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Everything posted by Peace

  1. I am guessing it was fixed then, Chewett.
  2. [quote name='Chengmingz' timestamp='1326038371' post='100280'] Can the bug turn into a cocooon then butterfly? [/quote] It could but I do not think a butterfly is fitting for Necrovion.
  3. [quote name='Seigheart' timestamp='1325965479' post='100246'] The Army of Seighearts shall attend! [/quote] I certainly hope so that they won't ruin the ceremony and respect the ones about to marry.
  4. [font=comic sans ms,cursive]My apologies for asking that but isn't the TK's job to know what rewards they must give and when? I always thought that is their responsibility to keep track on the quests they sponsor and thus contact the winners to reward them. Not the other way around. Of course the quest maker is obligated to inform the TK as well who has won their quest and how the rewards will be distributed.[/font] [font=comic sans ms,cursive]Just my opinion of course.[/font] [font=comic sans ms,cursive]And congratulations to the winners, there have been some very interesting entries in this quest.[/font]
  5. My name unfortunately misguides me sometimes. Especially if you begin a sentence with it. My apologies then. P.S. I do pay well for any service one will provide to me though...
  6. I wasn't much around for the ceremony due to RL issues. Having the awards during the holidays can be bothersome for most people. So, no comments on that. My only comment would be about organisation. I hope next year we are better prepared and better scheduled, so that there won't be any delays and such.
  7. [quote name='Chengmingz' timestamp='1325305226' post='99181'] I am entirely looking forward to wars a battles. Peace does not pay well. C It is also a little boring. [/quote] I am sorry, but would you mind explaining this better, Cheng?
  8. You could if you ask around. I can only tell you which avatars I am holding for now. [img]http://i817.photobucket.com/albums/zz93/Asterdai/Ladywarrior.png[/img] [img]http://i817.photobucket.com/albums/zz93/Asterdai/womansword.png[/img] [img]http://i817.photobucket.com/albums/zz93/Asterdai/Horsey.png[/img] [img]http://i817.photobucket.com/albums/zz93/Asterdai/ladytwinrasiel.png[/img] Browsing through Aster's gallery, I realised that most of the avatars there have returned to the shop. So I am guessing you should be able to obtain them your own.
  9. After a period of 6 months inactivity, your avatar is supposed to be returned back to the avatar shop. Not sure if the same applies with the avatars one may have in his vault, but normally those too. And besides me and Asterdai, there should be another player or two out there who also hold avatars for Aster.
  10. [quote] [color=#CCCCCC][font=Georgia,]Ann. 2162 - [2012-01-06 18:31:33 - Stage 11][/font][/color] [color=#000000][font=Georgia,]We are looking for a volunteer to coordinate an effort to rewrite the rules and regulations. This job would need the person to discuss the rules with a large group of vets that understand them, then publicly announce the suggested rules for scrutiny and send them to us. We will add and change rules based on what is definitive and what mur has told us, they will then be publicly announced once more before being put into effect.[/font][/color] If you wish to apply for this role, please post on the forum your Playername, Active days and why you are best suited to organise it. You should have at least 400 Active Days if you wish to apply. Note: You will be organising it, it is not expected for you to rewrite it all, and you should be talking with other people and rewrite it with them. But overall you will be the one who decides what goes into it. Then we will change it as needed for the game. [/quote] I would like to apply for this. Playername: *Peace* Active days: 974 as of day 5 of year 7 [[color=#333333][font=Georgia,]Activity days: [/font][/color][b]84% [/b][color=#333333][font=Georgia,](A total of 974 out of 1162 days)][/font][/color] Reason: I won't say I am the best suited, but I have the motivation to do so. Ever since I became a LHO and even before that, I repsected the rules this games has. Even though I admit that I have myself once or twice not followed them and was left 'unpunished'. I believe I have good relationships with most vets that are left in the game which would allow me to gather all that is needed quickly. Also, I am always interested to contribute in any way for whatever will help the game improve.
  11. It is adviced to leave a decent amount of recource not harvested, in order for the resource to regenerate daily faster for everyone to harvest that resource. If you cut down production to 1/30, it won't regenerate much the next day. Whilst if you have 15/30 the next day there will be more again if not at max. Your case was frowned upon because you did that in the resources of the land you are part of. Discuss it better with those of your land, come down to a solution as to what amount is accepted to be gathered. The Dowsers in MB have done the same, keeping their water in normal amounts. In the Land of the East they had decided what was the appropriate amount of harvesting. For recources that can be taken only by those of the land, I am sure you can come up with a good plan.
  12. Peace

    Notebook Bug

    Updated, the information was indeed dst's but hers and mine notebook each have different eid. Is this something that can be fixed or I have to magically recover all the content I had in that notebook?
  13. Yes, I am talking about the water resource in the public bathroom of MDA. It only shows its max resource when it regenerates. (0.25/1 or 0.50/1 etc) Once the resource is regenerated back to normal, it won't show it's max. Just 1/ water.
  14. The 0.25/ is about regeneration of the resource really. When a resource gets depleted it's amount increases by 0.25 per day until it reaches 1 and then increases by a round number and so on.
  15. Peace

    MD Player Map

    I can't seem to be able to place my pin there. *pouts*
  16. It isn't really. Once that 1 recource gets regenerated it would go back to 1/ water again.
  17. Yup. Tested it on Opera, still happens. Same on Firefox.
  18. I say that the same for mp6 is the same for all mp levels. Me as mp5 can not see description or land loyalty on mp3, mp4, mp6. And neither an mp3 can view those on another player's higher mp level. I wouldn't count it as a bug, this has been ever since I began playing and I am guessing it was like this way before I came in the picture.
  19. The Eternal Toiler does give darkness principle bonuses.
  20. I bought the Sword of the Knights boost and as soon as I received it, I refreshed the page twice to check on my vitality without leaving the shop or the reward page. As a result, the Shop automatically bought two more boosts for me.
  21. Confirmed only in my case it was with the Sword of the Knights.
  22. Yesterday, the spell was casted on me twice and once on AmberRune by an mp4. When fighting others, the rituals were still on random, but what was even weirder was when attacking AmberRune with it while we both were under the effect of the spell I won with her ritual. Will add a screenshot once I try it again.
  23. [quote name='ignnus' timestamp='1325803341' post='99872'] You know it I know it..what's to debate? [/quote] The proof. Simply knowing something isn't enough, even in real world.
  24. I have alts and I don't use them to benefit my main. I have alts and I do use them to benefit my main. I put these two together. But think about it. Who will go in public and admit the second only? Everybody will say the first. Until they get caught with proofs.
  25. Peace

    Notebook Bug

    I know very well what I had in my notebook, and what I see when I open it now is definately not mine. When I asked dst she seemed pretty sure it was hers. I could try asking again. In case it isn't hers then how do you propose I find out to who it belongs to?
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