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Aia del Mana

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Everything posted by Aia del Mana

  1. This were certainly an improvement over the present, although I feel that some information were lost compared to the present - namely, the Mind-Power of those on the map in an area of congregation, which I believe were especially useful for those of lower Mind-Power. If I may, I should like to suggest an alteration to this idea - instead of ever enlarging circles, consider merely a single circle with a number contained within, corresponding to the number of players present, as well as to change the colour of names to correspond to the Mind-Power.
  2. The interface states (under Profile): "Your avatar will be returned to MD Avatar gallery for someone else to use if you are inactive for more than 6 months. If your avatar returns to shop you will be refunded the credit spent for it." As this is no longer the case (avatars do *not* return to the gallery after 6 months of inactivity), the text should be removed (or, if there was consensus that it should be reverted, avatars should return after 6 months of inactivity and the text remain the same). I note that very few (or none) presently are drawing avatars, and at present this means that there shall be fewer and fewer avatars for those who do seek to gain of one.
  3. If avatars do not return to the store after six months of absence, should this be updated to reflect this in the interface?
  4. Ah; I did take over ten years to solve the puzzle of the Broken Gazebo, so this, mayhap, were a fitting calculation.
  5. I believe it has been so for some time, although I do recall that it had previously granted of some Action Points. Those with greater land loyalty to Necrovion will certainly note of a difference in effect, while those without will find their function rather similar. I know not which should be the case (evidently, this does not appear to affect most), but I am willing to change this if a consensus were reached as to the appropriate function.
  6. One might consider to visit the Broken Pattern Gazebo and solve the puzzle within, by which time one may assume her Worldly Inertia will have returned to positive balance. Facetiousness aside, one may assume that one with this statistic of maximum Winertia would also possess of some Luck, which may allow her to walk around and gain some proportion of it.
  7. May I bump this topic? If the bidding is complete, then I would like the Wind Drachorn to be granted to Ailith and the Darkling to be granted to Demonic God.
  8. Apologies - I appear to have missed this location when I had been plotting of them on the map. Adding of this line to the appropriate file should resolve of this: $spotx['7']['sunnybedroom']['1'] = '423x303';
  9. I am sure thy jest were not lost on most, Mur; one must enjoy of humour when straits are dire.
  10. This is correct; the old quest is being replaced (as the Berserker's Way device was dependent on Flash, and that was an integral component of the quest). For now, the current requirement were that one must fight the guards without one's statistics or armour, and to do so, she may sip from the flask aside the guards.
  11. The final level would require of some coding, but there are at least some similar creatures that create other resources. Perhaps this creature could, functionally, create of an item which were similar to that obtained when using of token removal gel upon a creature with tokens. Improving defence were already a mechanic present ("Defend", or "Martirism") which were not difficult to implement, but doing this in a different way may also require some new code (for example the hypothetical mechanic of "steal defence").
  12. I can certainly create and add of more clickies from elements already within scenes. If thou hast an idea for an element within a scene that should be turned into a clicky, let me know, and I shall create of it. Creating of new elements from new artwork were also possible, if the new artwork were provided.
  13. This were the field to assign thyself as an adept, rather than to assign of a worshipper. The only restriction upon an adept should be that there were no alternate accounts assigned as adept to the same being, but one who worships must assign themselves to one of the Sixth Mind-Power (or, it appears, to a certain Wookie who hails from the East.)
  14. Darkling, 35.
  15. Darkling, 33.
  16. Darkling - 26
  17. Darkling - 24 10th Anniversary - 25 Wind Drachorn - 40
  18. I had quite thought that this had been my consideration for a longer timer, although I apologise that this is buried within the post.
  19. I have attempted to experiment with the last remaining boots which were outside Necrovion. I have managed to extract of their essence and distilled it into a bottle, I believe, however, an odd side-effect doth occur upon consuming it. It seems that it doth make one significantly lighter - presumably this is how the boots did float - however, it also seems to make one significantly less sturdy, including of one's being and of one's armour also. Still, the desired effect persists. I have replaced of the bottle at the Howling Gates. The Lorerootian Guards did think it a good idea that their foes should fight without statistics or armour, and have requested a similar flask, which I have readily provided.
  20. Item 4 - 10th Anni Aramor (very limited stock left in storage) - 16 Item 5 - Wind Drachorn egg, 2678 age - 33 Item 6 - Darkling, 2678 age - 21
  21. One could be forced to ascend by the cap of heat, or by the incentive of being able to upgrade of creatures which require a higher mind-power to ascend, as were presently the case. MP6 and 7 are not thus far included in this suggestion, but I am sure it would be reasonable to allow different interactions; MP7 may already attack and be attacked by all, and MP6 will have protector spells; mayhap these will need to be scaled to each Mind-Power that they protect. These Mind-Power levels already possess of their own incentives to ascend to them.
  22. I feel a simple solution would be the possibility of being able to attack up, but not down, a mind-power; this in itself would solve the issue of insufficient targets, and also incentivise one to remain at a lower mind-power. To clarify, MP3 could attack all others, MP4 could attack MP4 and 5, and MP5 could only attack MP5. One of a lower mind-power may learn from those above her in the same if she so chooses, but were not subject to it. In addition, this would have implications for heads-contests and the like.
  23. Apologies - to summarise, with boots, there is no value in AP and max AP, so fix this by giving them value somehow, and then balance the regeneration around this.
  24. Presently, as I do observe, there are some issues both conceptually, and in terms of balance. Presently, it appears that Action-Points, or as I had suggested it be renamed, "Willpower", were the only numeric resource where one may simply refresh of these by clicking upon some boots. As these did grant to most points above the maximum, one could consider that the maximum Willpower should be inconsequential as long as these were in existence and one did possess of a regeneration interval long enough that one could go whithersoever one did please without regard to one's maximum value. If one were to restore of value to the maximum Willpower/Action-Points that one should attempt to achieve, there could be consideration for the following, which all achieve value in increasing the maximum, although by different methodology: 1. Removal of the boots that do grant of these points in excess, or at least a cost to use the boots, such as heating of them in Necrovion; or mayhap, that the accessible (i.e. presently Non-Necrovian) boots should grant a number which were well below the usual maximum (e.g. boots that would set AP to 100 - this would retain of purpose, but also grant value to the maximum) 2. Recoding of AP such that one cannot exceed one's maximum - making the maximum AP the limit to increase; this would require consideration of recoding many values within the realm so that they should eventually be accessible 3. Regeneration should restore one's AP entirely or in proportion rather than a fixed numeric value (thus, increasing AP would increase the number regenerated per interval) 4. AP maximum should have some other purpose in addition to that which were presently so (thus, the value of AP maximum would be dependent on the value of this additional purpose). An example for this would be that wearing armour/iwielding weapons would decrease the AP maximum when equipped - conceptually, this could be considered that one's willpower were less when one were wearing of heavier armour, given it's burdensome nature; removing of these would restore of the lost willpower maximum. As for the regeneration interval: If one's regeneration interval should restore of AP to maximum, then it may be reasonable to also increase the interval, either proportionally or otherwise, depending on the presence of other sources of AP (such as the aforementioned boots). It doth appear that the advantage of a long interval were in the presence of sources that would grant points (of vitality or AP or otherwise) above one's maximum, whereas if these were not present, then there would be an advantage in a more brief interval. This were a careful balance, but it doth not make conceptual sense that one should be able to hold of greater willpower for a longer duration if one merely takes longer to recoup of't. In summary: AP, and consequently, maximum AP, were essentially free presently; that which were free to all and in abundance shall hold of little or no value in exchange; this must change. It may be reasonable to balance the regeneration interval around such a change.
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