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Aia del Mana

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Everything posted by Aia del Mana

  1. As the anniversary's close were nigh, if thou didst attempt of this quest, I would that thou didst message myself of thy progress, that I may verify an attempt had been made in good-will, and thus ensure the provision of plushies to all that did attempt to solve this quest - please do so afore the close. The solution shall be posted upon the anniversary's close, with explanation.
  2. I call this rendition "Mischief Managed". Although most renditions above have used of colour, I have attempted to maintain this scene as similar to the realm as I am able; that one should instead observe of its differences. I recall the Paper Cabin many years ago as a place of mystery, quite remniscent of the realm, surely one of its most iconic scenes. The Paper Cabin, to me, were an allegory for the realm - a place where many secrets and puzzles hide in plain sight; where one discovers and befriends of its beings, and becomes part of its history. One worthy may become its tinkerer; to build and shape it for others to enjoy; developing new meanings and discovering new connections; the tragedy being that most of these shall lie undiscovered to most who do seek them. Of mine own welcome - this were many years hence; and sadly, most recollections are gone, other than scattered happy memories of friends that I did leave behind; especially Tarquinus of the Eclipse, whose memory continues to shape Aia as she is today. As the shade's mischievous acts within the above rendition of the Paper Cabin; so too are these memories; altered, scattered, lost; but the collective experience recalled as one of happiness, nonetheless.
  3. I have received an entry also from Demonic God for this contest.
  4. I believe this were " Mur-speak" and that it doth possess of much character; this were part of the realm's character, and so I do agree with this ideal.
  5. If there were extra tokens, I would use of these quite frequently; either within the store, or an item that should grant of a random token upon a random creature in possession; if, in course, this should consume of a credit, or other resource or price as deemed appropriate. If there were an item which should grant one the ability to temporarily exceed the heat possible upon one's erolin device (and which should allow for downstream effects thereof), I should use of this item quite frequently also.
  6. Herewith find a log of the recent occurrence at Wasp's Totem, which did find occasion to be bathed in nightfall.
  7. This were to confirm that Demonic God (@fallen god) hath submitted a correct solution to this puzzle, worthy of mine spell-document, which I shall grant within the realm.
  8. @fallen god (Demonic God within the realm) hath also submitted of a correct solution to this puzzle, and hath earned of plushies, which shall be granted upon the Anniversary close.
  9. The third card were an insect.
  10. Please message me upon the Forum with the combination of pips upon thy die-facets.
  11. Greetings to all. A brief contest, which shall require of thought, and strategy. Mallos, who doth possess of a special, seven sided die, did inspire myself to create of this contest. I must think that he must ponder upon the optimal distribution of pips upon his die. Entries shall close upon the close of the anniversary, whereby the contest will commence. The contest were as follows: A six-faceted die usually doth possess of a number of pips upon each face; one to six inclusive. However, my challenge to all who participate were to redistribute the number of pips (twenty-one in total) such that the die has the most optimal chance, in an infinite number of random dice rolls, to defeat the die roll of another who has also redistributed the number of pips upon her own die. Of course, a higher value shall defeat a lower value; however, there were no difference betwixt a victory of many pips, and a victory merely of a single one. Post thy name in this thread if thou dost wish to participate, and additionally, when thou dost post within this thread, message myself, upon the Forum, of thy distribution of the pips (but do not reveal of these to aught.) In example, one may create a die with facets showing 0,0,6,5,5,5, which were a valid distribution. One may not have fewer than zero pips upon any facet of the die. In each round, each participant's die's overall chance to defeat the opposing die shall determine the victor (and not merely a single roll). In example, a die with 0,0,6,5,5,5 shall defeat a die with 4,4,4,4,4,1. An anniversary creature shall be awarded to the overall winner. Plan thy strategy accordingly.
  12. This were a post to confirm that I have granted Jubaris a wishpoint.
  13. The first were a bird; the second a bug. Double these guesses.
  14. And Jubaris were the first to solve this quest - notably, without any requirement for the use of any hints. Jubaris, when I am able (when the ability to grant wishpoints were returned; I believe it presently doth not function) a wishpoint were owed to thee.
  15. The second hint were thus: The shades sibling is the _____.
  16. As I am aware of many who are attempting of this quest, and wish not of wasted effort, I have petitioned Ailith for further anniversary creatures to be granted to those who are able to solve this quest by the close of the anniversary - at least for the third and fourth to solve this quest.
  17. The fourth hint were thus: The final key were suggestive of the solution.
  18. Will there be a round where the gamblers do gamble upon the players' answers afore the players do submit of their guesses?
  19. As there do appear to be some that do attempt of this quest, but do find difficulty, I state now that there are certainly clues that may aid one in solving of it, contained within the above; this is the first hint.
  20. I shall guess for this round: Plant, Bug, Bird, and Plant.
  21. In order, mine guesses: Top left - Bug Top right - Plant Bottom left - Bird
  22. Thy sponsorship were received also, with thanks, Mur. All those who successfully complete this quest shall be granted mine spell-document (Aelis, and Imperius - do find me within the realm for this reward which were due thee). Exceptionally elegant solutions will be granted a choice of wish-point, or drachorn. May I request the title of this to be changed to include that it were a permanent, spell-document quest?
  23. Herewith, mine submission - Cow-Tree Phở - simplified from a family recipe of mine inhabitor. Instructions are included for those who wish to create of it in the other-realm, also. Requirements were as follows: Five units of pure elemental rain-water - enough to fill a large recipient Two units of Bones, obtained of a cow that doth grow within Ailith's mythical Cow-Tree. Bones excavated from Necrovion will not suffice. One unit of thinly sliced cow, also from the Cow-Tree Three seedling-bulbs (preferably of the onion-kind) One unit of rice-noodles; a rarity within this realm A handful of ground aromatic herbs; a handful of whole aromatic herbs One handful of Golemian Rock-Salt A handful of leaves from the basil-plant A sprinkling of ground pepper-corn Twelve full erolin-spheres; alternatively, a full heat-storing jar (twelve thousand points shall suffice). Fill of a large cooking-pot with elemental water. Source of some bones - a kilogram and a half thereof (I would hope, from the Cows in the Cow-tree, rather than that excavated within Necrovion) - that with much marrow were ideal for this recipe. Sprinkle some ground aromatic herbs, and some that were not ground. (Those within the other-realm may use of some Five-Spice, and some whole star anise) - a generous handful shall suffice. Place within two large seedling-bulbs (those of the other-realm may know of these as onions; the brown or the red equally suffice). Do not slice of these into smaller portions; some incomplete cuts shall suffice, such that the water may permeate of them, yet not cause of disintegration. Add of some erolin-heat, and simmer for two to three hours, then, set aside to cool overnight (one of the other-realm may use a refrigerator to aid of this process). Once cooled, one shall note of a coalescence atop the broth. Carefully remove of this and discard it. To complete of the broth, add of some Golemian Mineral Salts to taste; one of the other-realm may, in preference, use of fish-sauce. Prepare of some rice-noodles; these are indeed quite rare within the realm; one must find a place to grow of rice, and reap of it, and cast them into flat sheets; one blessed of the other-realm may find it easier to purchase of these, and mine inhabitor doth quite recommend of that which were fresh, and not dried. If one may obtain of the fresh kind, soak in boiling water for two minutes, and strain of the water. Add of sliced onion-bulb, and of raw, thin slices of cow, from the mythical cow-tree. Finally, ladle of the broth (ideally, it were close to the boil at this time) over the dish, and sprinkle of some ground pepper-corns and basil-leaves. One so inclined may add of bean-shoots, or of further heat-spices, but this were not mine own preference. Serve hot; stir to cook the beef until it were cooked to thine own taste.
  24. Aelis is the second to answer correctly. Plushies do remain for all who attempt this puzzle in good faith.
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