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Aia del Mana

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Everything posted by Aia del Mana

  1. Ah, a fair question. As with all of mine anniversary quests, this shall close when the anniversary were complete.
  2. The winners are as follows: First place: Ailith Equal second place: Tissy and Aelis (owing to the incorrectly assembled scene) Fourth: Ledah Entries are still open; four silver pieces will be granted to all further solutions that were correct and complete.
  3. Herewith do find it, in case thou shouldst wish to submit it.
  4. I hope that this version will one day be of use to thee, then: @Chewett if thou didst wish to upload this in replacement, I believe it is ready as-is.
  5. Excerpt from A Realm Reshaped, Ch1, as told to Aia ___________________________________________________ "So you see, you get these layers, and you put them on top, or under other layers, and then put back the hidden layers, and then you unmake the layer you just made, and then flatten it..." The echoes of Mur's words ... echoed in Aia's mind. His cryptic instructions always took some time, but they were always right. Aia dusted off her new gilding-brush; Mur had given this to her with instructions to use it... liberally. A splish-splash-swish of the brush, and her wings began to glow a pale yellow. Aia smiled. It was wonderful to be blessed with new gifts. ____________________________________________________ Lintara glided through the golden leaves of Raven Hold, to her favourite little golden hut, located at the topmost golden bough. "Aia, you know, perhaps you should use this on those who might appreciate it; I am sure the great Oak is quite content." ____________________________________________________ Thy quest were thus, then: Draw, or otherwise illustrate, a rendition of thy character, in black and white (no colours). Ideally, the proportions should be scalable to an Avatar (which, when scaled down, is 160 pixels high and 100 pixels wide) - however, the artwork should be much larger than this, so that it can be scaled down. The completed artwork should be posted within this thread. I have no guarantee that these will be approved or added as avatars; however, I do pledge that I will create a gilded form (and non-gilded form) of those deemed worthy by the judge; this is the main prize on offer. Thou wilt be able, then, to submit the non-gilded form to the realm, or to be awarded the gilded version, if deemed appropriate by the Avatar Manager. A very gifted artist (rather than myself) will be the judge of this contest and shall decide which submissions shall be converted, but he too has no say over whether the avatar will be approved - this I shall leave to discretion of the Avatar Managers. Additional rewards shall be as follows (in addition to gilding/creating the avatar in a form which may be submitted) A choice of one Rustgold Drachorn or one 14th Anniversary creature for the illustration deemed most worthy The remaining creature for the one who were second Plushies for all non-trivial submissions Entries shall close at the end of the Anniversary celebrations.
  6. I shall certainly run it each anniversary, if the realm were this brilliant, and the participation were this high.
  7. Yes, there is no limit on upvotes one may give - if thou dost wish to do so on a post, then please, do so. Likes and Upvotes are considered equivalent for this contest.
  8. Ah, of course, the brilliance of the realm never ceases to amaze.
  9. This is an amazing quest to ponder upon. I have not yet completed it (and fear that I may not be able to this anniversary owing to time constraints; still, I will continue to ponder on it following.) If naught do sponsor a wish-point for a general solution that satisfies all sizes of grid 3x3 or greater (the "general case"), then I shall do so myself; this quest, I believe, should become a permanent one.
  10. One's thoughts turn to the other-realm these days, so this quest were a simple one: Create, and post, of a meme within this thread. These should be relevant in some shape or form to the realm (including of some event which hath occurred within the realm); if the allusion were a subtle one, then I would suggest an explanation in accompaniment. There is no limit on the number of entries one may post here, but each shall be judged on the best submission; this shall be determined by the number of up-votes received by the close of the anniversary. "Likes" shall be equivalent to one upvote also, but "downvotes" shall be worth zero (rather than a negative value). Prizes for this contest shall be as follows: 1 anniversary creature and 3 gold for the best submission 1 anniversary creature and 2 gold for the runner-up 1 gold for third place Plushies to each entrant commensurate to the number of received up-votes.
  11. Edit: It doth appear that one of the scenes has not reassembled correctly; I have removed it from the above pile, and Chewett is angrier than ever.
  12. Excerpt from A Realm Reshaped, Ch2, as told to Aia _______________________________________________________ Mur looked up from his makeshift desk in the Paper Cabin. Ever since the removal of Flash, things had just not been quite right. Mur gritted his teeth and reached for the quill in the corner of the desk. His fingers closed around the quill, but it wouldn't move, and it just wouldn't turn amber. Aia must have forgotten to make it a clicky, he thought, as he reached into his satchel instead. Rough, rapid quill-strokes covered the scroll in front of him; the intricate form of an odd contraption took form in real-time. Mur smiled; this was his best invention yet, something to turn all the jobs for the realm into bite-size tasks. Rolling up the scroll, he placed it back into his satchel and walked off toward the Laboratory. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ MUR! The furious scream of a wookie scorned thundered throughout the Laboratory, just enough to be heard over the happy whirr of Mur's contraption. Mur sighed and looked up; his resigned gaze speaking volumes of words, all of them "What now?". Chewett pointed to the ever growing pile of shredding. "You can't just shred MD into small pieces! Look at it now!" "Ah," said Mur, "but you see, it doesn't just shred things into smaller pieces, but it makes the pieces come back together again, see?" Mur picked up a handful of shredded... material, and it slowly started to piece itself together again. Mur picked up the Gazebo of Equilibrium and placed it firmly on the shredder. "NO!" shouted Chewett, as he dived at the most complicated scene he had ever had to code. Gazebo safely in hand, he slowly stood up and banished Mur to a scene which had not been made yet. This should buy some time, he thought, as he slowly gathered some of the shredded scenes. Chewett looked at the mess in his hands: Feel Dove Ear Trying Quail Plane Hail Lady Inn Stitch You All Miss You Tube Ridge Aim Joel Sherman Gore Dean As Plan Add Gate Warren Are Loan Lair And Dab Rout Dream Ought Arm Pill Rick Merge And Tailoring Bore Drive Yet Are Adjust Tiara Lay Ten Pieces For Tea Of course, Mur had not only shredded them by name, but also, by sound. However, Mur was right - they had come back together again. ____________________________________________________________ The question remains, then: what were the scenes that Chewett has found? Answers should be submitted to myself via Forum PM; the first to answer all scenes correctly shall win an Anniversary Creature and two gold pieces; the second an anniversary creature, and all other complete and correct submissions will receive four silver pieces.
  13. So, the Anniversary Creature this year shall be an Aramor?
  14. This functionality had been removed in favour of expediation of conversion of the realm to one without Flash; this had been discussed within the conversion team; with a view to restoration in the future; but as stated, this were a low priority.
  15. I believe that this were merely an incorrect tag; one merely needst locate of the line which doth state "Mindpower 8 player" and replace it with "A25 user" or similar.
  16. This is to confirm that Tissy @yokin hath submitted of a mathematically elegant solution to this puzzle, and has also been granted a spell-document and a wish-point. Given the multitude of solutions granted to me by @fallen god I have retroactively granted him a wish-point also.
  17. An additional bug that were specific to the Grand Duke were that those of the Seventh Mind-Power appear to be unable to attack him - this were not so when one descends to the Fifth Mind-Power, as long as she were within alliance.
  18. An additional location I have missed: $spotx['1']['2x0']['2'] = '378x222';
  19. I should like to participate, if it were possible to do so upon the Forum.
  20. I have granted Aelis the Wish-Point, and have sent Mirus a message upon the Forum with the Creature Transfer Code for the Anniversary Creature.
  21. This is the same bug that I have mentioned in a previous thread:
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