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Fenrir Greycloth

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Everything posted by Fenrir Greycloth

  1. Just out of curiousity, what ISP do you use?
  2. Chewett- For the forum. Without him, how would I get everyone to hate me so much? Like honestly... I wouldn't say what I say in the game... just wouldn't feel right. Not the place for it. Lifeline- I dunno why I like him. I just do. Granos- Being able to do what he does, and still have people like him Princ- I respect the way he thinks. I value what he says, may not always like it, or think it's right but I listen to what he says. And Dst- Cuz you're the only one that I can bash over and over, and you still don't cry. Although sueing me seemed kind of... not you. But what ever.
  3. I have an honest question for all of you... What are you going to do about it? What are you solutions? How are you going to implement them? Do you even have any solutions? Try fixing this. Mur does not need to help. (Although I do really like the idea of starting over with fresh stats.
  4. 10kg Marble is a raw material IMO. I don't need a picnic blanket, thanks.
  5. Still trying to get rid of my reindrach. I wasn't interested in anyone's offer of gold or coins for it, but I am definitely looking for special items. Please do not offer coins, creatures, or raw materials. [u][b]DO NOT PM ME.[/b][/u]
  6. Didn't I say exactly the same thing a few months ago? I could have sworn I did.... Oh wait. I did. And oh wait. I got flamed and told to shut up, and got accused of a bunch of stuff.
  7. Yes, I am. I didn't like the post. Therefore I neg repped it. Everyone does it. So why are you bringing it up now? O.o
  8. If we don't live in Romania, would anyone else get to receive one of the black hard cover books in english? I would greatly like one...
  9. Death till we part.
  10. But you have to understand, you came in here, a newb, and started telling the owner/creator of this game that he has horrible spelling, and how to run his game. Don't you think he knows how to run his game better than you? He has different goals than other game owners. Stating the obvious is not needed, but demanding it is never okay...
  11. It's a good idea, but the practical use of it is lost on me. Only time you would NEED it is in the Labyrinth.
  12. No one will buy your Rust Cleaning Solution. -_-

  13. You want someone to pay 20$ for an item that really isn't all that special?! Wow.
  14. [quote name='Chewett' date='20 May 2010 - 02:03 AM' timestamp='1274335421' post='60088'] Your masochism apart, How did you play MD during this time period and how come your ip always goes to one city, in Canada, During this time period when you where in Afghanistan? Im rather interested in the military infra-structure since i spent some time working on setting some of the Brittish guys up with servers and stuff to be flown over. Unless they were routing through your home town (which when i was setting them it it was both impractical and stupid to do) or someone was logging in there with your permission. [/quote] I was gone for a four month period during the beginning of my play time with MD. And you would be wrong about the IP, Chewett. Because I've logged in from several countries. The US, Germany, and Cuba to name a few. Edit: Not to mention several canadian cities. So please, don't lie. And as far as the infrastructure for the internet while on base in another, I believe it goes through satellites and those satellites reroute it through servers, which then perform searches on it so that any information can be traced, flagged and removed if necessary. This includes Skype calls, which is why an armed officer is always present during such events, just incase something happens. Edit2: And as far as the RL challenge to DST, she does not RP. She is not a "character" she is dst. Through and through. What comes out of dst's mouth is what ever her real name's mouth says. Therefor, my challenge is in RL.
  15. Let me break it down. nice and simple. [quote]PS: If you ever have enough gall to prove to me that you are not a coward, please, do so.[/quote] Basically challenging her to do something that proves she is not a coward. [quote] And I don't mean behind a computer screen where you have absolutely no chance of physical harm.[/quote] Meaning, something in RL. [quote] Try doing what I do, and then talk to me about cowardice.[/quote] Try going for a tour in Afghanistan like I did, 9 months ago. Go through Basic Training, even. My class started with 63 recruits, graduated with 31. Less than 50% of people made it. Of the 8 girls, 0 passed. If you can make it past Basic Training, I will not think you are a coward. But sitting behind a computer calling people cowards tells me that you are a BIG coward. I refuse to believe she would say that to someone's face. I hope this explanation helps you understand the three sentences I posted. If not, maybe I can provide a definition of each word, translate it into three different languages, and then throw textbooks at you for awhile.
  16. Yes, apparently, according to Chewett, all the mods, and a "random selection of forum users" this was a blatant threat to dst's well being. Still not sure how you could even get that from what I said. Chewett claims its very obvious. But I fail to see it. I would like people explain that for me, if they could.
  17. Sasha, you know you won't leave as well as I do. You have FAR FAR FAR to many alts. Sasha may be gone, but what about the countless alts you have? I doubt they will be gone.
  18. Just my two cents: As someone that knows a bit about this subject, I can almost guarentee that none of those were hand drawn/traced. For instance, look at the venus, the shading is identical. In almost every aspect. What he did was use a pencil shading tool to make it look like it was hand drawn. It uses pencil strokes to replace the actual paint strokes. Now, start apologizing Kamil. Or shall I do a few myself and show everyone here what you did with actual evidence?
  19. Its an auction...
  20. Silver for the second angien
  21. The prices for the TS, and SW are a bit unreasonable. Just a heads up.
  22. I didn't threaten anyone. Please show me where I said "I will punch you in the head". Edit: Nor did I imply it anywhere. I do not threaten idly. Again, I am a Combat Engineer. I am not an ordinary foot soldier. I go on humanitarian missions, setting up water purification systems, stabilizing structures, and building access routes. In the odd event that I am need to do the other part of my job, I can do the exact opposite. I think that anyone who uses the word Coward so many times, and does not have the attribute called Bravery, should not use the word Coward. It's like call a mouse, a Rat, when you are a New York Sewer Rat. Odd bit of info: Why aren't there any alligators in the NY sewers? The NW Sewer Rats ate them.
  23. Very few of them were up to the standards of the original Avatars though...
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