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Death Bell

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Everything posted by Death Bell

  1. i won't recommend you to sacrifice any archers now.. since archers give good stats for the wins they have.. so wait till mur is done playing and trying new things with these archers and then you can decide to sac it.
  2. this one has the most number of members so if nay1 else wants to join better join this group. http://www.facebook.com/group.php?gid=143596353311&ref=search&sid=1624200040.1391233890..1 it will be better if we can just have one group alone and not so many spreading the MD players in different groups.
  3. the last two... i don't think any land has 12 creatures to be recruited...
  4. can you check your pm plz...

  5. errr what is this training principle? what has the change done ?
  6. nice find but i hope people don't do it, for i am scared it might slow the server
  7. can you pm me the link of this level editor software if its free to download.. this might be fun
  8. IF you try the correct combination you will go to the private marind bell balcony which can be only accessed by this teleportation and no other way. Also i have been teleported to the roof top of the paper cabin.. you just need to know the correct combination. (don't ask how for i was just lucky when this happened)
  9. you just want us to like write you a paragraph or draw you a map of a game level..? or use these computer language and program the map for you ? what are the rules and directional movement allowed?
  10. YEAH... send the WP to Death Ring and congrats to other winners also.
  11. ohhh lol hehe.. okie you got me there
  12. actually he stats that if you have more exp, age and wins than his elemental he will give the gold coin. Not just have having wins and age and exp.
  13. thats right udgard put all your time on counting who the winner is for your quest.. you made us suffer during the quest now you suffer hehe dam i wouldn't mind doing it.. but lately i haven't gotten the quite the fee lto do any quest
  14. yeah i don't think it needs to be.
  15. This profile page editor ? is it inbulit in the personal profile thingy.. or its a out side software you people used and then just put the link into your personal page to give this fake profile? In short where can i also do this for fun ?
  16. welcome to this side of MD hope you enjoy it here
  17. haha lol marvolo nice pic man
  18. even i can't view the image
  19. yeah... happy birthday to both of you.
  20. hehe nice so thats what Z's quest was about
  21. wow nice
  22. wow i have a 100% vs 100% fight but never seen a 101% vs 101% nice
  23. ok ok.. lets just give the new guy some hints and leave it at that... am sure he will use lighter tone next time. like chewett said use those dummy ritual.. set a single creature with more than 301 vit as your defence ritual. so when you get attacked only that creature dies. This is a really useful thing.
  24. Death Bell


    hehe have good sun and a good tan Ps: any1 know where no one is usually online at?
  25. hehe seems like liberty's 6th sense was true
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