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Everything posted by Peace

  1. Hello and welcome to the forum. Good luck with your journeys here, ask questions if you have any and see you in the realm.
  2. I miss you... Contact me whenever you can.

  3. Alejandro... rawrr...

  4. Happy birthday Luvva. Happy birthday Mr D.
  5. Back then when I started MD, I chose my principles based on the principles I use in my life and the ones I wanted to have to do with the nature of my character in MD. Now some people (alts actually) choose principles based on what is better about the tokens they have. Although last time I checked, I think the system now randomly chooses them for you. I am with Dst on this one. I believe that if this idea is to be implemented it will be abused a lot too.
  6. If I am not mistaken, I recall a similar incident about mp5s as well, but the community decided that mp5 is much more advanced mindpower level to 'ask for permission' thus the rules were only for mp3 and mp4. I haven't seen yet any mp5 saying that the SG is only a suggestion and who ever wants it, follows it or not. But if that is the case, then I am disappointed. Don't forget that we were mp3 and mp4 once, the older players should remember how we needed a place to train without being attacked randomly by everyone. If you want to avoid future complaints as this, then I would suggest having people there who reinforce the rules. Yes, staff is what I mean. A person alone can't do evertything. A signpost isn't enough. Also a retaliation, like Nadrolski suggested, sounds like the best thing for me.
  7. I think I had contacted someone about the calendar myself, a long time back, but I was told that all the required info was gathered more or less, so I gave up my research. It is rather easy for me to get the Greek information should you need me to get it.
  8. Although I do respect and support you Jester, that does not mean that I have to respect/support/accept this new Queen. Congratulations go to the new 'bling' of Necrovion, for to me she is nothing more but a pile of flesh and bones covered in jewels. That is all I have to say and I am proud enough to say it outloud.
  9. La multi Ani, Dst! Make it a good one, woman! Presents will be delived soon, you know where
  10. Happy Birthday, Mec!
  11. How dare you say such a thing?

  12. Most do not know him, others have forgot, yet there are still some who remember a Werewolf Captain who made the days in Wind's Santuary pub, the Sozzled Salamander back then, a fun place for all to be. Happy Birthday, Mon Capitan! I wish for rum, lassies and buried treasures to find you! You have been missed. And your Panty Raids too! Your ship and crew awaits....
  13. Ah, that is something you learn on the long run. But one way (and most obvious)is to write down the IDs from your PMs.
  14. So do what to him? Reduce his stats and vitality, as well remove the creatures from him? Would that make others happy? I am aware that because of him we no longer get vitality bonuses from angiens whereas he has already benefit himself from it. I doubt jailing him would do any difference.
  15. Just so you people know, I have spotted February hidding in Necrovion. And he hasn't had any creatures to defend himself, making me think that he either sacrificed them all or gave them away or simply has them killed for now without restoring their vitality in order to fight. Saying that he continues to damage people when really he isn't, is a false accusation. Now, for the fact that he has already damaged enough mp3s and there is proof of it, I won't deny that. I do not know whether he has been punished for it though. Also for your information, February is only the tip of the iceberg. I bet that there are other mp3s out there, alts or not, who are already training to walk in his shoes. Some mp5s we even have now, started this way. So this is an endless chain of events. There will always be someone who targets the weaker mp3s in order to push them to mp4. February was only one of them and his issue happened to be known to the community.
  16. *pokes you back and runs away giggling*

  17. Who am I gonna touch softly now? We have had this conversation before, Eon and you have my wishes for the best. Make your country proud and keep in touch. You'll be missed indeed.
  18. Salad-bar! I have missed you!

  19. You missy, made me smile.

  20. Then this is unfair for those who do not live in the States. You are leaving us out... *pouts*
  21. Spell still not working, tried it yesterday and got the same with BFH.
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