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  1. Upvote
    Intrigue reacted to Fire Starter in Treasure hunt   
    What is the reward? I'd like to sponsor, if the author agrees.
  2. Upvote
    Intrigue got a reaction from powle in Treasure hunt   
    Still working on it too. I'm sure it's something simple that I'm making way harder than it has to be (just because I do that A LOT), lol ;)
  3. Upvote
    Intrigue reacted to Muratus del Mur in IMPORTANT - Future way of granting titles/roles   
    you wouldn't collect such a thing? you would just throw it away with your bills? :P
  4. Upvote
    Intrigue reacted to dst in IMPORTANT - Future way of granting titles/roles   
    >_< more collectibles! At this rate I will NEVER quit MD!
  5. Upvote
    Intrigue reacted to Fang Archbane in IMPORTANT - Future way of granting titles/roles   
    My only question here is thus (Although i do agree with this, it sounds fun, if nothing else), what do people that have no higher authority do? If, for example, i wanted a Title, who would i go to? I belong to no land, and im perfectly happy as such. What options do Aimless Wanderers have?
  6. Upvote
    Intrigue reacted to Muratus del Mur in IMPORTANT - Future way of granting titles/roles   
    I will present step by step ..something.. that will start to take shape slowly and will be a major shift in how the social structure, tags and roles will be acknowledged as official. This is intended as a major thing in MD, but one that i am hoping to complete how things are functioning now and not change them too much.
    Roles/tags are earned through your constant activity and sometimes awarded on special occasions.
    Currently there is nothing except the tag and description and occasionally an announcement that makes the role official...what else could it be..my, or councils "word" is enough. Well...here is where things will updated a bit.
    At some point in MD history, the Council operated by requireing just two votes of its members. In case no other member objected to the voted matter. Keep this in mind for now.
    I want to delegate council/my authority of giving roles/tags to people such as land leaders (Kings and Queens) and maybe to people that hold well known roles for a very long time. It is difficult to explain what i want to do, but the concept is simple. I will try to detail it slowly, by answering your questions and soon i will provide more detailed info.
    Tags/Roles will be called Titles from now on. A Title can be granted by a higher authority, such as your King, plus one additional authority, for a start that will be myself.
    Remember the "MD Diploma / Fancy Legacy Box" topic i posted recently, where i wanted to create fancy documents to send out to people and prepare seals and all the associated materials? It received a negative vote from the community (at least in my opinion), mainly because there are other more important things to do and because there are no funds to do such a "crazyness" at this point. However I will do it, in an adapted way.
    For now we will discuss this as if they will be VIRTUAL, its simpler that way for now.
    Lets try to see if you understand the "layout/structure" of how titles will be granted:
    Me, Muratus del Mur, -> insert fancy titles here <- will create a limited number of pre-signed blank documents that represent my authority as one of the leaders of the lands in MD. I will give these documents to other high authority characters in MD, for example the kings or other important roles. Now...that means i am blindly trusting the person i am giving such a document to, that they will use it wisely. Lets say a King holds such a blank title document. This king will be able to fill in details about a title he wants to give, only under the scope of his own authority (only matters that involve his own land). LHO leader holding such a blank title document, could fill it only with a title under his own authority...and so on.
    So far this is clear? makes sense for you? questions?
    These titles once signed by both me (already) and the second authority (king,important role,etc) will be given to a player, granting him that title FOREVER. My intention is that these titles will be created in such a way that they will never "expire". This is same concept as the King crown medal. Once you become king, you receive that crown, and it will remain yours forever regardless if you are still a king or not. In the same way, these titles will remain yours forever, without an expiry date. What will happen if two people have two conflicting titles? ...here is a big change... BOTH are valid, but the person with highest active days/activity percentage (or other factors maybe?) will have higher power, controlling the grated role/title.
    Ok..don't panic, this involves a lot of things, i am aware of the majority of them...and i am aware things will change, but i see this change as a complementary thing to how my vision about md is. Activity defines your influence...dead and forgotten people should not be able to actively USE titles, but should still hold them forever because at some point they earned them.
    THIS WILL APPLY ONLY FROM NOW ON....this is totally unfair, i know, but giving titles backwards it will be a total mess. However..any ancient role that becomes active again might receive his "Title" document. I might do an exception to king roles because they are very important and very few..maybe one or two other roles, but thats it.
    I said to consider these docs "virtual" .. maybe i will make items for them for now...but i want you to know that i am planning to make them actual printed documents (signed, fancy paper, gold finish and all the bells and whisles), and have them ready before this new concept will be fully integrated.
    This subject is open for debate, i will listen to both pro and contra opinions, but i will "fight" for this to happen, even if it requires significant sacrifices. I am however prepared to change my mind if somehow there are aspects of this that will prove to be to stupid or unrealistic...so feel free to challenge this matter if you don't agree to it...but also state your support if you like it. (Hearing positive opinions will make me do things faster and better :P )
  7. Upvote
    Intrigue got a reaction from Ary Endleg in gamesites200 down   
    gamesites200 site is down (or at least has been since probably 10pmCST last night. Left the tab open to try again this morning in case it was just a small maintenance thing, but I'm still getting the error that the website is offline (error 522). Going to try it again this evening to double check, again.
    http://imgur.com/6gb3uQv -link to image of error
    http://imgur.com/rB41XBf -still down this morning (1/14).
    update: Still down 1/15.
    *edit summary: fixed typo's & added link to error image, daily edits to update status.
  8. Upvote
    Intrigue reacted to Chewett in Distinction between Player and Offical Roles   
    There has, and always will be a distinction between offical roles. Just because a player can do something, doesn't mean they are allowed to do so.

    As a player I offered someone a morph for free. They didn't reply to me for a number of days, I believed they had left game so I gave this item to someone else.

    After a number of days they came back and requested the morph. I told them that I had already given it away and wished them good will. They then asked me for "PERMANENT clicky coding access and to ask Mur to give me a quester pack" (spellings corrected, content static)

    The Morph was from my personal collection, While I can create as many morphs as possible I do not do this as that would be an abuse of power. Both of the secondary items items are not something I would ever do as its an abuse of power. I suggested to this player that the coding access can be obtained freely by requesting it and proving its good use (after 3 months if it isnt used well it will be removed).

    After this they spent some time demanding rewards for various accomplishments they had performed ingame and being offensive as I wouldnt give them coding access or anything they asked for.


    What people dont realise something is, Just because I have the power to do something, doesnt mean im allowed to. Any times when I have freely given away things is because I myself has earnt that and have the right to give it away. I cant give you coding access "Just because" or because you insult me, You need to earn these.

    This applies to all offical roles, Grido cant ban people becuase he doesn't like them, he has to have a valid reason. When people request things you need to think of a valid reason for that person doing it, that fits with their limits of their powers.
  9. Upvote
    Intrigue reacted to dst in MD Awards 2013 - Winners   
    The winners of the MD Awards 2013 are:
    Adventuring Award:  Nimrodel

    Best Beautification: Lazarus

    Champion Fighter: Darkraptor

    Helper of the Year: Syrian
    Most Addicted: Darkraptor

    Outstanding Service to MD: Chewett
    Pre-eminent Role Player: Draconas

    Prime Quest: Nimrodel

    Rookie of the year: Syrian
    Top Techie: Chewett
    And the log of the ceremony:[log='Chat Log'][12/01/14 20:59] dst:Ok...let's start the show
    [12/01/14 20:59] dst:ready?
    [12/01/14 21:00] :Rophs sits down in a chair in the front row all the way to the left
    [12/01/14 21:00] Igmar Flamebeard:I'm ready
    [12/01/14 21:00] :Intrigue nods
    [12/01/14 21:00] Bash Chelik:mhm:)
    [12/01/14 21:00] :Khael Nak nods
    [12/01/14 21:00] dst:Good
    [12/01/14 21:00] :Summer breeze rubs her sore feet
    [12/01/14 21:01] :Summer breeze whispes hello to Bash
    [12/01/14 21:01] dst:This year 71 people voted
    [12/01/14 21:01] dst:not on all categories of course
    [12/01/14 21:01] dst:there were no alts which is good
    [12/01/14 21:03] dst:I remind you: if you win one category, you get a silver medal
    [12/01/14 21:03] dst:if you win 2, you get a gold one
    [12/01/14 21:03] dst:I will give the medal on the spot
    [12/01/14 21:03] dst:Council should give each of the winners a trophy
    [12/01/14 21:03] Rophs:On the avatar?
    [12/01/14 21:04] dst:yes, on the avatar
    [12/01/14 21:04] dst:Wookiee helped with the counting
    [12/01/14 21:04] dst:and since he did that, I'll start with a category where he was nominated
    [12/01/14 21:05] dst:Outstanding Services to MD
    [12/01/14 21:05] *Chewett*:Do another one
    [12/01/14 21:05] dst:Azull, BFH, Chewtt and Menhir were the nominees
    [12/01/14 21:06] dst:And with a crushing number of votes, the winner is....
    [12/01/14 21:06] dst:well...yeah...Chewett :D
    [12/01/14 21:06] :Intrigue applaudes
    [12/01/14 21:06] *Nimrodel*:Gratz!!
    [12/01/14 21:06] dst:congratz Chewetty and thank you for all the work you have done for MD
    [12/01/14 21:06] :Princ Rhaegar claps
    [12/01/14 21:06] Miq:yay!
    [12/01/14 21:06] Valldore Nal:Congrats Chewett :)
    [12/01/14 21:06] :Khael Nak claps his hands
    [12/01/14 21:06] *Syrian*:yay! grats chew!
    [12/01/14 21:06] :Dolomich applaudes
    [12/01/14 21:06] *Chewett*:Bah
    [12/01/14 21:07] *Chewett*:I have a rant prepared
    [12/01/14 21:07] :Bash Chelik claps his hammers for chew
    [12/01/14 21:07] *Chewett*:Let me get my notebook.
    [12/01/14 21:07] Miq:RANT!
    [12/01/14 21:07] *Nimrodel*:i see him blush!!
    [12/01/14 21:07] :Rophs gives Valryn a good luck nudge
    [12/01/14 21:07] dst:keep half in case you won the other award as well
    [12/01/14 21:08] :Igmar Flamebeard apples
    [12/01/14 21:08] *Chewett*:I dont deserve the award, and I can name one candidate that will never win this category.
    [12/01/14 21:08] :Valoryn nudges Rophs back
    [12/01/14 21:08] *Chewett*:Its famous to hate them? Why? Because you can, because they are nameless.
    [12/01/14 21:08] :Rophs agrees with the rant
    [12/01/14 21:08] lashtal:Greetings to you all
    [12/01/14 21:08] *Chewett*:If the Hidden council did not function for many years, We wouldnt have a MD
    [12/01/14 21:08] *Chewett*:This award goes to them.
    [12/01/14 21:09] *Chewett*:You guys hate them, you hate me, But those guys have done more than i ever have for MD.
    [12/01/14 21:09] *Chewett*:If we didnt have them, I wouldnt be around MD.
    [12/01/14 21:09] *Chewett*:MD would have stopped ages ago.
    [12/01/14 21:09] *Chewett*:Or, I would be doing their job, publically, and would have failed very quickly.
    [12/01/14 21:09] *Chewett*:No matter how much you hate them, you cannot argue they have done well.
    [12/01/14 21:10] *Chewett*:Sadly Mur stopped pushing MD a long time ago, and its only because they have kept it going is that its still here.
    [12/01/14 21:10] *Chewett*:Every single offical event in the past couple years has been majorly organised by them.
    [12/01/14 21:10] *Chewett*:Since i became a coder i have had the pleasure to work with them.
    [12/01/14 21:10] *Chewett*:They are without a doubt the only reason MD is alive today. And these people deserve this award, not me.
    [12/01/14 21:11] *Chewett*:Thank you for voting for me, But they deserve it.
    [12/01/14 21:11] dst:you're basically their representative Chew
    [12/01/14 21:11] :Rophs grins
    [12/01/14 21:11] dst:and I think it's a simbyosis (or how you spell it) between you and them
    [12/01/14 21:11] Dolomich:yeah, you won it for them =)
    [12/01/14 21:11] :Intrigue nods
    [12/01/14 21:12] dst:you defo took us by surprise with this "rant" :))
    [12/01/14 21:13] dst:ok, let's move to the next category
    [12/01/14 21:13] Rophs:You took dst by suprise :P
    [12/01/14 21:13] *Nimrodel*:congratz hc!! whoever you are
    [12/01/14 21:13] :darkraptor realizes he is late for the cerimony.. and quietly sits on the back..
    [12/01/14 21:14] dst:I'll move from the oldest player in MD to the newer ones
    [12/01/14 21:14] dst:Rookie of the year
    [12/01/14 21:15] dst:Bash, Rophs, Syrian and Valoryn were the nominees
    [12/01/14 21:15] dst:and the winner is....with almost 3 times the number of votes distance from the runner up.......
    [12/01/14 21:16] dst:the Necro mean child aka SYRIAN!
    [12/01/14 21:16] :Rophs claps
    [12/01/14 21:16] :lashtal applauds
    [12/01/14 21:16] dst:Congratz Syrian!
    [12/01/14 21:16] :Intrigue applaudes
    [12/01/14 21:16] :Rophs fusioned heat with a Spicy Pickle and created a Heat pickle
    [12/01/14 21:16] :Kyphis claps
    [12/01/14 21:16] :Bash Chelik claps his hammers for syri
    [12/01/14 21:16] *Nimrodel*:gratzz!!
    [12/01/14 21:16] *Syrian*:yay! *jumps up and down happily* thank you!
    [12/01/14 21:16] dst:I can call you now noob of the year!
    [12/01/14 21:16] :Valoryn claps
    [12/01/14 21:16] :Khael Nak claps
    [12/01/14 21:16] :Intrigue laughs
    [12/01/14 21:16] :Dolomich applaudes
    [12/01/14 21:16] darkraptor:Congratz Syrian *claps*
    [12/01/14 21:16] Valldore Nal:Congrats Syrian :)
    [12/01/14 21:16] :Rophs passed Heat pickle to Syrian
    [12/01/14 21:16] Menhir:Congratz Syrian
    [12/01/14 21:16] dst:forgot to tell you: if a winner is also nominated in a second or 3rd category, they will get the medal after that category is announced as well
    [12/01/14 21:17] :Princ Rhaegar claps
    [12/01/14 21:17] :Summer breeze claps her hands
    [12/01/14 21:17] dst:for the rest of the nominees: rejoyce! you're not noobs of the year :D
    [12/01/14 21:17] dst:you have a chance in MD!
    [12/01/14 21:17] Igmar Flamebeard: *hugs Syrian* congradulations~
    [12/01/14 21:17] Rophs:Enjoy the Heat pickle!
    [12/01/14 21:17] *Syrian*: *giggles* thank you!
    [12/01/14 21:18] Rophs:But don't eat it, it won't taste very good.
    [12/01/14 21:18] Bash Chelik:speech! :))
    [12/01/14 21:18] dst:yeah speech!
    [12/01/14 21:18] dst:or rant...if you like :D
    [12/01/14 21:18] *Nimrodel*:yeaah.. you people made it to the vet list without being the nobbest players in the realm. :P
    [12/01/14 21:19] *Syrian*:i dont want to rant silly, im very happy that i won it, and im happy that people voted for me too
    [12/01/14 21:20] dst:it was a massive vote
    [12/01/14 21:20] dst:and to be perfectly honest, you deserve it
    [12/01/14 21:20] dst:your path in MD was astonishing
    [12/01/14 21:20] Fire Starter: (damn, Error 500... Just when dst arrived. This isn't right... or is it?)
    [12/01/14 21:20] *Syrian*:it was?
    [12/01/14 21:20] Intrigue: (chew said ignore it)
    [12/01/14 21:21] *Nimrodel*: (bblame ot on the andy!!)
    [12/01/14 21:21] Princ Rhaegar: (hahaha)
    [12/01/14 21:21] dst:it is Syrian :D
    [12/01/14 21:21] *Syrian*:i owe all of it to ether people though, they supported me lots and lots with stuff
    [12/01/14 21:21] dst:I was refering to the year that passed
    [12/01/14 21:21] Fire Starter: (LOL, bad move - it was the windy, that betrayed me!)
    [12/01/14 21:21] Fire Starter: ( :P)
    [12/01/14 21:22] dst:now that FS stopped blaming me for errors we can move on
    [12/01/14 21:22] :*Syrian* giggles
    [12/01/14 21:23] Fire Starter: (sorry dst)
    [12/01/14 21:23] dst: :P
    [12/01/14 21:23] Fire Starter:*sips from his chawan in silence and disintegrates)
    [12/01/14 21:23] dst:The next award was the closest we had this year
    [12/01/14 21:23] dst:Adventuring Award
    [12/01/14 21:24] dst:Amber, Chewett, Nimrodel and No one were the nominees
    [12/01/14 21:24] dst:the difference between the winner and the runner up was of only 2 votes
    [12/01/14 21:24] dst:and it was between Amber and Nimrodel
    [12/01/14 21:24] Princ Rhaegar: *roots for Nimrodel, with respect towards Amber* ( :D)
    [12/01/14 21:24] dst:and the winner is....
    [12/01/14 21:25] dst:Nimrodel!
    [12/01/14 21:25] dst:congratulations!
    [12/01/14 21:25] :Intrigue applaudes
    [12/01/14 21:25] *Nimrodel*:gratzz!!
    [12/01/14 21:25] *Syrian*:grats nimmy!
    [12/01/14 21:25] Princ Rhaegar: *throws crown into air* Yeeeeey!
    [12/01/14 21:25] darkraptor:Congratz Nimmy!
    [12/01/14 21:25] lashtal:Well deserved, congratz!!
    [12/01/14 21:25] AmberRune:Go Nimmy =]
    [12/01/14 21:25] :Dolomich applaudes
    [12/01/14 21:25] :Princ Rhaegar quickly catches it
    [12/01/14 21:25] Ackshan Bemunah:WTG :)
    [12/01/14 21:25] Bash Chelik: *claps for nim* :))
    [12/01/14 21:25] lashtal: (back to my pots, have fun folks)
    [12/01/14 21:25] Valldore Nal:Congrats Nim :)
    [12/01/14 21:25] *Nimrodel*:eh >> wow
    [12/01/14 21:26] :darkraptor also thinks Amber is Top quester!!
    [12/01/14 21:26] :Khael Nak claps loud
    [12/01/14 21:26] Princ Rhaegar: (later, lashtal!)
    [12/01/14 21:26] *Nimrodel*:umm. thankk you folks:D
    [12/01/14 21:26] Bash Chelik: (see you:)
    [12/01/14 21:26] Menhir:There you go Nimmy ;) I knew it
    [12/01/14 21:26] dst:speech!
    [12/01/14 21:26] Bash Chelik:yes! :)))
    [12/01/14 21:26] *Nimrodel*:can we share??
    [12/01/14 21:27] *Nimrodel*:its just 2 votez
    [12/01/14 21:27] dst:unfortunatley no
    [12/01/14 21:27] dst:2 votes are still 2 votes
    [12/01/14 21:27] :Khael Nak sighs
    [12/01/14 21:27] Ackshan Bemunah:heehee
    [12/01/14 21:27] Draconas:grreetings
    [12/01/14 21:27] Ackshan Bemunah:why sage's keep, he wonders
    [12/01/14 21:28] Rophs:Nim keep the medal, and then give Amber the trophy
    [12/01/14 21:28] Bash Chelik:hey draco:)
    [12/01/14 21:28] Rophs:East
    [12/01/14 21:28] Rophs:Easy*
    [12/01/14 21:28] AmberRune:Go Nimmy Go! Speech!
    [12/01/14 21:28] *Nimrodel*:okay..speech
    [12/01/14 21:28] *Nimrodel*:i dedicate thisaward to a bunch of people
    [12/01/14 21:29] *Nimrodel*:first dst, because its my everstanding aim to get more wps than dst
    [12/01/14 21:30] dst: :))
    [12/01/14 21:30] Kyphis: :P
    [12/01/14 21:30] :Rophs laughs
    [12/01/14 21:30] Ackshan Bemunah: :D
    [12/01/14 21:30] Princ Rhaegar:make that wish for christmas, so you get a gift of 40 wps or so... :D
    [12/01/14 21:30] Rophs: [Video link]
    [12/01/14 21:31] *Nimrodel*:next is to the bunch of regular questors,like amber, val, eara, dst, and darky who made the wins worth it
    [12/01/14 21:32] Rophs:Grido still appears as an RPC in the Wishpoints Top list
    [12/01/14 21:32] *Nimrodel*:the lastbunch of people are the quest reators who have entertained me the most in md. hlped medevelop the passion forquestsolving and eventually,creating. thank you folks
    [12/01/14 21:33] :Intrigue applaudes again
    [12/01/14 21:33] dst:Congratz again Nimmy!
    [12/01/14 21:33] *Nimrodel*: (blame the spellings on qwerty :P)
    [12/01/14 21:33] :darkraptor applaudes
    [12/01/14 21:34] :Draconas clawps
    [12/01/14 21:34] :AmberRune claps
    [12/01/14 21:34] :Dolomich applaudes
    [12/01/14 21:34] :Ackshan Bemunah thunderclaps, shrivels up into nothing
    [12/01/14 21:35] dst:Next category is adored by some people and hated by others
    [12/01/14 21:35] dst:Pre-eminent Role Player
    [12/01/14 21:35] dst:nomineed were:
    [12/01/14 21:35] dst:Dracons, Eon, Intrigue, Syrian
    [12/01/14 21:36] :Rophs cheers for Eon
    [12/01/14 21:36] dst:and the winner is......again with almost double the number of votes difference from the runner up
    [12/01/14 21:36] dst:.........................
    [12/01/14 21:37] :Khael Nak cheers for intrigue
    [12/01/14 21:37] dst:my one and only ally companion
    [12/01/14 21:37] dst:Draconas!
    [12/01/14 21:37] :Intrigue applaudes
    [12/01/14 21:37] :Princ Rhaegar claps
    [12/01/14 21:37] dst:congratz Draco! well done!
    [12/01/14 21:37] :Dolomich applaudes
    [12/01/14 21:37] Bash Chelik:congratulations, well done:))
    [12/01/14 21:37] *Syrian*: *cheers* grats draco!
    [12/01/14 21:37] Rophs:One and only? What about Shem
    [12/01/14 21:37] Draconas:who me?
    [12/01/14 21:37] :Khael Nak claps his hands
    [12/01/14 21:37] Kyphis: (Shem just got snubbed)
    [12/01/14 21:37] :Bash Chelik applaudes
    [12/01/14 21:37] :Sephirah Caelum claps
    [12/01/14 21:37] darkraptor:Congratz Draconas!
    [12/01/14 21:37] Valldore Nal:Congrats Draco :)
    [12/01/14 21:38] Ackshan Bemunah:nice draconas
    [12/01/14 21:38] :Rophs gives Shem a reasurring pat on the back
    [12/01/14 21:38] Ackshan Bemunah:You have a beautiful imagination :)
    [12/01/14 21:38] :Summer breeze claps her hands
    [12/01/14 21:38] Igmar Flamebeard:congradulations!
    [12/01/14 21:38] *Nimrodel*:congratulations
    [12/01/14 21:38] dst:what had SI become? a former lorerotian is a member and the other guy wins best rp-er!
    [12/01/14 21:38] Valldore Nal: :)) :)) :))
    [12/01/14 21:38] Valldore Nal:Sounds like your living nightmare dst :P
    [12/01/14 21:39] Rophs:dst you should go back to ds
    [12/01/14 21:39] Rophs:You don't fit into your own ally nowadays :D
    [12/01/14 21:40] Bash Chelik:say something nice, draco:)
    [12/01/14 21:40] dst:heh
    [12/01/14 21:40] dst:Draco, are you here?
    [12/01/14 21:40] :*Syrian* pokes the sleepy dragon
    [12/01/14 21:40] Rophs:His mouth is full of sheep, be patient
    [12/01/14 21:40] Draconas:no my dstbus goes nowhere
    [12/01/14 21:40] *Syrian*: *screams surprised* hes awake!
    [12/01/14 21:41] dst: :D he is, indeed!
    [12/01/14 21:41] dst:roar! or speech!
    [12/01/14 21:41] dst:or something...
    [12/01/14 21:41] Draconas:well ì must say you people are odd
    [12/01/14 21:42] Draconas:giving me a price for being me
    [12/01/14 21:43] Bash Chelik:its not a price, its a payment of sort:D:))
    [12/01/14 21:43] Draconas:but ive seen stranger stuff from you guys
    [12/01/14 21:43] Summer breeze: *grins* Thats the whole idea!
    [12/01/14 21:43] Ary Endleg:Hello, what did I miss, who won what?
    [12/01/14 21:44] dst:we all won
    [12/01/14 21:44] Draconas:i must thank my rider and my leader for making me who i am
    [12/01/14 21:44] Rophs:Ary you missed me making a Heat pickle!
    [12/01/14 21:44] Draconas:thank you
    [12/01/14 21:44] dst:well done Draco!
    [12/01/14 21:45] :darkraptor applauds
    [12/01/14 21:45] Bash Chelik: *claps* :)
    [12/01/14 21:45] Ary Endleg:?
    [12/01/14 21:45] :*Nimrodel* pats the muzzle quietly and moves away
    [12/01/14 21:45] dst:Chewy has a tiny announcement to make
    [12/01/14 21:45] dst:Chew! Shoot!
    [12/01/14 21:45] :Rophs slowly begins to doze off
    [12/01/14 21:46] *Chewett*:After this meeting (assuming it finishes before SHERLOCK starts on bbc) There will be a short discussion on the Public Council
    [12/01/14 21:46] *Chewett*:Anyone that wishs to hear the current status of it, ask questions, make comments, please stay afterwards :)
    [12/01/14 21:46] dst:the butler did it Chew
    [12/01/14 21:46] *Chewett*:Things will be posted on the forum probably.
    [12/01/14 21:46] *Chewett*:Later
    [12/01/14 21:46] dst:there, sherlock is done
    [12/01/14 21:46] :darkraptor have to make dinner...
    [12/01/14 21:46] Rophs: (ping me on YIM when this ends)
    [12/01/14 21:46] *Chewett*:Thanks dst for letting me speak
    [12/01/14 21:47] dst:always Chew
    [12/01/14 21:47] dst:darkrptor stay
    [12/01/14 21:47] dst:I'm announceing one of the categories you were nominated
    [12/01/14 21:48] dst:and since Clock and Burns are not here, I'll announce the most addicted
    [12/01/14 21:48] dst:2 players were nominated: darkraptor and Syrian
    [12/01/14 21:49] dst:the fight was tough and the numbers close
    [12/01/14 21:49] dst:but the winner for this category is....
    [12/01/14 21:49] *Chewett*: (and loads of people voted for no winner FYI)
    [12/01/14 21:49] dst:the man who wants to cook dinner right now aka darkraptor!
    [12/01/14 21:49] dst:yeah, runner up was "No vote" :D
    [12/01/14 21:50] *Nimrodel*:gratzz!!!
    [12/01/14 21:50] :darkraptor smiles
    [12/01/14 21:50] Bash Chelik:congratulations:)
    [12/01/14 21:50] :Draconas clawps
    [12/01/14 21:50] dst:congratz darky
    [12/01/14 21:50] Valldore Nal:Congrats darky :)
    [12/01/14 21:50] darkraptor:thank you
    [12/01/14 21:50] :Bash Chelik claps
    [12/01/14 21:50] Vicious Chaossword:the crowd go wild... woo...
    [12/01/14 21:50] :Princ Rhaegar claps
    [12/01/14 21:50] :Khael Nak claps
    [12/01/14 21:50] *Syrian*:yay! grats darky!
    [12/01/14 21:50] :Igmar Flamebeard applaudes
    [12/01/14 21:50] Summer breeze:Yeah, grats!
    [12/01/14 21:50] darkraptor:well.. i'm addicted.. realizing it's a first step :-P
    [12/01/14 21:51] dst:speech
    [12/01/14 21:51] Valldore Nal:One addiction you should never try to fight away :P
    [12/01/14 21:51] dst:then you can go have dinner
    [12/01/14 21:52] Vicious Chaossword:no food until you give us a speech :P ~Dst
    [12/01/14 21:52] darkraptor:Thank you all for voting.. what i can say.. i will try to stay..
    [12/01/14 21:52] darkraptor:addicted :-P
    [12/01/14 21:53] Vicious Chaossword:and then darkraptor discovered the outside world...
    [12/01/14 21:53] :Intrigue laughs and applaudes
    [12/01/14 21:53] dst:i don't think it's appropriate to say it but I will: keep up the good work! :D
    [12/01/14 21:53] :Princ Rhaegar claps
    [12/01/14 21:53] darkraptor:and ofc.. i hope that my boss let me keep that desk with zero visibility.. so i can alt-tab all the time :-D
    [12/01/14 21:53] :Bash Chelik claps
    [12/01/14 21:53] Princ Rhaegar:heh
    [12/01/14 21:53] Bash Chelik:hahaahhh, well said, dark:D:))
    [12/01/14 21:53] Sephirah Caelum:hm...Shem is at the Underground? ...
    [12/01/14 21:53] Vicious Chaossword:and was stripped of both his clothes and award
    [12/01/14 21:53] dst:we should award bosses as well!
    [12/01/14 21:54] :*Syrian* giggles
    [12/01/14 21:54] dst:without them many of us will not be able to play MD!
    [12/01/14 21:54] :Intrigue agrees
    [12/01/14 21:54] dst:would even
    [12/01/14 21:54] :Valoryn also agrees
    [12/01/14 21:54] Ary Endleg:>_> office jobs.... pppffff
    [12/01/14 21:55] dst:next award is dedicated mainly to LHOs
    [12/01/14 21:55] dst:Helper of the Year
    [12/01/14 21:56] dst:nominees were:
    [12/01/14 21:56] *Nimrodel*:gratzzz!!
    [12/01/14 21:56] No one:then ... you'll reward your boss too dst ?
    [12/01/14 21:56] Vicious Chaossword:too early nim
    [12/01/14 21:56] dst:Mya, Nimrodel, Sunfire, Syrian and Xanya
    [12/01/14 21:56] dst:yes
    [12/01/14 21:56] *Nimrodel*:oops. too fast >>
    [12/01/14 21:56] dst:Ã'll give him a pat on the back tomorrow
    [12/01/14 21:56] Vicious Chaossword:LOL
    [12/01/14 21:56] dst:anyway, back to our sheep
    [12/01/14 21:56] dst:or LHo
    [12/01/14 21:57] dst:the votes were split on all of them but the winner is
    [12/01/14 21:57] Vicious Chaossword:"Must post.... before everyone else!!!! oh its me... GO SELF!!"
    [12/01/14 21:57] :*Syrian* looks at her feet and wriggles her toes, clearly not a sheep
    [12/01/14 21:57] dst:again, the aweful child of necrovion.....Syrian!
    [12/01/14 21:58] :Intrigue applaudes
    [12/01/14 21:58] *Nimrodel*:gratzzi!!
    [12/01/14 21:58] Ary Endleg:YES!
    [12/01/14 21:58] Bash Chelik:yaaaaaaay:)))
    [12/01/14 21:58] dst:congratz Syrian!
    [12/01/14 21:58] *Syrian*: *jumps up suprised and excited* yay!
    [12/01/14 21:58] :Dolomich applaudes
    [12/01/14 21:58] :Draconas clawps
    [12/01/14 21:58] :Khael Nak claps
    [12/01/14 21:58] :Princ Rhaegar claps
    [12/01/14 21:58] dst:and you get a golden medal for that
    [12/01/14 21:58] Bash Chelik:congratulations!! *claps his hammers for syri*
    [12/01/14 21:58] Valldore Nal:Congratulations again Syrian :)
    [12/01/14 21:58] darkraptor:Congratz Syrian!
    [12/01/14 21:58] Bash Chelik: :))
    [12/01/14 21:58] :Summer breeze claps
    [12/01/14 21:58] Vicious Chaossword:... *clappety clapz*
    [12/01/14 21:59] Vicious Chaossword:isn't this and end of the year not a start of the year thing?
    [12/01/14 21:59] dst:bulls eye!!
    [12/01/14 21:59] dst:right on the baloon! :D
    [12/01/14 21:59] :*Syrian* looks up at her balloon
    [12/01/14 22:00] Vicious Chaossword:mmm... speak of the devil-ish-ballon
    [12/01/14 22:00] :Khael Nak laughs
    [12/01/14 22:00] Igmar Flamebeard:congradulation Syrian~
    [12/01/14 22:00] Bash Chelik:speech! once more:D:))
    [12/01/14 22:01] *Syrian*: *giggles* thanks to everyone that lets me help them! and stuff...they are very nice people too
    [12/01/14 22:01] Vicious Chaossword:... and finally MD was consumed by a distance lag black hole...
    [12/01/14 22:01] dst:well done!
    [12/01/14 22:02] Vicious Chaossword:and the chat froze...
    [12/01/14 22:02] :Intrigue applaudes once more
    [12/01/14 22:02] *Chewett*:testing?
    [12/01/14 22:02] dst:next category is Prime Quest
    [12/01/14 22:02] dst:3 players were nominated: darkraptor, lashtal and Nimrodel
    [12/01/14 22:03] Vicious Chaossword:...
    [12/01/14 22:03] dst:the difference was big between 1st and 2nd place
    [12/01/14 22:03] dst:and the winner for being the best quest creator is....
    [12/01/14 22:03] dst:pam pam pam pam
    [12/01/14 22:04] Vicious Chaossword:are we allowed to guess?
    [12/01/14 22:04] dst:you're not viciouse
    [12/01/14 22:04] Igmar Flamebeard:get on with it
    [12/01/14 22:04] dst:the others are
    [12/01/14 22:04] dst:winner is...
    [12/01/14 22:04] Princ Rhaegar: :))
    [12/01/14 22:04] Vicious Chaossword:awh... that.. just mean
    [12/01/14 22:04] dst:Nimrodel!
    [12/01/14 22:04] :Intrigue applaudes
    [12/01/14 22:04] Princ Rhaegar:Yush!
    [12/01/14 22:04] dst:congratz Nimrodel!
    [12/01/14 22:04] :Igmar Flamebeard apples
    [12/01/14 22:04] Dolomich:Yeah ! *applaudes*
    [12/01/14 22:04] *Syrian*: *claps* yay nimmy!
    [12/01/14 22:04] *Nimrodel*:••••
    [12/01/14 22:04] darkraptor:Congratz Nimmy!! :-D
    [12/01/14 22:04] :Princ Rhaegar claps firecely
    [12/01/14 22:04] Vicious Chaossword:i didn't even know dark did a quest :P woop nim
    [12/01/14 22:04] Valldore Nal:Congratulations again Nimmy :D
    [12/01/14 22:05] *Nimrodel*:wow
    [12/01/14 22:05] AmberRune:Go Nimmy!
    [12/01/14 22:05] lashtal: *applauds* Congratulations!
    [12/01/14 22:05] dst:you do speech, i do medal :P
    [12/01/14 22:05] :Khael Nak claps
    [12/01/14 22:05] Draconas:well done Argetlam
    [12/01/14 22:05] Bash Chelik: *claps for nimmy* :))
    [12/01/14 22:05] *Nimrodel*:this one was a real surprise.. :D
    [12/01/14 22:05] :Sephirah Caelum claps
    [12/01/14 22:05] Vicious Chaossword:... surree nim..
    [12/01/14 22:06] *Nimrodel*:ok.. this medal is dedicated 85% to burns for coding everything i threw at him includind tantrums and episodes of laziness
    [12/01/14 22:07] Vicious Chaossword:how does one go about coding tantrums?
    [12/01/14 22:07] Draconas:go madman
    [12/01/14 22:08] Bash Chelik:episodes of laziness, ihihihih:DD
    [12/01/14 22:08] *Nimrodel*:10% to questsolvers and their extremelyvaluable feedback
    [12/01/14 22:08] dst:RICA! RICA!
    [12/01/14 22:08] Valldore Nal: :D
    [12/01/14 22:09] Valldore Nal:RICA really rocks :P
    [12/01/14 22:09] *Nimrodel*:and a very important 5% to darky, who coded my first clickey quest, one which gave me enough confidence to create bigger ones
    [12/01/14 22:09] *Nimrodel*:thank you folks
    [12/01/14 22:10] dst:Congratz Nimmy! I'm waiting for more RICA!
    [12/01/14 22:10] dst: :D
    [12/01/14 22:11] dst:and since we talked about coding, let's move to Top Techie award
    [12/01/14 22:11] *Nimrodel*:1 coming up atleast for md birthday. if times good, next month too
    [12/01/14 22:11] dst:3 players were nominated
    [12/01/14 22:11] dst:Burns, Chewett and darkraptor
    [12/01/14 22:11] Vicious Chaossword:guesses eveeeryone?
    [12/01/14 22:12] dst:and...another medal for our furry friend: ZE WOOKIEE!
    [12/01/14 22:12] Bash Chelik:congratulations! :))
    [12/01/14 22:12] Bash Chelik: *claps for chew* :))
    [12/01/14 22:12] dst:Congratz Chew!
    [12/01/14 22:12] :Dolomich applaudes
    [12/01/14 22:12] *Nimrodel*:ze congratzzi!!
    [12/01/14 22:12] *Syrian*: *cheers and claps* grats chew!
    [12/01/14 22:12] :Khael Nak claps loud
    [12/01/14 22:12] Valldore Nal:Congrats again Chewett :)
    [12/01/14 22:12] Draconas:well done wookie
    [12/01/14 22:12] lashtal:Congratulations!
    [12/01/14 22:13] *Chewett*:Meh
    [12/01/14 22:13] dst:proceed with your rant please
    [12/01/14 22:13] Dolomich:Another awesome rant !
    [12/01/14 22:13] Bash Chelik:ihihihih:D
    [12/01/14 22:13] *Chewett*:You all hate me, Remove the category, They are banning me from all categories next year.
    [12/01/14 22:13] *Chewett*:Dont be a dick to the Council.
    [12/01/14 22:13] *Chewett*:See previous rant.
    [12/01/14 22:14] *Chewett*:Whatever.
    [12/01/14 22:14] Vicious Chaossword:O.o
    [12/01/14 22:14] Vicious Chaossword:awh... paw chew...
    [12/01/14 22:14] dst:women for vote! let's burn bras!
    [12/01/14 22:14] lashtal:^____^
    [12/01/14 22:14] Draconas:interesting speach
    [12/01/14 22:14] Vicious Chaossword:o.o
    [12/01/14 22:14] Princ Rhaegar:can i get the role of bra inspector, checking if each and every one burned her bra?
    [12/01/14 22:14] Princ Rhaegar:i'll be impartial!
    [12/01/14 22:15] *Syrian*: (there are children around princ!)
    [12/01/14 22:15] dst:you have to wear one to be considered an expert
    [12/01/14 22:15] Rophs:I think it would be more appropriate if everybody chooses who inspects their bra
    [12/01/14 22:15] Princ Rhaegar:where's justice in that?
    [12/01/14 22:16] dst:in the bra! where else?
    [12/01/14 22:16] Rophs:Yeah!
    [12/01/14 22:16] :Vicious Chaossword is a bra wearing cat and is opposed to this
    [12/01/14 22:16] :Intrigue laughs and shakes her head
    [12/01/14 22:16] *Nimrodel*:lol
    [12/01/14 22:16] Rophs:In the ashes of the burnt bras!
    [12/01/14 22:16] lashtal:Wait a minute, my hometown is called Bra!
    [12/01/14 22:16] Vicious Chaossword:o.o
    [12/01/14 22:17] Valldore Nal: *whispers to Rhaegar* No need to ask, just clear your throat *and winks* .
    [12/01/14 22:17] :[Spell] start the bra fire
    [12/01/14 22:17] Princ Rhaegar:there's actually a town near my hometown called Bra (in Serbian)
    [12/01/14 22:17] dst:lashtal, don't tempt me
    [12/01/14 22:17] dst:this should be an official event
    [12/01/14 22:17] Princ Rhaegar: (Brus... nevermind :D)
    [12/01/14 22:17] Princ Rhaegar:Lashtal, it's a conspiracy
    [12/01/14 22:17] Summer breeze:Tress don't wear bra's.
    [12/01/14 22:17] Vicious Chaossword:...
    [12/01/14 22:18] Sephirah Caelum:I like my bra...it is cute, I won't burn it
    [12/01/14 22:18] Rophs:Go breeze!
    [12/01/14 22:18] Vicious Chaossword:oh god...
    [12/01/14 22:18] :Princ Rhaegar chuckles at Val
    [12/01/14 22:18] AmberRune:Darn, should have worn the other frilly one today
    [12/01/14 22:18] *Nimrodel*:>>
    [12/01/14 22:18] Bash Chelik:ihihihihih, rune:D:)
    [12/01/14 22:19] :Khael Nak laughs
    [12/01/14 22:19] dst:ok, let's postone the discussion until Grido gets here
    [12/01/14 22:19] dst:he'll be terribly sad if he misses it
    [12/01/14 22:19] Rophs:We need to burn Grido's bra first
    [12/01/14 22:20] :Rophs puts out the bra fire
    [12/01/14 22:20] Vicious Chaossword:...
    [12/01/14 22:20] Draconas: *wakes up again* bras?
    [12/01/14 22:20] Ackshan Bemunah:Why are we discussing supportive undergarments?
    [12/01/14 22:20] Vicious Chaossword:dragon bra...
    [12/01/14 22:20] dst:Champion Fighter!
    [12/01/14 22:20] Princ Rhaegar:Why haven't we discussed it up till now, you should ask?
    [12/01/14 22:21] Rophs:^
    [12/01/14 22:21] dst:Champion Fighter!
    [12/01/14 22:21] dst:bras later!
    [12/01/14 22:21] Vicious Chaossword:becuase burning bras is a health hazard
    [12/01/14 22:21] Draconas:me!
    [12/01/14 22:21] dst:I have an announcement before the Champion Fighter
    [12/01/14 22:21] Vicious Chaossword:not only to bras and women but children
    [12/01/14 22:21] Bash Chelik:cmon, guys, i had wish for this one:P:)
    [12/01/14 22:21] dst:Chew's discussion about PC will be canceled since Sherlock is starting
    [12/01/14 22:22] dst:and he said we should blame it on the bras
    [12/01/14 22:22] *Chewett*:Since i am called away on buisness!
    [12/01/14 22:22] Draconas:lol
    [12/01/14 22:22] *Chewett*:It will probably be posted on the forum.
    [12/01/14 22:22] *Chewett*:"soon"
    [12/01/14 22:22] :Intrigue laughs
    [12/01/14 22:22] :Khael Nak laughs
    [12/01/14 22:22] Princ Rhaegar:Bras are good scapegoats, nobody can really hate 'em
    [12/01/14 22:22] dst:so back to our wolves
    [12/01/14 22:22] Vicious Chaossword:well...
    [12/01/14 22:22] dst:in this case, the fighters
    [12/01/14 22:22] dst:nominees were:
    [12/01/14 22:23] Vicious Chaossword:Bras
    [12/01/14 22:23] dst:Burns, Clock Master, concussion and darkraptor
    [12/01/14 22:23] :Ackshan Bemunah ears perk up
    [12/01/14 22:23] Draconas:wolves? *licks his lips*
    [12/01/14 22:23] Ackshan Bemunah:WAIT, NEW SHERLOCK?
    [12/01/14 22:23] Vicious Chaossword:Bras, burns, clock master, concusion and darkraptor
    [12/01/14 22:23] dst:and the winner is....with a big number of votes:
    [12/01/14 22:23] Vicious Chaossword:nice list
    [12/01/14 22:23] dst:BRA!
    [12/01/14 22:23] dst:wait
    [12/01/14 22:23] Vicious Chaossword:Bras?
    [12/01/14 22:23] Ackshan Bemunah: (This is one of the few TV shows that I haven't just completely thrown out the window...maybe I should)
    [12/01/14 22:24] dst:darkraptor!
    [12/01/14 22:24] Vicious Chaossword:WOOOP!
    [12/01/14 22:24] Vicious Chaossword:oh..
    [12/01/14 22:24] Dolomich:Yeah ! *applaudes*
    [12/01/14 22:24] Draconas:hurrah
    [12/01/14 22:24] Bash Chelik: *claps for dark* :)
    [12/01/14 22:24] *Syrian*: *cheers* yay darky!
    [12/01/14 22:24] Ackshan Bemunah: (more time to make the choice, though, since I can't watch it now anyhow...college, and I deliberately never figured netflix out)
    [12/01/14 22:24] dst:Congratz darky! Gold medal for you!
    [12/01/14 22:24] *Nimrodel*:congratzii!!
    [12/01/14 22:24] lashtal: *applauds* Bra-vo!
    [12/01/14 22:24] dst:Ack* shut it
    [12/01/14 22:24] :Vicious Chaossword claps for darkraptor.. and bras
    [12/01/14 22:24] Draconas:aw liked bra more
    [12/01/14 22:25] Valldore Nal:Congratulations darky :)
    [12/01/14 22:25] :Princ Rhaegar claps
    [12/01/14 22:25] Vicious Chaossword:if dark fell into an abbys would bras win?
    [12/01/14 22:25] Draconas:how many arguments bras can decide...
    [12/01/14 22:25] dst:ha! finally a medal that looks nice on the avy
    [12/01/14 22:25] dst:or an avy that has space for medals :D
    [12/01/14 22:25] Vicious Chaossword:its limitless draconas
    [12/01/14 22:25] :Khael Nak clawps for Darky and Draconas
    [12/01/14 22:25] Valldore Nal: :P
    [12/01/14 22:25] Vicious Chaossword:give him two medals and make 'em look like bras
    [12/01/14 22:26] Valldore Nal:He was thinking in the long run when he drew that avy dst :P
    [12/01/14 22:26] Princ Rhaegar: (syrian, you gotta change your avy :D)
    [12/01/14 22:26] dst:seems so :D
    [12/01/14 22:26] *Syrian*: (no :()
    [12/01/14 22:26] *Syrian*: (dst should move the medal :P)
    [12/01/14 22:26] *Syrian*: (theres plenty of space on the left)
    [12/01/14 22:26] Bash Chelik: (now that face on balloon have proper smiley, syri:D:)
    [12/01/14 22:27] dst:I am not a moving truck!
    [12/01/14 22:27] Vicious Chaossword:you are big like... no?
    [12/01/14 22:27] Draconas:yes only a dstbus
    [12/01/14 22:27] Draconas:no truck, bus!
    [12/01/14 22:27] Vicious Chaossword:the dstbus
    [12/01/14 22:27] Dolomich:a dstbus could move a medal if he wants to...
    [12/01/14 22:27] dst: :D
    [12/01/14 22:28] dst:no, she doesn't want to
    [12/01/14 22:28] Vicious Chaossword:toot toot!
    [12/01/14 22:28] Vicious Chaossword:wait thats a train
    [12/01/14 22:28] dst:let's announce the last category, kill the light in here and leave
    [12/01/14 22:28] Vicious Chaossword:round and and round!
    [12/01/14 22:28] dst:this way Grids will think nothing happened when he comes back
    [12/01/14 22:28] :Khael Nak growls at the thought of the baloon
    [12/01/14 22:28] dst:shush vicious
    [12/01/14 22:28] Rophs:Kill the light?
    [12/01/14 22:29] Rophs:Nooo! We need to burn the bras!
    [12/01/14 22:29] dst:Best Beautification
    [12/01/14 22:29] dst:nominees are:
    [12/01/14 22:29] Vicious Chaossword:o.o you need to drop the bra rophs..
    [12/01/14 22:30] dst:Bash Chelik, Dante Lionheart, dragonrider7, gonzalocdsf and Lazarus
    [12/01/14 22:30] Princ Rhaegar:tough category
    [12/01/14 22:30] :Khael Nak cheers for Bash
    [12/01/14 22:30] dst:indee
    [12/01/14 22:30] dst:d
    [12/01/14 22:30] dst:fight was tough
    [12/01/14 22:31] dst:and the winner is....
    [12/01/14 22:31] dst:Lazarus
    [12/01/14 22:31] Vicious Chaossword:bash is missing a foot
    [12/01/14 22:31] dst:who is inactive for a while
    [12/01/14 22:31] Bash Chelik:congratulations:)
    [12/01/14 22:31] Bash Chelik:hey
    [12/01/14 22:31] Bash Chelik:i dont miss a foot:P
    [12/01/14 22:32] Draconas:congrats sleepy head
    [12/01/14 22:32] *Nimrodel*:gratzii!!
    [12/01/14 22:32] Vicious Chaossword:you have half a foot a leg and you waist ends halfway
    [12/01/14 22:32] dst:do all winners have medals?
    [12/01/14 22:32] :Khael Nak claps
    [12/01/14 22:32] Vicious Chaossword:the only thing hiding your man bits is yur well placed arm
    [12/01/14 22:32] dst:if not, message me and I will give you one
    [12/01/14 22:32] *Nimrodel*:yash!!
    [12/01/14 22:32] Princ Rhaegar:he looks just fine! :(
    [12/01/14 22:33] Draconas:i dont *grins teethy*
    [12/01/14 22:33] dst:Council should provide items....soon...
    [12/01/14 22:33] Rophs:Will someone acousticremains?
    [12/01/14 22:33] Vicious Chaossword:HAAHAHAHAHA
    [12/01/14 22:33] dst:Draco, i'd give you a cat but i doubt it suits you :P
    [12/01/14 22:33] Bash Chelik:ha, vici, i cant see you at all, which does not mean you something, except for brain a bit:P:D
    [12/01/14 22:33] Bash Chelik:*you lack
    [12/01/14 22:33] Rophs:So not we burn the bras?
    [12/01/14 22:33] Vicious Chaossword:i am a shapeshifter
    [12/01/14 22:33] Princ Rhaegar:what a comeback *cheers*
    [12/01/14 22:33] dst:Congratulations to the winners!
    [12/01/14 22:33] Vicious Chaossword:i am everything
    [12/01/14 22:33] Dolomich:Do you have one to burn Rophs ?
    [12/01/14 22:34] dst:thank you all for participating and voting and being here to celebrate the winners
    [12/01/14 22:34] Bash Chelik:when bash finish with you you will be much less:P
    [12/01/14 22:34] :Rophs checks if he is wearing a bra
    [12/01/14 22:34] dst:and now you can burn the bras
    Winners received medals and will soon receive trophies.
  10. Upvote
    Intrigue reacted to Ary Endleg in Extreme Magicduel   
    nice man. Although I find it very very odd that every single unvalidated account on forum is visiting your profile.
  11. Upvote
    Intrigue reacted to Ary Endleg in Voting reminder   
    Turning Free Credits link at the top into red and make it say how many active links are still to be voted on, just like Announcement link when there are new announcements. This could remind people to vote more often and help turn non-voters into voters which would help MD get higher position on voting sites and bring more new people. After all nobody can resist to click red link.
  12. Upvote
    Intrigue got a reaction from Ackshan Bemunah in Authority of the King - Land Legacy Box   
    Personally, I think it's a really cool idea, and even cooler to be able to have something physical related to MD.
    Financially, I have to say no.
    The "find the middle-ground" part of me says... start small. I don't know if or what current land leaders have in their real-life possession to represent MD, but there are some ideas that can be taken from the big idea and built around, such as the wax stamp. That's the one that really would be something special to me. For little to nothing (if you know how to work wood and/or have access to anything to carve out the stamp part) you could make these yourself and send them out, only real price would be the shipping involved. Also, if the king ended up keeping it, instead of passing it on, then you wouldn't be out the expense of purchase, just the time it took you to make and whatever shipping is. The wax... well, that'd be between you and the ruler to decide who purchases that I think. Some players are well funded, where as others are not. MD/You could help out who couldn't afford to purchase the wax themselves, but encouraging them to make that purchase allows for them to personalize that part of their kingly stamping/sealing documents ability.
    So far as the King specific stamp, for regular ink, i know those can be purchased US for maybe 5 dollars. Unsure of the cost of UV specific stuff, as I've never dealt with it.
    I also like the idea of the papers but for now, I can't think of a cost-effective way to do this, other than building a sharable document, and they can print them off as needed on whatever type of stationary/paper they choose.
    All in all though, I really do like the idea, but with as small as MD is right now, i'm just having a very hard time justifying the expense. If none else, it might be best to keep it in the "when we get big again" pile.
    **edit, I was typing this as Mur posted and didn't see the post til after i posted this. sorry.
  13. Upvote
    Intrigue reacted to Kyphis the Bard in Temporary Goodbye   
    Finally back online :D
  14. Upvote
    Intrigue reacted to Menhir in Oscar please ...   
    Old story I know but very good clip:
  15. Upvote
    Intrigue reacted to Rophs in Logs from Seedwalks   
    [05/01/14 03:57] :Intrigue sits under Awiiya and watches the wind play with the grasses 
    [05/01/14 03:57] :Rophs waves to Intrigue 
    [05/01/14 03:57] :Intrigue waves 
    [05/01/14 03:58] Intrigue:Rophs, may I ask a question of you, regarding GG? 
    [05/01/14 03:59] :Change waves 
    [05/01/14 03:59] Rophs:Ask away 
    [05/01/14 03:59] :Intrigue waves 'ello 
    [05/01/14 04:00] Intrigue:Are there any notable trees located on the island? like Awiiya here, or Oak Fort, or the Willow at willow's way? 
    [05/01/14 04:01] :Rophs scratcjhes his chin 
    [05/01/14 04:01] Rophs:I think there are some trees at Fenth Beach 
    [05/01/14 04:02] :Intrigue hmms 
    [05/01/14 04:02] Intrigue:It has been long since i have been there, i couldn't remember if there were or not. All i could remember was the mill. 
    [05/01/14 04:03] :Rophs nods 
    [05/01/14 04:03] Rophs:Shall we begin with stories? 
    [05/01/14 04:04] :Intrigue looks at the others quietly 
    [05/01/14 04:04] Rophs:Who will tell the first story? 
    [05/01/14 04:04] :Change scratches her head and chuckles inside 
    [05/01/14 04:07] :Rophs points his finger at Mallos 
    [05/01/14 04:07] Rophs:Eennie, meanie, miney, mo 
    [05/01/14 04:07] Rophs:Catch a grasan by the toe 
    [05/01/14 04:07] :Intrigue laughs softly to herself 
    [05/01/14 04:07] Rophs:If it farts let it go 
    [05/01/14 04:07] Rophs:My protector told me to pick the very best one 
    [05/01/14 04:08] Rophs:And that is YOU.. y-o-u 
    [05/01/14 04:08] :Rophs stops his finger pointing at Intrigue 
    [05/01/14 04:08] Rophs:Trigue, tell a story about unluck. 
    [05/01/14 04:08] :Intrigue raises a brow and thinks for a moment 
    [05/01/14 04:10] Intrigue:One day.... there was a happy little frog 
    [05/01/14 04:10] Intrigue:he hopped along merrily, ribbiting all the way around the the reeds in the pond he called home. 
    [05/01/14 04:11] Intrigue:One day, while he was hunting for some food, there rang out a ginormous boom! 
    [05/01/14 04:12] Intrigue:the little froggy was scared out of his mosquito sized brain and took off hopping like mad in several directions all at once. 
    [05/01/14 04:12] Intrigue:Now, normally, when a little froggy hops away, they hop in one direction... forward. 
    [05/01/14 04:13] Intrigue:This poor little froggy though, he was hopping left and right and to and fro, and unknown to him, he just wasn't going anywhere at all. 
    [05/01/14 04:13] Intrigue:Of course, all this hopping, and not getting anywhere, just made him all the more obvious to a strange little girl who liked to scoop up froggies and take them home. 
    [05/01/14 04:14] Intrigue:That was the beginning of this poor little froggy's unluck streak. 
    [05/01/14 04:14] Intrigue:not only did the little girl take the poor little froggy home, but she kept him there in a box that smelled of old rotten socks. 
    [05/01/14 04:15] Intrigue:All night, the little froggy wriggled around in this box, looking for a way out. 
    [05/01/14 04:15] Intrigue:Eventually, he grew tired, and fell asleep. 
    [05/01/14 04:16] Intrigue:While he was sleeping, the little girl opened the box, and thinking the frog had died, she took it outside and dumped it out. 
    [05/01/14 04:16] Intrigue:Well, little froggy was so exhausted, he just laid there. 
    [05/01/14 04:17] Intrigue:Then... it began to rain. But not just regular rain. Big huge drops the size of buckets! 
    [05/01/14 04:18] Intrigue:The poor little frog was swept away by the flood of rain into a feild. 
    [05/01/14 04:19] Intrigue:Just as quickly as it started, the rain stopped, and the little frog looked around, wondering how far he was from home. Unfortunately, froggy's are very short, so... all he could see was grass. 
    [05/01/14 04:19] Intrigue:He hopped and hopped and hopped, but alas, he was just plain lost. 
    [05/01/14 04:19] Intrigue:Then... he hopped right into what he thought was a very furry tree. 
    [05/01/14 04:20] Intrigue:It turned out to be a cow. The cow didn't care for being hopped into, and SPLAT! dropped a cowpie right on the little froggy. The end. 
    [05/01/14 04:20] Rophs: *frowns* Poor little frogy. 
    [05/01/14 04:20] Rophs:I'll tell one now, give me a topic! 
    [05/01/14 04:21] Intrigue:he had a bad case of unluck *shrugs* 
    [05/01/14 04:21] Intrigue: *thinks for a moment* Grass. 
    [05/01/14 04:21] :Change shuffles around on the grass, trying to get comfortable 
    [05/01/14 04:22] :Rophs sits down next to the Oak and thinks hard 
    [05/01/14 04:22] :Intrigue wonders if the archives still has the mattresses from the mattress races in the basement 
    [05/01/14 04:23] Rophs:The tiny men aren't so tiny after all. 
    [05/01/14 04:23] Rophs:We are giant, the tiny men are normal, and the real tiny men are simply too small to be seen. 
    [05/01/14 04:23] Rophs:To a miniman a blade of grass is taller than deathmarrow. 
    [05/01/14 04:24] Rophs:With every footstep one might crush up to a hundred minimen. 
    [05/01/14 04:24] Rophs:Some people think that we grew from these minimen. 
    [05/01/14 04:25] Rophs:The legend tells that a miniman once stood on top of a blade of grass and hung off in such a way that his arms streched to be very long. 
    [05/01/14 04:25] Rophs:He streched his legs in the same way 
    [05/01/14 04:26] Rophs:Then his body 
    [05/01/14 04:26] Rophs:Then his neck 
    [05/01/14 04:26] Rophs:Thus, the first tiny man was born 
    [05/01/14 04:26] Rophs:We're not sure what tiny men streched on to become normal men though 
    [05/01/14 04:27] Rophs:But we're pretty sure that 
    [05/01/14 04:27] Rophs:hmm.... 
    [05/01/14 04:27] Rophs:We don't think we can grow much more. 
    [05/01/14 04:27] :Rophs nods 
    [05/01/14 04:27] Rophs:That is how I might exist. 
    [05/01/14 04:27] Rophs:Any others? 
    [05/01/14 04:28] :Intrigue looks at Mallos and Change 
    [05/01/14 04:30] :Change thinks 
    [05/01/14 04:32] Change: *grumbles* Give me a topic 
    [05/01/14 04:32] Rophs:Tell a story about wonder. 
    [05/01/14 04:34] Change:Any kind of wonder? 
    [05/01/14 04:34] Rophs:Any kind at all. 
    [05/01/14 04:35] Change:There once was a person, sitting by a tree. 
    [05/01/14 04:36] Change:He was watching the grey clouds in the sky, wondering why they never moved. 
    [05/01/14 04:36] Change:As he was watching, someone else walked towards him and sat down beside him. 
    [05/01/14 04:37] Change:This someone looked at the man, and wondered about what the man was thinking about. 
    [05/01/14 04:38] Change:After trying to figure it out for awhile, the person looked at the clouds and began to wonder why they were gray. 
    [05/01/14 04:39] Change:This went on for several hours, with new people sitting down beside the man and wondering about things like the clouds, the tree, the grass. 
    [05/01/14 04:40] Change:Then, the man got up. 
    [05/01/14 04:40] Change:"I'm hungry", he said. 
    [05/01/14 04:40] Change:Everybody sitting by the tree groaned. 
    [05/01/14 04:40] Change:The end 
    [05/01/14 04:41] :Rophs chuckles 
    [05/01/14 04:41] Rophs:On to the Maple then? 
    [05/01/14 04:41] Intrigue: *smiles and nods* That story made me hungry... 
    [05/01/14 04:42] :[Spell] listen to the whisper of the seeds
      : Intrigue sits atop one of the barrels and waits Rophs: Today ZenTao gave me TS after I promised it wouldn't go missing after three days Rophs: Anybody else do something today? Intrigue: *taps her fingers on the barrel and thinks* Today... Intrigue: *shrugs* Nothing new from PoL Rophs: What's PoL? Intrigue: Path of loneliness Intrigue: Where I usually am. : Rophs nods Rophs: Lonely, isnt't it? Intrigue: Nah, not really. Tree and I keep eachother company. : Rophs nods Rophs: Change? Change: Not much, though I've been thinking of a change. : Change chuckles Change: Though that's not new. : Intrigue smiles : Rophs walks [/spoiler]   Willow: [spoiler]   Rophs: Yet we still walk on this path Rophs: Company for seeds Rophs: *nods* A haiku. : Intrigue nods Intrigue: Weeping willow, why do you cry? Intrigue: You have water.. earth, and sky! Intrigue: Little willow, listen to me... Intrigue: when you grow up, be glad to be a tree! : Intrigue flicks the pebble into the waters Change: Tired change makes for rutted paths. Sometimes it's just time to take a bath. : Intrigue plucks another pebble from the path and deposits it in her satchel Rophs: She tosses pebbles Rophs: Creating ripples in water Rophs: Circles expanding : Intrigue checks her satchel for ripples : Intrigue heads to the next sapling : Rophs walks [/spoiler]  
    Rophs: *whispers to the Spruce* I'm really slee-- *snores* ­ Intrigue: *looks at Rophs* I guess his secret is that it's nap-time.... : Intrigue quickly covers her mouth : Change nods and chuckles Change: *whispers to the Spruce* Rophs does this a lot. He really should do the walk earlier. Intrigue: *whispers* I will tell my secret later, I don't want to accidentally step on Rophs trying to get to the spruce. : Intrigue waves to Change as she goes : Change waves [/spoiler]
  16. Upvote
    Intrigue reacted to Ungod in English   
    Great :D That is why I do not really care if the mistakes are being corrected. After all, the hidden purpouse of this game is to get people learn romanian language. ^^
  17. Upvote
    Intrigue reacted to Chewett in HTML 5 experimental creature page   
    Thats the next thing to do, patience :)
  18. Upvote
    Intrigue got a reaction from Sir Blut in Its an good bye   
    Wow.... That's all i can think of. I hope I'm reading this wrong and it's some other reason that you're leaving, not because of a murmas present you didn't get. I sat there all morning at the GoE and watched confused santa hand out gifts to people, and yes, it's my own fault I didn't get one (because I'm not a "me next" kinda person), but I was more than happy to be amused at just sitting and watch others scramble and clamor to be "next". Yeah, sure, it may be a bit of a disadvantage in a way, because i don't have the coolest or neatest or most powerful stuff, but i'll get mine my own way in due time.
    Good luck to where ever you chose to go from here Tom.
  19. Upvote
    Intrigue got a reaction from Syrian in Marindian or Bellian? Discuss!   
    How about... Marbles! Now that i've thought of that, it's gonna be stuck in my head. Marind Bell folks, don't be surprised /offended if I call you a marble, i loves marbles :)
  20. Upvote
    Intrigue got a reaction from Syrian in Its an good bye   
    Wow.... That's all i can think of. I hope I'm reading this wrong and it's some other reason that you're leaving, not because of a murmas present you didn't get. I sat there all morning at the GoE and watched confused santa hand out gifts to people, and yes, it's my own fault I didn't get one (because I'm not a "me next" kinda person), but I was more than happy to be amused at just sitting and watch others scramble and clamor to be "next". Yeah, sure, it may be a bit of a disadvantage in a way, because i don't have the coolest or neatest or most powerful stuff, but i'll get mine my own way in due time.
    Good luck to where ever you chose to go from here Tom.
  21. Upvote
    Intrigue got a reaction from Jubaris in Marindian or Bellian? Discuss!   
    How about... Marbles! Now that i've thought of that, it's gonna be stuck in my head. Marind Bell folks, don't be surprised /offended if I call you a marble, i loves marbles :)
  22. Upvote
    Intrigue got a reaction from Ackshan Bemunah in Its an good bye   
    Wow.... That's all i can think of. I hope I'm reading this wrong and it's some other reason that you're leaving, not because of a murmas present you didn't get. I sat there all morning at the GoE and watched confused santa hand out gifts to people, and yes, it's my own fault I didn't get one (because I'm not a "me next" kinda person), but I was more than happy to be amused at just sitting and watch others scramble and clamor to be "next". Yeah, sure, it may be a bit of a disadvantage in a way, because i don't have the coolest or neatest or most powerful stuff, but i'll get mine my own way in due time.
    Good luck to where ever you chose to go from here Tom.
  23. Upvote
    Intrigue reacted to Mya Celestia in Its an good bye   
    I'm sorry to hear about your departure.  If this is over Christmas, are you sure you've got the right spirit for the holiday?  It's a time of giving...of love and kindness...-not- getting.
    I didn't see Santa this year.  Am I sad about it?  Yes, but not because I didn't get something.  Because I get joy out of watching him give things to others. 
    Is there a lot of greed and selfishness in MD?  Yes, but not from Chewett or the others that spend hours working on MD.  They really have a thankless job. 
  24. Upvote
    Intrigue reacted to Chewett in Its an good bye   
    [quote name="Tom Pouce" post="148330" timestamp="1388542471"]
    one give in is ownway, but is said to be greedy and selfish ... to not be content when the good dont come back around[/quote]Tom, Your numerous PM's complaining to me why you didnt get a creature, that you deserved one, and that its not fair did lead me to say you were selfish. Many people didnt get a creature from confused santa, As I told you I didnt either and I was there when he was giving them out, I didnt ask for one as I dislike begging.

    If you are leaving because you didnt get a creature from confused santa, Then thats sad. I get quite cross when BFH, the council and I put so much effort into making Christmas fun and a couple of people complain that they didnt get what they wanted.

    I am sorry to call you selfish, but those people who just complain that they didnt get a creature really infuriate me. We spent a lot of time and it boils down to you not getting your creature. Thats exceptionally ungrateful and yes, selfish and greedy. If thats your opinion then in my view, you dont deserve a christmas creature.

    To sum it off, Yes, I was the mean person who called you selfish. I am sorry but your ungrateful nature and complete disregard for all the work we put it, to complain to me about not getting the creature made me upset and angry. I wish you the best and hope you reconsider leaving but am still annoyed that you complained so much about a free gift without thanking anyone for all the work they have put into making Christmas fun.

    Edit: Final Comment:

    I dont make this post to demean or insult, I make it because quite honestly a large proportion of MD apparently doesn't give a damn that there are people working really hard behind the scenes to produce all these events and keep them running. And this is not to get thanks either, all I would like people to do is have a little think before they complain about something rather than thinking entirely about themselves. Santa wasn't online 24x7. We are sorry, But did you know that santa was there quite a large chunk of time and he was, SPOILER, only played by two people this year(No, not me). Maybe after you have thought a little bit about the work that has went into getting this all ready you may start to see my viewpoint, Or maybe im just a bastard who hates everyone. Good Day MD, you never cease to amaze me.
  25. Upvote
    Intrigue reacted to Muratus del Mur in Questmaker's Backpack   
    clickable items that are currently in the scene and are not used, won't be part of this system. This system can only work with new clickables added from now on. The "old clickies can be programmed only in the old way, either by md coder or made into a public clicky and allow md script on it.
    There won't be a problem to flood a scene with too many clickies because i am counting on the good intentions and common sense of the people that will have access to such tools. When we are talking about such tools we are talking about people that really want to achive something nice, not to destroy or abuse things. This is a very rare breed of players other "games" don't know about :P
    Turning an existing part of the scene into a clickable is possible by adding an identical drawing over the exact same spot..its a bit of a hack, but works just fine.
    The way i see this work is that a group of people will do artworks, an other group will do the clicky coding and placement, and these two groups will work together with quest makers to build really cool quests. I might sound utopic..but i think this will actually work. Of course it is possible just for one person to do all of these , like both drawing the clickies, placing them in the scene, and designing a nice quest..but there are very few that could do that.
    Also, these clickies can be limited to show just for the people that start a certain quest, so they could be set so that they won't all show up by default. This is how i made autumn2050 clickies, they only show up for those that work on that quest and later will only show up for those that participate in it.
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