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Arianna de Montrève

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  1. Downvote
    Arianna de Montrève reacted to Firsanthalas in Dst   
    If I may be so bold I'd like to make an observation and a suggestion.
    In the real world, employees generally have reviews and warnings before dismissal. I understand that moderating a forum is a bit different, but if someone is not doing things the way you feel that they should, would it not be better to sit down with them and discuss where they are going wrong? Then they have a chance to try and avoid these issues and improve on their work. This would also cover you somewhat in that if they person just continues to act as they were, or indeed gets worse, you can feel safe in the knowledge that you gave them an opportunity to improve and that its really their own fault when you have to show them the door. Setting aside a person doing things based out of personal grudges or malice, people do make mistakes, especially someone trying their hand at something for the first time. It would be a real shame for someone to be removed from a post purely due to lack of guidance from more senior people.

    Note: you refers to mods in general, not one specific individual.
    Also, this is just something that seems to be the case from what has been presented here. If Fenrir (in this instance) had been given a warning or review, then Iapologise for sticking my oar in, but it has not been mentioned in the thread by anyone. I'm also not saying that Fenrir's dismissal was right or wrong, merely pointing out the seeming lack of any system of review or warning.
  2. Upvote
    Arianna de Montrève reacted to ladytwin in Dst   
    i hate to say it but it seems like dst is al the time braging and harsing others i hate to point fingers but she has a hard spine dont know if it get a cross here it is a dutch thing i gues but it means i dont know how to translate it
    but she kicks some legs and i feel it hurting the game in forum and in game when she is around everybody shouts up and dont talk because dst is here is that what she want she got it but is it fun no
  3. Downvote
    Arianna de Montrève reacted to Granos in The Sisterhood   
    Clearly they all just simply need to get back in the kitchen, or perhaps get to knitting sweaters... Anyone else find it odd that only men are the ones crafting anything in MD?

    Or perhaps there needs to be prevalent RP sexism in MD for the sisterhood to really shine...

    Without friction there is no purpose, either you act to create it or react to others...

    Just my two cents...

    Or heres a suggestion given light of the recent restrictions to RP "affection" get in contact with one of the religious groups in MD and have they take a strong stance against anything remotely related to premarital action or whatever it may be you want them to Taboo, there really isnt much limitation to what can be done with this and then you could use the sexism aspect as they will only target women and then perhaps the sisterhood could have an actual purpose working in and out of alliances protecting these targeted and defending their rights and images..

    There are no saints if there are no sinners..
  4. Upvote
    Arianna de Montrève reacted to battilaa in Gazebo Of Victory   
    Gazebo of Victory!
    Have one on the House

    Names of participants according to rules:

    Names of offenders:

    Please set 3-6 level 4-5 Trees on Martirism in your defending ritual. With 0% Personal VE. We don’t want you yourself getting hurt.

    Attacking rituals should try to achieve victories, preferably without breaking the defenders. Loosing at least 10% of own VE and 40-50% of the attacker VE.

    Please try damaging less, end then working yourself up from there step by step.
  5. Downvote
    Arianna de Montrève reacted to dst in Pointless bickering   
    This was my response that generated the above ranting.
    For Tarquinus first post check this link:


    You Tarquinus are pissed cause you lost your toy and cause finally Mur has done something about the issue. You are a coward and a hypocrite. You never stated your opinion when the cyber sex topic was opened.

    [quote]Why you would bother to play a game self-described as an RPG is an interesting question to me[/quote]
    I saw it played by someone. I liked it and I tried it. I didn't bothered to check how it was described. All I saw was fights, head contests, crits, rituals. Not a single RP thingy.

    [quote]invalidates you as a judge of what differentiates good roleplay and bad, or of what is roleplay and what is not[/quote]
    So you say that if I am not a painter I should not state/have an opinion about a painting? You make me laugh.

    [quote]And remember, if you will, the time when a decided majority of the community wanted to see YOU banned.[/quote]
    So? What is this? A threat? I have always been prepared for a ban because I was (and I still am) never afraid of taking risks and speaking my mind. You and others on the other hand...

    [quote]You still bear that stigma, and I, for one, have not forgotten why. [/quote]
    This is the joke of the day . You have no idea what I did, how I did it and why I have the stigmata. Also, you should at least learn how to read that stigmata. You'd be amazed by the votes.

    And now...enjoy ranting . Please let one of the mods know when you're done so we can close it.
    Thank you
  6. Upvote
    Arianna de Montrève reacted to phantasm in Pointless bickering   
    *turn rant on*

    OK, and here we go. For anyone here who is over the age of 15, most of us have had relationships IRL. When you see someone for several months to a year, what happens? So the question of intimacy is not weather it's really RP, because you would play the same as any person would feel after being together so long, it's the question of seeing it. The reason it hasn't been such an issue before is because most of us, yes me included, go to remote area's and after we are done scroll the text so no one is the wiser. There are many locations where you can sit for hours and there is a 99% chance you will see not see a soul. Two people got busted from DST's "witch hunting", and it downgraded into an outright pitiful sight of slander, degrading comments, and outright stupidity. Do I think DST was wrong for hunting them down, yes. Do I think they were wrong for being so rude, yes. The true depth of this horrid drama is that it affected the community as a whole, over two parties bickering.

    Until now anything of this sort has RARELY ever been spoken of. Even when walked in upon, the chat is cleared, and most people are lucky to catch the last line. I think this is another factor in the degrading of MD. Yes DST i love you to pieces, but I think you are degrading MD in this whole mess. Making such a big deal, and throwing such a temper tantrum that Mur has to step in and take measures, well its simply ridiculous. I don't only blame you though, I also blame those who do their private business in places people are known to travel. Worse yet, it that they are so wrapped up in themselves, that they don't have the decency to wipe the chat all you do is
    and poof the chat is gone. Then the only way that it can be read is WHEN SOMEONE PULLS A CHAT LOG, which at that point who is more in the wrong? The party who was RPing, or the party who felt the need to pull someone's chat log, because I think its the latter at that point. DST you are a great part of the MD community, and I enjoy talking with you whenever we do. I just feel that this was a "little girl throwing a temper tantrum because someone wasn't nice to her" and it created a mass hystaria, and almost deffinatly chased possible newcomers away from the game with all of this drama.
  7. Upvote
    Arianna de Montrève reacted to Tarquinus in Pointless bickering   
    Actually, dst, I'm indifferent about the whole thing. From all your stalking and chat-log pulling, I'd think you'd know I have found another venue. I did not speak up on the cyber-sex thread because I didn't see what good voicing my opinion would do. You weren't listening then, you aren't listening now, and you are unlikely to ever listen in the future. YOU, my dear, are the hypocrite, a seasoned rule-breaker who has appointed herself one of the moral authorities of MagicDuel. The comic irony of that is deep.

    So... you stayed because you didn't see a single RP thingy. Good for you. When people started roleplaying, you were confused and disgusted. Admit it: outlawing the cybering won't make MD a better place for you. You hate ALL roleplaying.

    Yes, I do say if you have no training in art, you cannot appreciate art as an artist can. I've known scores of people to dismiss things such as modern art and oh, I don't know, maybe poetry, out of sheer ignorance. Your exposure to roleplay and the roleplaying world is ankle-deep, but you speak as though you have plumbed all the depths and intricacies of it. You have not. You speak almost entirely from ignorance, and like most ignorant people, you hate everything you do not understand.

    I wouldn't bother threatening someone as self-centered as you. You have always been quite open about your flagrant disregard for anyone else's point of view.

    No idea, do I? Hmm, whatever you say. I recall voting on your stigma, and I recall the events of that time. For the record, I voted against giving you the stigma... because I am a big softie.

    I have always known I was doing a thing that could get me banned, and I was always prepared to pay the consequences of my actions. You don't read well - because you are not paying attention - and thus you didn't see my remark about what Mur has done and his record of being lenient on this and other matters. Like people such as yourself.

    As nearly as I can tell, Amoran opened this topic because the rule seems to be something you and people like you pressed Mur to institute so you could get the people you don't like banned. You still don't have the spine to admit that your stance on this issue is really all about the people you don't like rather than any righteous horror at what they have done. Your concern for the MD community is entirely and demonstrably confined to issues and people that affect you personally.
  8. Downvote
    Arianna de Montrève reacted to Rendril in Auctions   
    How is this different to a normal auction? Those that can put forward the most money will of course win in the auction.
    It is not a flaw of the auction that you cannot afford bidding.
    I think it is a great initiative and should be savoured.

    That which possibly makes it seem unfair is the high prices the opening bids started at, this was of course a strategic move to eliminate opposition early on, but I feel it was too early too quickly. The minimum starting bid is 1 silver, I would have liked to see it start from that.
    I know this was a trial run, but I feel 3 items is too little, and they should be auctioned off sequentially rather than all at once.
    There are people who can pay ridiculous prices for the items, the question is if they are willing to do so.
    In my experience the objective of the bidder is to aim to spend as little as possible to gain as much as they can (unless of course if for example it is a fundraising auction)
    Having more items means those who want to spend extremely high prices, can do so, but it gives those who are unable or unwilling to spend extreme amount a chance compete.

    What I do see as a flaw of the auction is the variable valuation. In a noraml auction the difference between $1 and $10 is clear cut. Here it is a judgemental thing where every person values items differently, and it is not clear what the higher bid might be (not in all cases, but I do see a few)
    I would like to see the current accepted highest bid updated on ocasion so we know where it stands and can compare to previous bids so we get some indication as to what is considered more valuable.
  9. Downvote
    Arianna de Montrève reacted to Tarquinus in Auctions   
    Aeo, in his post about the auction, Mur began by saying "this one, I play."

    I'd like you to think about that for a moment.

    Mur's had an idea, and perhaps - perhaps - he didn't think through every angle of it before running with it. He's impulsive like that. Is it absolutely necessary for you to feel personally victimized by a whimsical notion?

    And more importantly: is Mur never allowed to play?

    I'm the reverse of you in many ways - I am older, I work, and I have spent a fair amount of money on MagicDuel. I don't have (to borrow a phrase from Douglas Adams) a whelk's chance in a supernova of buying any of these items... and I never will. Why? Because my interest in MD is always in different directions. I like fighting, but not merely to win. I like it when fights have some degree of strategy, and even now, with tokens and 6-drac rituals and everything, tactically brilliant fights are still sometimes fought. I like roleplaying, but most roleplaying in MD gives roleplaying a bad name - and I'm not talking about adult-oriented behavior or the pure obnoxiousness of certain immature players. I'm talking about people who get lauded for "roleplaying well" ...who constantly break character and pretty much ruin the illusion of the fantasy world by remaking it in the image of the mundane one. The point is, I don't care about becoming materially wealthy in MD, owning the rarest creatures, hoarding all the inventory items for no apparent reason, or anything like that. This auction is for the people that do. It disgusts you: fair enough. Leave it at that. Personally, I'm amazed at how much silver and how many heavily tokened creatures some people have managed to acquire. I can't be motivated to do the same, period.

    I am very sympathetic to many of the things you say, but I feel you have expressed some of your grievances inappropriately and in the wrong place. Because of that, I worry that the genuinely legitimate grievances you have will be lost in the shuffle and cacophony of people shouting "BOO!"

    P.S. Dumbstruck is a word, and a good one.
  10. Upvote
    Arianna de Montrève reacted to Aeoshattr in Auctions   
    I find the auction, to be honest and to get my reputation to -100 or so, rather stupid. Stupid because i can't find any other word. As much as I agree that people should be rewarded for their work, I am simply.... dumbstruck? (did I invent a new word?) by the idea of an auction. If you want to reward them, reward them personally. Not by putting some awesome creatures / other things under our noses and then let people show off how much credits they pay. (yes shadow, i read your post). An auction should give ALL participants an equal chance, or at least try to. And the idea of a separate auction for... "lowlifes" i think you'd call us if even more hilarious. What are we gonna fight for? An Aramor with Claw 1 on it??
    It seems as if this auction is just meant to upset people and give others a reason to flick others' noses "HA! See what i got?" It seems so corrupt and... ugh... At least you could have made it private, so we don't have to watch. And you wonder why people leave from MD.
    Don't tell me to leave if i don't like it. I just wanted to point something out.
    Of course you like it, so far I've seen posts from people who have a chance of winning something and don't just have to watch how others get items / spells / creatures that will get them even more lost fights (etc).
    I'd like the idea as well if i knew I'd stand a chance. I tried to ignore every bad aspect of MD until now. People get away unpunished, some get to finish quests faster because they tucked some coins in the right pocket, creatures / items given for the very good reason of being in 'love' with someone 5000 miles across the world, completely unfair system for newbies, and many more. I hate being impolite, but one thing I don't stand for is discrimination. Argue about this as much as you want, this is just the way i see it.

    As I said, my intention is not to alter the course of the current auction, but to point out some things (that may or may not deflate some ego-s). MD is going the wrong way, and I think the best example of what happens when something goes wrong from the high positions in the social hierarchy is Romania itself, Mur / Manu should know what i'm talking about. It's pretty much the same situation.

    oh, and just in case you start typing "well nobody asked you to go and look at the items for sale" stop and read.
    [spoiler]It's in the announcements, everyone's talking about HOW GREAT it is, it's all over the forum. what would ANYONE do? go check it.[/spoiler]
  11. Upvote
    Arianna de Montrève reacted to phantasm in Sparring Grounds   
    As you now see Shadowseeker it is not an easy task to conduct the park. You were the one to bring up the idleness of the Dojo, and its many flaws. You took it over, fired the staff, and created the Sparring Ground with great ideals. In my opinion the Dojo was ran much better. For a long time, until Calyx left the game, the dojo was well staffed, and fairly well coniditioned. Not only was it a place to train, but a main hub of RP for the newer players coming in.

    It became a place for idle players to gain losses twards the end of its Dojo days, and seem little different now. I do not bring this up as your failings. You are a great warrior, a good quest creator, and a good friend to the community as a whole. I simple hope that you will not be so quick to judge those that attempted to run the Dojo.
  12. Upvote
    Arianna de Montrève reacted to Lazarus in Post Masters Reward   
    The scripting they did is really helpful, but only Mur can decide about these matters.

    No offense, but I see this topic is all about Kyphis' credentials. Nothing more.
  13. Downvote
    Arianna de Montrève reacted to Orlando Gardiner in Angien Taint Detector   
    Not that I bother that much, but isen't this spoiling either? I mean, sharing information about the game people would have to find out theirself? I was not even alloud to say I could give information regarding the Reindrach his abilities, so why are you alloud to give information whatever a angien is tainted or not?

    just a small wondering of mine..

    greetings, orlando.
  14. Upvote
    Arianna de Montrève reacted to Chewett in Bob The Christmas Tree   
    Well, this is my effort after countless changes of plan. Its bad so i have hidden it so people don't inadvertently see it.

    [size="4"][color="#FF0000"]WARNING HEALTH HAZARD, BAD ART[/color][/size]
    [spoiler][attachment=1377:Bob At Christmas.jpg][/spoiler]
  15. Downvote
    Arianna de Montrève reacted to Death Bell in M B: Liberty's Heritage   
    OMG NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO dude... dam mam, hope what ever decision you take its for the best and good luck with all your dreams bro. You have helped me and given me more than any body else.. I am seriously sad to see you go,
  16. Downvote
    Arianna de Montrève reacted to dst in I'm Back   
    Welcome back and this time, hopefully, for good
  17. Downvote
    Arianna de Montrève reacted to lightsage in I'm Back   
    After a lengthy absence, today, Christmas day. LS is back . There have been some ppl leaving over time but I'm sure there's a lot of new characters around to meet

    I'll see you

  18. Downvote
    Arianna de Montrève reacted to Shadowseeker in Are Drachorns Too Common?   
    Well, even though you say it that way...#

    I never paid a single dollar, and I am where I am today. This just proves it to be possible to get drachorns via trade, in fact I got more that way instead of questing or other means. Start small, collect, and trade.

    As for the prices..80 silver actually is little. Compared to the usefulness of other creatures, then add the inflation of coins, and the rarity of drachorns, and 80 silver is supposed to be cheap.

    And, what i forgot earlier..Do you suggest that all those people who have several maxed out drachorns already cannot use them anymore? That would mean you want a ritual preventing method, stopping them from being able to use more than the same amount of drachs. Instead of what you suggest with the leveling.

    And, that would be unfair, esp as it counts only for these select people, instead of the majority. No, then a fix on the drachorn itself would be better.
  19. Downvote
    Arianna de Montrève reacted to redneck in Mrd Keeps Putting Me In Tunnel Of War, Fair Or Not?   
    and fenrir my language is redneck no one can speak reneck but me
  20. Upvote
    Arianna de Montrève reacted to Fenrir Greycloth in Mrd Keeps Putting Me In Tunnel Of War, Fair Or Not?   
    I know this is offtopic, but ffs redneck! Take some time and revise what you are typing! Half of what you say is misspelled or just plain wrong. I have to reread what you say because it isn't English. It's some dead language no one knows anymore...

    So please! Take some time and think, then type, then read, analyze and then do it all over again until someone without a masters degree in Ancient Languages can decipher what you say.
  21. Upvote
    Arianna de Montrève reacted to MRD in Mrd Keeps Putting Me In Tunnel Of War, Fair Or Not?   
    redneck there is a very simple solution. will end this once and for all. dont ever go back to GGG. you cant behave there and that is perfectly alright for you to do. but there are consequenses for your actions and words. this is the public notifacation that redneck is banned from GGG.

    Reason(s): He uses abusive language toward staff and players, he does not respect the rules or fellow players.

    redneck ill let you out, again, but if you are seen at GGG you will be put BACK in the tunnel. Just because you do not see ME in there or online does not mean i am not watching. Whatever you do outside of GGG is none of my business, but i will not tolerate your attitude or behaviour in the Training Grounds

    EDIT: So we are clear, as soon as you publically accept these terms in this forum topic you will be let out and not bothered again. If you fail to accept these terms the punishment will continue

    ps. i apologise to those of you who do not see me often, i am not gone just very busy with the holidays this year.
  22. Upvote
    Arianna de Montrève reacted to MRWander in Mrd Keeps Putting Me In Tunnel Of War, Fair Or Not?   
    [quote name='redneck' date='21 December 2009 - 07:24 PM' timestamp='1261452256' post='50785']
    well i should be let out because i have been in there for liek 2weeks if you had it all up, then again i was in there for 1 week and 5 days and i was supposedly suppose to be in there for 1 week and its christmas and i need to be let out,the reason i tele out is because he never teled me out on time^^
    I see absolutely no reason for you to be let out EVER when you continually go to the GGG when you ve been banned. You were banned once then given another chance and then you got yourself banned a SECOND time and you still come back.
  23. Downvote
    Arianna de Montrève reacted to redneck in Mrd Keeps Putting Me In Tunnel Of War, Fair Or Not?   
    well i should be let out because i have been in there for liek 2weeks if you had it all up, then again i was in there for 1 week and 5 days and i was supposedly suppose to be in there for 1 week and its christmas and i need to be let out,the reason i tele out is because he never teled me out on time^^
  24. Upvote
    Arianna de Montrève reacted to MRWander in Mrd Keeps Putting Me In Tunnel Of War, Fair Or Not?   
    [quote name='redneck' date='21 December 2009 - 06:50 PM' timestamp='1261450202' post='50780']
    how manyh times do i have to repaet myself ive not been there to atleadt 2 weeks ago^^ and beacause i have forum mod reveiw and it takes forever sometimes/^^
    So let it take forever respond here so ALL PLAYERS can see the different sides of the story you wanted this to go public and want the publics opinion you cant do it all by pms or it looks like your trying to bs people. and also PLEASE take the time to type slower and more carefully because I can barely understand what your trying to say.
  25. Downvote
    Arianna de Montrève reacted to redneck in Mrd Keeps Putting Me In Tunnel Of War, Fair Or Not?   
    how manyh times do i have to repaet myself ive not been there to atleadt 2 weeks ago^^ and beacause i have forum mod reveiw and it takes forever sometimes/^^
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