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Death Bell

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Everything posted by Death Bell

  1. at last my aim of been the first at something has been achieved lol (dam i was so close to getting 666 posts ) but i am so happy i got a rusty haha EDIT: could you also reset my rep points to zero?
  2. omg nice peace we can customize our page like that? or you just photo shopped it hehe EDIT: edited the last bit since i think its spoiler not sure... why take chances
  3. err seriously i didn't know it was one month old O_O ... since it said this topic had a new post. well my bad i should have checked the date on the last post. you can delete this post and the one above.
  4. how about those pilars of harmony since its clickable maybe it can take you to a place no one knows.
  5. good luck with ur real life.
  6. wow are people that jobless to do stuff like that O_O edit to observer: what i was saying was.. people who ask answers on yahoo answers suck.. so what i wrote on top is like insulting the person who made that account. you can delete this post if u want.. i learnt a long time back.. its quality not the quantity of the posts.
  7. maybe it could be that she didn't see this thread for some time and forgot and now she accidentally saw it
  8. 2. PM means personal message 4. MD is means magic duel, a browser game to some.. while for others its life
  9. http://magicduel.invisionzone.com/topic/5569-for-those-that-want-to-be-honest/ go to this topic and post the extra principle you have
  10. ohh ok i got it now.
  11. its a really good idea.. i like it.. but who will take care if a book of ancients is created?
  12. omg nice work asryn. congrats to the winners
  13. happy birthday man.. and i hope all your good dreams come true.
  14. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=z4LTepURVYM
  15. you can just choose all messages and say read later...
  16. hehe at last found a good topic with so much fun inside to read yeah.. thank you dst and every1 else for making this topic so fun
  17. congrats to the winners
  18. nice drawing you got there... why not try for the artist group.

  19. hehe... lol what luck i saw you after posting here. there is a spelling mistake i think in your quest i sent a pm about it. Good luck on your quest and every1 who is trying it.
  20. [quote name='Wolfmist' date='09 November 2009 - 05:14 PM' timestamp='1257767080' post='47066'] Next, the wish shop. I like the idea of "if you want it, we'll provide it. For a fee." That's the thing, I am quite poor, as is probably quite a lot of other people. So I am reduced to using the "click a link" for while until I have enough for something might want or might not actually want. "Click a link" is all fair and good for that extra push and for helping spread the word of mouth for your game; however, why not let noobs do some game building and in return give them an entire item? I see many people labelled as "supporter" or something in game. If noobs could become staff for one week or something, that could earn them a really nice creature, spell, artwork or even their own area in the game to do what they want with... the last one may be pushing it a little but I hope it inspires you. [/quote] well mur needs $$ to keep the game running he can't just give you items or credits for free. IF you do the voting thingy every month you will have 6 or 8 credits in your hands. thats more than enough since its free. And the supporter thing is when a player spends more than $100 in the game. and i think you are talking about the MD shop not the wish shop, since wish shop needs wish points to buy spells which can be gotten by doing few quests out there. you didn't have to invest $$ to be strong or to enjoy the game, but after tokens came it all changed and you needed $$ to be strong. Thats why mur is trying his best to fix that and bring it back to normal by doing the draining ability in archers. So give him abit more time. no other choice.
  21. wont it be better if you can post your quest here or something? so you can get more participants? or at least tell us where you usually stay at? unless of course you are looking for small number of people trying your quest.
  22. lol good thing it was a false alarm
  23. nice work all three of you. congrats
  24. yeah marvolo makes sense... since these days alot of broswer games are poping up its better if you out a break in the sotry mode or something like you mentioned so they can get a taste of the game. not many people have patience (but they will learn to after playing MD :S hehe) and yeah we need more role playing people like "Z" who seriously take their role to a high limit. Z is always in that place next to the tree (even though he is idle he is there).. maybe you can encourage people to be like that so that more places will get populated. Granos stays in that dark fountain place most of the time. like that if we could get afew places populated then it will be awesum. And like awi stays two steps inside MDa.. and when i say they don't know where to recruit creatures i mean new ones.. because they can only buy armor and barren soul at the start and need more VP or ve to buy the grasan right ?
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