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Kriskah Arcanu

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Everything posted by Kriskah Arcanu

  1. A long list of commun and special items is now on Mur's hands. We hope items will soon start appearing randomly. Soon I will start recolecting them for our next market item-auction. When I get 6-7 I will squedule an auction. Please be patient, I wont sell until then. (I am accepting 1 Gold coin = 15 silver coins) For now I will ask those with 5 or more items let others get the chance to aquire items during auctions. Regards, K PS. For items prices I will take under consideration the results of Kafuuka's poll. So please those who haven't answered yet, here is the link: [url="http://ihazquest.x10hosting.com/survey/survey.php"]http://ihazquest.x10hosting.com/survey/survey.php[/url]
  2. Master Grido is awesome! K :good:
  3. [quote name='Rhaegar Targaryen' post='32157' date='May 24 2009, 08:48 AM']i have an idea of drawing pictures representing events from player's history in MD... i would draw them myself, but cause i have lack of talent for drawing, i want to propose this to the artisans for example: creating the Savelites Church, Raven's leave to the sentinels, apearing of angiens... etc. it would be really nice to see art history page[/quote] I really like the idea. But it will mean a lot of work from the artisans. K
  4. [quote name='Kafuuka' post='32022' date='May 22 2009, 12:17 PM']So far there has been a lot of discussion about what the MDS is worth, whether or not the currency actually has value, is stable etc. I thought it'd be a good thing to have a survey about prices, so I made one.[/quote] Thanks so much Kafuuka. I really apreciate the effort you put in this. I trust the value of the MDS coin is in our hands (MD community) only. So it is for us to decide. I hope we can soon see the results. K
  5. [quote name='pamplemousse' post='31922' date='May 21 2009, 05:07 PM']I LOVE IT! Arf Arf! Viva la waggley tail![/quote] hahaha :lol: Todos a mover la colita! :yahoo: Nahh, the song its anoying after a while.
  6. I asked Akasha to turn it off a few weeks ago, she told me she was goin to ask Mur. That is all I could do
  7. Please, there is a thread to discuss topics like currency issues and creatures/items auctions. (Market forum). I blame my self, I should have stopt posting. Mur is taking care of the funds situation that created the conflict so I believe we can close this topic so the discussion may continue where it belongs. Thank you.
  8. Felicidades Shadowseeker! :drinks: cheers K
  9. [quote name='Guybrush Threepwood' post='31737' date='May 20 2009, 06:30 PM']Here is my current understanding of the market. People give Kriskah money for things, or Kragel, or whatever. Kriskah or Kragel then gives money to people for quest whatnots. These people then use the money for what? Trading critters and what else? I hear RP interaction a lot, but how many people would trade a coin for a RP interaction if they thought they could get a drachorn if they saved enough coins? I'm curious to know how many people would actually trade coins for things like "muffins" or "surgery", and so far I have only got an answer from about five people saying that, "of course everyone would". It really doesn't seem so obvious to me, maybe I'm just being silly.[/quote] Guy. You got to be kidding me... you just leave me with no words. Where you in the same meeting we all did? :lol: I am sorry, but it is a bit funny after all we have talk and talk you come with this type of questions. I prefer to take it with hummor rather then think we really said those confussing things. I dont really understand what are you saying, I will try to explain this to you again. The public funds where divided into: People with Quests so they may give coins as rewards. buying items As a merchant I will be buyin and selling Items. The main market purpusse is everyone can buy items (and creats), everyone should be able to participate on the market. That is why we need coins to spread. Hopely Items will do the same. (In other topics I remarked jobs rewards will have to be revaluated so people dont abuse of it. You will find more about the market in other threads) K
  10. [quote name='Watcher' post='31729' date='May 20 2009, 05:41 PM']As noted in other places, there are those who view the silver coin as completely worthless. To them, it has no value and is an extra something given to them when they make a purchase of an "item" they believe that has real value (ex. increases in attack, defense or other values.) Creatures, on the other hand, are much more concrete in their value. Everyone has them. Given enough time and battles, these creatures can give an interesting return to those who invest in them. I am sure there are more questions to ask, but this is enough to get a dialogue on the subject started and, if not here, on another thread.[/quote] I find on Watcher's words quite important material of discussion. We have been talking about this for a while and I believe we will continue. After all the discussion I have reacently read, I find md coins currency more "symbolic" then real. And I value the simplicity of that in a transaccion. But I recognize people will expect the market to become more then just an rp simulation. Mur will have an important roll in this matter. There are a few ideas on how to make silver coins gain value on diferent post, as I recall most of them agreed MDSilvers have to become more rare. K
  11. [quote name='Nex' post='31720' date='May 20 2009, 03:37 PM']just a minor grammatical thing, more of a pun, but i guess its better to point it out before people start splitting hairs in the "she said in her post that she wants to keep it all herself"- kind of way double negative. [i]not[/i] wish to keep [i]none[/i] means you [b]do[/b] wish to keep some, or all. same with do not not enjoy having a bag of coins [/quote] Thanks Nex. No matter how many times I edit I allways leave some grammar mistakes You should all learn to speak Spanish
  12. I am trully concerned about this auction-market conflict. It really worries me that something that originally was intended to build community by creating an entire new way of RP relations, can easily turn into the complete opposite. The hole idea of a market for MD was suposed to be simple and plain fun roll playing, there is no other intention on my behalf. Never intended to be in charge of MD Market, I trully hope I am not. What I have is a project but it involves the MD community, so it is for you to determine if the market thingy can work, not me. The MD Market has to be something we all want, but we have to know the purpuses of the market are much bigger then the market it self, I am not sure if people understands that... we will see. Ps. All coins (except those for rewards we allready talked about), and all creatures from the market fund are going to be used to trade for items (which is what I been trying to do from the start), I do not wish to keep them. I do not enjoy having a bag of coins, and I am also not the fighting kind of player, so I will hoard only if people do the same with items. Nevertheless I will not pay for expensive items because I want to be able to sell them in a accesive price, want every player to have a chance to participate.
  13. Burns, Kragel did not "KIND OF tricked people into believing that they were doing it for Krishka and the Market-thingy..." He said from the start he was going to be profiting. [b]He said it! [/b] Like I said before, he ask his profit remains private. Which I respected, and he gave the market its share [b]like he promess. [/b] The "privacy of his profit" it is not something I was completly convinced, we did had a conversation about this, but I decided to accepted his terms, so everything was set and agreed from the start. K His words: [quote]post Apr 27 2009, 08:21 PM Post #1 | The Metal Mage is going to get in on some of the fun ... We are going to have a slave auction to benefit the MD Market Fair! Here is how it works: if you would like to sign up, leave a message saying you want to be included. The final price of your sale in the market will be divided between myself and Kriskah, with a small portion going to the slaves to buy their freedom, if need be ...[/quote] So, just for the record, Kragel didn't tricked anybody into this auction. Not me, not you. K
  14. Kriskah Arcanu

    New ideas

    [b]Personal hate list or something else:[/b] The idea is that the hate list page becomes officialy something else, like a diary or a place to tell a story. Let people decide a name for it: [url="http://magicduel.invisionzone.com//index.php?showtopic=3976&pid=31219&st=0&#entry31219"]http://magicduel.invisionzone.com//index.p...amp;#entry31219[/url]
  15. I will close this topic. If Burns or anybody has any type of issues about the Market founds please PM. I have nothing to hide. K
  16. It is my idea or the entire forum has become agresive these days...? Maybe we are all a bit stress out... Ok, just to announce a few things. * If quest creators need more funds for rewards please PM. * If there are items owners willing to make a deal, but do not want coins I have a few creatures too, please contact me. * Item donations are well received too but remember i am a trader, so at least let me make an offer * I will start an (item) and creature's auction market in a few weeks. This time in Loreroot. I will speak to the authorities and keep you posted. I hope God Mur would realese more items so they can be offered at Lore's market... *sighs* (Kriskah prays some times) K
  17. When Kragel offer to help the market with the slavery auction he was very clear to me about the profit he will make. We discussed about transparency, I kind a predicted this is going to happen. Anyway, I respected his desicion, and accepted the deal. When the auction finished he send me the amount of coins you all know (I carry them all in my pockets), all of them will be used for the purpuses you allready know. The creatures I have are also public (since i dont have the space on my acc, some of them are on my alter), and they will be used in the market as well. (I hate to be carrying coins I am an item trader, but you all know it isn't easy to buy items not even with creatures offerings) K
  18. I don't know the English tittles but these are some of the books I read and enjoyed: [b]El Druida del Cesar[/b] by Claude Cueni. [b]Los Reyes Malditos: El Rey de Hierro[/b], by Maurice Druon [b]El hombre que hablaba de Octavia de Cádiz[/b] by Bryce Echeñique [b]Cien años de soledad[/b] by Gabriel Garcia Marquez [b]La vida es sueño [/b]by Pedro Calderón de la Barca [b]Noches blancas[/b] by Fiódor Dostoievski As a teenager I enjoyed reading Science Fiction's authors like Robert Silverberg, Clifford D. Simak, Brian Aldiss, Isaac Asimov, Ray Bradbury, Arthur C. Clarke, L. Sprague de Camp, Arthur Conan Doyle, Franz Kafka. (No one of my age did so I was a bit "Science Fiction nerdy" kind of girl) K
  19. Ok... then what happens now? I am new on this idea thingy... K
  20. [quote name='Jester' post='31121' date='May 14 2009, 06:46 PM']I had a hate list that had a page or two of things I hate, and I've seen a few other people with long lists as well.[/quote] Besides Windy's list (which is one of many things she has on that page) and maybe two other players lists... I dont recall their names right now because I havent seen them in a long time, I haven't seen a list that could be really called a hate list. But ok, lets say 4 or 5 players on MD have a Hate List. Even if I they have 10, 15, 20 or even more things they hate. I trully don't see the necesity for all MD players to have a so called Hate List whitch just a very few really use. Any way, [b]my idea is to make this an open option, so each player can choose how to name this page[/b]. Evidently the alternative I am sugesting won't mean they will have to erase their hate lists. K
  21. [quote name='Grido' post='31114' date='May 14 2009, 05:35 PM']''Those who can't hear the music, think the dancer is mad.'' is mine to be fair on myself the initially visible text is: Hate Hate is for those with darkness tainting their soul. I do not hate, for that tainting would destroy me. Think of what a better world it would be if we all the whole world had cookies and milk about 3 o'clock every afternoon and then lay down with our blankets for a nap. So the title is deceptive in having nothing hate related in it, whilst the content does[/quote] I only copy-pasted the tittle A few people, like Grido have something about hate, whitch is not really a list of people or things they hate. Some are deep thougts about hate, death or deceit, whitch is interesting too... but it is not a hate list. Other examples: 1) "Only Nothingness here in the Void Because Nothing is born of Hatred" 2) "HATE TRULY IS AN EVIL WORD. DO WE EMBRACE IT AND FOLLOW AN EVIL PATH OR REJECT IT AND FLOAT ALONG A CELESTIAL ONE..." These are all I could find today. Nobody else have anything about hate on my range. I do remember to have read at least two more thoughts long time ago. Anyway, there where nothing more then two or three sentences. The great mayority, I risk to say over 90%: 1) don't have a hate list at all, 2) they have it, but is empty, 3) they use it for something else.
  22. Just to add a few proofs This is what I found only today, at Winds Sanctuary, The Dojo and The Gazebo. [b]Tittles and contents of the personal hate list page: [/b] An old green hardcover notebook Funny Things I Have Seen In Chat Part 1-“The Beginning” My Pics Personal Stats What Hate list Quest The balance My personal quest Hatred is a waste of Energy. DEATH~NOTE Necrovion my favourite land Wedding planning *work in progress* Those who can't hear the music, think the dancer is mad. Water water… My favourite Quotes Hate? What a Cruel Word Humanity My HH Myself!!! One of the most enjoyable aspects of MD for me is solving puzzles… Archievements List [b]And one who does use it:[/b] Sir Blut Very hard to trade with - pretends not to physically be able to.
  23. I have clicked many personal hate lists since I started playing the game. I must say (almost) nobody uses it for what it is. If somebody does it is only to put like a smal sentence... saying: I hate authoritarism, chat spam, and people without personal papers. No body use it...So... what is the point? My idea is that the hate page becomes officialy something else, like a diary or a show off for wining battles or a place to tell a story... I don't know...something else. Maybe to give the player the choice to select a different title and use for that page will be challenging. Regards, K pd. Should we vote? I am sure many people thinks the same
  24. What a beautifull avatar you got there Sister.

  25. hmmm... I come to think 99% of the ideas posted are up to Mur consideration... Most of them out of my reach. So I'll just keep doing what I've done so far on MD. K
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