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Everything posted by Peace

  1. Voted. [quote name='Maebius' timestamp='1347010121' post='121512'] As an added note, Ties will be resolved by drawing names from my hat, in a similar fashion to my first "[i]Tour of Sorts[/i]" quest. [/quote] I demand another video!
  2. Also, I don't know how many creatures you have immortalized, Seigheart, but in my case of six, I did not sacrrifice them in the order you see them and I know that from the sequences of each text given. The creatures where displayed by order of ID if you had noticed them. So, for me I do like this idea.
  3. I remember trying to do this with my shades and swordsmen but eventually they were immortalized based on ID. Also, the description is a one time thing and any mistakes you do there can't be changed.
  4. Long days and pleasant nights. No touchy, please. [color=#003366][font=helvetica, arial, sans-serif][i]*turns to the wind.*[/i][/font][/color][color=#282828][font=helvetica, arial, sans-serif] [/font][/color]
  5. Happy Birthday, Sephi! Hope you had a good one! Best wishes!
  6. Ah, thank you both for the clarification. And indeed, Fang... Not even a Necrovion would deceive others in such ways... I think you rightfully earned your place amongst the dead...
  7. I am rather confused with the findings of both Chewett and Fire's.
  8. My opinion is that 3 silver is a rather cheap price for a 29 Million heat infused creature.
  9. Awww you guys!!! Thank you all SO much for your wishes! I hope for the best for all of you!!! I LOVE YOU ALL! PS1: What's with all the kittens? Rawrr? PS2: I started MD as DarkPriestess22 and now 26... O.O
  10. Point was not made. I do not know even if the WPcodes were given. Take 5 minutes of your time at home, store the file (which I hope you have it saved someplace else besides MD's notebook) in a flash drive and when you go to work, shoot a forum message(or in game, whatever suits you better, we wouldn't want to add more stress to that, do we?) to Phantom with it and problem solved.
  11. I see no reason for this thread to continue to be open. Necrovion's do not interfere with other lands when it come to their resources and their member's gathering, so we would appreciate if none interferes with ours. Thank you all who shared your opinions. Can a moderator please close this topic?
  12. [quote[u]][/u] [u]Necrovion[/u] Tainted Warriors [color=#008000]-Important and interesting research[/color] [color=#008000]-Good recruitment effort[/color] [color=#b22222]-Some inactive members[/color] [color=#daa520]-Make news[/color] [/quote] Could you elaborate the 'Make news' suggestion?
  13. Count me in.
  14. I hate to see yet another leaving. Best of luck to whatever you do, Brother. You will be missed. ~ Pass by, pass by. The tents are empty, the cistern is empty, the body is empty. Naught here but dust. Pass by.
  15. What level is the spell?
  16. Bumpy bump, some sold, still few left.
  17. Well, moving is all set and done. The only victim though from it was my computer who couldn't handle it and died. So, waiting for it to be fixed and updated but I have no clue how long this will take. Thank you all for your wishes and hopefully I will get as active as I used to be soonish.
  18. And if any of the Golemians hold any knowledge about Abra, his reasons why he returns and why he must stay on the island along with his kin, share it at least with your people who seem eager to free him.
  19. Title says all, by Sunday I will be set at a new house. For 10 days starting tomorrow, there will be no internet line established. If anything, just leave me a message anywhere, I will be able to check these daily but time will be limited.
  20. Yes, but this isn't the first time he attempts that. In previous situations he actually had it worked and he got away with it. No punishment at all. And this time we are talking about something that belongs to Mur AND the community.
  21. Give us the name! Let's do a public stoning! (Although I can think of a couple..)
  22. Best of luck to your new home, Windy. I know the feeling and what you are going through this week, I am moving too this Sunday. Take your time to get settled and all, we will be waiting for you.
  23. When you say ''trying to take over'', you mean that was a rumor, or was there an actual invitation given to said someone?
  24. Bump.
  25. 2 silver for each, total eight? Or just 2 silver for 4 of them?
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