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Everything posted by Peace

  1. Happy birthday, Bro! Make it a good one! A gift; neverending rope and a tree seed. Use them wisely...
  2. Won't it be a little too much work to adjust the game mechanics to heal different portions of vitality for each player? I am not an expert on this, this is why I ask. I am more into the idea of healing depending on the level of the spell. 6K of vitality sounds good to me, for newbies they will heal them enough to restore both vitality and heal their creatures. For mp4 and higher, well as you progress in the game and change mindpower level, I believe that you do not require much healing. Maybe a newly advanced mp4 but after a while all they may require is offensive and defencive buffs. As for mp5... well you all know that most mp5s use protectors only for loyalty so? I believe it is more 'fair' so to say for players and for whoever decides to programm this, to merely fix the healing spell to 1K per level, despite the heat the protector has. Just my two cents.
  3. [quote name='Tarquinus' timestamp='1284524402' post='68429'] I do find it strange that Master Lorerootian archers give [u]nothing[/u] but principles on sacrifice [/quote] If I am not mistaken, Mur was making some changes in the Lorerootian Archers. Maybe that is why they offer nothing.
  4. Hazel / Salmon.
  5. Some creatures, maxed or not offer nothing when you sacrifice them. It is not a bug. It is how they are meant to be.
  6. Remember where I come from... ;)

  7. Welcome to this side of the realm.

  8. Peace

    Member Title

    Ah, thank you Grido. I must have missed that.
  9. I wish you have a happy birthday, my dearest Gunslinger. Make it a good one!
  10. Peace

    Member Title

    I am asking how it is possible for someone to have a title which is edited and yet doesn't have the required amount of posts that are needed to unlock this option. I won't point fingers, I am merely asking how is it possible for I have noticed some that have titles (not a group that they are assigned to it) with less than 300 posts.
  11. As long as Chewy is on vacation, I can poke as much as I like!

  12. Peace

    No Sanctuary Day

    [quote name='Kafuuka' timestamp='1284044276' post='68115'] There's this button labeled 'log out' after which you cannot be attacked anymore... I know you haven't suggested to change that, but if you were to, I'd strongly oppose it. As Esmerelda pointed out, you're either counting on people's goodwill to stay attack-able or their ignorance of the new feature. I highly doubt this will "fix" mp5. [/quote] I wouldn't suggest for the log out button to be changed. Too far-fetched in my opinion. And I am not saying it will fix the mp5s, but it would allow them to develop more those of us who want to perhaps.
  13. Peace

    No Sanctuary Day

    Even if some log in just to get their active day counted, they still remain there, sleeping. So it is really one way or another. Do think though what each of us, strong or not, goes through to find targets to train on. With tokens nowadays it is hard indeed to get a win/victory but if we had the ability to attack, even in sactuaries, even for one or two days per month, it would attract the fighters (which I know there are a lot out there) to be more in MD. It may be a silly idea but even those who recently ascended to mp5 have difficulties on developing their combat profiles.
  14. We do have days of tranquility when everybody is safe from attacking. I was thinking if we could have a no sactuary day for the opposite reason. And if possible to have this just for mp5 if the new players feel threatened. Share ideas, thoughts, arguments if any.
  15. Peace

    Member Title

    Thank you Chewett for the detailed answers yet my question is still unanswered.
  16. Redneck did purchase the avatar he wanted with the golden axe. I went to check other available golden avies in the shop and I got this warning: Warning: Invalid argument supplied for foreach() in /home/magicdue/public_html/ui/avatarshop/load_listing.php on line 50 It is on top of the avy page.
  17. *drops by Tic Tac's profile and pokes him to death* No armor in here! ^.^

  18. Peace

    Member Title

    Also those of us that have edited titles on them without reaching the number of posts needed for that option?
  19. Whether one gets or not his hands on aged angiens it still won't offer them anything rather than temporary stats. Angiens don't offer anything upon sacrificing as to permanent stats in any level. That prevents people for increasing their vitality in a short time. As for the topic itself about rules... I do too agree with Burns. They are rules. Rules are not given to us to think about them and then give our permission or not to be implemented. The game is not ours to run it, he to whom it belongs to knows better. Or his staff even. Whether we like it or not, we just have to live with it and move on our daily routine. So a lot of people spend credits to buy slots for creatures just to store angiens only to sacrifice them for their permament vitality bonus. Now their plans are ruinned but so what? You will find another way in the end like everybody does and use this for your advantage and of course don't forget... move on.
  20. Peace


    [quote name='Nex' timestamp='1283827580' post='67916'] lady dark priestess - adept, sly, rad kisser [/quote] Thank you V! That gave me a good laugh!
  21. What is better than a relaxing footbath along with a foot massage whilst relaxing on the computer?

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. Prince Marvolo

      Prince Marvolo

      Cookies and inspiration

    3. dst


      Sleeep!!!12 h of uninterrupted sleep!!

    4. Ravenstrider


      Having hot sex with asian schoolgirl triplets, with one of them dedicated to massaging your feet? :)

  22. I do have principles and spell pages (although useless now) and some creatures/armors descriptions already translated but there is much more into this like Story mode. Interface texts are only a day of work for me but I can have them ready at any time. Thank you for the tip advice, Pip. P.S. All my documents are currently in the hard disk that is gone along with my laptop to the hospital. Hopefully I will get it back soon to go on with this.
  23. [quote name='Shadowseeker' timestamp='1283709928' post='67741'] Bit offtopic, but that creates big ve problems. [/quote] Forgive me for adding to your off-topicness, Shadowseeker. Page 476 [2009-07-09 01:43:53 - The Traveler] Many weeks pass and people get back to their lives. It seems the angien Egg keeps breeding new Angiens from time to time, beautiful creatures, but easy to enslave. Some say there is something in their eyes to make one think there is more than just a beautiful creature there, but who cares, they are great slaves, [u]great to sacrifice. [/u] That was their purpose ever since they got into the game. I do not know if they are to give any rewards at all in higher levels but so far they don't besides when they are level two. If now there is an issue of ve, imagine the rewards a maxed angien would give if sacrificed and give other permament stats. And so far it is only ve that they provide. Unless your issue is that this is the way most use to increase their vitality nowadays to aid them in angien rituals.
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