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Death Bell

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Everything posted by Death Bell

  1. so maybe who ever gets 1st in the second quest could choose which reward he wants and the guy who came second can then choose his and the third an take whats left.. or something like that if you may like. and mate the second quest says there will be top 4 winners... but you are giving rewards to only 3.. so you better change that..
  2. hehe welcome back i guess (yes another post count thanks to this topic)
  3. errr i thought pip already wrote what he was gonna do for marind bell... [quote]As King I would ensure that Marind Bell remains the open land to all and peaceful, Also when given the authority I would ensure and Unbiased reward system for people who do participate in the torch competition as it is not only those of the alliances of Marind Bell whom do so. As King I would work to keep all political ties peaceful and ensure that there are no rash, shameful actions such as with the last war against Necrovion. I would fully support the researching and defense as those are the alliance's goals, but keep things flowing in such a way that there will, hopefully, not be a need for defense other than for the sake of friendly competition. I would also use the power given to me as king to offer full support to the sparring grounds as they have been always been a crucial part of Marind Bell. My diplomatic goal for Marind Bell is to be friendly to all lands, but then again, most public doesn't necessarily mean most defenseless. I would like to try a competition for most stats gained in a week, running once per month, perhaps at the same time as heads contest. Also, I promise to put a Canadian flag on top of Winds Sanctuary PS: I don't really promise to plant a Canadian flag on Winds, or anywhere in MD, but it can't hurt to try! Key Points: -Keeping Marind Bell Peaceful by improving diplomatic relations with other lands -Fair Rewards to those supporting the Land -Encouraging Defense of Marind Bell -Support for the Sparring Grounds -Fair decisions with in Mind with all the citizens of Marind Bell [/quote] i was too lazy to look for life line's sorry buddy
  4. and you can charge them silver coins or items or creatures for doing your work for them... and good to see another bleach fan here
  5. welcome to this side of MD hope you enjoy
  6. was lifeline and dst match very close ?
  7. lol cryxus i first thought this guy lost the WP codes that mur gave random people... well you better try and contact him then since its not contacting him thats the problem its waiting for him to have free time to check on it..
  8. can you pm me the battle log of febuary and H ? i tried to sent you a pm but it said your inbox is full.
  9. is it possible to get the battle logs of the fights if asked ?
  10. hehe good to meet you. hope youwill enjoy it in the forum side also.
  11. happy birthday man have a great year
  12. welcome mate hope you have a great time here at the forums
  13. hehe welcome to this side of MD hope you enjoy it here in the forum also
  14. K document isn't for everyone but for some people only.. so just ignore the error and don't click on it any more. i think you can get a K document if you spent around 6 wish point or something.
  15. no offence but i don't see pip as a king, he is always joking around (thats not a bad thing) but the problem is people won't know when to take him serious and when not to.
  16. hehe thanks anyway marvolo nice of you.
  17. hehe yeah dst thats how i was logging in when mur messed up my name for the pain fest. ITS WORKING>> THANKS SS and dst.
  18. problem solved.. close
  19. ohh hehe yoshi
  20. 15 characters seems too little.. go for at least 30 minimum...
  21. i also started playing chess in age of 15... but was just average and lucky alot
  22. i choose sword slash since that defines my character.. a warrior/swordsman. but i got only lvl 3 and what is this again? you making a new spell document ?
  23. LOL... no wonder eigger wasn't in his ally today.. i thought he was out to do training or sumthing.
  24. yeah i hope so... since i don't wanna be missing out on any quest
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