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Fenrir Greycloth

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Posts posted by Fenrir Greycloth

  1. I have a few questions about the book before I purchase one,

    Is there a Hard Cover version?

    I do not buy paperbacks, especially of books that I will want to keep and read over and over.


    Looks like that is my only question.

  2. Again, you're taking things personally, dst.

    But I will let it be, because it doesn't matter. I used your name as an example, I don't care about the reasoning.

    I brought up this idea because it seemed to me that is is needed. Trashing it for the simple reason that it doesn't need to be in the WS is unacceptable. Help me make this idea into a reality instead of just throwing it to the dogs because you find all these things wrong with it.

    You see something wrong that I don't? Suggest something. Don't just shove it in my face and laugh.

  3. Chewett, if I were to change my name, it would be to shorten it, or add something to it. Not to change my identity. I wouldn't be able to hide for to long. :D

    As for this idea, it came to me when I kept seeing Princ, dst, MRG, and the many others that I consider to have inappropriate names. ( I mean this in the way that their names are misspelled, uncapitalized, or full of capitals.)

    There is not reason why I chose those three names, they were the first to come to mind.

  4. Again, you need a WP to change your name. Something that isn't easily gotten anymore. Unlike the Avatars, and the PL, and the Player Description thing, you can't change this at a mere whim. You must earn it first, and you must REALLY earn it. And the WP item doesn't have to be renewable. It can happen only once. Like the XP removal. (Which I do not think should be in there.)

  5. What is wrong with changing your name? If you want to change your character's identity, why not do so?

    If MD is an allegory for the human psyche, then this would make perfect sense. People change who they are through hard work and determination.

    Isn't that how one acquires a WP? Through hard work and determination? It takes weeks, months, years perhaps to truly change your identity, and this can be related to the amount of work that is required to acquire a WP.

    It is incredibly easy to change your character's image now. As it is in real life. Plastic surgery or personal training can change your body in extreme ways. It requires a bit of money to do so in most cases too, like the Avatars.

    Changing who you are though, that requires work, and WPs can be related to that work.

    If we can have a remove all xp WP, I am sure we can have a WP option to change our names too.

  6. Title says it all,

    Now with the availability of such unique avatars, and the kings being able to reward WPs, I would like to see a new Wish Shop item that allows us to change our names. Especially if we made a mistake in the name, or would like to add capitals, or forgot an "e" at the end of Prince. :))

    Let me know what you think.

  7. I believe that previous winners should NOT even show up in the normal HC contest. So they can't place and take up a spot from those who can still win.

    Hopefully with the addition of the BC, this will change.

    Grido: He means that they can still win it by setting up defensive rituals. For instance, if I was still participating in HC, and I attacked someone that had already won, and they lost 20% of their VE, and I lost 60%, they would still take all my heads. Thus, effectively stealing heads.

  8. I know, come on. HC is supposed to be unfair. But it far fairer than anyone can believe.

    For instance,

    I won my HC. But the first place went to Raven, someone who has won HC MANY times just so that he can take first place away from the rightful owner. Was that fair? No. Do I still want to pull his feathers out for it? Yes. Yes I do.

    It isn't about Mur letting you win, its about you taking it.

  9. A point I would like to make about Ancient Lore is that it is very much like Religion.

    Almost every single Religion has a text, the Bible of Christianity for instance. In this book, it is full of stories. Most of which COULD NOT HAVE HAPPENED.

    Ancient Lore is very much like these stories. It could not have happened, and we should not base our entire MD lives off of it. Very much like Religion. They SHOULD NOT base their lives off of the STORIES, but off of the MORALS of the stories. These morals are what make Religions so important, in some cases. Most morals are extremely important for our survival as a race.

    Do Not Kill Thy Neighbour. (Not sure if that is the exact wording, but you know... I am not perfect, and I think that is another one actually... humility? >.>)

    Do Not Steal

    Do Not Impregnate Your Neighbours Wife

    Etc, etc, etc.

    Follow the morals of these stories, and you are set for a happy life, ie, heaven. Heaven is NOT some mystical place where a god resides, but what you make Earth to be. Heaven is just another allegory for happiness. And to get there, we must follow what the Bible's stories teach us. (Some of them anyways. :) I am sure some of them are not exactly relevant or necessary)

    Anyways, make your own heaven, don't pay attention to the stories, but the story's message, and stop complaining about stupid things!

    Have a good day!

  10. I don't know. It is hard to say. For instance, if you got exclusive rights to use the image only on MD, then sure? Why not? As long as it fits MD images, but if you only get to use the image and the creator goes on to use it for other things, then that can get complicated.

  11. Awiiya has a point...

    Sir Kamil, you have never shown any ability to draw before hand, you admit that your drawings are yours, and then you come out with good drawings such as these? I can draw. I made the mistake of claiming others work as my own because I did not have the time, nor the skill to replicate what they drew.

    Please do not make the mistake. No one will think less of you if you drew something of less quality.

  12. While I am extremely intrigued by who did kill her, I do not want to know. Not this way. Not because you have something to prove to a bunch of ignorant losers.

    Reconsider what you are about to do, and shove that in their face. They will get the satisfaction of seeing you blow a fuse and reveal a major secret. They will try to do it again, and again, and again. Because they see you are capable of doing such a thing.

    So, please. Do NOT do it. :'(

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