Write my opinion on this again and especially at this hour (almost 9am in the morning, after work) might result to unnecessary conflict and I do not have the strength for it either. But I agree with most things said already.
The reason I respond is only because I would like to say something for this part:
[quote name='Curiose' timestamp='1315341643' post='91607']
5. Let me use a quote from Jester: "I am Invincible." Happy? And how many times have you seen a King abuse their people yet get away with it? Hm? Oh, and one last thing: Jester does get away with verbally harassing and abusing his powers. He was punished a couple times, sure, but the thing is... he's done it again, and will continue to do so because that's just the way he is and that's all he ever cares about.
Do not speak of Jester as if you know him. I have known him for almost 3 years now and he is not the man you describe him to be. He may be crazy of sorts but he is one of the greatest minds MD has, yet only few know of this. He had his reasons, whatever they may were, whether they were bad or good we are not the ones to judge him. We can point fingers, yes, but in the end we are all judged by those who are in the position to judge us AND punish us. And Jester has been punished. And he won't be doing anything else because if you knew, Curie, Jester is finished with Kingship. He has no tools, no powers, nothing special results to no abuse. Let his case be an example for those in authority now.
That is all I wanted to say. I am not defending him or anything, nor I want to change with the objective of this post.
Instead of pointing fingers, think about it. We ourselves are to blame. We let this whole situation happen when we aren't doing the work we could. I am not saying 'should' because this game gives us enough freedom to use it to benefit ourselves or help others. Either we choose to stay still and be completely oblivious to what is happening around us or do something different and try harder to have the world we once knew and fell in love with back.