Presently, as I do observe, there are some issues both conceptually, and in terms of balance.
Presently, it appears that Action-Points, or as I had suggested it be renamed, "Willpower", were the only numeric resource where one may simply refresh of these by clicking upon some boots. As these did grant to most points above the maximum, one could consider that the maximum Willpower should be inconsequential as long as these were in existence and one did possess of a regeneration interval long enough that one could go whithersoever one did please without regard to one's maximum value.
If one were to restore of value to the maximum Willpower/Action-Points that one should attempt to achieve, there could be consideration for the following, which all achieve value in increasing the maximum, although by different methodology:
1. Removal of the boots that do grant of these points in excess, or at least a cost to use the boots, such as heating of them in Necrovion; or mayhap, that the accessible (i.e. presently Non-Necrovian) boots should grant a number which were well below the usual maximum (e.g. boots that would set AP to 100 - this would retain of purpose, but also grant value to the maximum)
2. Recoding of AP such that one cannot exceed one's maximum - making the maximum AP the limit to increase; this would require consideration of recoding many values within the realm so that they should eventually be accessible
3. Regeneration should restore one's AP entirely or in proportion rather than a fixed numeric value (thus, increasing AP would increase the number regenerated per interval)
4. AP maximum should have some other purpose in addition to that which were presently so (thus, the value of AP maximum would be dependent on the value of this additional purpose). An example for this would be that wearing armour/iwielding weapons would decrease the AP maximum when equipped - conceptually, this could be considered that one's willpower were less when one were wearing of heavier armour, given it's burdensome nature; removing of these would restore of the lost willpower maximum.
As for the regeneration interval:
If one's regeneration interval should restore of AP to maximum, then it may be reasonable to also increase the interval, either proportionally or otherwise, depending on the presence of other sources of AP (such as the aforementioned boots). It doth appear that the advantage of a long interval were in the presence of sources that would grant points (of vitality or AP or otherwise) above one's maximum, whereas if these were not present, then there would be an advantage in a more brief interval. This were a careful balance, but it doth not make conceptual sense that one should be able to hold of greater willpower for a longer duration if one merely takes longer to recoup of't.
In summary: AP, and consequently, maximum AP, were essentially free presently; that which were free to all and in abundance shall hold of little or no value in exchange; this must change. It may be reasonable to balance the regeneration interval around such a change.