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Everything posted by awiiya

  1. Shh.... this is known, and kept this way for a reason. A game secret, not a bug. Awi
  2. It is not the sort of chasm you want to cross over under, or through. Awi
  3. Apophys, I'm trying to figure out how you would go east of the Plains of Deceit and get to MDA. MDA is to the North of Marind Bell, not to the East... so unless you want to have a pathway that goes around to the east of the entirety of Marind Bell, then there is no way to get to MDA by going East. Also, expansion into new lands is difficult from the Plains of Deceit because of the location of the Tunnel of War. Awi
  4. Yes, this has been previously posted here: [url="http://magicduel.invisionzone.com//index.php?showtopic=3318"]http://magicduel.invisionzone.com//index.php?showtopic=3318[/url] Please put this post in that board. As for the bug, there is no way to fix it yet. Awi
  5. The bug is getting worse for me, especially today. I get the Multiple Pages, quite literally, every time I set up a ritual, attack, or move. I think that when the server is overloaded, i.e. when there are 133 people online, it is difficult for it to process the speed at which I input data as one screen and not two. So.. this is really annoying me. Any chance of fixing it, or is it a server issue and the only solution an upgrade? Awi
  6. Reasons to enter the Labyrinth: It's fun. Point and case. Awi
  7. awiiya

    Day X?

    February only has 28 days. 31+28+17=76, so I am assuming Janurary 1st is actually day 0. Which means that January 2nd is Day 1, and this makes today the 75th day. Make sense? Awi
  8. It can be done. You would need to 0 xp win farm, wait the total age, and then get a very large burst (Cless style), and then max it all at once to avoid the exp cap. Awi
  9. This is really a conversation for another topic. Would you start it? Awi
  10. Already a board for this. Post your browser, os, and connection speed. [url="http://magicduel.invisionzone.com//index.php?showtopic=3318"]http://magicduel.invisionzone.com//index.php?showtopic=3318[/url] Awi
  11. Treehill, I have no problem with RPCs gaining Drac's randomly, as they can't do SmartAlek's quests, so they need to gain them somehow. The problem I have is that a mp3 can gain and max a Rustgold Drachorn, and then destroy their MP. Awi
  12. I'm not proposing to do away with the Rusty... only making it slightly more difficult to get, and requiring a Golemus drachorn beforehand. And yes, I see where you are coming from Chewett... I would much rather have MD and the Rusty than no MD at all. Awi
  13. I'm with UP on this one. I learned in mp4 that my vitality was a hindrance (Elementals) and so I started purposely fighting without it. Awi
  14. For a long time I have been a little frustrated by the way in which Premium Creatures work, and the power they give to the players that have the money to buy them. It is not difficult to see that those who have the money will be able to have more powerful creatures, and thus more powerful rituals. While the Shop claims that it is for personalizing only, this is not true. The worst case of this, in my opinion, is the Rustgold Drachorn, which one can buy for 51 dollars. In case you were wondering, it would take a player 255 days to gain enough credits through free credits to get that. (5 days for 1 credit, 51 credits). The Rustold Drachorn gives a route around actually gaining a Drachorn through roleplay and SmartAlekRJ, and actually undercuts the rarity and ability to moderate who can get a Drachorn. In simple words, those with money have better creatures than those without. The solution I believe would be to make all the premium creatures similar to the Pimped Grasan, that is you must have the original creature before you can get the premium version, with the exception of the Joker. And, like a mutated drachorn, the upgraded creature would start from Level 1 no matter what the level of the original creature was. I think this would make things far more fair, and more towards the idea of having the Shop a place for customization and not advantages. If you would like to take it one step further, and make the premium upgrades truly just customization, you could take away all the bonus stats and vitality that the premium creatures have. Although, I think this is unlikely because there has to be some incentive for buying the creatures for the fighters that care little about looks. Awi
  15. Yes, I still get it. Usually moving like Lib said, or attacking. It also seems to happen when I click to quickly... perhaps that has something to do with it? I run on Firefox, with a Mac Book running Leapord, OS X. My upload is 895-921 kb/s, my download is 7331-8979 kb/s. Awi
  16. I have the same opinion on the story, and am very glad you posted this. Thank you Aqune, I hope your absence isn't permanent. Awi
  17. Calyx, I have an idea for you. Banning a player from the dojo, for any amount of time, does solve your problem, but it also creates a new one. The problem is of course that players are attacking others in the dojo, which is against the rules you have in place. However, your solution of banning also addresses a problem that does NOT exist: chat, and general motion. Banning prevents a player from fighting, it is true, but it also takes away other privileges that are NOT the problem. Instead of banning, address only the problem by making the dojo a sanctuary for repeat offenders. If you want a roleplay reason, their creatures are bound at the door of the dojo because of their violent tendencies, and thus they cannot attack another player. This allows them to continue to enter the dojo and talk to other people, but the problem of fighting is solved. Awi
  18. Whether or not it's coding feasible, I'm not entirely sure, but it would be sort of useful. Then again, you can just send a message to your friend and ask where they are... Awi
  19. I really hope this quest is revitalized, as it seemed very promising. I fully support this quest. Awi
  20. awiiya

    New HC

    I support the turning off of alliance attacking during the Heads Contest, and actually all of the above post. I would really like to see the Heads Contest continue to be fun, and this I believe would ensure that. Awi
  21. I really like that idea nex, and I think it is very well rounded. Is there any way we can suggest this directly to Mur? Awi
  22. Thank you Mur, and HAPPY BIRTHDAY! Awiiya
  23. The way to theoretically beat that would be the assume that you are in fact wasting a creature slot on the aura negater, and use a number of the new tortured souls to drain your stats and then destroy you with a chaos archer, or some sort of strong creature. A knator, maybe. I say theoretically because I don't know the power of these tortured souls. But they should eliminate any absolute power stats will give. Awi
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