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Everything posted by Peace

  1. [quote]The MD Council are looking for someone to make posts on our behalf. This person would not have any powers, rights or be given any reward. They would merely be used to deal with certain matters that need to be said on the forum by Us. If you wish to apply for this job, please post on the forum (someone create a topic). This is not a role, and therefore can be done no matter what you do ingame. However as a reminder, Similar with "Mur said" comments, Lieing about something we have said will be punishable. If you are unsure about someone making a comment that "Mur said" or "council said" contact us to get it confirmed. There is an additional age requirement: the person should be between 200 and 400 AD.[/quote] I am not applying.
  2. Rawr! And raaaaaaaaaawrrr! 'Nough said.

  3. A picture is worth a thousand words. In our case, 50 credits. [img]http://i451.photobucket.com/albums/qq240/kounoupi86/LostChewie.jpg[/img] I hope I wasn't the second doing this. I just found it and I thought I should share Source: [url="http://www.happyplace.com/3080/the-7-most-brilliantly-pointless-street-fliers"]http://www.happyplace.com/3080/the-7-most-brilliantly-pointless-street-fliers[/url]
  4. Welcome to this side of the world. :)

    1. Mysticeti


      I'm just reading this message... Sorry it took me so long to answer... Thank you for your warm welcome... I think I'll stick around this time. :)

  5. Write my opinion on this again and especially at this hour (almost 9am in the morning, after work) might result to unnecessary conflict and I do not have the strength for it either. But I agree with most things said already. The reason I respond is only because I would like to say something for this part: [quote name='Curiose' timestamp='1315341643' post='91607'] 5. Let me use a quote from Jester: "I am Invincible." Happy? And how many times have you seen a King abuse their people yet get away with it? Hm? Oh, and one last thing: Jester does get away with verbally harassing and abusing his powers. He was punished a couple times, sure, but the thing is... he's done it again, and will continue to do so because that's just the way he is and that's all he ever cares about. [/quote] Do not speak of Jester as if you know him. I have known him for almost 3 years now and he is not the man you describe him to be. He may be crazy of sorts but he is one of the greatest minds MD has, yet only few know of this. He had his reasons, whatever they may were, whether they were bad or good we are not the ones to judge him. We can point fingers, yes, but in the end we are all judged by those who are in the position to judge us AND punish us. And Jester has been punished. And he won't be doing anything else because if you knew, Curie, Jester is finished with Kingship. He has no tools, no powers, nothing special results to no abuse. Let his case be an example for those in authority now. That is all I wanted to say. I am not defending him or anything, nor I want to change with the objective of this post. Instead of pointing fingers, think about it. We ourselves are to blame. We let this whole situation happen when we aren't doing the work we could. I am not saying 'should' because this game gives us enough freedom to use it to benefit ourselves or help others. Either we choose to stay still and be completely oblivious to what is happening around us or do something different and try harder to have the world we once knew and fell in love with back.
  6. Where is youuuuuuuuuuu?! :'(

  7. My apologies then for my bad memory.
  8. [quote name='Vicarious' timestamp='1310864470' post='88097'] You have forgotten the TreasureKeepers: Curiose Apophys Seigheart [/quote] Apophys is a already a citizen of Necrovion and Curiose is part of the Legend Speakers. You should first check with them if they REALLY want to leave their current status and become citizens of the Tribunal before you grant them citizenship. Mur did state a while back that the Treasure Keepers don't have to be citizens of the Tribunal, if I remember correctly.
  9. Even the Creator needs a break. Enjoy your time gone and you can resume whatever you left in the middle once you return. We can survive without you. (...I think?) P.S. Don't do anything I wouldn't do.
  10. [quote name='Pipstickz' timestamp='1313995614' post='90570'] He's still king but cannot rule the land? Why? He may not command alliances, but he's still got the kingship tool to give citizenship. [/quote] Jester lost all of his tools and abilities the moment he entered the dreamworld and got trapped there. Only two items were safe after the last remaining ally was disbanded and those were the Royal Seal Ring and the Queller, in the hands of Azull. Myself and him and a couple other TW restored our citizenship but the tools got removed in the end as they weren't ours to keep nor we had any kind of authority over them. Currently Necrovion has nobody in charge, we do not regroup or try anything else until Jester's trial and hanging is over. We have no tools in our disposal and for the moment we do not need them. Consider Necrovions now to be like the cave people before fire was invented.
  11. Long ago the Archivists used to have one person assigned to each land to record the events. By they were enough people active for it to cover all the lands.
  12. Hello and Welcome to MagicDuel, Quizok. Game and forum too. Ignore Sagie... and the rest of the Sisterhood as a matter of fact if you wish to maintain your sanity. Feel free to ask questions when you have them. Good luck with your journey here.
  13. On a quick thought on this subject, I also had a mirror in mind but instead other land's coat of arms in it, I was thinking of a scale dripping liquid dust. If that can be put on an image.
  14. You might as well waited for us to get the right words to express this. It isn't an easy thing for us either, to see one of the most important lands (in my opinion at least) on its downfall from nothing else but political issues. It is a land that has caused conflict in the past and has suffered from it, were it an action or a person that caused it. Yet it survived but it caused it to stagnate. All those in political position, including me as well, made sure of it. After Khalazdad, the land took a different direction. Some of us chose to rule it peacefully but it wasn't what others wanted forcing us to take different actions and trigger disaster. I still haven't been able to gather my pieces and speak of it, the only thing I can say is that it was an innevitable thing to happen, we ALL are the cause of this more or less. But perhaps now people will realise what Necrovion really is and what it means. No King anymore? I find it fitting. I objected the first time elections for Necrovion took place, even if I was the one elected. There should never be a King or Queen in a land that was inhabited long before we all came into the picture and had someone or something with power over it already. No alliances? What is a badge other than a symbol that follows you around when most did not even know why they wore it on the first place. No homeland? Home is where your heart is, where your allegiances lie. You say it is a conclusion. I think of it as a fresh start. It will take time but we have plenty of it. Those who were true in Necrovion will stay and preserve its values.
  15. It should be best if someone FROM Necrovion speak of this. Currently we are in the state of chaos. I ask for patience and not questions. I am aware that people need answers but I and others must first answer to those of Necrovion. Then the rest of the world. Be patient, embrace the change as it comes and do not oppose it. In the end, if you think about it, it is what it was needed. Topic suspended until further notice.
  16. Viscosity and briskness?
  17. It's been a long time since I stalked you. So... *stalks* P.S. Miss you!

    1. (Zl-eye-f)-nea


      hmm...I appear to be getting stalked...I do believe this calls for some knit graffitti to be put on the eternal bong. This may take some time.... :D

  18. I find this to be an appealing idea! But I agree with Pipy. All of us come from different lands and putting us into a guild may create conflict over loyalty even. I suggest a selected group of people who work together and interact with everybody. Within the forum and MD as well. And, I would like to volunteer for Necrovion unless another citizen wishes to do so.
  19. To get this over with and have Dragual work on his role without being affected by other's opinion but those only from Necrovion. Me and a few others are somewhat scholars of Necrovion, knowing its history via Al, personal experiences and the forum. And some of its secrets which we learned them either the hard way or the easy way. He chose to have that role, which means he will actually need to study a lot to eventually receive a tag and a related item. He has my support for he shows interest and dedication, something I really admire but only to few of those who choose Necrovion as their homeland have it. Now, this topic started as a mere question for an item, not for a role. His role will be presented slowly as he improves. If Dragual agrees, I would like this topic closed for the moment until he is ready to present his role.
  20. Go on and enjoy your vacation, Wookie!!! We will miss you!
  21. The first bestiary is currently full. 5/5. So when go to the options for the CTC is does not give me the option to immortalize saying this: [url="http://storenow.net/my/?f=3189"]http://storenow.net/my/?f=3189[/url] And I have the second empty. @ Shadow: I will try that, you never know. Edit: I gave Shadow the full bestiary and then it allowed me to continue immortalizing creatures on the second one.
  22. Since bestiaries are able to be purchased from the Wishshop, I have something. I currently have two bestiaries. After filling the first with five creatures, it does not allow me to fill the second, saying I do not have enough pages free for it. Could someone check this, please?
  23. I REALLY want to thank all of you for your wishes! I love you all!!!
  24. Happy Birthday, honey!
  25. Welcome to the forums. You know where to find me if needed.
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