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Everything posted by Granos

  1. Wait, wait, wait.... What Zombies.. Zer are no zombies in md... Only Werewolfs or all Lycanthropes Also what about demons or Canadians
  2. Contest back on a monthly basis, Details are as always on the first post.
  3. ... Err.. What lol compounded acronyms are the devils work ya hear the devils!!! RA RA RA! And Dairy Queen O.o you calling me fat :P

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  4. LOL? Lifeline on LSD :P Again?!

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  5. I really do not think that the punishments are harsh enough.. With amounts of alts and the blatant stupidity of people the ones who would mainly be abusing the spell they shouldn't get a tour of prison, this is direct abuse of one of the systems in place in MD which has been brought up countless times, Anyone who does abuse would know they are abusing it and therefore should just jump straight away to worse punishments. Anyone whos over 100 days of activity found abusing the spell shouldnt be given a second chance.. People have been banned for less, and quite foolish reasons, the ones damaging the game through blatant abuse should be punished and not just tapped on the hand, I am quiet sick of the hypocritical attitude towards punishments. (Burn the infidels) But thats just my opinion..
  6. 1 - It would be based off a separate site one of my servers. 2 - There are a few peoplet thats being worked on, it depends on if others wish too If not I can get others from my other Stations to fill in temporarily 3 - Its and outside project being opened to those in MD, given that discussion of properties, is not illegal that is a non issue 4 - I think you may need to learn how to read... 5 - I have full licensing ( non issue) 6 - Those details will be addressed to the people participating in the project as prior, as for how people listen, Either by url built in or in the media program of their choice. You seem to mis-understand the concept of radio.. and the internet.. Because you seem to be bad at reading I will repeat myself, It will be hosted on one of my servers. Not through some Random website.
  7. Thats it I'm posting the Convo Fenrir: If you choke a smurf, what colour does it turn? Granos: is that some slang for some new sexual practice? Fenrir: No... Fenrir: Exactly as it says. Granos: you disgust me... Fenrir: Why? Granos: Smurf choker... Fenrir: Haha. It just popped in my head... Granos: back in my day... We went to Church and Prayed to hold back our urges all we needed was Jesus! Smurfette [quote]Smurfette is not one of the original smurfs because she was created by Gargamel, the evil wizard.[/quote] So if you base it off the original 99 smurfs.. No, but later there were other female smurfs... Like Nanny and Sassette
  8. Yes they would be repeated based off a few programs I already use for automation on my other stations. The intervals would be based on relative times zones and length of specific segments along with the amount of people available to participate in the project, once there is enough interest I'll provide detailed information for all who wish to participate.
  9. Yay Welcome back :D Missed you :P

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  10. Careful people have a bad tendency to spin the truth :P

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  11. YOU! The focus of the general talking would be about the people of md, commentary on the events major and minor, philosophical discussions (mind you that may or may not be there based on the test audience), What it would more less boil down to is people having conversations they they would normally have outside of md related to md only, it would be people who are much more interesting than most (unless you count my involvement ). Humor would be the key to it, as with most sucessful radio shows you need a healthy does of humor pertaining to things that people can relate to. Sure you can listen to anyone about how Grido shot first, but if they don't manage to tell it in a way that is somewhat humorous (one of the main facets of entertainment) then there isn't much point therin even talking to said person. Also One of the obvious ones, would be character and player interviews, now I separate the tow because with most people these things don't exactly go hand in hand. A chance to put a voice to the characters we all know and.. may or may not like.. And we musn't forget there would be contests and competions where people can win free stuff, and who doesn't like free stuff? "Mango" says - having a few extra voice in your head is always a bonus "Mango" says - the alternative is buying a cat. (thats not a good thing)
  12. First off, I know I can have more than 5 listeners for sure, due to black mailing But that aside, there are many creative people in MD, the main news related to md, wouldn't encompass much, the actual main issue I see with a project like this would be from language barriers, but it would give people just another open form of expression along with free advertising aside from just people entertained. Most of the really addicted people are stat grinders who look for exterior entertainment along side from just md. Granted there would be music and repeat shows (like 99% of all radio stations) . So I would suppose that the acutal md related content would be limited for starters, but with any pilot project the start is small, and with anything MD related only certain people will actually hold interest I don't expect the entire community to jump up and grab at the idea and love it or even listen, There are loads of quest out there for people to do doesn't mean everyone does them, there's combat, but not every does combat... etc.... If there is enough interest in any given project related to md I see no reason not to follow through with it unless there is a direct reason not to . This is merely another facet for the MD society as a whole to come embrace share and enjoy. "Mango" says, when confused, slap your butt. "Mango" also says....eat your greens.
  13. [indent]I would have to go with the idea that things are initially chaotic, then become ordered... Just as an example take the way the human mind works, initially we didn't have much to our though process more of just a chaotic sense of purpose and urges acting on the reptilian impulses, eventual it came about to advanced cognitive activity in which the way thing are precieved are ordered. When we see things we put them into categories, either by shape, color.. etc... Associating them with other things which we can understand so we can have plausible comprehension. Then again one could argue that even the reptilian mind is functioning from a state of order, the body requires food thus we have hunger. Then you have the other issues which would matter more so, such as the actual nature of the universe in which your view on the subject would more or less be based on a specific creation theory. If there is no actual unified point of basis to determine things we are left only to ponder and theorize such concepts, which given no real point of origin to base things you could say that just thinking on the question would be chaotic If you don't have point of reference order isn't very plausible. Order in this case being the state of organization, we may have the laws of physics to base things off, but who is to say that they are not in truth merely the result of compounded chaos? If you look at it from different perspectives other than just the way we see things as they are, think about it from wholeistic time sense, who is to say that all that we know is hard truth for all of time and actually ordered? Like gravity, we see it as a force in which determines the motion of things. Now, imagine if you will that this was more of a mistake only actually plausible because of other fractured things.. Chaos compounded.. What is Gravity wasn't actually meant to exist like life it came about merely as "mistake" and eventually like life it will cease to exist in the universe... Just food for flame and thought [/indent]
  14. Ive been contemplating the idea of setting up a new server for a radio station, and someone who will be known for the sake of this as "Mango" suggested that I make it for MD... What I would like to know what are people's thoughts on something like this, also would anyone be interested in participating in it for a test phase? Post your Qualms, Suggestions, Complaints, Flames and other thoughts that you may have...
  15. [center][size="6"]HAPPY BIRTHDAY![/size] [left]Another year older, and another year wiser some would say, but to those who know you... No Maybe a little drunker Happy birthday bud Also, I'm pretty sure this is the real [url="http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-1189559/To-ends-earth-British-Isles-stop-smoking--man-exile-island.html"]Zleiphneir [/url] [/left] [/center]
  16. Yeah I checked and there is a lot missing from the french translation... Also a good portion of it seems to be broken which seems mainly to be a character issue..
  17. Happy Birthday Liberty, enjoy this gift of spam
  18. Ive only tested the french, for basic communication it works fine, but when it comes to certain phrases it gets completely lost in translation, which is to be expected, works well in my book I'll continue testing with other languages
  19. Given that the head contest is meant to be unfair, and in the last few months it has been almost anything but, I would have to say that any RPC that wishes to mess with the heads contest should be allowed too, doesn't mean they all have to, but that the option is there, you can come and whine and complain about so and so doing this and doing this and that, but in the end, it all boils down to things being unfair, which is what the head contest is supposed to be. I can go into a whole set of reasons about the head contest being a joke now, but that would be going off topic. Just my opinion..
  20. If theres still work to be done on the french translation I can do it, But I'm not sure if its complete or the new additions need to be addressed..
  21. Haven't tried it yet, but Ive been thinking of doing it, let me know if its any good :P

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  22. Ooo nice, not using 4.3 yet :P have you tried seamonkeys yet :)) I still have minor issues with FF in unbuntu and md, but from what Ive seen its the best so far, unless you use spells..

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  23. Happy Birthday.. May you enjoy celebrating another year closer to senility..
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