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Orlando Gardiner

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  1. Downvote
    Orlando Gardiner got a reaction from Kyphis the Bard in Argumentations   
    none has won the discussion. Discussion is not about 'winning, but about sharing toughts and learn what other people think about it, or to get a compromise between two parties.
  2. Downvote
    Orlando Gardiner reacted to whitewater in First Trial- Jacoand Vs Granos, Originally: Conned By Granos   
    [quote name='JacoAnd' date='25 February 2010 - 02:42 PM' timestamp='1267108975' post='55205']
    Okey... Then I will await your decision.
    In the meantime, wanna do a trade Jaco??
    (I am kidding of course.....)

    [color="#0000FF"]I would ask you to refrain from this in future, it's quite an useless post. In a serious topic.[/color]
  3. Upvote
    Orlando Gardiner reacted to Yrthilian in Md Creature Card Game   
    Chew stop trying to stur the pot

    I have already asked Mur for his opinion
    and will wait till he has come back to me
    so i am afraid you will just have to keep
  4. Upvote
    Orlando Gardiner got a reaction from ladytwin in Law And Lawyers   
    I am willing to be a lawyer to, but since I am NOT that flexible I let it up to you to decide if I would fit or not.
  5. Downvote
    Orlando Gardiner got a reaction from Chewett in Law And Lawyers   
    I am willing to be a lawyer to, but since I am NOT that flexible I let it up to you to decide if I would fit or not.
  6. Upvote
    Orlando Gardiner got a reaction from Kamisha in A Market With A Real Location   
    Should be no mans land if I may be so free, the market belongs to no one, not to us(marind bell) nor anyone else. And for it's location, can't there be a new building added, a new place to go to, which really looks like an auction house?
  7. Downvote
    Orlando Gardiner reacted to dst in Loreroot Free Traders Limited   
    The idea is good but I don't understand one thing (I might have not read carefully, so sorry if I haven't): will you choose the persons you will sell the items? Because if you sell to the highest bidder or to the first person that asks I don't see this as a solution. What will stop the hoarders to buy them? Or even a worst case scenario:we know that there are players *cough*SS*cough* that are willing to pay real money for them. What if someone buys the item from you and then sells to one of the hoarders?

    My 3 cents
  8. Downvote
    Orlando Gardiner got a reaction from Arianna de Montrève in First Trial- Jacoand Vs Granos, Originally: Conned By Granos   
    [quote name='Rendril' date='25 February 2010 - 11:31 AM' timestamp='1267097482' post='55181']
    Being a villain has tangible consequences on the victim, whereas the victim has no way to inflict a counter attack (yet)

    So this "villainy" only takes place because you can't be punished for it?
    There is a glaring difference between roleplaying theft and actual stealing when the victim can't react appropriatly, and where the actual punishment that can be meted out, outweighs the severity of the crime. I am certain you are aware of the implications of your actions.

    I don't really see the problem, if he is a role play thief.., than act as if the punishment is for roel play to! I mean, criminals get punished everywhere.., so why not in md?
  9. Downvote
    Orlando Gardiner got a reaction from Kyphis the Bard in First Trial- Jacoand Vs Granos, Originally: Conned By Granos   
    [quote name='Rendril' date='25 February 2010 - 11:31 AM' timestamp='1267097482' post='55181']
    Being a villain has tangible consequences on the victim, whereas the victim has no way to inflict a counter attack (yet)

    So this "villainy" only takes place because you can't be punished for it?
    There is a glaring difference between roleplaying theft and actual stealing when the victim can't react appropriatly, and where the actual punishment that can be meted out, outweighs the severity of the crime. I am certain you are aware of the implications of your actions.

    I don't really see the problem, if he is a role play thief.., than act as if the punishment is for roel play to! I mean, criminals get punished everywhere.., so why not in md?
  10. Upvote
    Orlando Gardiner got a reaction from Watcher in A Market With A Real Location   
    Should be no mans land if I may be so free, the market belongs to no one, not to us(marind bell) nor anyone else. And for it's location, can't there be a new building added, a new place to go to, which really looks like an auction house?
  11. Downvote
    Orlando Gardiner got a reaction from Pipstickz in A Market With A Real Location   
    Should be no mans land if I may be so free, the market belongs to no one, not to us(marind bell) nor anyone else. And for it's location, can't there be a new building added, a new place to go to, which really looks like an auction house?
  12. Upvote
    Orlando Gardiner reacted to Peace in First Trial- Jacoand Vs Granos, Originally: Conned By Granos   
    [quote name='JacoAnd' date='24 February 2010 - 10:46 PM' timestamp='1267051586' post='55133']
    Lol... Everything (Almost at least) is free when Mur gives it out...
    But that doesnt make it less valuable...

    Exactly. And for that reason is why people like you who make profit out of items that can be used to support a new member of the alliance who has just started to experience the game. And we give them out from free.

    Ever since I had been given three papers I gave one to Shantu and one to Lazarus, both for fee and I kept one for myself, to pass it to Necrovion citizens so as to see the land and do whatever they need to do in there. Again for free.

    I see items as a mean to help someone in his role, in the creation of an item they wish for to leave their mark in MD and there are, not only, nowhere they are sold and even if they are sold, the price is extremely high for a person that has not the ways and the people to help him get it. Heck, I would give my personal items to someone who could find use and not profit to them. And I would give them for free. Because items are too over-priced when they shouldn't be.

    Now, to return back on topic. I would like for you to wait for Granos' reply. If something has happened to him and he can not be present to defend(?) himself, then do not haste to judge him. Knowing Granos I have come to learn that when it comes to deals, he always keeps them. He may be a villan, a manipulator, a void-hugger and many others, but thief or liar (was trying to think of better words but I lost my dictionary) is something I want to believe he is not. But then again... it's Granos!
  13. Downvote
    Orlando Gardiner got a reaction from Watcher in First Trial- Jacoand Vs Granos, Originally: Conned By Granos   
    Whait a few more days, what's his activity, don't accuse him yet, that's not serving..
  14. Upvote
    Orlando Gardiner got a reaction from Nimrodel in First Trial- Jacoand Vs Granos, Originally: Conned By Granos   
    Whait a few more days, what's his activity, don't accuse him yet, that's not serving..
  15. Downvote
    Orlando Gardiner got a reaction from Chewett in [Poll] Rebalancing Auras   
    All this topic can do is making sure mur knows there is a problem he has to fix.., and frankly enough I think he already knows..

    Give him time, this is a hard problem, just as a few others, give him time to fix it and quit bugging him ..

    [color="#4169E1"]And your post is just spam.
    Yes, Mur knows about the issue since few of us pointed it out long time ago.
    I personally bug him a lot about it.
    The point of this topic is also to brainstorm and find ideas about stuff not merely point out a problem.
    Or at least this is how I see it. So, please stay on topic.

  16. Downvote
    Orlando Gardiner got a reaction from Kyphis the Bard in Illusion Using Creatures.   
    well as far As I tought.., wich isen't far. I tought of this:

    perhaps a possibility to chose more than 1 direction with 1 starting creature? I tought I have seen it before and gives you more influed to you creatures. as most people use to mischief people, they can change my trying it to help themself or to torture others, wich is chosen aftherwards. The first should have weak abilities, but usefull on the other way. like perhaps making an enemie inable to attack for 1 turn? (or does this look to much as freezing)

    and perhaps indeed in the way of an aura, and having the oppertunity to fail. as sometimes we strugle into our own doom by our decieving, that we end up hurting our self( sort like using our abilities on our own enemies?

    We could break it up in two fronts, a Good & Evil one. the evil one tries to damage his enemies as much as he can and letting them hurt eachother, the other tries to make the enemies inable to attack. this make the second weaker, but you could also give him than the ability to heal the illusions of the Evil one, making it to opposites.

    how for that part? does anyone by the way knows how this should look like?
    and If you don't like the adding, please give in your own idea's, for this should be a creature we can all look at in a good mood.
  17. Upvote
    Orlando Gardiner got a reaction from Watcher in [Poll] Rebalancing Auras   
    All this topic can do is making sure mur knows there is a problem he has to fix.., and frankly enough I think he already knows..

    Give him time, this is a hard problem, just as a few others, give him time to fix it and quit bugging him ..

    [color="#4169E1"]And your post is just spam.
    Yes, Mur knows about the issue since few of us pointed it out long time ago.
    I personally bug him a lot about it.
    The point of this topic is also to brainstorm and find ideas about stuff not merely point out a problem.
    Or at least this is how I see it. So, please stay on topic.

  18. Downvote
    Orlando Gardiner got a reaction from Kyphis the Bard in [Poll] Rebalancing Auras   
    All this topic can do is making sure mur knows there is a problem he has to fix.., and frankly enough I think he already knows..

    Give him time, this is a hard problem, just as a few others, give him time to fix it and quit bugging him ..

    [color="#4169E1"]And your post is just spam.
    Yes, Mur knows about the issue since few of us pointed it out long time ago.
    I personally bug him a lot about it.
    The point of this topic is also to brainstorm and find ideas about stuff not merely point out a problem.
    Or at least this is how I see it. So, please stay on topic.

  19. Downvote
    Orlando Gardiner reacted to Yoshi in Whatdahell?!   
    Wow... Orlando, based on what you said, I or anyone else could be able to crash any plan you might have with no consequence. How would you feel if someone did that? Based off of what's been said, Redd has been wronged in a way that went against the rules of where he was. Whether it was on accident or on purpose I cannot say. I can say though, that the person that did it does not have enough maturity to either own up and apologize, or doesn't have enough of a conscious to admit it was them.

    Since the GGG is a community run place, you being a part of the community and not caring for the rules, have let down the community, and as a result, MD itself. Now, since there is no way to really find out who it was as of now, the best thing is to just change your plan as best you can, and move on. To avoid this in the future, you may have to either stop being idle there, or know the risk involved, or come up with another way to stop it from happening.

    And as someone said earlier, most MP3's would welcome the experience... I cringed while reading that. Perhaps that may be correct, but at the area where Redd was, he obviously did not want/need the experience, and therefore it WAS unwanted. Think before you start posting about how anyone should feel a certain way towards something. Not everyone has the same feelings/emotions towards similar ideas or situations.

    And Orlando, no-one should have to start over unless they choose to out of their own free will and not out of pressure from a certain event that occurred. Your post makes me realize your character, and frankly, I don't like it.
  20. Downvote
    Orlando Gardiner reacted to phantasm in Calling Out Shape Shifter   
    [quote name='Muratus del Mur' date='22 February 2010 - 05:24 PM' timestamp='1266877444' post='54974']
    as you already figured i can't [b]and dont want to[/b] take something from someone just because others wish it more. He didnt get them free, from what i saw he got his items fair, actually with more effort than any of you, so i don't see what is wrong with this. Yes he is hoarding them, but he could as easy create 5 alts and keep a low profile and what then??

    I am much much more concerned by those of you keeping nice avatars on alts then someone trying everything to get items. If you don't like him hoarding the items that way then dont sell them to him, simple as that.

    Looks to me like a gangup against a player that is not that popular but keeps that top position on a popular list. Therefor also the topics about removing the item owner list. Its something like lets rob him or at least lets make him invisible to protect our ego.

    What about i make it so that people with drachs wont be able to use them on people without drachs? if you want communist rules so much.

    ps. would be nice to hear his intentions and opinion on this too, not so hard to write a post is it shape shifter, maybe a bit of social interaction would solve the problem faster than an official robbery you are asking me to do.

    Well isn't that something. Of course I don't and would never sell to a horder. I think that those that do are only helping degrade the problem. For you yourself to say that its OK TO HORDE RAW MATERIALS THAT SHOULD BE USED TO CREATE ITEMS, well I guess there really isn't any more that can be said. The same goes for the experimental items that were supposed to be tested and then put back so that others could try. I assumed that those were to be shared and enjoyed by all, not horded under a "collector". For Mur himself to say that this is ok, there is not point in this topic to continue.

    *edit* i agree with the avitar thing also. There are many wonderful avitar artworks that are never seen due to inactivity of players gone by or hording of them on alts.
  21. Downvote
    Orlando Gardiner got a reaction from Yoshi in Whatdahell?!   
    I really don't get why so many people react to this(myself included)

    Stop whining and start over if it is that all important for you, play the game like you wish. it was not ment to be like this, but since you CAN you may. And if other people don't help you with it than they don't have to, they can even go ruine your so called 'uber, mp3 if they want to, if that's how they wish to play the game...

    Just start over if you feel like missing something..
  22. Upvote
    Orlando Gardiner reacted to Udgard in Just A Idea *giggles*   
    Well, let's see..

    To me, the forum is an integral part of the game. Since the earliest day I play, I always considered the forum the game's "bar", a place where all players can gather and talk about everything. With the large time difference between everyone, the forum works really well in gathering everyone together. And really, how much time can you spend on the forum? I probably spend 1/2 an hour to an hour at most a day (that is, lots of little 5 minutes compounded together). A time that I can barely do anything with in the game, but can do very much in the forum.

    OKay, I dunno if it's just me, but I honestly think that the forum doesn't take THAT much time away from MD-ing. I mean, how long can you forum a day? It's not like we got that much activity in the forum.

    Sure, let's all play the game more. But IMO people doesn't really spend too much time on the forum.
  23. Upvote
    Orlando Gardiner got a reaction from Jester in Whatdahell?!   
    I really don't get why so many people react to this(myself included)

    Stop whining and start over if it is that all important for you, play the game like you wish. it was not ment to be like this, but since you CAN you may. And if other people don't help you with it than they don't have to, they can even go ruine your so called 'uber, mp3 if they want to, if that's how they wish to play the game...

    Just start over if you feel like missing something..
  24. Downvote
    Orlando Gardiner got a reaction from Kyphis the Bard in Md Is Boring   
    I find MD a bit boring lately, but that is all because of myself. The game is as much fun as you put in yoursel,f if you don't really play, than it is no fun,. you have to put in new energy, new toughts and new things and ways to keep it intresting, Can whait a long time if you wish for someone else to do it for you.

    And GGG is unlikely to dissapear. trough three main reasons:

    - it almost the only place (except for sanctuaries) to find people without being ripped, almost the most sociable place in whole md.

    - people will always want easy wins and being better the easy way, as chewett already said. Close GGG, and people will find eachother elsewhere and restart a new form of easy grinding.

    - And this perhaps is the most important part, it's because they are letten be. I mean, is there actually a punishment for NOT following the rules in GGG? Everyone agreed, that's right. but if you do not agree, why bother ?f you should just attack everyone a few weeks in a row and make it impossible to actually .., well do the GGG thing and if you keep harassing such places it will vanish.
  25. Upvote
    Orlando Gardiner got a reaction from apophys in Godzilla Vs. King Kong Vs. Chuck Norris   
    angels sang out, in a miracelous chorse, down from the heavens, decended chuck norris..

    he is awsum^^
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