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Everything posted by cutler121

  1. I really like the things which can be done with the current set of clickable functions. There is almost no limit to what can be done. With that said there are a few things which would be nice if they could be added. 1) Test which principles someone using a clickable has. 2) Keep track of quest progress by having MDscript send a PM when a quest leg is completed. 3) Give and take items from within MDscript (mainly I am thinking about silver coins) to help implement a more robust MD economy. (But WP and other items would be nice as well) 4) Test Action Points in the user variables (as well be able to drain heat/AP/VP as conditions for some clickable events). It would also be nice if inner spell documents were brought back as a way to reward some quests. Cheers, Cutler PS Although this isn't exactly a clickable topic, The Achievements and Trophies seems to have stalled some time ago. It might be cool if there were a new Achievements or Trophy that had something to do with clickables.
  2. Yup LOL, The MD Astral Plane Post Office is now open. You can send and receive messages from the signpost at the gates of Marind Bell. Of course the person you are sending the message to also has to know to go check the post office. Cheers, Cutler PS In the future it will be possible to add additional features if people are interested. I envision a wanted board where it will be possible to put up rewards for criminals. If you have any suggestions, feel free to post them here and I can add additional features to the MD astral Post Office
  3. It wouldn't be that hard to put in a cod feature. Hmmm maybe I will make this feature today Actually I have set up a Post Office at the gates to Marind Bell. Just click the signpost to use the Post Office. To make it slightly less spammable, you need to know the players id to send them a message. I might put in an advanced pay for service option later depending on whether people are interested in doing some more interesting things with this service. Cheers, Cutler
  4. [quote name='dst' date='30 December 2009 - 06:08 AM' timestamp='1262153339' post='51391'] If you did not PM Mur to fix it (when he asked us to PM him) then you'll not get it. Since you miss it I suspect you did not send a PM ergo...no 7th orb for you this year. [/quote] I also noticed that the extra heat orb gift never appeared, but I hadn't heard about PMing Mur about this. Is it too late to do so at this point? Cutler
  5. One last point before this is closed. Did anybody notice how dst was looking for a dating service All the available men (and flexible woman) better watch out I can only imagine where that might lead [img]http://magicduel.invisionzone.com/public/style_emoticons//cool.gif[/img] Cutler PS Luckily I am off the market so no worries here
  6. [quote name='Chewett' date='28 December 2009 - 02:15 PM' timestamp='1262009717' post='51268'] If someone is selling a "tainted" angien, ask them for the first half of the CTC, with this you will be able to check if it is tainted or not. And if anyone has one, can they test my script. it works in theory but i havent got a tainted angien to test it with... [/quote] If you use the script at the angiens egg it will also give you all of the pertinent information available about your creature. Including some things you may not have known! Cutler
  7. [quote name='Chewett' date='28 December 2009 - 10:44 AM' timestamp='1261997047' post='51250'] You can do what you would like with yours, And yes i do know when an angien is "tainted" [/quote] Ok, I took the password off of the tainted detector at the angiens egg. I will leave it up for people who are getting new angiens eggs (which is kinda silly since they can only get normal angiens there). But if you got a tainted angiens egg for christmas you can see all of the ctc info to check what type it is. Cheers, Cutler
  8. [quote name='Chewett' date='28 December 2009 - 10:10 AM' timestamp='1261995054' post='51247'] I cant access mdscript so cannot place it there. [/quote] If you want I will take the password off of my script at the angiens egg so people can test it right there. Do you know when the angiens takes on the tainted status? Cutler
  9. Where this should go? Do you mean the thread or the script? I actually made exactly the same thing and placed it in the signpost at the angiens egg (with a password), but I only had creature 29 so I wasn't sure if the tainted angiens only shows up when the egg hatches or if some eggs are created tainted. Would you like to put your script in the signpost and I will delete mine or would should I take the password off of it and have two tainted detectors Cutler
  10. [quote name='Udgard' date='28 December 2009 - 05:06 AM' timestamp='1261976794' post='51238'] Well, that thing is rather similar to a hard-coded MD puzzle he solved long ago, doesn't it? =D And it seems like someone already solved it within a week of it's opening.. (I'd assume that's why I can't find it on the place it used to be anymore) [/quote] RJ's key puzzle was actually somewhat different than the broken pattern gazebo puzzle and it took about 3 hours to solve which is a fair amount of time. But I didn't notice it right off as well so I was only the second person to solve it One problem with complex quests, they can have a really nice idea (which RJ's did) and even be very complex to implement, but if it is a doable puzzle quest 6-8 hours of concerted effort by any reasonably intelligent person is going to crack it. I built in some death traps to my necro astral plane quest so that it would last a few days, but even with that after people died 2-3 times, they got to the complex puzzles and solved the quest in a short amount of time. One big problem with quest creation is that it takes (for me) much more time to put the quest together than for people to run the quest. (The what number am i quest may be an exception to this since people are still running the game gauntlet and there are more people completing legs every day). I think the MDscript adds alot of freedom to do interesting things (if you are into programming) but at some point the question becomes what is the point of an MD quest. If its solving puzzles, my puzzle arcade gives fresh versions of all the games to play each time so it is new each time, but that doesn't seem to me to be the point of solving a quest in MD. It should be for some reward and only the best/first few people to solve it should get the reward. This is another reason I have announced my last few quests several days ahead and opened them at a specific time so everybody has an equal chance. I have some (3-4) other ideas for new quest formats which I will release when I have some more WP to gift (1 idea spoiler: true 2-person interaction within MD) but making quests takes a LOT of time and effort and there is currently no incentive within MD to do it. I think it would be cool if there were some kind of Mur approved (given) reward for quest creation even if that might lead to a deluge of poor quality quests from people just wanting the reward. Cutler
  11. [quote name='Rendril' date='28 December 2009 - 05:49 AM' timestamp='1261979361' post='51239'] Whoops! I meant to compare the id's, not the cid's Thanks for noticing As for the double loop, why would it not work?. From what I can tell it performs the 6 comparisons as needed: 0 is compared to 1, 2 and 3 1 is compared to 2 and 3 2 is compared to 3 Looking at your implementation of the linear loop, I think you misunderstood how the for-loop runs. [code]for(@va = 0; @va < 3; @va++)[/code] Will trigger only 3 times, from 0 to 2 I agree, my method performs in a O(n[sup]2[/sup]), more specifically, it does (n(n-1))/2 comparisons (please correct me if I am mistaken) What you suggested is to pre-sort, then apply the linear loop. Paying for the sort could make it less efficient then the nested loops (at least for this small scale comparison), how is the sort() implemented? Also, will it sort on id by default? You haven't initialized any of your counters, although PHP is loosely typed, I don't think it will initialize them correctly through the postfix increment. Looking back on the code, I see that I could have performed the counting directly in the replication check, I'll add that when I have internet again. [/quote] Yes that is correct my for loop does 3 comparisons, that is all that is needed to check for identity of 4 elements in a sorted array. If you look back at your two nested loops, you will see that the outer one which you have : for(@vi = 0; @vi < 2; @vi++) { only runs from @vi = 0 to 1. If that doesn't make sense, just take your loops and put an echo inside which will print out what numbers it runs over: for(@vi = 0; @vi < 2; @vi++) { for(@vj = @vi + 1; @vj < 3; @vj++) { echo "<br> @vi @vj"; } } If you run that you will see that it only runs over the values @vi,@vj 0,1 0,2 1,2 it is missing the comparisons with the final ctc value. If you replace the 2 and 3 respectively by 3 and 4 it will be correct ie. for(@vi = 0; @vi < 3; @vi++){ for(@vj = @vi + 1; @vj < 4; @vj++){ echo "<br> @vi @vj"; }} Not a big issue, but it is important to have the loops test the whole set of values especially when it is for an example for people not used to dealing with loops. Cheers, Cutler
  12. [quote name='Rendril' date='26 December 2009 - 09:37 PM' timestamp='1261863428' post='51148'] [b]array[/b]|[b]boolean[/b] mds_is_ctc(string $ctc) Returns [i]false[/i] if invalid CTC is supplied, otherwise it returns an array with creature information. Returned array will have the following structure: ["id"] : creature ID ["uid"]: owner ID ["cid"]: creature type ["tokens"]: tokens held by creature ["dateBorn"]: timestamp when creature was created ["transfercount"] : number of transfers ["tradevalue"]: trade value ["customName"]: custom name of the creature, if any ["vitality"]: creature's maximum vitality ["level"] : creature's level ["experience"] : creature's experience ["battlesWon"] : number of battles won by creatre ["age"] : creature's age in days When inputting a creature transfer code, never use the full string, it will be treated as invalid and return false. I find it best to copy from the CTC to MDC of the code, that is all it needs to identify the creature. Example: HTML [code] <form method="post" action=""> Pete the Bull stands guard, send the CTC's* of the creatures to defeat him<br /> <input name="ctc0" type="text" /><br /> <input name="ctc1" type="text" /><br /> <input name="ctc2" type="text" /><br /> <input name="ctc3" type="text" /><br /> <br /> <input name="submit" type="submit" value="Submit"/><br /> <br /> <font size="1px">*Copy from "CTC" to "MDC", not the entire code</font> </form>[/code] Script [code] if(isset(@input['submit']))//check that button was clicked { //load the "ctc"'s into an array @vc[0]= mds_is_ctc(@input['ctc0']); @vc[1]= mds_is_ctc(@input['ctc1']); @vc[2]= mds_is_ctc(@input['ctc2']); @vc[3]= mds_is_ctc(@input['ctc3']); //check whether ctc's are valid if(@vc[0] && (@vc[1]) && (@vc[2]) && (@vc[3])) { @vt = true;//test for repeats for(@vi = 0; @vi < 2; @vi++) { for(@vj = @vi + 1; @vj < 3; @vj++) { if(@vc[@vi]['cid'] == @vc[@vj]['cid']) { @vt = false; break; } } } //check there are no repeats if(@vt) { //create an array of the creature types @va = array(@vc[0]['cid'], @vc[1]['cid'], @vc[2]['cid'], @vc[3]['cid']); //set the counters of each creature type in associative array foreach(@va as @vb) { if(isset(@vd["" . @vb])) ++@vd["" . @vb]; else @vd["" . @vb] = 1; } //check if required creatures types are in the array if((@vd['12'] == 2) && (@vd['2'] == 1) && (@vd['5'] == 1)) { echo "you have defeated pete the bull!"; } else { echo "pete laughs at your feeble attacks"; } } else { echo "pete looks at " . uv('name') . " with doubt"; } } else { echo "inva"."lid ctc(s) supplied"; } } else { //echo the html, it is not shown by default echo @content[0]; } [/code] [/quote] I would change the way you are testing to see if two creatures are actually different or not. As it is now if you put the same exact two ctcs in boxes ctc2 and ctc3 it won't catch them (your double loop has a less than when it should have less than or equals). Also if someone just copies a slightly longer ctc code in the second time it will still show as valid and the two will seem to be different. From a programming perspective the double nested loop is ok for very small arrays like this but there are a number of better methods in general to test for repeated elements. If you want to have a double loop you can do a full bubble sort on the elements. Or just use sort(@vc) and run through it once to see if there are equal CTC elements. I would actually test against the creature id's since those will be the same no matter what CTC fragment someone used. For example: sort(@vc); @vd[0]['cid']]++; for(@vi = 0; @vi < 3; @vi++){ if(@vc[@vi]['id'] == @vc[@vi+1]['id']){ @vt = false; break; } else{ @vd[@vc[@vi+1]['cid']]++; } } // now you have tested identity and set @vd already if(@vt){ // put in the end part here }
  13. [quote name='Burns' date='27 December 2009 - 08:01 AM' timestamp='1261900864' post='51189'] I'm not getting it... as usual XD I reduced the code to the very basic, recognize exactly one type of creature, with: [php]<form method="post" action=""> Pete the Bull stands guard, send the CTC's* of the creatures to defeat him<br /> <input name="ctc0" type="text" /><br /> <br /> //and i think you need to count up, not use 'ctc1' over and over again, Ren... not sure, though <input name="submit" type="submit" value="Submit"/><br /> <br /> <font size="1px">*Copy from "CTC" to "MDC", not the entire code</font> </form>[/php] [php]if(isset(@input['submit'])){ @vc[0]= mds_is_ctc(@input['ctc0']); if(@vc[0]) {@va = array(@vc[0]['cid']); if(in_array(array(33), @va)) {echo "you have defeated pete the bull!";} else {echo "pete laughs at your feeble attacks";} } else {echo "inva"."lid ctc(s) supplied";} // 'val' is restricted language } else {echo @content[0];}[/php] now i go and feed it with a creature 33 (bloodpact archer), and what does pete? he laughs at my feeble attempts of creating code =( Is it my code failing? is it me misunderstanding the cid-command? or is my poor ole Apollo not strong enough to attack petey? HELP PLEASE! [/quote] There are a couple of problems with what you have tried to code above. First when you are trying to test what creature the CTC code is you are using array() improperly, it is just the array value you want which is: @va = @vc[0]['cid']; Then you want to test to see if that value is equal to 33 or not so you should use: if(@va == 33){ // insert code here if true } else{ // insert code here if false } So your example should be : if(isset(@input['submit'])){ @vc[0]= mds_is_ctc(@input['ctc0']); if(@vc[0]){ @va = @vc[0]['cid']; if(@va == 33){ echo "you have defeated pete the bull!"; } else{ echo "pete laughs at your feeble attacks"; } } else{echo "inva"."lid ctc(s) supplied";} } else {echo @content[0];} The best way to test if multiple creatures are present is if you make a creature number associative array and add one to the creature number for each "real" creature present. So you could add this line above: @vb[@va]++; // this adds one more creature of type @va Then you could just test to see if there are 2 creatures of type 33 one of type 29 ... etc. if(@vb[33]== 2 && (@vb[29] == 1)){ // add code here for if true } else{ // add code here for if false } I placed the second set of parentheses around the @vb[29] part of the code so the && and @ wouldn't be immediately adjacent which will give an error. Cheers, Cutler
  14. The incentive for making quests I think would be a good new thread since at this point there really isn't any besides the enjoyment of doing it or to try programming something new (if you're into that kind of thing). In the past quests were one of the requirements of being an PRC (which never really worked well) and the "benefit" of being an RPC was the reward. At this point I might suggest giving the ability to give spell docs to people who make quests so that could be another form of reward as well. For my quests I have given out all of the WP I was given, in addition to several of my old creatures to people who felt cheated because of the one WP per awardee rule. I really disliked it when RPCs said they were going to reward me a WP and then never did (that happened 2 times) and didn't want to do that to other people. At this point I don't really have anything else to give out so I am helping other people with their quests and not making any more of my own until I have something to reward. I guess my big question is if Mur wants quests to be an important part of MD or not. It seems like there are lots of good ideas about ways to add to MD and having some carrots would be a nice incentive. Cheers, Cutler
  15. I always wondered about the libs and people training with them, the whole abusing alts thing never seemed very consistent to me. So training with the libs is ok or not? Cutler
  16. You know this thread would make a really nice little program to add into a clickable. It could be like in one of my puzzle arcade games where you click one of the numbers and that number is assigned to you. If you pick a number with a winning combination, it will give you the ctc or secret info right then and that number would then not be available to be taken again. I think this was a really nice idea and I am willing to make a "sign" with numbers to place in a clickable at the goe, and I will even throw in another pimped grassan for people to try to get (maybe some angiens eggs to spice it up a bit as well). If anyone would like to donate a creature/item/secret message they would like to be given out (with credit) when someone chooses a number I would be happy to add that in as well. Let me know here if you want to join in and what type of "gift" you would like to donate and you can PM me the specifics (like CTC codes or how you will gift an item for example). Cheers, Cutler Merry Christmas - This could also be implemented for a secret santa type matchup where each person has a number and places their gift in that number to be chosen.
  17. [quote name='Rhaegar Targaryen' date='24 December 2009 - 10:48 AM' timestamp='1261651695' post='50943'] the quest is not yet finished, unless the ones who have advantage at the moment don't finish the quest by Monday, it will recieve small modifications in order to get the quest running [/quote] So that means that your "first filter" has already been filled? Cutler
  18. [quote name='Chewett' date='23 December 2009 - 09:47 AM' timestamp='1261561657' post='50882'] Close this? because its a quest spoiler? [/quote] Yes please. Cutler
  19. If you have the correct answer it will work with any capitalization. I used the [strtolower()] PHP function [img]http://magicduel.invisionzone.com/public/style_emoticons//cool.gif[/img] Cheers, Cutler
  20. Yeah and that was really silly when the amount of exp needed to be MP6 was increased so MP6 protectors (supposedly a non-fighting mind level) could only stay MP6 if they had been going around killing people for exp. Needless to say that dropped me out of MP6 and I never intend to go back. Cutler
  21. One thing has confused me a lot about Redneck, I have see him speaking disrespectfully / rudely with people and then he is or wants to be a LHO and is one of the people new arrivals first interacts with in MD. From my limited view of Redneck, he doesn't seem to be someone who can give MD a positive image with new arrivals. Maybe leaving him in the ToW is doing more good than just dealing with his poor behavior at the GGG. It has been kind of nice to not have him around speaking rudely and causing trouble. Cutler
  22. Well, if someone ever tried to take advantage of me I would want this captcha! Cutler [img]http://www.the-cript.com/Cutler/ginsuass.jpg[/img]
  23. I would like number 121 please :-) Cutler
  24. Welcome back There has been a decided lack of metal filings lying around since your departure and almost nobody has been bought or sold since then. Maybe you can reinstate the slave trade! Cheers, Cutler
  25. So I guess this is now one of the most posted in (in a short amount of time) forum. Did everyone like looking at that picture Cutler
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