I got closer, I could tell that it looked like a half buried sphere, then a voice rang out, telling me to look where it all began, and thinking that it meant the paper cabin, I returned there, and found a set of papers that said something I didn’t totally understand but I could tell that I was supposed to make the numbers in the middle match the ones at the bottom, there was another paper that said that night shade, a very potent poison, and pure fountain water, which negated the dangerous effects of the nightshade, when combined together with the instrument in willow’s shop, would produce a very useful hallucinogen, I didn’t know where any of these ingredients could be found, so I went back to the sphere like object, and did what the papers said, making the numbers in the middle match those at the bottom, and then the sphere started to glow, and I heard a scream from the direction of the marble dale park, so I ran there and stopped seeing that the statue had vanished, and that there were stairs leading down, I decided to follow them, and had descended what seemed to be about 2 stories, when I reached the bottom of the steps, I continued on down the tunnel, which was lit by torches along the wall, until I got to where the tunnel widened and split, one led on, and the other had a set of stairs, so I took the stairs, and at one point the stairs stopped for a brief distance, where there were 2 statues on either side of the stairs, ignoring them, I continued up, until I came up to 3 doors, 1 of which was locked, another was totally destroyed, and the other was open, so I went through the open door, out onto a wooden bridge and into the center of a cavernous room, it looked like it had no ceiling, and it certainly didn’t have any floor, but I knew that this was The Gazebo of Chaos, and that it was directly below The Gazebo of Equilibrium, and realizing that there wasn’t anything left to do there, I left that room, and went back down the stairs, then I went down the other tunnel, and came out on a ledge about halfway up a cliff, to my left I saw a series of ledges, that appeared to lead up to the top of the cliff, so I moved to the next ledge, but there I noticed a plant and recognized it as a nightshade, I also recalled the scroll back at the cabin, that had said that the nightshade was one of the needed ingredients, I took some and continued my way up the cliff, and after founding a short turn, I noticed that the next ledge was too far away to get to, but then I noticed a rope, and looking up I saw it was attached to a sturdy looking post that was sticking out over the cliff, the post looked like the type a hangman would hang people from, so shaking off that slightly disturbing thought, I climbed up the rope and arrived at the top of the cliff, and a short distance away I noticed something that looked like a one room schoolhouse, and since it was the only thing there I went up to it to see what it was, and as I approached, a voice spoke, again from seemingly everywhere, it said, “Are you here to buy Sun God armor?” wondering what armor was I asked, “What is armor?” the voice responded back, “ if you do not know what armor is then you can not buy it, so go back to wherever you came from, and return only when you know what armor is.” And so I did as it suggested, and left, back through the tunnels, and back into the park, this time I wandered west, and came to a set up stairs, I went up the stairs and looked at the fountain, and a voice rang out, “Are you wanting some pure fountain water?” and remembering that it was an ingredient I needed I said yes, and I had some. I wandered back into the park, and went slightly northeast, and I came to willow’s shop, where I met the first live person I had seen here since I had seen the girl that had vanished, his name was Metal Bunny, who I later came to call Fluffy, we talked for a while and I asked him about the guards that were blocking the entrance to the shop, he said that I would eventually be able to defeat them, but that I was much to weak to be able to right now, so I asked him about the shop I had seen, and what sun guard armor was, smiling he said, “So, you have already solved the Berserker’s challenge? Well equipment it adds permanent stats, and sun god armor is the best armor out there, although many would argue that the medusa set is better, but that doesn’t matter because it will be quite a while until you can afford any of that armor, for now though the only armor you will be able to afford is in Wind’s Sanctuary, but you don’t even have your papers yet! You should go to the Magic Duel Archives, also known as MDA, and get your!” and so I went north east, and passed a boat with simplyzero in it, past Sage’s Keep, past Wind’s Sanctuary, where I turned left, and headed north, past a little cabin, past the fountain of dark vibrations, and I came to a set of gates, and I knew this was MDA, so I went inside, I walked past a grove of trees, and entered the main building, inside I noticed the east side of the building was blocked off, so I headed forward under the set of stairs into the hall of the sun, it was empty, but I noticed a balcony that would be reachable via the stairs I had just passed, making a note to see what’s up there, I headed through the door on the left of where I had entered, and I went down two flights of stairs, ending up at a very ornate door, very much like the one I had seen underground, and just like that door, this door was locked. So I returned back to the hall, and went into the door on the right of where I had entered, this time the stairs led up, but I couldn’t pass through the door at the end, just as before, so I again returned to where I had started, this time returning to the entrance of the building, from there I went up the stairs to the balcony, it wasn’t that unusual, except for the round window that I hadn’t noticed before, descending the stairs again, I headed to the west wing of the archive, and there I finally met someone in this deserted place, he was sitting behind a desk, I walked up to him, he said, “ Welcome to MDA, I see you don’t have your papers yet, would you like them?” “Yes.” And I had my papers, “anything else I can do for you today?” “nope” “good day to you then sir” and I wandered into the room farthest west, the study room, there were desks lining the outside edge of the room, on some of them where books, and unused pieces of parchment. Seeing that there was nothing of interest in there I returned to the main room, and went into the side hall, and went into the first room on the right, there were more bookshelves in there but there was also a spiral staircase leading up to the second floor, where I entered what looked like a bedroom, Marind’s Room, where renavoid typically hung out, there was also a room with a sink, tub, and a cabinet, but no toilet, so I returned back downstairs, and continued down the corridor, and I came to an actual bathroom, I went back out and went out through the back door into the gardens, which were rather extensive, so I decided to go to the closest of the gazzebo’s, the golden globe gazebo, there wasn’t much in there so I went to the lost fountain, and then to the gazzebo of gravitational sound, then the gazebo of silence, and then finally to the broken pattern gazebo, the tiles of the floor seemed to be some sort of puzzle, I tried for a while to solve it but eventually gave up, and walked out of mda, since I had already explored everything there and I went down the path I had been on and came to alche’s alley where there was a bust of alche in a small marble alcove, wondering why that was there, I continued down the path and came upon a huge knator, the knator commander, I called him knatty, and since I couldn’t go any farther, I turned back and headed back down the path to wind’s sanctuary, and went inside the strange building I went over to where it looked like I would be able to buy armor, and I got some very basic armor, I then returned outside, and went to the right, and over a short bridge, where I got an elemental, and a few archers, I then returned to where I had met fluffy, he saw me coming and pointed me out to the person he was talking to, mur, muratus del mur, king manu and murry, where just some of just names, mb told me that he was the creator of this amazing land, and that he had obtained a new server, I didn’t know what that was, but mur said he wanted to do a stress test, and he declared war, our regeneration timers where set to 1 minute, and we all started battling, I got 320,000 xp in a little less that 30 minutes, so now the only thing I had to do was get 8 more wins, as I had gotten many from that brief war, but after about an hour, mur called off the war, declaring the stress test a success, and said we should all go rest, and that my friends, was my first day in md[/spoiler]
  10. Well now i have a use for that 3,000 word story on my first day of MD
  11. hmmm.... well i think i might do very well at this especially if there is the same bugs in this one as there was in the wrath's wrek maze, btw has the maze changed at all?
  12. yes i would be happy with that, but ignore the common catagory, the only thing we have to worry about is the raw materials.
  13. there is only one virus that is able to hide in a jpg file, and that is prevented from working by every modern image viewer..... unless the jpg image was also another file type, as i have seen .jpg images that were also .torrent files.... still don't know how they did that, because it showed the instructions in the image.....
  14. ok, well i am just givning my input, as there doesn't seem to be anyone who would be considered an item hoarder posting in this topic, i am the closest to that which is actually posting on this topic, and no i'm not hoarding them, as i am willing to trade them,
  15. no, as another reason that i have the price at that is to prevent too much hoarding, meaning people who would just buy it to have an item, which isn't what they are meant for, and yes part of my reason for buying them was to get a profit, but that wasn't my original reason, my original reason was to get them away from those who would just dissapear offline and take their items with them forever, and i haven't been even attempting to buy any any time recently.
  16. and the answer is no i don't keep the item for the top list, i don't give a ***** about that list, if i can't be top (which i can't) then i don't care where i am on the list.
  17. i don't have any heat i can't use mine, although i think there is another that does the same thing that is floating around somewhere....
  18. i have bought the loreroot back entrance in the wish shop, it has worked previiously, but no longer does, is anyone else having this problem?
  19. but if you liquidated the assets then they become worth less as rewards.
  20. i must ask how do you think i got the silver and gold i got? i have sacrificed almost nothing... 1 gold for an item.... i wouldn't have bought that item, most of mine i was able to buy for at most 3 silver, as i have posted before, i am great at getting a great price on things, and i have only sold a few of my items.... btw i'm looking to buy another bottle of alchohol, need one for the bartender at my pub and my last post was made before that announcement, and at that point mur had said nothing about items in the announcements about wanting them to be commonish. (btw i am only putting this in a new post so this topic is shown to have a new post) If there is any other way you can think of that would apeal to both sides, then by all means, or if there are specific parts of my suggestion you dislike, then by all means mention them, that way i can help further the resolution of this problem. (same reason for a new post as above) So I take it that no one has any real objections to my suggestion?
  21. we don't sell them for massive amounts. unless you just limit the number of raw materials a person can have, not overall items, as was suggested previously.... and one question, slightly offtopic, why are my posts the only ones rated negativly? pehaps we would get somewhere if we had a meeting of both parties, as we will eventually get somewhere using the forum, but i think it might go slightly faster if we had a meeting of both parties in md, and because of the number of those who aren't in the " item hoarder's " catagory, we must have a few designated people who will be able to represent their side's interests well, but they must also be a person who is willing to make compromises, otherwise we won't get anywhere. one final point i would like to make is that items were meant to be rare and special.
  22. that or mur would be forced to create a completely new file format to prevent us from being able to open them, but that still negates all the work mur put into the image protection system.
  23. i still think that the idea i suggested would satisfy all parties, it allows new methods of putting raw materials into the system, and it will satisfy those who already have raw materials, because their current items don't lose value.
  24. but how many had agiens? there are many more who have raw materials than those who had agiens, and the agiens still had value, they had age, age is value, they were more valuable than the new agiens, there isn't any current way of showing that our's was one of the old raw material, as there was with agiens.
  25. if we do impliment a way of gaining raw materials, then those who currently have raw materials should be compensated, because the value of them would drop a bunch, and i am speaking having 3 or so raw materials myself, i don't want them to become worthless just because a new feature was implimented, however if the new raw materials were totally seperate from the main invintory, then i might say that it is just fine not to compensate us at first, as long as the raw materials we have now, will be usable for more than the new raw materials, for example if you needed to create an item that requried 10 peices of wood (in terms of new raw materials) it would only take 1 of the current raw materials instead of the 10 of the new version. (this is just an example, because if it became easy to get raw materials, then it would actually be worth more than what it takes there.....) however if you limited it so you could only obtain 1 raw material every 2 weeks (trying to keep them uncommon enough for my example above to be feasable) and you made it so you would have to have lets say 100 active days and be at at least mp4, then we could also help prevent abuse of the raw materials, because if a player has been here for 100 days, then they would know how md works, and would be less prone to hoarding, in the end some raw materials would be more valuable than others, but that's what we want, to have a working economy, and i must say that we shouldn't have items expire, that would just drive people away from md.
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