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Fenrir Greycloth

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Everything posted by Fenrir Greycloth

  1. What's with this oddball thing? The caretakers should have something to do with the Tribunals not fairytale characters. The caretakers should be Like the caretakers of a temple...*hint* Windy, you, like redneck, have put little to no thought into this request for an alliance. I see nothing yet that shows ant initiative or proper reason as To why you should be the leader. Come back in a few days when you are ready to present a pproper alliance request.
  2. If you wish to draw for the game, pm GlorDamar. He is the head artist for MagicDual
  3. What do you plan on doing with this alliance?
  4. Put it as a link under the pl. That way the people who post how nice or evil you are can have how many achievements you have pushed in their face. Bragging is fun when it is meaningless! I like that book though.
  5. Go to marinds bell gate and take an immediate right...Keep going
  6. Yes sparrhawk. It could be simple as Putting something in their profile, a symbol or something... Or mur adding it as a game feature
  7. Well, odDs are those people don't have a real role. We already havetjose people who go to certain alliances bEcause of the stat gains. The people who go to a certain land because of that won't be respected as much as those who go their for their role. Anyways, I believe what burns suggested, except we choose when we enter mp5. I know we have chapter three that gives us a an ending and what not... Land affiliations should be a much larger part of md. I mean, with land wars and alliances an stuff... We need to pick a land and stick with it right? If someone role does change I am sure that they can find a way to do it, but at a cost.
  8. Well, why not choose your affiliation and it changes your game play? I will post more about this latter
  9. Why not Give it a larger role?
  10. So... The land affiliations only count for when we are having a land war or when we are in an alliance?
  11. Simple question... What are land affiliations for? I know, but I want the general consensus.. If you don't know what I am talking about look at your profile...
  12. Oh, like www.kingsduel.com
  13. Because there are those out there that need an incentive to win. I don't plan on participating as my loss count is still faaaaar ahead of my win and I still recurve stat loss.
  14. I think we should have basic creatures converted into stats. Noone will have the slots to hold ten or fifteen creatures. Convert them to a basic ammount of stats and the winner gets something worthwhile.
  15. We are it's inhabitants. We are the creators. We don't need an imaginary history, but I agree that it would answer a bunch of questions.
  16. Redneck, we have all pointed out the flaws of your little project in hopes you would realise that at this time it is useless. Chewett has been around since the FIRST alliances and was one of the first to receive one. Listen to him, he rarely, if ever, speaks falsehoods. And insulting him doesn't help either. Being named redneck, and than acting like one to those trying to help... Doesn't help. Now before you respond... Stop and think. Will this help me in my attempts to get this done? Most likely the answer will be no.
  17. Mur said it would be based on player I'd, so that it won't cause a strain on the server when it's checking all the ages when a new day comes.
  18. Yes, the poll was just a consensus in what we wanted done... Not what is needed to be done.
  19. Ibelieve we should hold a competition for this... To name the first year. I don't know if we should name the previous years or not... But I am thinking something should identify which age/year we came from. Perhaps a small design on our profile? Where our age markers are since the age marker stops counting at a year?
  20. Revise, edit, and rewrite it redneck. As it is, it is riddled with spelling and grammar mistakes. Mix up your vocabulary. Instead of research, try examine or use a thesauraus. They help spruce things up. Again, you know Nothing about the inhabitants(if any) of the Tribunals. Why not search the giant castle for hidden passages. Work on it redneck and you might be able to get an alliance. ( it will take enormous ammounts of work and if you are not up to it, stop here)
  21. Awiiya speaks the truth, like SoE, your alliance is a theory based alliance, or that is what I am gathering(tell mr if I am wrong). So instead of saying this and that happened with nothing but assumptions standing it up, try looking at the scenery and deduce what Could have happened. For instance... The throne room. There must have been a dictatorship, a monarchy or a tribe with a head honcho inhabiting this place. Go from there... Have a basis in fact. As for the description of the alliance... Put some real thought into it. Originality is awesome. Almost as awesome as mb!
  22. I offered my help in an actual attempt in the creation of this alliance/ guild. Not to join. I am soe forever. Edit: sorry double posted by mistake
  23. Okay, first redneck... I applaude you for trying to find your niche in the game, for discovering a role for yourself. I really like that. BUT you are going abou this in the wron way. If I have learned anything... Shouting and stating things does not get anything done... No matter the issue. I feel you should go back over your alliance description and reread/write it. As it is right now, it seems unplanned. Perhaps I can help you in this endeavour if you want?
  24. Don't forget werewolfer
  25. How about going to bed tired sleeping 8 hours and waking up as if you didn't sleep at all...
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