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Everything posted by Peace

  1. Well, most people are somewhat aware what awaits them in mp5. Perhaps they just try to prepare themselves properly before moving up to this mindpower level. Most of us mp5s have been in MD for too long allowing us to grow stronger and it is a fact that a month old mp5 or even younger in age, does not have many chances for training their characters to fight against them. MD is a game that requires a lot of patience. You would need to realise that as soon as possible before moving up. Letting your creatures age in the meanwhile can prove helpful once you advance. Just my two cents here.
  2. Stop pressing buttons, Mur.

  3. Can I use my brother for this? He is quite hairy and I find it unfair that women can't take part in this. If not, I'll use Grido for it.
  4. [quote name='Faith and Mercy' timestamp='1288426751' post='71176'] I dont get it - Public Log Scavenger Hun Locate person' who's public log is posted in the quest! im new... Whats a public log??? and where can i find a quest?// An answer should sound like this; "press this shiny button, or press on person's name and then press next to the top of the scree." im new... i dont really know the terminology here --- half of this stuff i just dont understand [/quote] Public Logs is something every player has that allows to others to leave comments about the owner's character. It becomes visible after 20 active days in the game. [quote name='Burns' timestamp='1288427202' post='71177'] when did grasan turn into a lorerootian critter? [/quote] [quote name='Chewett' timestamp='1288429468' post='71181'] thats what i wondered! [/quote] Grassans do dwell in the Den last I checked...
  5. The army is back but I found the outcome of the battle rather weird. I failed to keep a copy of it, but I faced a Santa, I killed it and I lost. Will send the log once I get another fight. Edit: Here are the screenshots and fight log from another fight. [IMG]http://i54.tinypic.com/68voz6.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i54.tinypic.com/9jlky1.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i55.tinypic.com/30m7d04.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i53.tinypic.com/21a4w8.jpg[/IMG] [spoiler] Loading Summoned Army creatures Loading darrydabby creatures Applying 100% of Summoned Army's energetic influence Applying 0% of darrydabby's energetic influence Influences for Summoned Army ###### Wind Dragon III: creatureboost Wind Dragon III: creatureboost Influences for darrydabby ###### Remains: regenaura Applying Summoned Army's Creature Tokens at 0% 's creature tokens [] 's creature tokens [] Dark III's creature tokens [] Dark IV's creature tokens [] Wind Dragon III's creature tokens [] Wind Dragon III's creature tokens [] Applying darrydabby's Creature Tokens at 100% Remains's creature tokens [] Summoned Army's Wind Dragon III does haoticdamage to all creature(s) of darrydabby and: - hits haoticaly and does 23054 damage to Remains creature DIES! Summoned Army's Wind Dragon III cant find any enemy creatures to target, skipping turn ... Summoned Army WINS! Creature Experience reward for Summoned Army - Winning player Player has very low honor, no xp reward Creature Experience reward for darrydabby - Losing player Player has very low honor, no xp reward Winner does not get a won fight point Loser gets humiliated, loss fights counter incremented! [/spoiler] I am not much of a techie when it comes to this, but point it out if I am wrong, or fix it if I am not. I thought the otherarmy spell was casted on the caster, but I got to fight with a tree as my own apparently when the one I attacked had the army.
  6. Happy Birthday, Lucas! Make it a good one for you and family. xD
  7. I like the idea, I recall Metal Bunny did a similar thing with his Festival of War and Remembrance. It is nice to remember the past, those who lived and 'died' for the MD we live in today plus we need to have more events happening to bring the community together. Are Sanctuary days twice a month? If so, I believe you can speak of more than Legend within a day, depending of course on how much information you have gathered for each.
  8. The bronze avatar (if I rememebr it, it has been two years since I got it) provides you with an figure of your character under the compass of daily progress. It allows you to see what armor you wear without checking it on your profile. In order to be able to unlock the ability of purchasing an avy, you need to spend a few more credits in the extra features. I hope this helps.
  9. I believe your father needs you more than we do, Amoran. Do what you must, my thoughts are with you and I hope the surgery will go well and your father will recover soon.
  10. Greetings, Spartan. Μολών λαβέ. :)

  11. Peace

    The Waiting Game

    [quote name='Darigan' timestamp='1287271341' post='70474'] [log='wedding'][19/12/08 01:40] .Metal Bunny.:totally quoted [19/12/08 01:41] DarkPriestess:What the feck? [19/12/08 01:41] DarkPriestess:Bunny!!! [19/12/08 01:41] DarkPriestess:What have I done to you??? [19/12/08 01:41] MRWander:Shoeps!!!!!!!! *throws a snowball at* [19/12/08 01:41] DarkPriestess:Warder... [19/12/08 01:41] DarkPriestess:... [19/12/08 01:41] Mirdred:O_o [19/12/08 01:41] Mirdred:- [19/12/08 01:41] Mirdred:- [19/12/08 01:41] Logan Marquis:you ran shoeps off. [19/12/08 01:41] MRWander:T.T shoeps hates murmas [19/12/08 01:41] .Metal Bunny.:what have i done to you? [19/12/08 01:42] DarkPriestess:This is going to ruin my reputation! [19/12/08 01:42] .Metal Bunny.:lol [19/12/08 01:42] .Metal Bunny.:you made teh funny in teh chat, what else? [19/12/08 01:42] DarkPriestess:Oh please god do not use anything I said for the next awards [19/12/08 01:42] Logan Marquis:*chuckles* reputation...hah... [19/12/08 01:42] .Metal Bunny.:lol [19/12/08 01:42] DarkPriestess:*grins at Logan* [19/12/08 01:43] .Metal Bunny.:so uh.. anyone volunteering for a 2 min ban? [19/12/08 01:43] DarkPriestess:Well now I am left with three of you... [19/12/08 01:43] dst:hi my love, how are you ? [19/12/08 01:43] .Metal Bunny.:that\'s what she said [19/12/08 01:43] Logan Marquis:lol...bunny and dst? [19/12/08 01:43] Logan Marquis::-p [19/12/08 01:43] .Metal Bunny.: [19/12/08 01:43] .Metal Bunny.:lol [19/12/08 01:43] Logan Marquis:now THERE is a sick thought. [19/12/08 01:43] .Metal Bunny.:not me [19/12/08 01:43] .Metal Bunny.:ew [19/12/08 01:43] .Metal Bunny.:EWW [19/12/08 01:43] .Metal Bunny.:ah man [19/12/08 01:43] Logan Marquis:sure sure. [19/12/08 01:43] dst:are you cheating on me again ? [19/12/08 01:44] Logan Marquis:ROFL [19/12/08 01:44] DarkPriestess:To who are you talking Dst? [19/12/08 01:44] MRWander:O.o [19/12/08 01:44] Logan Marquis:metal bunny gets dst\'d every night, huh? [19/12/08 01:44] .Metal Bunny.:omg, dst is a guy [19/12/08 01:44] Logan Marquis:*shudders* so wrong... [19/12/08 01:44] MRWander:i feel lost again.... [19/12/08 01:44] dst:to you my love (priestess) [19/12/08 01:44] DarkPriestess:Lol [19/12/08 01:44] Logan Marquis:so VERY wrong [19/12/08 01:44] DarkPriestess:WHAT??? [19/12/08 01:44] .Metal Bunny.:say that again and i\'ll perpetually curse you logan [19/12/08 01:44] Logan Marquis:according to mrd, bunny, bunnies are gay. [19/12/08 01:44] DarkPriestess:ME??? [19/12/08 01:44] .Metal Bunny.:HAHAHAHAAAAAAAAA [19/12/08 01:44] DarkPriestess:*faints* [19/12/08 01:45] Logan Marquis:see dp, you DO have a reputation...? [19/12/08 01:45] DarkPriestess:This is definately...definately a dream... [19/12/08 01:45] .Metal Bunny.:hahaha [19/12/08 01:45] MRWander:ROFLMFAO [19/12/08 01:45] .Metal Bunny.:hey dst, want to volunteer for a 2 min ban? grido wants to see what happens why you try to log in when you are banne [19/12/08 01:45] .Metal Bunny.:banned* [19/12/08 01:46] .Metal Bunny.:when you try* [19/12/08 01:46] dst:babe, this is not a dream [19/12/08 01:46] Logan Marquis:lol. [19/12/08 01:46] DarkPriestess:Dst are you on drugs or anything, maybe drink a weird potion or anything??? [19/12/08 01:46] Logan Marquis:dst\'s feeling the heat... [19/12/08 01:46] Logan Marquis::-p [19/12/08 01:46] DarkPriestess:OMMur he called me again [19/12/08 01:46] DarkPriestess:*faints* [19/12/08 01:46] Logan Marquis:*laughs* tho dst apparently has nothing on mrd\'s bob... [19/12/08 01:46] .Metal Bunny.:quick, she fainted, kidnap her and do a shotgun wedding [19/12/08 01:47] DarkPriestess:Eh??? [19/12/08 01:47] DarkPriestess:Wedding??? [19/12/08 01:47] MRWander:i would MB but i have credits.... [19/12/08 01:47] Logan Marquis:dearly belove---dearly gathered friends... [19/12/08 01:47] DarkPriestess:Wow Mister [19/12/08 01:47] Logan Marquis:we are here to betrothe this man...dst...to this woma....flaming priestess. [19/12/08 01:47] .Metal Bunny.:lol.. you do know what a shotgun wedding is right? [19/12/08 01:47] dst:true, I had a few drinks, but this only brings the truth out [19/12/08 01:47] Logan Marquis:Do you, dst, take flaming priestess to be your fiery flaming hot-blooded sex slave? [19/12/08 01:48] Logan Marquis:yes bunny :-p [19/12/08 01:48] DarkPriestess:Ok now I am going crazy officially [19/12/08 01:48] .Metal Bunny.:you can put it so eloquently logan.. [19/12/08 01:48] Logan Marquis:but this is SO much more fun! [19/12/08 01:48] .Muratus del Mur.:hi, what did i miss? [19/12/08 01:48] .Muratus del Mur.: [19/12/08 01:48] .Metal Bunny.:you missed a lot mur [19/12/08 01:48] Logan Marquis:Mur...the wedding of dst and darkpriestess. [19/12/08 01:48] .Muratus del Mur.:tell me [19/12/08 01:48] .Metal Bunny.:dark priestess made some nice comments [19/12/08 01:48] DarkPriestess:Mur they are marring me with Dst! [19/12/08 01:48] MRWander:the ultimant tree hater and tree hugger are being wed Mur [19/12/08 01:48] Logan Marquis:*wedding bells chime in the distance* [19/12/08 01:48] .Metal Bunny.:about how big MRD\'s \'bob\' is [19/12/08 01:48] .Muratus del Mur.:lool [19/12/08 01:48] DarkPriestess:Lol [19/12/08 01:48] Logan Marquis:dst...you need to respond. [19/12/08 01:48] .Muratus del Mur.:=)) [19/12/08 01:48] DarkPriestess:Stop it!!!! [19/12/08 01:49] .Metal Bunny.:lol.. [19/12/08 01:49] DarkPriestess:Repeat the quetion Logan [19/12/08 01:49] Logan Marquis:nono dp...you wanted this...you asked for wedding :-p [19/12/08 01:49] DarkPriestess:He didn\'t heard I think [19/12/08 01:49] dst:neeh, noy much, I just told my love (priestess) that I miss her [19/12/08 01:49] MRWander:i scared shoeps away ( [19/12/08 01:49] Logan Marquis:Do you, dst, take flaming priestess to be your fiery flaming hot-blooded sex slave? [19/12/08 01:49] .Metal Bunny.:again with the beautiful words.. lol [19/12/08 01:49] Logan Marquis:to have and to hold, to love and make love to, for this day and many more from now on, as long as you both shall login? [19/12/08 01:49] DarkPriestess:I am a slave? [19/12/08 01:50] .Metal Bunny.:oh eh mur? grido wants to know what happens when someone who is banned, tries to log in [19/12/08 01:50] dst:weding ? no way, it will ruin the relationship [19/12/08 01:50] Logan Marquis:would you prefer puppet, priestess? [19/12/08 01:50] DarkPriestess:Lol Logan [19/12/08 01:50] MRWander:xP [19/12/08 01:50] DarkPriestess:Puppet??? [19/12/08 01:50] Logan Marquis:dst...shh...this isn\'t a true wedding...a bretrothal, yes...but a different kind of one. [19/12/08 01:50] Liberty:i am going to make some company to woody, he is alone out there [19/12/08 01:50] Logan Marquis:it\'s not a monogomous relationship... [19/12/08 01:51] Logan Marquis:liberty...that is so priceless with the convo earlier. [19/12/08 01:51] DarkPriestess:Ahh ok then.. proceed [19/12/08 01:51] .Metal Bunny.:lol.. [19/12/08 01:51] Logan Marquis:someone help dst stand up straight and help him say i do. [19/12/08 01:51] dst:hmm, yea, but934 true love is [19/12/08 01:51] MRWander:*holds dst straight* [19/12/08 01:51] dst:yea, but true love is just for one [19/12/08 01:51] dst:(at a time ) :P:P:P:P [19/12/08 01:52] Logan Marquis:dst said yea... [19/12/08 01:52] Logan Marquis:works for me... [19/12/08 01:52] DarkPriestess:OMMur [19/12/08 01:52] .Muratus del Mur.: [19/12/08 01:52] DarkPriestess:I want a copy of this please [19/12/08 01:52] Logan Marquis:flaming priestess, do you take dst, to be your sexual manipulator, and to be enslaved from this day forward until such a time as he grows tired of you...as long as you both shall login? [19/12/08 01:53] .Metal Bunny.:... [19/12/08 01:53] Logan Marquis:*thinks if MRD would only copy this into his quote log :-p* [19/12/08 01:53] DarkPriestess:Tired of ME? I don\'t think so! [19/12/08 01:53] .Metal Bunny.:that.. that\'s just wrong [19/12/08 01:53] .Gargant.:what....on earth....have I just....walked into....?? [19/12/08 01:53] DarkPriestess:Lol Gargant [19/12/08 01:53] Logan Marquis:just say the words dp. [19/12/08 01:53] DarkPriestess:Welcome [19/12/08 01:53] MRWander:this is the platform of insanity welcome gargant [19/12/08 01:53] Logan Marquis:and...garg...what is this earth you speak of? [19/12/08 01:53] .Metal Bunny.:someone needs to quote all of this and send it to me [19/12/08 01:54] DarkPriestess:Well though I am sure he can not be tired of me... ever... I do! [19/12/08 01:54] Logan Marquis:and flaming priestess, your response is? [19/12/08 01:54] Logan Marquis:*nods* [19/12/08 01:54] Logan Marquis:by the power vested in me by Mur, Shoeps, the Archivists, and the Legend Speakers...I now pronounce you dst and she who is to be \'dst\'d\' later... [19/12/08 01:55] DarkPriestess:LOL [19/12/08 01:55] Logan Marquis:dst...you may now whip the hot-blooded priestess. [19/12/08 01:55] .Metal Bunny.:LOL [19/12/08 01:55] DarkPriestess:*bends over* [19/12/08 01:55] .Metal Bunny.:HAHAHA [19/12/08 01:55] Logan Marquis:*the wedding march begins to play but is promptly interrupted with the sound of the Imperial March* [19/12/08 01:55] DarkPriestess: [19/12/08 01:55] Bourbon Biscuits:::chuckles loudly:: [19/12/08 01:56] DarkPriestess:he said whip [19/12/08 01:56] Logan Marquis:*laughs* thank you...thank you. [19/12/08 01:56] MRWander:*wipes a tear away* that was beautiful [19/12/08 01:56] Logan Marquis:Mur, if you would be so kind as to tag the flaming priestess as \"dst\'s pirate\"...[/log] for your reading pleasure [/quote] You couldn't resist, could you?
  12. *pokes with the excuse that you is a stalker* :P

  13. Peace

    The Waiting Game

    [u]MD related[/u] Re-organising all my MD files, translating, researching etc. [u]Non MD related[/u] Chores around the house, cooking, bothering my brother who refuses to leave the computer alone for me to play with it. [u]MD and non MD related[/u] I started bugging my older brother with all the things I have learned in MD, what is it that we all do there and then chase him around the house to make-up him to look as a Knator(don't need to try much, he is big and hairy anyways).
  14. Happy Birthday to you both. You have been missed.
  15. [quote name='dst' timestamp='1287246908' post='70409'] Stayed tuned...bikini pic might replace the current one! (kidding ...or not..) [/quote] I am holding your word for it. I did it, your turn!
  16. Momentarily only. I just refreshed and attacked Manda normally after that. Didn't ive it much attention since I was able to attack in the end and ignored the error.
  17. Received a similar error one time today while I was trying to attack Manda.
  18. Traces, many faces, lost in the maze of time. Blinded by the darkness, that's the start of seven lives...

  19. [i][font="Comic Sans MS"]2 silver coins for the Magnolia.[/font][/i]
  20. Hello little monster. :)

  21. [i][font="Comic Sans MS"]1 silver coin for No7[/font][/i]
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