The one thing I didn't see mentioned here is Free Will. Unfortunately, Free Will makes everyone do things he usually wouldn't do until someone comes along and shows him that anyone can.
Now before anyone becomes sarcastic, I am speaking of puns and not really being specific about Free Will (whomever he/she is). Puns in role playing makes for hilarious reading only for those who have been playing the game long enough to know who those characters are. The use of names for example; dst, everyone, Peace and Mur help me, Bob, can cause symptoms of PML, ROFLing if used in the right context. Let me pick on Dst here for a moment and let poor everyone have some Peace. When one battles with Dst and gets their Army wiped out, the saying "I've been Dst." become a pun. If there is another term for it, I am sure I will be corrected immediately if not ASAP.
Game terms is another way to use puns in role playing. To list a few; brisk, heat, regenerate, and the most used one, Dead Girl. Using the Blue chat, one might type thus: Sagewoman: *watches Dead Girl walk by Briskly, her face Heated, trying to Regenerate some composure*.
So, what am I getting at here? The use of Humor in role playing. As most know, Windy (proprietor and owner of the Wind and Rain Pub in Winds Sanctuary) and I use puns all the time in our role play. We shamelessly use character names and game terms that are guaranteed to make inhabitants to use the slang, LOL, ROFL, and my personal favorite, PIMP in the chat.
Like Godmoddling, not everyone likes it, approves of it, but Mur Help Me (another pun)it's Liberating to let some of the frustration and Real Real anxieties out!